Chapter 14: Chunin Exams - Training!

Minutes after the Preliminaries....

Y/n: So we have a month of training?

Naruto: the problem is we don't know who to train us!

I then noticed the Hospital nearby.

Y/n: Hey wasn't Sasuke sent to the Hospital?

Naruto: yea what about him?

Y/n: Well who was with him?

Naruto: Kakashi-Sense-- Oh....

Naruto: You're a genius Y/n!


Receptionist: I'm sorry but no visitors allowed.

Naruto: What come on Lady!

Kakashi: Naruto, keep it down this is a Hospital.

Naruto: Kakashi-Sensei! Are me and Y/n glad to see you here!

Kakashi: I already know what you're here for, and I refuse.

Y/n: What? Come on Kakashi-Sensei.

Kakashi: don't worry, I've been looking for someone to fill in for me.

Naruto: wait hold up? Why can't you train us?

Kakashi: Well I have other matters to attend to.

Naruto: Hey wait a sec, you're gonna train Sasuke aren't you??

Kakashi: Now, now. Don't complain.

Naruto: Besides, who's gonna train us?

Ebisu appeared, adjusting his glasses.

Ebisu: It is I!

Y/n: Closet-pervert sensei?!

It's been a while since I saw Ebisu, Kakashi introduced me to him during a mission we had to fill in for him.

Naruto: W-why him?! He's weaker than I am!

Kakashi: what makes you say that?

Naruto: I used my Harem-Jutsu on him once and he easily fell!

Y/n: To be fair Naruto, even I probably would've fell for th-

I realized my mistake too late.

Naruto: WHAT?! Don't tell me you're a closet-perv as well Y/n!

Y/n: no-no-no!

Kakashi: Harem-Jutsu?


After a bunch of events, we somehow ended up in the hot-springs.

Y/n: Seriously?? How are we supposed to walk on water??

Ebisu: Just focus your chakra.

It all ended when Naruto accidentally hit me and I fell into the water, taking him with me.

When Me and Naruto arose from the water, Ebisu-Sensei was lying on the ground because of.... Jiraiya-sensei?!

Jiraiya: Y/n! It's been a while.

Y/n: Jiraiya-sensei?? Where have you been?

Naruto: Y/n, who's this pervy Old Man?

Y/n: I guess you you haven't properly met him yet, He-

Jiraiya: I'm glad you asked! I'm the Hermit of Mount Myoboku, it is I! The Toad Mountain Sage?

"I said "properly" for a reason"

Naruto: Toad Sage?

Jiraiya: Yes I am the toad sage! And what's your name?

Naruto: Naruto Uzumaki, Wait you just flattened Ebisu like a doormat! Who's supposed to train us now?

Jiraiya: Not me!

Y/n: Hold it right there! A few weeks ago you said that you could train me, you taught me how to summon stuff, but that wasn't really training! I think its time to actually train me.

Jiraiya: Fine you win this time, either way, what am I supposed to teach you?

Y/n: Now that I think about it, I don't actually know....

Jiraiya: Then I guess we don't have to train. Besides, I can't train both of you, I still need time for my research.

Y/n: Hold on a sec, what about this?

I used my Woodstyle to sprout several pieces of wood from the ground.

Jiraiya: Wood style huh? Aha! I got a solution on how to train both of you.

Naruto: What is it?

Jiraiya: I WON'T train both of you.

Y/n & Naruto: What?!

Naruto: How are we supposed to train then?

Jiraiya: Settle down, I haven't explained it yet. You see I don't know anything about Wood-Style, but I know someone who does, I ask him to train you, whilst I train Naruto.

Y/n: All right, who is this person then?

Jiraiya: The Third Hokage!



Y/n: The Third Hokage?? How is he even gonna accept to train me when he's busy with all the Hokage stuff??

Jiraiya: Trust me, the Old man will.


The Third Hokage: I  r e f u s e .

Jiraiya: Come on Sensei, I mean he's done well keeping the peace even though he's an outsider. This could be his reward! Besides, Woodstyle could be really useful for the Village if he manages to develop it.

The Third Hokage: It's not that I don't want to teach him, but getting training from the Hokage would be unfair to the other Villages, remember, the Chunin Exams is still a diplomatic event where Villages can show off the strength of their next-generation.

Y/n: Well then I won't use any wood-style during the fights!

The Third Hokage: Then what's the point of increasing your strength, if you're not even gonna use it?

I had no response. He had a point that I had no answer to.

The Third Hokage: Follow me Y/n. Naruto, Jiraiya, you may go.

