
A/N: due to the anaconda strain, Naruto wears a gas mask to properly breathe. With the mask on, his voice is similar to Megatron from Transformer: Animated.

      -tower in the Forest of Death-

Naruto was inside his personal room on the tower. He had taken a bath and some food and was ready to sneak out and head back home. However, he sensed an unknown presence coming in and he used Laserbeak to cloak himself. Inside his room was the busty blonde Cloud genin and Naruto was caught off guard by this. 'I thought it would be one of Kushina's henchemen. Why would the Hidden Cloud send her here? Either to kill me or possible have her become pregnant so the village can have the sharingan.' Naruto concluded and prepared to deal with her. He made his presence known and pointed his sword at her. ''State your business, Cloud ninja.'' Naruto demanded and the girl knelt before her.

''Lord Naruto. Forgive my intrusion. I am but your loyal servant.'' Samui said to the Uchiha. ''My name is Samui and I am part of the Speculum Lunae.''

''Servant? When-'' Naruto stuttered a bit, still comprehending the situation.

''My apologies. The mercenary group known as the Speculum Lunae was founded by your grandfather to be used as a secret army. His death set the group back and with the outbreak of war, we were small. However, we grew stronger, larger over the years with the technology of the western lands. We are ready to be led by you, my lord.'' Samui explained.

'My grandfather founded a military cult. This can work to my advantage. With the Speculum Lunae, the largest and most powerful mercenary faction by my side, I can rule the continent a lot easier.' Naruto thought and looked at Samui, his loyal servant. ''Rise, my servant. Tell me, how many of you are there?''

''We are over 7,000 strong. All jonin level. Our leader is Guren and she has a special ability that allows her to make crystals.'' Samui answered and the news kept getting better.

''Just wonderful, Samui. And western lands huh? I hope my relatives there can be reached. I do so want to meet the Blackfyres.'' Naruto mumbled to himself then spoke to Samui. ''Tell me, Samui, if I ordered you to strip yourself naked, would you do it?''

''Yes and without hesitation. I was born to serve you, my lord. If you need me to revive your clan, I will happily offer my womb to you.''

'Talk about fanaticism. I don't even need my mangekyō for her.' Naruto thought to himself. ''I like you, Samui. I am certain you can serve me well. Follow me.'' Naruto ordered her and he made a shadow clone to stay in the tower.

''I will follow wherever you go, my lord.'' Samui replied and followed Naruto.

Outside the forest, Naruto saw a Grass jonin dragging Karin away. When he heard the jonin call her an 'useless Uzumaki whore', it was all the confirmation he needed. He moved quickly and chopped off the man's arm and then decapitated him. He turned his face toward Karin who was forced to stand by Samui. ''Ah, so you are an Uzumaki. I take it you didn't know.'' Naruto said to her.

''I'm... an Uzumaki? Like Kushina Uzumaki?'' Karin muttered to herself.

''Red hair, unusually large reserves... should've been obvious. I killed your sensei so... are you mad at me?'' Naruto asked.

''Mad? No. I'm glad. That bastard was abusive and treated me like I was a disposable tool. Served him right.'' Karin said and kicked her teacher's corpse. ''I'm Karin by the way. Thank you, Naruto.''

''Oh. You remember my name. What will you do now? Go back to Grass?''

''No. They'll- I don't even want to think about it. Can I stay here in the Leaf? With you?'' Karin asked and Samui got a bit angry at that last part.

''With me, yes but I am not informing the Leaf of your status.'' Naruto said and it was a bit shocking for Karin.

''Why? Isn't Kushina a clan relative?''

''She'll do whatever the Grass was attempting to do to you but worse. Far worse. She takes pride in the fact that she's the last full bloodedUzumaki. Trust me, she's not one you want to be close to.'' Naruto said with nothing but utter contempt for Kushina. ''Now, you have a choice: join me as an ally or... become breeding stock and other less honorable things.''

''Breeding stock!?'' Karin exclaimed out loud. ''She'll... turn a member of her own clan into that?''

''Oh, trust me. If it is to make herself more powerful, politically and more, and be more relevant, then it is a definite yes.'' Naruto answered her question. ''So choose, Karin. Join me as an ally or become Kushina's toy. Your choice.''

''I... I- I'll join you.'' Karin made her choice.

''Excellent. Now we'll bury your former teacher and head to my house.'' Naruto said and he got to work burying the jonin's corpse. After that, they reached his home in the Uchiha clan district.

