Chapter no.63 This Dungeon Won't Be Easy

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[ Dungeon - Entrance ]

Naruto's clone braced itself in the courtyard as figures emerged from the fog, but the anticipated beasts turned out to be far less menacing.

The creatures before him were simply large dogs, their thick grey coats mottled with shades ranging from dark to light, giving them a somewhat wild, untamed appearance.

They carried their sturdy bodies with a certain nonchalance, heads high and a little scruffy, with generous manes of hair partially obscuring their keen eyes.

Their ears, medium in length, flopped comfortably to the sides of their faces, swaying as they moved.

Each dog stood with a paw raised, exuding a sense of relaxed alertness rather than aggression.

The blue collars snug around their necks hinted at domesticity, a sharp contrast to the mythical beasts Naruto's clone had anticipated. They looked around with casual curiosity, their demeanors friendly and devoid of any intent to harm.

[ Name: Slave no.711 ]
[ Status: Insane ]
[ Title: Dungeon Monster ]
[ Level: 9 ]
[ Class: Semi-Incomplete Humunculus ]
[ Race: None ]
[ HP: 2350 / 2350 ]
[ AC: 10 ]
[ CP: 1k / 1k ]
[ Lineage Traits:
- Heightened Senses
- Animal Instincts ]
[ Class Features: Fear ]
[ Feats: Loyal Guard ]
[ Stats: ]
- [ STR: 27 ]
- [ DEX: 15 ]
- [ CON: 25 ]
- [ INT: 1 ]
- [ WIS: 1 ]
- [ CHA: 5 ]
- [ VIT: 26 ]
- [ LUK: 1 ]
[ Allies: The Cult ]
[ Equipment: None ]
[ Description: Sold to the cult at a young age, this nameless boy seeks to serve the cult in their pursuit of perfecting the flesh merged with the beauty of the beast. ]

The clone's fingers wrapped firmly around the hilt of the katana as it scrutinized the so-called 'cute doggos' description.

"Nope, not falling for it. They're monsters, just like everything else in this twisted place."

The creatures seemed to sense Naruto's defiance and let out a low, menacing growl, their barks echoing threateningly through the air. Naruto pretended to cower, acting as if their growling had instilled fear in him, even though he was shielded by the soundproof barrier seals he'd cleverly placed as he figured that their skill fear affected him via sound.

As one of the dogs lunged, Naruto sidestepped with practiced ease, his movements swift and precise.

His katana sliced through the air, aiming for the creature's vulnerable underbelly. But the moment the blade made contact, it failed to penetrate the skin, skidding off as if it had hit a surface much tougher than anticipated.

"Damn it, lost the element of surprise."

Naruto barely had time to react as the second beast's teeth snapped near his neck.

In a split second, he used a substitution technique, reappearing on the side of the dungeon wall.

He saw the dogs start to climb the wall, their claws scraping against the stone. "Gotta think fast," he told himself, his mind racing.

Letting go of his chakra control, he allowed gravity to pull him down, diving towards the first dog with his katana outstretched.

His blade made contact, grazing the creature's scalp.

The impact of his fall caused the dog to plummet too, but it managed to land on its feet.

The second dog, seeing an opportunity, leaped towards him.

Naruto met it head-on, blocking its bite with his katana, their strength matched in a fierce wrestle.

"This is no time for brute force," he realized, feeling the strain in his arms.

The first dog was already getting back up, ready to join the fray.

Naruto needed to outsmart them.

He quickly reached into his inventory, pulling out a scroll as he used scroll arts causing the scroll to wrap around his forearm, a blinding light burst forth from the flash seal, blinding the dogs.

In that moment of disorientation, Naruto released his katana, letting the two dogs collide with each other.

Jumping back to create distance, Naruto quickly pulled out a kunai and a shuriken, each marked with explosive seals.

"Time to end this," he thought.

Using his Kunai and Shuriken Bukijutsu, he skillfully threw them towards the dogs. Then, with a swift hand sign, he activated his Shadow Weapon Jutsu.

Instantly, the single shuriken and kunai multiplied, creating a storm of deadly projectiles flying towards the beasts.

"Fuin!" he shouted, as the seals on the weapons activated.

A tremendous explosion rocked the courtyard, the force of the blast sending a shockwave through the air.