I didn't get what The Third Hokage was about to do, but I still had to follow him. There might be a tiny chance he'll agree.

We then went to the top of the Hokage Rock, it was pure silence coming up the steps to the top. Finally though, He spoke.

The Third Hokage: You are aware of Orochimaru correct?

Y/n: Yes, I think he's planning something big for the Chunin Exams, but I won't allow that to happen because this Village and its people are my Family. So please Lord Hokage, teach me Wood-style so that I may protect it!

The Third Hokage: Good, even in the short time you've been as a Citizen of this Village, you have picked up the Will Of Fire.

Y/n: Will of Fire?

The Third Hokage: it's the belief that our Village carries that states that everyone in the Village must be cherished and protected because they're family. The person that placed this belief in the village was the First Hokage, you know you remind me of Him, it's almost like you're a clone of him!

The Third Hokage laughed at his remark.

The Third Hokage: He's the only other known user of Wood-Style, I saw him use it in battle once. I've decided to train you.

Y/n: But Lord Hokage, what about the diplomacy of the Other Villages.

The Third Hokage: I don't actually know Wood-Style so I won't really be "Training" you, instead I'm pushing you into the direction where you can grow your strength.

I've given it some thought as well, You cannot use any Wood-Style Jutsu during the exam, I know that developing your skills in Wood-Style will develop your skills in other Jutsu's as well.

Y/n: So you'll train me?

The Third Hokage: I will train you. meet me near the Training Grounds tomorrow at dawn.

Y/n: Thank you Lord Hokage!


Week 1

With The Third Hokage's words reverberating in my mind, I awoke ready for training. As I arrived at the Training grounds, the Third Hokage was already there, although he was wearing some kind of Battle-Armor. I really hope I won't break his back from fighting, the whole village will hate me for injuring the Hokage.

The Third Hokage: Y/n, are you ready for a battle?

Y/n: Yes sir.

The Third Hokage: I want you to try your hardest to attack me using ONLY Water and Earth style Jutsu.

Y/n: Are you sure Lord Hokage? I might injure you.

The Third Hokage nodded, readying a Battle-Stance.

Y/n: Water-Style: Raging Waves!

A stream of water roared from my mouth, I thought I hit him, until he appeared behind me and I was suddenly on the ground. How powerful is He??

The Third Hokage: Again.

I stood up, this time I tried using Two-Consecutive attacks.

Y/n: Water-Style: Ripping Torrents

I burst a puff of water from my Hands, and used an earth-style jutsu.

Y/n: Earth Release: Boulder Throw!!

He Used an Earth-Wall to counter my Water-jutsu, then using the earth wall, unleashed a flurry of dozens of rocks deflecting my Boulder-Throw until some rocks missed and hit me. Knocking me down.

The Third Hokage: You are powerful with Earth and Water-style Jutsu. But it's not focused, its untamed, from what the First Hokage taught me, Wood-Style is a combination of Earth and Water, to be proficient at Wood-Style, you must master controlling the two Chakra Natures that make it.

Y/n: How am I supposed to Master both of them in a month?

The Third Hokage: You can't, that's why I'm training you to focus it, so you can easily mix the Chakra, thus having an easier time using Wood-Style.

Y/n: Well how am I supposed to do that?

The Third Hokage: To focus water-Style, imagine what happens when a drop of water falls into a puddle, ripples form correct? Focusing water style means you have to stop the Ripples from happening. So using my Jutsu, I have created an artificial puddle that constantly creates ripples, your training consists of slowing down the ripples.

Y/n: But how do I do that?

The Third Hokage: Simple, you concentrate your Chakra into the water, taming it. Try it.

I went to the puddle that was formed, as I put my Hand into the water in hopes to stop the ripples, I concentrated my Chakra into my hand, as my Hand hit the water, the puddle splashed.

The Third Hokage: It seems you've put too much chakra. The Key to focusing it is Balance.

I retried the Exercise, the Ripples managed to shorten and slow down, yet sometime after it splashed again.

The Third Hokage: You're getting better, try not just to stop the ripples, but maintain it after a while.

Again and again, try after try I never managed to fully stop the ripples. After a few hours, my hands had begun turning wrinkly, my impatience was reflected upon the water, everytime I touched the puddle, all the water splashed, even more than the first time I put too much Chakra.

The Third Hokage: Remember, be patient, some Water-style specialists Jonin take years to master focusing Water-Chakra, don't rush it. This exercise's focus isn't to master concentration, but to improve it.

Y/n: I can't! The ripples don't stop!

