chapter three

do you trust me

Nearly running off the elevator, Parker, Barry, and Iris move furiously through the passing by officers, fighting their way into the precinct. Joe is sitting at his desk, a coffee mug pressed to his lips.


His head snaps up, looking right to left. Then, he spots them. His kids. All three of them. Jumping from his seat, he nearly splashes his coffee all over the front of his shirt. "Oh, my god. Barry." He mouths in disbelief.

Instantly, Barry and Joe are engulfed in each other's arms, squeezing each other so tightly it's as if they're both afraid to let go. Like if they let go it'll be the last time. Finally, they pull apart. "Oh, you scared the hell out of us, son."

"Yeah, that was quite the nap there you took, baby face." Officer Paulson is walking by, patting Barry on the back as he passes.

Joe's eyes are still fixated upon Barry, "you look okay. Are you okay?" He turns over to Parker, "is he okay?"

"Better than ever."

Part two of the Joe/Barry reunion hug commences only to be interrupted quickly by Captain Singh. "Detective West, we have a five-fifteen in progress at City Bank; two dead. Storm is really picking up on the South side, so I'd grab your gear." Singh turns to walk away before stopping. "Barry," he nods, "good to have you back."

Joe darts an apologetic look to Barry, then moves to grab his coat from the back of his chair. "I'm sorry, Barry. I've got to run."

Now, Parker moves between the two, "you need any help?"

Quicker than appreciated, Joe shakes his head. "No, he needs to rest. You should stay with him." And then he's gone, but a vaguely familiar blond man takes his place. Eddie Thawne, or to Iris, Detective Pretty Boy. "Let's go, partner."

Eddie is shoving his jacket on, stopped in front of the three with a large grin. "Hey, Allen! It's good to see you." A look of genuine joy protrudes his face as he places a hand on Barry's shoulder.

In all actuality, Barry doesn't remember ever even speaking to Thawne before, but in his defense, he was in a coma for nine months. "Hey, Eddie."

Eddie adjusts his coat collar, "hey, Iris, Parker." He greets the girls, his eyes fixated upon Iris. Parker mentally gags. She truly is so happy for her sister and her new relationship with Eddie.n Eddie is a great guy, and treats her right, but that doesn't stop her from cringing at every aspect of their togetherness.

"Detective, you should go. My dad doesn't like to be kept waiting." Iris shoves her hands in her pockets, giving her boyfriend a fibbed annoyed look.

Eddie drops his smile, darting his eyes away from her. He shoots Barry one last pat on the back and turns away. "Glad your back."

Barry nods, but he's already gone. Now, the boys eyes are scanning the precinct, looking around for anything that'd changed in the last half a year. His eyes drop to an "in memorial" case sitting in the center of the station. A never forgotten plaque sits atop the glass, a badge and picture below it.

Parker notices his sudden demeanor change first, and she grabs ahold of his shoulder as comforting as possible. "The- uh, the night of the explosion Clyde Mardon shot and killed Chyre." Her voice grows softer as her own eyes travel to the lonely picture in the case. "Mardon and his brother died trying to escape their plane crash." For a moment, the three sit silent, giving a moment to the lost officer.

Abruptly, a voice pulls them from the sad trance, an officer tapping Parker's shoulder. "You got a minute?"

Parker swallows, lifting her hand up from Barry. "Yeah, yeah. Sure." She darts a look at her sister. "Iris?" Gestures for her to follow. She doesn't really need anything from her, but she could tell Barry probably needs the minute alone.

Parker and Iris begin to discuss the forensic report from a week prior until their words are interrupted by a sudden gust of wind, and the sound of Barry tripping over his feet.

Parker slaps the paper back into the officer's chest and darts straight over to him. "Are you okay?"

Barry's swallow is loud. "I'm fine. I just-- I, uh need some air." He ruffles his hand through his hair, gently caressing her shoulder. "I'll call you tonight, though." He promises before passing through the herd of officers leaving the two sisters dumbfounded.

However, Parker was much faster than that. She held her pointer finger over to Iris, mouthing one second. Then, she was on Barry's tail and following him out.

Up ahead of her, Barry is throwing the back door of the precinct open, and Parker is just able to catch it before it slams shut. Keeping her mouth tightly closed, she watches him fumble with his fingers, trudging out to the center of the alleyway. His hand is vibrating? And he clearly cannot control its seizing.

"What is happening to me?"

Parker can't help the gasp that escapes her lips, watching in shellshock as worry floods her veins.

"I-- how did you?"

"Barry, we have more important things to worry about right now," she raises an accusing pointer finger toward him, "like what the hell is happening to your hand!"

Barry's lips part way, his vocal chords incapable of movement. It doesn't matter though because even if he had something to say, he doesn't have the time. Forcefully, his body is thrown into a parked police cruiser not ten feet from him.

Although thoroughly confused, Parker yelps his name, her body gone frigid. She takes a half step forward before he starts convulsing again and this time rams straight into the dumpster. "Barry! Barry, are you okay?"

Loosely, Barry stands all the way up, his mouth fangling as he peers up at her. "Come here." He says solemnly.

"Huh?" A hitched breath.

He repeats himself, "come here."

"Uhm, n-- no?"

Slightly, Barry rolls his eyes, "Park," he says sternly, "you trust me?"

What a silly question. Trust was a word to not even come close. After a beat of consideration and a large breath, she steps up to him.

"Grab onto me."

She freezes. "What?"

"Come on, Parker. Hold onto me."

Her brows scrunched together, and her eyes peeking up at his. Somehow, she finds comfort in his words, a kind of comfort she is unfamiliar with. A kind she'll only ever get to experience when it's with him. Whether she knows it or not.

Her arms clasp around his neck, her chest pressed to his, her cheek on his, his breath against her skin.

Barry's heart had been beating unusually fast at S.T.A.R. Labs, but now he was sure that was nothing in comparison to his current palpitations.

With a gust of wind and poof of red, they were off. Parker's feet had been swept from beneath her, and she suddenly felt artificial. As if she were racing a simulation.

She wishes she had closed her eyes before take off because now she cannot bring herself to. Her body is frigid in fear, but Barry's hands are on her, squeezing her waist as the wind gushes past him. Yearning takes over her fear instead.

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1233 words !


I think it's safe to say bro literally swept her off her feet

Ok that was corny let me stop