[ Congratulations! You have defeated 2 dungeon monsters ]
[ 1000 EXP has been earned ]

[ 2 Skill Stones have been dropped ]

Naruto walked up to the stones and entered them into inventory as he looked at the dungeon entrance.

"Guess, my job here is done." Naruto said as he popped out of existence.


Naruto's other clone, standing inside the entrance of the fortress, eyed the three paths before him.

One was shrouded in complete darkness, while the other two were blocked by wooden gates.

He closed his eyes, tapping into his mind's eye ability to sense what lay beyond.

He could feel the presence of a creature behind the right door.

The hallway, on the other hand, seemed to lead back to the courtyard.

With a sigh, he decided to confront whatever was behind the door.

Naruto hesitated for only a moment before swinging the door wide.

The sight that met him stopped him cold—a hulking monstrosity that seemed to have clawed its way out of the darkest depths of his imagination.

Its skin was a grayish hue, looking as rugged and impenetrable as old tree bark. Towering before him, the creature's large, muscular body rippled with each breath, each movement showcasing its raw power.

Atop its shoulders sat a head crowned with two large, menacing horns that curved backward, adding a terrifying nobility to its fearsome form.

The creature's face was a tapestry of terror: a broad nose flanked by a wide, gaping mouth lined with rows of razor-sharp teeth, and above, a single small, intense blue eye glowed with a chilling luminescence. Around its waist hung a tattered loincloth, adorned with a morbid array of skull trophies strung upon a rope belt.

Naruto steadied his breathing, trying to keep his nerves in check.

"Okay, no panicking. Just another challenge." Despite the creature's intimidating appearance, he knew he couldn't afford to back down.

"Let's see what you're capable of," he said to himself, preparing for combat.

[ Name: Cult Guard ]
[ Status: Insane ]
[ Title: Dungeon Monster ]
[ Level: 10 ]
[ Class: Incomplete Humunculus ]
[ Race: Half Orc, Half Human ]
[ HP: 5350 / 5350 ]
[ AC: 20 ]
[ CP: 2k / 2k ]
[ Lineage Traits:
- Titan's Strength
- Regeneration ]
[ Class Features:
- Pain Nullification ]
[ Feats: None ]
[ Stats: ]
- [ STR: 37 ]
- [ DEX: 5 ]
- [ CON: 25 ]
- [ INT: 1 ]
- [ WIS: 2 ]
- [ CHA: 5 ]
- [ VIT: 36 ]
- [ LUK: 1 ]
[ Allies: The Cult ]
[ Equipment:
- Skull Loincloth ]
[ Description: One of the guards of the fortress, captured by the cult and experimented on to create the first orc and human hybrid that is loyal only to the cult and its creator. ]

Naruto's clone sighed as he closed the door behind him, but the moment was short-lived.

The guard let out a piercing scream and charged at him with incredible speed which was more impressive considering its bulky body.

Reacting quickly, Naruto unleashed his Kunai Bukijutsu combined with the Shadow Weapon Jutsu, creating hundreds of shadow clones of his kunai, which he hurled at the oncoming creature.

As the kunais struck , Naruto noticed something startling.

"They're barely affecting it," he thought, watching in disbelief as the creature seemed almost unfazed, the kunais bouncing off its skin as if they were nothing. However, he spotted droplets of blood on the kunais.

"So they did pierce it, but...," he realized, his eyes widening as he saw the wounds healing almost instantly, "its regeneration is incredibly fast."

With no time to waste, Naruto unsheathed his katana, ready for close combat.

The half orc lunged with a claw attack, which he barely managed to block with his sword. The sheer force of the impact sent him flying backward, crashing through the wooden door and into the hallway.

Landing hard, Naruto grunted in pain but quickly scrambled to his feet. "Guess that 37 Strength stat is not just for show," he thought, gripping his katana tightly.

Naruto quickly formulated a new plan. "Time to use everything I've got," he thought, his mind racing with possibilities. He uttered a single word, "Fuin," activating a seal he had placed on the door handle before he opened it.

The Alarm Seal went off, momentarily distracting the guard.

Seizing the moment, Naruto rapidly unrolled a couple of scrolls from his inventory.

Naruto wrapped the scroll over his waist as an explosive seal formed over the waist scroll and immediately Naruto used shadow clone jutsu.

Two more clones sprang to life from them, immediately charging at the guard.