The Third Hokage: Again, focus. This isn't to stop the Ripples, it's impossible with only a few hours of training. In fact, I think you're doing well considering how much you've slowed down the ripples.

Y/n: But I won't have enough time to improve, I won't be able to increase my strength in Wood-Style.

The Third Hokage: Let's call it a day, I think you've exhausted too much of your Chakra for the first day. Rest up, we'll do this training again tomorrow.

As I returned home, I noticed a well filled with water and realized a "shortcut" to my training. I'd be able to double the experience I gain by using one Arm to stop the ripples, and the other to create the ripples.

I experimented with my new "shortcut" and my focus had increased tremendously, but was more tiring, so I decided to call it a day.

I went to the training grounds again after I rested, the Third Hokage was waiting.

The Third Hokage: Are you ready to keep training?

Y/n: Yes sir.

An hour had passed since I began, I was getting tired.

Y/n: The Third Hokage, can I test something out?

The Third Hokage: Alright

Y/n: Can you create Two-more of these puddles.

The Third Hokage raised his eyebrow before forming more puddles.

Y/n: Shadow Clone Jutsu!

I sent my Shadow Clones to do the exercise.

The Third Hokage: Ah, I see. A "shortcut" the Shadow Clones will gain the experience for you, and you'll eventually get the improvements that they had. Smart.

I nodded and continued. After a few more hours, the ripples were very slow, but still never stopped.

The Third Hokage: I think it's time you move on to the next phase of training.

Y/n: Why? I think I might've stopped the ripples.

The Third Hokage: I think this is as much as you can go with your current level, besides you still need to practice the Other side of Wood-Release. Earth Style.

Y/n: How then?

The Third Hokage: Use your Earth Style to create specific things, imagine sculpting rocks using Hand-Signs.

Y/n: How would this help?

The Third Hokage: It takes incredible focus to create intricate things using Earth-Style, and this would help improve it. Wood-style also uses the same premise.

For the next two days, I practiced creating intricate sculptures, including a replica of Hokage Rock, Ichiraku Ramen and even Hinata!

As the fifth day of training loomed, the Third Hokage said that I was ready for the Final phase of training.

The Third Hokage: You must learn to combine both Chakra natures and mix them, this is the principle of Wood-Style.

Y/n: How?

The Third Hokage: It's the same premise as Kekkei-Genkai, I personally don't have any, so I think you should ask someone who has one for help.

Y/n: But who?

The Third Hokage: Doesn't your teammate have Ice Release Kekkei Genkai?

Y/n: He does, but I haven't seen him, and he's also my opponent during the exams so I think it'd be weird to ask for training from my opponent.

The Third Hokage: You have a good point. Well, you'd have to search for a Kekkei genkai user and ask for their help. Good luck.

I searched my mind for any Kekkei Genkai users and couldn't think of any. After a day of searching I decided to return to the Third.

Y/n: I can't find anyone.

The Third Hokage: I think we have to move on to the next phase,

Y/n: How?

The Third Hokage: Mixing Chakra natures was to help you increase your speed in forming Wood-Style, but you already know how to use it, so I think we'd just have to train you in your proficiency with it.

I tried several Wood-release Jutsu yet all were weaker than when I used them during the Exam and it easily drained my Chakra but the Black and Ashened appearance of the Wood reminded me of Akihiro-Sensei's words.

Y/n: Lord Hokage, you're aware of Curse Marks right?

The Third Hokage: I am.

Y/n: I think I know why my Wood-Release is weak.

The Third Hokage: Let me see the Curse Mark.

The Third Hokage examined the marks on my hand before procuring a Sealing Jutsu on them, returning its appearance to Normal Wood.

For the next two days I trained my Wood-release until the Wood was faster and stronger than before. My training stopped once the Third Hokage reminded me my week of training with him was over.


Week 2

I awoke with restless thoughts, I didn't know what to train next, I could ask Jiraiya-Sensei for help, but I knew that he was training Naruto and my interference could make my Friend's training be stagnant, I could improve on my Wood-Style but I know that I can't use them during the fights. My mind raced with thoughts of things I could improve until it settled on the one thing that Haku had me beat, speed.

As I rose from my bed I thought of the one person that could teach me how to increase my speed, the fastest person I've seen, one that Haku himself conceded was faster. Rock Lee.

I waited for the visitation time for the Hospital to visit Lee, I had brought a basket of fruits with me to ease pain from his injury.

Rock Lee: I thank you Y/n for these fruits! Guy-Sensei has told me fruits like these will maintain the Power of Youth!