      -basement of Naruto's house-

Kin Tsuchi, the female Sound genin who made herself Naruto's slave, woke up to find herself in a room. Beside her was Karin and in front of them were Samui, Haku, Delta and Naruto sitting on a chair with a glass of wine in his hand. ''You woke up. It's late at night now. I hope you didn't forget the deal you made.'' Naruto reminded the girl who remembered that moment. ''You are now property and I ask for your name, girl.''

''K-Kin Tsuchi, master.'' Kin replied in a submissive voice.

''I see.'' Naruto drank his wine and Delta came forward. Her fingers became like that of spears and on the tip was a symbol of Naruto's eternal mangekyō. ''You have pledged your allegiances to me. The seals are special as they will prevent anything below an A rank from hitting you. However, they have the added bonus that should you attempt to betray me, it will kill you.'' Naruto explained the function of the seals and he saw their terrified expressions. ''Now repeat after me: I swear complete loyalty to Naruto Uchiha. I will not betray or discard his trust. I will work to earn my place by his side in the greater order. Thus is my vow.''

When the two finished saying so, Delta marked them on their chest much to Naruto's delight. After that, he put Delta in charge of the house like usual and both he and Samui returned to the tower.

      -tower in the Forest of Death-

Samui went to her room and so did Naruto to his own. The Uchiha however, got his shadow clone's memory and found out that there were three chunin in the room. They were in there to assassinate him. Naruto used a silencing seal and discreetly moved in. He hit a chunin in the neck, making breathing difficult for the chunin and then slammed him to the wall. The chunin got back up but Naruto punched him in the stomach and threw him at his comrades. Naruto jumped and kicked the second chunin hard in the face and then stabbed the third in the neck.

''They just never learn.'' Naruto muttered to himself then dragged them outside. He interrogated the chunin and found out that they were indeed hired by Kushina. He then crippled the two and have them fed to the critters of the forest.

(4 days later)

Minato Namikaze stood in front of the gathered genin. ''I congratulate you all on making through the second part of the chunin exams.'' Minato said and explained the function of the exams to the genins. He then told them how because there were too many of them, preliminary matches would have to be held.

''Preliminaries? Man, that sucks.'' Kiba Inuzuka said, expressing his disappointment.

''Why should I waste my time fighting these trash when I can take my rightful place as a chunin?'' Menma too grumbled.

''Agreed. Fighting these low level peasants is beneath me.'' said Hinata.

Naruto got fed up with them and decided to drop the bomb. ''The ability to speak does not make you intelligent.'' he said to all three of them.

''Are you calling me stupid, Uchiha?'' Menma asked with an angry voice. ''I'll have you know I am the strongest here and I am a master of ninjutsu unlike you garbage.''

''Yes. I called you stupid.'' Naruto bluntly replied. ''You can be a master at one field but still be a fool. Knowledge and intelligence are two different things and being smart also relies on whether or not you know when to speak. It would be good if Menma is excluded from diplomatic missions or we lose everything.''

''Why you-'' Menma tried to beat Naruto up but his father's chakra stopped him.

''Enough of this. The boards will determine who will fight who and the others will be on the stands.'' Minato ordered and the boards were flipping through names till... Sasuke Uchiha vs Kiba Inuzuka.

''Will the contestants please remain on the floor?'' Hayate Gekko, procter for the preliminaries said and the rest got up to the stands. Sasuke and Kiba stood facing each other. ''Let the match begin.''

''Let's go Akamaru!'' Kiba said and engaged Sasuke in a taijutsu fight. The fight was very short with Sasuke gaining the upper hand very easily and used techniques he copied from Rock Lee. He punched Kiba in the stomach and threw him away but before he could land the finishing blow, Akamaru bit him in the leg.

''Stupid mutt.'' Sasuke grumbled and kicked Akamaru in the ribs. The action he did made Kiba angry.

''Bastard!'' Kiba said and got Akamaru standing back on his feet. ''Ninja art: four legs jutsu.'' he said and his loyal dog became a clone of himself. ''Fang over fang!'' Kiba said and went in to attack Sasuke. The Uchiha used his sharingan to keep track of Kiba's movements but was barely able go dodge them. Then, Sasuke saw an opening.

''Fire style: great fireball jutsu.'' Sasuke then shot a fireball at Kiba and burned him. A heavily injured Kiba was taken away to the medics.

''Winner, Sasuke Uchiha.'' declared Hayate Gekko. The boards started shuffling names again and round two was made. ''Hinata Hyuga vs Yoroi Akado. Will the contestants please come to the arena?''

(Hinata vs Yoroi)

''Let the second round of the preliminaries begin.'' Hayate said to them.

