Chapter 19


I smiled at the topic Newt had chosen. It was odd but in a funny kind of way. So I pulled my pad of paper back over to me.

It's a beautiful day in my opinion. What about you? What're your thoughts?

Newt read my short note and smiled. "It's a nice day. Great day to work in the gardens."

I wish I could be outside. Being cooped up in the medhut all the time is making me feel like I'm going crazy!

He read my next note and his smile dropped from his face. "You haven't been able to go outside at all?"

Clint and Jeff aren't allowing me and they won't tell me why.

Newt huffed. "Well, if you'd like, after lunch I could walk back over there with you and talk with them about it. See if you can spend the afternoon out in the sun."

I nodded eagerly. The only times they would allow me up is mealtimes and when I needed the restroom. Other than that, I was confined to bed.

"And I'm sure Jake would gladly accompany you."

Me too. I would really appreciate it, Newt, if you could maybe talk them into letting me spend the afternoon out in the sun.

"No problem. Shall we?"

I nodded and picked up my plate and paper pad before I stood up.

Newt followed my lead before holding an arm out to me. I smiled and slipped my hand through the crook of his elbow. He graciously took my plate from me and we went back over to Frypan who took the dishes back with a thank you and a quick smile.

We walked back to the medhut where we found Jake talking to Clint and Jeff. Newt cleared his throat and knocked on the doorframe, alerting them to our presence.

"Ah, Greenie!" Jeff said. "I hope lunch was good. You've got more sketchpads over by your bed for this afternoon."

"Jeff, Clint. That's kinda why I'm here," Newt said. "I came here to walk her back, yes. But, upon discussion of how beautiful the weather is today, I have found out that Y/G/N, for that is her name, is feeling cooped up from being in here almost every day. She wants sunshine, guys. She hates that you guys are confining her to bed without giving a reason."

"We're trying to keep the baby safe!" Clint protested.

"Sunlight is healthy," Newt continued. "I know I shouldn't be telling you how to do your jobs. But a patient of yours is getting tired of staying in bed all day. Send Jake out with her to accompany her. That way she's not alone and she gets some sunshine."

The two senior medjacks exchanged looks, before nodding.

"Alright. She can spend the afternoon outside," Jeff agreed. "Jake! Don't let her out of your sight!"

Jake nodded. "Yes, sir."

Newt smiled at me. "There you go, Y/G/N. Sunshine. Hope you enjoy it."

Where are you going?

He laughed. "I have work. I'm second-in-command around here. I need to make sure everyone's doing their jobs."

I smiled. I guess I'll see you later then.

He nodded. "So I'll see you later!"

Newt paused and seemed to be considering something. Then, without warning, he leaned down and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before taking off.

Jake walked over and stood next to me. "Well, that's something, isn't it?" he asked with a grin.
