Kun pt 1

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Plot: he was your best friend. Best friends were always supposed to stick together through thick and thin but after a specific someone re enters your lives, everything changes.

(Part 1/2)

Reader's name: Lee Mirae

Word count : 1210


You were a transfer student from Korea. Kun was the first person who talked to you and made you feel comfortable. He was an easygoing person, and because of that soon you both were best friends who were practically inseparable. He had 5 other friends who soon became close to you as well, Yangyang and Ten in particular because of their funny and teasing nature.

Everything was going great. Each day at school passed with the 7 of you having fun together. You expected today to be another one of those days. But, it felt like the gods had some other plan.

"Good morning class, welcome your new classmate, Wen Mei. Some of you might remember her from when she was earlier in this school but had to leave because of her father's work. Now that she is back, I expect you all to make her feel like one of you all again." The teacher said, now motioning the girl to introduce herself.

"Hey everyone, my name is Mei. Hope we all can be comfortable with each other." She said, ending her words off with a smile and a bow.

"Alright Mei, go sit next to Mirae. Mirae please raise your hand for the girl." The teacher requested which you immediately followed.

"Hey, I'm Mei" The girl introduced again with a smile on her face as she extended her hand for a handshake.

"Nice to meet you Mei, I'm Mirae." You responded with an equally polite smile and accepted her hand.

"Are you not from around here? Your name doesn't sound Chinese."

"Yeah, you are right. I'm from Korea. I transferred here 2 years back."

"Oh okay that explains it. Do you-"

"Ms Wen and Ms Lee can we take the time to bond after the class and please pay attention now."

Both the girls flushed and bowed to the teacher and then paid attention for the rest of the class.


Just as you were about to get up and go to Kun's table to go to the cafeteria, he came running to yours and embraced the girl who sat to your right.

You confusedly looked at the two until it dawned upon you.

Wen Mei
Is she the girl who was Kun's childhood best friend who changed schools?

Your eyes widened at the realisation as you looked at them again, hugging one another like their life depended on it. It was great that Kun was reunited with his childhood friend. You were happy for him.

Keyword - were.

A bitter smile was engraved on your face as you sat with the two of them and Kun's other friends at lunch. Mei and him were in his own bubble, forgetting about everyone and everything around them.

It's fine. They're just catching up after not seeing each other for a few years.
It's going to be normal from tomorrow and our friend group would have the addition of a girl.

You shook your head as you then immersed yourself in a conversation with Ten who sat next to you.


You were definitely wrong when you thought that things would be fine from the next day. You shrugged off the bitter feeling of being ignored by your best friend, thinking they just missed each other.

One day became days and soon a week that you and Kun had barely talked. Negative thoughts filled your mind.

Is Mei better than me?
Did Kun only befriend me to fill in her spot?
Of course she was better. She was his childhood friend.
Does..... he not want to be my friend anymore?

You immediately shook off the thought, hitting your head lightly with your hand for thinking such things. You had always been an over thinker but when you came to China at first, Kun helped a lot with that and made you feel like you were deserving of the group of friends you befriended.

Your eyes shifted to the two who were happily walking ahead of you, engaged in a conversation, bright smiles on their faces as they conversed. Sicheng had seemed to notice your quietness and less participation in the conversation they were having and he followed your eyes as to where you were looking, Kun and Mei coming into view.

He immediately understood as he excused himself from the conversation and changed his spot from walking between Ten and Hendery and came to walk beside you.

"Hey Mirae, everything alright?"

"Oh Sicheng, yeah everything is fine, why wouldn't it be?" You chuckled, not wanting him to know what you were really thinking because it might just look like you were an obsessive bitch over Kun.

"You don't have to lie. I know you were looking at Kun and Mei."

You sighed knowing there was no point on lying to Sicheng since he was a pretty observant person so if he confronted her on something, he would be right.

"It's stupid. I'm just scared that now since Kun has Mei again he wouldn't want to be my friend anymore or best friends at least. I'm not against the fact that they met after years so probably just wanted to catch up but it's been a week Sicheng. It's- I- I'm sorry. I probably sound like an obsessive bitch don't I?" You let out a humorous laugh shaking your head.

"No, no of course not Mirae. You have a valid point and I understand. Mei might be childhood best friend but now he has more friends who are just as important to him. It's wrong of him to just neglect them when his old friend returned. And it definitely won't be that he wouldn't want to be your friend anymore. You are an important person in his life just like he is to you. Don't overthink about it. If he continues to ignore you and us like this I'm sure the boys will throw their hands at him because they are just as upset with him." The boy said, ending his words with a chuckle.

"Thankyou Sicheng. Your words helped a lot. And I hope it doesn't come to the point you have to throw hands at him." You chuckled, but thankful for his thoughtful words.

"Anytime Mirae." He smiled as you entered your class and sat on your respective seats, Mei sitting beside Kun as usual and you sat on your own but instead of Mei's past seat beside you being empty, it was filled by Sicheng.

You threw him a questioning glance asking why he wasn't sitting beside Ten like usual.

"Why? I just want to keep my other best friend company." He said as he winked at you and then faced the front towards the teacher."

You unknowingly blushed as you then followed him and faced the front, not knowing all this was seen by a specific someone.


I'm sorry for not updating for a while!!! I had fallen sick and now that I'm okay I'll make sure to update more often!!

Thank you for reading and getting this book to 4K views!!!