''Give up now while you have the chance. You stand no chance against me.'' Hinata arrogantly told Yoroi.

''Awfully cocky, aren't you?'' Yoroi retorted then moved in. His speciality was in sucking his opponent's chakra and he managed to take advantage of Hinata's arrogance. He dodged her strikes then managed to trap her arms and started absorbing her chakra. Hinata managed to broke free, however, and knock her opponent unconscious.

''Told you you never stood a chance.'' Hinata declared despite having 15% of her chakra reserves absorbed.

''Winner, Hinata Hyuga.'' Hayate declared and names started shuffling again. ''Shikamaru Nara vs Tenten. Will the contestants please come to the arena?''

(Shikamaru vs Tenten)

''Begin!'' Hayate said and Tenten made the first move by jumping back. Tenten began by throwing kunai and shuriken which the lazy Nara dodged. Shikamaru was forced to move on the defensive as Tenten jumped up, took out a scroll and began bombarding him with various weapons.

'Damn. She's forcing me on the defensive with no chance to use my shadow possession.' Shikamaru thought at Tenten's strategy. However, there was one fatal flaw. Tenten had a five second opening for each scroll so Shikamaru exploited that. After Tenten's fourth scroll, Shikamaru managed to successfully trap her. ''Shadow possession jutsu, success.''

''Damn it.'' Tenten cursed at her misfortune. Now she was at Shikamaru's mercy. ''Now what?''

''I'm gonna have to ask you to surrender.'' Shikamaru said but Tenten scowled angrily. 'Damn troublesome girls.'

''Like hell I will.'' Tenten boldy declared.

''Fine.'' Shikamaru said in a defeated tone. ''Enjoy the headache you're gonna get.''

''Wait, what-''


And Tenten's head made contact with the wall and she fell unconscious. ''Winner, Shikamaru Nara.'' Hayate declared and the Nara's teammates and sensei rejoiced at his victory. ''Next round, Ino Yamanaka vs Karui. Will the contestants please come to the arena?''

(Ino vs Karui)

The fight was not in Ino's favor. The blonde never stood a chance against the redhead. Karui had taken out her sword and attacked Ino. The Yamanaka forced on the defensive had no chance in defense. Karui enlaced her katana with lightning chakra and broke Ino's kunai.

''Wait, how did you know elemental manipulation? We haven't covered that yet.'' Ino asked Karui. It was true that other than Naruto, Sasuke and the twins, no other genin touched elemental chakra control.

''None of my problem. Lightning style: static shock.'' Karui then used a C rank lightning jutsu that heavily damaged Ino. ''Tch. Pathetic. You're suppose to be from a powerful clan and yet... you are more obsessed with the Uchiha who doesn't even care about you. If this all you can do then your clan is doomed.''

Ino got angry at that remark and made an all for nothing gamble. ''Mind transfer jutsu.'' she said but she missed Karui. The Cloud genin's sword was stopped just in time by Hayate as Ino was unable to fight.

''Winner, Karui of Cloud.'' Hayate declared and names started shuffling once more. The next few rounds went by easily and rather brief. Kankuro vs Misumi ended with Kankuro winning. Sakura Haruno vs Temari was an easy victory for the Sand kunoichi. Menma had ended his fight quickly by slamming a rasengan into a Rain genin's stomach. Neji fought Choji and won easily. A team from Waterfall village was up and suffice to say, they were basically cannon fodder. Shino won, Kurotsuchi won and so did Omoi, Karui's teammate. It was the next match, however, that stunned everyone. Written on the board was...

Naruto Uchiha vs Mito Uzumaki, Akatsuchi and Suzembachi of Stone, N and Samui of Cloud and team Kaito of Grass.

'Is this some sort of a mistake?' Minato and Hiruzen thought at the result. Unknown to them was that it was rigged from the start by Kushina.

'As if I'm worried.' Naruto thought and Hayate called all contestants down.

''Hell yeah!'' exclaimed Mito. ''Now I can beat that bastard to a pulp.''

Kakashi grabbed his student's shoulder. ''Naruto.'' he began with a low voice. ''It's okay if you forfeit. No one will blame you.'' but his student respectfully put his hand away.

''Have faith, sensei.'' Naruto said and walked through the corridor. In the darkness, he made a shadow clone and Laserbeak was disguised as a necklace. ''Showtime.''

''Procter, I wish to forfeit. I know my opponent's strengths and I cannot hope to compete with him.'' Samui said, shocking the Cloud ninjas as she was one of the strongest genins. Truth is, she was weaker than Naruto and she was not willing to fight her master. N called her a coward but Samui knew he stood no chance against Naruto.

