
"Nope but I wish. " tim smirk looking at bart who smile back. "Seem like we have new dates sumac. "

Jaime and conner frown while wondergirl blush. Wolf growled watching catlad and sumac let go of each other.

"Ohhh I can finally test my skills. " tim smirk watching superboy up and down.

Wolf growled and ran to catlad but tim laugh and kick on wolf shoulder making wolf whine. Conner growled and attack tim who laugh and back flip back ward when conner hit the floor.

"Hahaa your a feisty one. I like that. " tim purred and wink at wondergirl who blush.

Jaime aimed his sonicwave gun and fired at poison sumac who smiled and jump on top of a vine that just grew out of no where.

"What! " jaime said watching as the vine put bart next to tim.

Wondergirl flew up and flew straight to catlad but stop in front of him when catlad put his hand in front of her.

"Ohh your so cute dear. You make me purr blondey. " tim said sweetly and charming.

Wondergirl blush watching catlad talk.

"I-i uhhh...." wondergirl blush when catlad put his lips close to her.

"Sorry about this girl- " tim kick wondergirl making her yell in pain and kick her in the chest makimg her fly to a wall. "-i don't date hero's. "

Tim smirk but gasp when superboy lung on him. Bart gasp and black flip when jaime tried grabbing him.

"Why do you look like catwomen and how does that kid have poison ivy powers! " conner scream looking at catlad smile.

"Ohhh your a strong one too. " tim smirk put his hands in conner chest and getting close to conner face making conner blush. "How about you show me how strong you are handsome. "

Conner gasp and jump back making catlad laugh. Bart jump over jaime shoulder and smiled when jaime turn around.

"Hello there. " bart smiled when jaime was close to his face.

Jaime gasp and flew back making bart smiled.

"Oh don't worry I don't bite but venus does. " bart laugh and jump next to tim.

"Ese their playing around! " jaime landed next to conner who growled.

"Ohhh what give us away. " tim said pulling his whip out.

"Okay well play far. " bart smirk and threw seeds at conner who gasp.

The seeds soon start wrapping vines around conner and he tried pulling them off. Jaime turn his hands into spears but tim made his whip wrap around jaime and threw him to a wall. Jaime growled and turn his hands into stable guns and fired at catlad who dodge each one but the last one got him.

"Shit! " tim cursed and tried pulling the pin off.

Bart frown and made vines come out the floor and made them lung at jaime who flew up and cut each vine with his spear. Bart frown and smirk when he remembers wondergirl.

"Ohh blue I hate to ruin our date but you forgot something! " bart smirk when blue beetle gasp.

Wondergirl was wrap around vines unconscious. Jaime frown and look at poison sumac.

"Let her go!! " jaime said looking at sumac.

"Okay have her. " bart threw wondergirl straight to blue beetle making them crash to a wall.

Bart smirk and ran to tim making his vines pull on the pin and getting tim free.

"Thanks sumac. Lets get out of here. " tim said making bart nodded.

Bart made his vines pulled him and tim up and made the vines destroy the roof. Conner finally got free and jaime push cassie off him. Catlad gasp and jump off the vine with bart behind. Jaime flew straight through the hole with conner behind. They caught up to catlad and poison sumac and jaime pinned them both to a tree.

"Ahh dam it. " tim growled and watch as blue beetle and superboy went straight toward them.

"We could do this the easy way or the hard way. " conner said crossing his arms and smirking.

Tim smiled and purred at conner.

"Oh I would love the hard way with you, superboy. " tim said making superboy blush.

Bart chuckle and look at jaime winking at him.

"Sorry to ruin our date again but venus hates seeing me get staple by a beetle. " bart smirk when superboy and blue beetle gasp when big vines wrap around them pulling them up.

Jaime look down a gasp in horror seeing a huge venus plants holding them up and tight. It roar at them and smash them to the ground. Venus pulled the pins off her master and tim and purred when bart pet her.

"Oh venus your broke them. I really liked the superboy. " tim whine and cross his arms.

Bart chuckle and rubbed venus making her pulled the hero's back and straight toward her master and tim.

"Oh never mind their not broken. Sorry venus. " tim smiled and touch superboy face.

Conner groan and look up seeing catlad smiling and touching his face. Tim smile and lean in kissing superboy lips and licking them.

"W..who are you? " conner said looking at catlad.

"The name catlad cutey. That over there is poison sumac. " tim said pointing at bart who was brushing dirt off blue beetle shoulder.

"Sorry about venus blue. She could get protect. " bart smile sweetly and took dirt off blue beetle face too.

"Ughh why are you doing this ese.." jaime ask looking at poison sumac.

"Oh for reason. We have to go catlad I believe that our cue. " bart said putting blue beetle down gently hearing the alarm.

Tim sigh and wave his hand making venus drop superboy. Bart rolled his eyes and look at blue beetle.

"Sorry for ruining our date blue but I got to go. See you around. " bart smiled and kiss blue beetle forehead and blew some sleeping powder at blue beetle and superboy.

Venus turn back to her little self and bart pick her up. They took off running leaving superboy and blue beetle alone. Jaime woke up with water being splash on his face and look around seeing batgirl smiling. Conner soon woke up and saw beast boy smiling too.

"Oh thank god you two are okay. When we got here the villain where gone and we found you guys unconscious. Wondergirl okay she just being herself right now. " batgirl said helping jaime up.

"What happen? " beast boy ask helping conner up.

"Ughh we were beaten by a plant. And no it wasn't by poison ivy. " conner said shaking his head.

"It was by other kids. They were called catlad and poison sumac. "Jaime said walking with batgirl and beast boy.

Batgirl nodded and went to wondergirl who sigh and look at conner and jaime.

"Sorry if I wasn't in any help you guys.." cassie said looking sad.

Jaime smiled and put his hand on cassie shoulder.

"Hey it's okay cassie. They were fooling around with all of us. " jaime smiled making cassie smile back.

"And we'll be ready this time. " Conner said looking at his team.

~Villain House~

Bart and tim walk inside and bart watch tim smile.

"Ohh Someone has a crush on a superhero! " bart smile poking tim side.

Tim chuckle and push bart away.

"Oh shut up. Say the one that's has a crush on a Hispanic bug guy. " tim smile making bart blush.

"Hey at least my doesn't get angry fast. " bart said crossing his arms.

"Oh whatever. " tim chuckle and heard their front door open.

"MAMMA HOME!! " Harley scream out opening her arms.

Bart and tim smiled and ran to Harley hugging her.

"Mamma harley! "

"Auntie harley! "

Both tim and bart said a the same time smiling. Harley smiled and hug them back. Catwomen smiled and walk by them and poison ivy chuckle rubbing bart hair.

"So how was your mission my kittens? Was it a success? " Catwomen ask looking at their children let go of harley.

"Was there any problems? " ivy ask sitting down on her chair.

Bart smile and tim pulled the jewels out.

"Surprise!! " bart and tim said at the same time showing their mentors the jewels and diamond.
"This one for you mom. " tim said giving Catwomen the cat jewel.

"Here mother and mamma " bart smiled giving ivy the rose jewel and harley the diamond.

Catwomen and smiled and hugged tim who hug back. Harley smiled and hug bart laughing. Poison ivy smiled and hug bart too giving bart kisses on his forheads.

"Ohh you did well my baby boy you did well! " ivy smiled and look at bart who smile.

"Yes you did. " Catwomen smiled and look at her kids. "But did you have any problems? "

Tim look at bart who smiled and chuckle.

"Nothing that we couldn't handle. " tim said chucking. "Nothing at all. "