As the clones engaged the creature, Naruto observed the unfolding chaos.

"This might seem reckless, but it's necessary," he thought.

"I need to understand this thing's regen limits."

"Fuin!" he shouted again, and as the guard struck the first clone, the explosive seal on the waist scroll exploded sending the creature hurtling back into the room.

The second clone followed, diving into the smoke-filled room, screaming as it too exploded.

Through the clearing smoke, Naruto saw the aftermath.

The Half orc now had its body severely damaged from shoulder to waist on the right side, and parts of its chin were missing.

But in a blink of an eye, it regenerated back to full health, except for its chin.

Naruto's eyes widened in realization.

"The head. That's the key."

He understood now that he needed to destroy its head to defeat it.

"Every other injury; it can heal, but the head is its weak point."

Naruto quickly threw a kunai with a seal paper attached to it towards the guard. Activating his Shadow Weapon Technique, he multiplied the kunai, creating a barrage of them flying toward the creature.

However, the monster charged straight at Naruto, seemingly indifferent to the kunais and the seal papers scattered across the floor.

Naruto braced himself, wielding his katana defensively. The monster attacked relentlessly with its sharp claws, forcing Naruto to focus on parrying and dodging. "I need to keep this up, just a bit longer," he thought, his muscles tensing with each movement.

The battle was intense, a back-and-forth dance of offense and defense. Naruto's katana clashed against the creature's claws, sparks flying with each contact. In the midst of the fight, he occasionally threw more kunais with seal papers, adding to the scattered array on the floor.

Naruto knew he was laying a trap.

"Just need to get the timing right," he reminded himself, narrowly avoiding a swipe.

He had to be patient, to wait for the perfect moment to trigger his plan.

Finally, seeing his opportunity, Naruto used a smoke bomb, filling the room with a thick cloud.

The monster paused, momentarily disoriented, searching through the smoke.

Naruto, now at the end of the hall, tapped the floor to draw the creature's attention. As it turned to face him, he gave a slight wave. "Goodbye," he said softly.

With a final shout of "Fuin," he activated the seals.

The floor erupted in a massive explosion, the force of the blast shaking the entire hall. Naruto shielded himself from the shockwave, feeling the ground tremble under his feet.

[ Congratulations! You have defeated a dungeon monster ]
[ 1000 EXP has been earned ]
[ Humunculus has dropped 1 Skill Stone ]

Naruto's clone, having just defeated the Homunculus, was suddenly caught off guard. An energy swirled around him, and before he could react, it sliced his torso in half. As his vision blurred, he caught a glimpse of his attacker.

[ Name: The Cultist ]
[ Level: 12 ]
[ Role: Dungeon monster ]

The cultist stood before Naruto, his black robe flowing around his gaunt figure like shadows clinging to the night.

The mask he wore concealed his face, yet there was no hiding the sinister grin that Naruto was sure lurked beneath.

This ghastly figure looked as though life's essence had been drained from him, his body draped in tattered rags that whispered tales of neglect. Circling his necks were rings, not of gold or silver, but of cruel bone spikes that seemed to thirst for the touch of flesh.

In his grip, he clutched a staff that appeared to have been torn straight from the heart of a gnarled forest, while his other hand brandished an amulet of grim design—a cross fashioned from the lifeless body of a crow, bound by rope.

Adorning his form were paper talismans, each bearing cryptic runes that danced menacingly in Naruto's imagination, suggesting forbidden rituals and ancient, dark practices.

The most striking of these hung from the creature's head—a large talisman marked with an eye, signaling a power that watched, waited, and perhaps saw far more than any mortal should.

Realizing he was about to be defeated, the clone did the only thing he could - he activated the explosive seal wrapped around his body in a self-destructive burst, a tactic designed to prevent the enemy from learning that the original Naruto was still alive.

The Cultist, unfazed, protected himself with a barrier.

Meanwhile, in the basement, the original Naruto suddenly received the memories of his first and second clones. He sighed deeply, feeling the weight of their experiences.

"This dungeon won't be easy," he said to himself, a sense of resolve firming in his voice.

He looked at the three Cult Slaves lying before him, riddled with holes from his Wind Bullet Jutsu.

[ Congratulations! You have defeated dungeon monsters×3 ]
[ 1500 EXP has been earned ]
[ Cult's Slaves have dropped 3 Skill Stones ]