''Okay then. Let the match... begin!'' Hayate said then exited the arena. Mito attacked first with taijutsu but Naruto did a few backwards somersaults. He knee kicked Mito hard in the stomach then threw her at a honey attack coming from Suzembachi.

''Earth style: mud dragon.'' Akatsuchi made a dragon come out to attack Naruto. The Uchiha shot a fireball that destroyed it easily.

''Water style: water wall. Lightning style: emotion wave.'' N of Cloud shot out water and then lightning but Naruto jumped up and landed behind him. Naruto chopped N in the neck and then fought the Grass genins in taijutsu.

He did a chop on one of the genin's throat then threw him down. He was grabbed from behind by another but he managed to free himself and he punched the genin in the face. He grabbed his neck and then knee kicked him hard and continously punched him in the ribs. The female Grass genin tried to attack Naruto from behind but the Uchiha grabbed her arm then broke it with his shoulders. He kicked the Grass genin away and then continued brutally punching one of the male genin. He threw him down and then punched him till his face was like a tomato. N and the Stone genin came but a heavy mist set in.

(in the stands)

''Man, Kakashi.'' Asuma remarked. ''I know your student was strong but I didn't think he was this brutal.''

''Like I told you, Tenten, Naruto is a little over average in taijutsu but he is very effective and brutal.'' Neji told his teammate. ''He knows the weak points of the body and isn't afraid to get dirty.''

''I'm sure glad he wasn't my opponent.'' stated Kankuro with more than half of the genins agreeing with him. Gaara and Kurotsuchi looked forward to fighting Naruto and Menma wanted to pound the Uchiha's head to powder.

''Hey, what's with all this mist?'' Ino asked as a thick dark mist settled in.

'This mist has chakra enlaced with it. It's very thick and my byakugan cannot penetrate it.' thought Neji. 'I can slightly see the other's chakra signature but not Naruto's. It's like he disappeared.'

(back to the fight)

Naruto shot out fire dragons that caught his opponents off guard. Akatsuchi quickly made a mud wall to protect himself and Suzembachi. The Grass genins were turned to ashes. ''Water style: wall of water!'' Mito made water come out but the fire was too hot for her jutsu.

''Coward! Show yourself!'' N demanded and froze as he felt Naruto behind him.

''As you wish.'' Naruto said and took out his sword. He kicked N and the Cloud genin was twenty five feet in the air. Within the span of a second, Naruto moved and cut N in over three hundred cuts. The Cloud genin fell down in nothing more than a pile of meat.

(in the stands)

''That was fast! I didn't even see him move.'' exclaimed Asuma Sarutobi. ''I know he's strong but I didn't know he was this fast.''

''Your student burns brightly with the flames of youth, my rival.'' stated Might Guy. ''You must be proud of him.''

''Said something, Guy?'' Kakashi asked and made Guy depressed.

'That speed was incredible! But it should be me, not him!' thought Sasuke in a jealous rage.

(back to the fight)

''Bee bomb jutsu.'' Suzembachi of Stone made several bees attack Naruto but they were fried to death after being five feet close to Naruto. ''How is this possible!?''

''They can't handle the heat I'm emitting dear.'' Naruto made a bad pun then moved away as Mito came in to attack. Mito made two rasengans but Naruto easily avoided them.

''Wind style: great breakthrough.'' Mito made a powerful wind to distract Naruto. She then expanded her rasengan, crushed them and let loose her attack. ''Rasengan wave barrage.'' over three dozen rasengans came to attack Naruto who avoided them all. ''Die, bastard! Big ball rasengan!'' Mito came to attack Naruto but the rasengan was easily absorbed. ''How-''

Naruto just gave Mito a very hard uppercut. ''Now why should I tell?'' Naruto pinched Mito on a nerve in the shoulder that made her scream. It didn't help that Naruto's fingers were made stronger by chakra. Then he kicked her knee and used her as a shield against Suzembachi's next jutsu.

(in the stands)

Everyone was caught surprised by Naruto's sword absorbing the big ball rasengan. ''How is that possible? Kakashi, did you know Naruto could do that?'' Asuma asked.

''Yes I did, Asuma, but Naruto asked me to not tell it to anyone. I couldn't just betray my students's trust.'' Kakashi explained his reasons.

'Oh wow! That sword is just beautiful! I hope he allows me to touch that.' Tenten thought with stars in her eyes. Neji just facepalmed at Tenten's reaction.

