Chapter 3 - Banana and Pistachio

"That's pathetic." Niam scoffed when he accompanied his cousin to the bicycle stand and saw Mix's bike fixed. What was all bent out of shape metal was now very elegantly mended and it nearly looked like a brand new bicycle if it wasn't for the scratches on the front wheel structure. "You know you could have just asked me to get you a new bike, right?" Niam raised an eyebrow, but Mix just swatted his poking hand. "Shut it, I don't need your family's money. I think it's cute." Mix smiled as he peeled a sticker off of the handlebars and read quietly the little note. "Sorry this took so long. E." It's only been a week. He quickly put the sticker into his pocket and unhooked the chain. He didn't mind waking up half an hour earlier and walking to school on foot, even when Niam offered to drive him, but he was glad having his bicycle back. It cut his commute from half an hour to less than ten minutes. "Why didn't you call me anyway? I'd come pick you up by car, you wouldn't have to go on a stupid horse." "The horse isn't stupid; you are. And stop picking on Earth, it's actually embarrassing, you're 17, not 7." Mix sighed. He was already sick of Niam's constant rants about Earth. At first he thought everyone had the same opinion on that gentle giant, but the longer Mix talked to people, the more he realised it was actually his cousin people disliked.

Niam, rich and popular, but not well liked. With Earth their classmates were mostly indifferent, they just didn't interact as he kept to himself, but would say hello to him when Mix was around. "Whatever." Niam rolled his eyes. "It's still pathetic being friends with a fat dude who touches manure and sleeps on hay. Wanna come over for the weekend?" He tapped his foot. Mix got on his bike and slowly backed out of the stand before nodding. "Sure. I'll come by later, I promised mom I'll do the laundry today." Niam rolled down his lip. "Huh? Why? Can't auntie do it herself?" Mix felt himself getting fed up. He didn't envy Niam the maid who did their laundry and cleaned the house, he liked taking care of his own stuff. Not to mention no one had to see or touch his dirty underwear; just the thought of someone seeing it sticky gave him the ick. "I'll text you when I set off. See ya." Mix stepped on the pedal instead of responding any further. What was the point anyway? He couldn't change Niam's attitude towards Earth, but he sure as hell wasn't going to stick around and listen to the insults directed at his new friend.

Luckily, when Mix finally came over to Niam's house his cousin has forgotten all about the farmer's boy and just focused on kicking Mix's butt in video games. "Niam...can I ask you something?" Mix said as they were getting ready for bed. "Sure?" Niam shrugged, eyes focused on his phone. "Are you dating someone?" Beep. Niam paused the game and looked up from his phone. "Huh?" "Just wondering." Mix shrugged before slipping into Niam's big bed and stealing over the bolster pillow. "One of the girls in school asked me out the other day." "Ha?" Niam put the phone dow and properly turned to his cousin, his face eager to know more. "Which one? What's her name? Is she in our class? What did you say?" Mix sighed as he propped himself up on the elbow. "It doesn't matter who; I rejected her. I don't wanna date..." Mix hesitated. He wasn't sure how his prone to bullying cousin would take his sexuality. "...someone who I barely know. I haven't hung out with her before and she's not my type anyway. " "So what is your type?" Niam poked him. "I don't know." Mix lied, as he has already had an image in mind. Someone tall, dark, strong, smelling of bread and horses...


Mix felt his blood boil. What was supposed to be a nice Saturday hanging out with his cousin and aunt turned into a very tense situation in Niam's household. They planned on going to the river for some rafting, but as Niam was packing their bag pack, a little cardboard box fell to their feet. Unfortunately for them, Mix's uncle has just come home and it was him who picked up the cigarette packet. The man turned it in hand and instantly blew up, demanding to know who the owner was. Mix took it upon himself to take the blame which resulted in his uncle angrily cussing him out of the house and Niam promptly texting him. At first, Mix thought Niam would be a little appreciative, he certainly didn't want Niam to get slapped or something, but when the boy texted him how Mix shouldn't have done that because he wanted to argue with his dad anyway, it left a bad feeling in his gut. It was so sunny and warm outside, yet Mix felt as if his day was completely ruined. He wasn't confident going to the river and on a raft all by himself, but he wasn't ready to go home yet either, and decided to just wander around the suburban area of the town.