''Did you know Naruto could do that, Sakura?'' Ino asked.

''N-no! First time I ever saw it, Ino.'' Sakura replied.

'That sword radiates power. I can feel it. I want it.' Sasuke thought in his vain jealousy.

(back to the fight)

''Earth style: mud golem jutsu.'' Akatsuchi made a giant golem and surprised many genin and jonin at how much chakra he possessed. Naruto wasn't impresse however.

'Not worth my Susanoo.' Naruto then cut the golem's arm off with a single strike of his sword. He shot a fireball that destroyed the golem in one hit, shocking Akatsuchi greatly. Naruto then jumped up to the hand statue in a seal and stood atop it. ''Consider yourselves fortunate that I use my great grandfather's jutsu on you. Fire style: majestic destroyer flame.'' Naruto then shot out a wave of intense fire.

''Earth style: mud wall.'' Akatsuchi made a dome to protect himself and Suzembachi while Mito was gravely wounded by the fire.

'Nice timing but futile nontheless.' Naruto thought and stopped the fire... only to release a greater stream of it in the form of majestic demolisher flame. The mud wall was destroyed.

''Water style: wall of water! Shadow clone rasengan barrage!'' Mito shot out a massive wave of water and then made dozens of clones to charge at the lake of fire. Ultimately successful in stopping it.

''Surrender now. It's your only chance.'' Naruto told the three of them.

Akatsuchi looked at Suzembachi's state and that of his own and knew they stood no chance. ''We surrender.''

''Never!'' Mito shouted in anger and she called in the chakra of the nine tailed fox.

           -inside Mito's mindscape-

''I demand you give me chakra you damn fox!'' Mito demanded from the nine tails.

''It seemed that the Uchiha gave you a good beating. So much for your boasts of power and superiority, whelp. You couldn't even scratch him!'' the fox told Mito.

''Listen here you fox! I'll-'' Mito was silent as she sensed a presence and when she turned her face, it was Naruto.

''YOU!'' shouted the fox. ''This chakra... darker and more ominous than mine. That same gaze, the look of power and dominance... you are the splitting image of Madara Uchiha from the elder days.''

''I'm honored the mighty nine tails thinks of me so highly. But... I can't have you interfere in my fight.''

                        -real world-

''You- you stopped the fox?'' Mito asked and her question made the Hokages and jonins a bit on edge. In anger, chains came out of Mito's back. Four covered her arms and legs and she used four as extra limbs. ''Don't think of yourself so high and mighty, Naruto Uchiha! I can still beat you!''

''Hmph. Come and try.'' Naruto said and his sword, the Narada, managed to cut the adamantine chains, shocking the Leaf jonins and Hokages. He avoided Mito's careless strikes then punched her hard. He focused chakra on his sword and swung it, creating an explosion that destroyed Mito's chains and severly injuring her.

''I can still fight!'' Mito declared, charging at Naruto with a rasengan but her arm was caught. Naruto then proceeded to break her arm and knee. She screamed in pain and then was chopped in the neck by Naruto.

The Uchiha then proceeded to mercilessly beat up Mito by punching her in the face over thirty times. Naruto did a spinning kick, knocking out a tooth and then made a mud wall. He jumped up and kicked Mito. The Uzumaki broke the five feet wide wall and was sent flying through thr arena wall and outside the place by a good fifty feet. Naruto turned his face at the stands to see mixed reactions. Fear from most, anger from Menma, Kushina and Hinata, joy from Sakura and Kakashi and jealousy from Sasuke.

''Winner, Naruto Uchiha.'' Hayate declared and Naruto walked up to the stands. There, Tenten stood near him with stars in her eyes.

''Can I help you?'' Naruto asked.

''May I touch your sword?'' Tenten asked and Naruto didn't mind. It was not like she could use the Narada's power or anything. Tenten giddied in a fangirlish way and in utter delight at touching the Narada.

Next match was Rock Lee vs Gaara. The fight was entertaining, displaying Rock Lee's skills and hard work but ultimately, Gaara won with brutal results. After that, all winners were called to pick random numbers in a box to decide who they'll face in the chunin finals. The result was as follows:

Round 1: Sasuke Uchiha vs Neji Hyuga

Round 2: Naruto Uchiha vs Hinata Hyuga

Round 3: Shikamaru Nara vs Temari

Round 4: Kankuro vs Gaara

Round 5: Shino Aburame vs Omoi

Round 6: Kurotsuchi vs Karui

Round 7: winner of round 1 vs Menma Namikaze