The town was so small, so cute, yet it was very lively, and Mix adored how almost everyone knew each other. Back in the big city he barely knew his neighbours surnames, and they lived on the same floor. "Hey Mix! Oi watch out!" Bang! Mix rubbed his forehead and frowned at the lamppost that dared to cross his path. He turned to the source of the voice and could feel the smile spreading on his lips when he came to see the tall, dark skinned boy from his class. Earth grinned. "Dang, are you alright?" He asked as he approached Mix. "Yeah." Mix nodded. "You really have to stop doing that though; calling me from behind. I always get hurt." "I'm sorry, I-" "I'm kidding!" Mix laughed, quickly shaking his head when he saw his classmate's face get glum. He then extended his leg and turned it side to side, showing Earth his calf. "See? It's all healed now, so no need to worry. What are you doing here? Delivering something again?" Earth nodded. "Yeah; Saturday is a delivery day so I go around town, but I'm done now. You? Out just for a stroll?" Mix wasn't sure what to answer him as he wasn't sure revealing family arguments would be a nice topic for a conversation. In the end he resulted in telling the truth; after all, Mix didn't want to lie to his new friend.

"Hey uhm...if you're not doing anything else then..." Earth scratched his nape as he awkwardly looked around. "Do you wanna go for ice cream?" "Are you blushing?" "No!" Mix couldn't help but grin when he saw Earth's ears turn a deep shade of red, because it just seemed very cute. "So do you wanna? My cousin has a shop over there." Earth cleared his throat and pointed behind Mix at a green little storefront with pink and blue awning and a big handpainted ice cream cone on the window. "Sure." Mix nodded and let Earth lead the way. He couldn't stop looking at the boy's arms. Instead of his usual thick hoodie, Earth was only wearing a polo shirt with short sleeves, and to Mix's very pleasant surprise, his arms were not chubby like Niam said. The boy's forearms were thick and muscular, in the same shade of caramel like his face, if not just more decorated with little nicks and scars. Mix assumed it was from working at a farm, but before he could ask Earth about it, one of the thick forearms flexed as Earth opened the ice cream shop's door and led Mix inside.

"Wow, it's pretty here." Mix said as he looked around the very retro looking store. It looked like the diners from old American movies, with its pastel decor and vintage vibe. "Which one do you like? It's on me." Earth knocked on the glass display. It earned him a little click of a tongue from his cousin who seemed to watch the two boys like an owl. Her eyes were big and really curious, and she never saw Earth hanging out with others. But she's heard of this one... "Don't scare my ice cream you punk. Hi! What can I get ya?" Mix returned her smile. "Can I get the pistachio? It looks so good." He asked, pointing at a green mix in the tub. "Damn right it's good; it's all home made." The lady smirked as she scooped two scoops into a wafer bowl and stuck a little wooden spoon to the side before sprinkling some more pistachios on top. "Here you go honey. Ai Earth, banana again?" Mix watched as his friend nodded and ordered himself a spoonful of toffee bits sprinkled on top before they took their ice creams outside and sat side by side on a nearby bench.

"I take it that's your favourite?" Mix beckoned towards the yellow ice cream in Earth's hand. Somehow that wafer bowl looked much smaller in his big palm than in Mix's and Mix had to stop himself from thinking anything naughty about those big hands and muscular forearms. "You wanna try?" Earth turned the spoon to Mix, who, slightly confused, opened his mouth and let the boy feed him. It was sweet, with a little hint of toffee aftertaste, but it certainly didn't beat his superior pistachio. "Mmm, it's good. Wanna try mine?" Mix spooned a green chunk, but his hand trembled as he moved the spoon closer to Earth. As if Earth noticed his hesitance he supported Mix's hand by holding it and guiding the spoon to his mouth. He licked his lips; pistachio was way too sweet for him, but he didn't hate how close it got him to Mix who proceeded to get a bigass brain freeze after hastily taking a too big of a spoonful. He felt all floaty up until the very evening when a thought occurred to him in bed and he quickly picked up his phone and tapped the contact icon of his new friend. It surprised him how quickly Earth picked up.

"Uhm...hello Mix?"

"I just wanted you to know you don't have to hide your scars with a hoodie. They're really cool! You have really nice arms; don't hide them."

There was a sigh and a disconnecting tone which left Mix slightly puzzled util Tuesday, when Earth waved at him in the school hall. He was wearing a short sleeved shirt.