Y/n: No problem Lee, but I wonder, how did you increase your speed?

Rock Lee: You're already fast enough to match Haku.

I was fully aware Haku was faster than me, our first Match proved that.

Y/n: I'm not fast enough, my speed comes from my Teleportation Jutsu, not my natural speed, I can't just rely on my teleportation the whole time, I need to increase my actual speed or else I'll never be able to beat him, and then Naruto has his own mode where he becomes even faster than Haku!

Rock Lee: you have a point Y/n, for you to increase your speed you must buy leg weights that weigh one ton, you can buy them off of Guy-Sensei's shop, from there you must equip them and run several kilometres uphill as fast as you can, with the weights holding you down, you're forcing your body to adapt and run faster, once you remove the weights, the ease your body feels will unlock your speed. Do this for a few days and then try practicing fights with the Weights on.

Y/n: Seems simple enough,

Rock Lee: I did forget to mention, the weights cost 80,000 Ryo

I nearly dropped dead from the price.

Rock Lee: I apologize that I won't be able to join you in this endeavor because of my injuries.

Y/n: It's okay, rest up Lee, so once we have our own fight you'll be able to fight full power.

I went to Might Guy's store and it was filled with motivational posters, TV's where Guy talks about Youth, and training attire. I was baffled by the price of the weights, they easily would've taken a few B ranked missions to fill, but good thing I've been saving up money.

For the next five days I put on leg weights and ran from Mountain to Mountain never stopping until I eventually passed out from exhaustion, although since I forgot to take off the weights my legs felt like jelly. On the Sixth day, I decided to finally remove my weights and it felt like a boulder had been lifted off my back, it took a few minutes to re-adjust and my speed increased Ten-fold, I knew that I had improved my speed to match Haku's swiftness when we first fought on the bridge.


Week 3

I met up with Jiraiya-Sensei who had just finished training Naruto (Although I was forced to wear a blindfold so as to not see Naruto's new aces.

Y/n: Jiraiya-Sensei, please teach me a new Jutsu!

Jiraiya: Alright, I am done training Naruto. What kind of Jutsu do you want, kid?

There was one mediator during my first fight with Haku that brought my defeat. I needed an attack that could finish off my opponent and close out fights. I chose Shatterpoint as this "attack" but it was too risky, too much risk and a high chance of not finishing off an opponent like Haku.

Y/n: I need a go-to attack that can finish off opponents and close-out fights. I used this attack called Shatterpoint, but it was too risky. Besides, I made a promise to Hinata.

Jiraiya: Shatterpoint huh I'm aware of its risks, in fact I created it.

Y/n: You created Shatterpoint?

Jiraiya: Yea it complimented my style of fighting until a certain battle during the Great ninja war almost cost me my life.

Y/n: What did you use to replace it?

Jiraiya: The Jutsu I chose to replace Shatterpoint with was taught to me by The Fourth Hokage, it's called the Rasengan.

Y/n: Rasengan?

Jiraiya: I know that the The Third Hokage taught you how to control and focus Chakra, which is excellent as you need outstanding Chakra control to even attempt this Jutsu.

Y/n: Alright then how do you use it?

Jiraiya: Since you're just a beginner, I want you to focus your chakra, and spin it into different directions without popping it.

Jiraiya-Sensei handed me a balloon.

Jiraiya: this balloon will help you visualize your Chakra, I know how well you did with the Third Hokage's ripple test, it's the same concept, but instead of stopping the ripples, you control it and move it into different directions. Here's a bag of balloons, go to this address if you run out

He handed me a card with a location of a balloon store.

Jiraiya: If you manage to control your chakra in different directions you can move on to the next step, you know where to find me.

Y/n: Girl's Hot Springs?

Jiraiya: Girl's Hot Springs.


For the two days, pop after pop, balloon after balloon, eventually the Balloon shop owner had to close down for a week as he ran out of balloons. I only had one pack left consisting of 10 balloons, I knew I couldn't waste it.

As my last pack came running out during the Third day, I discovered my mistake. I struggled controlling my Chakra as I always felt that it was "pushing" away my chakra into the opposite direction from where I intend it to be, this was happening because I was forcing my Chakra to move instead of focusing where it was actually going (which was the direction in which my body moved) from then I could move the Chakra into different directions.

I searched for Jiraiya and eventually found him inside a bar nestled in between a duo of Ladies, I of course didn't question his habit and simply asked for the next step.

Jiraiya: excellent! You managed to figure out your mistake on your own.

He then tossed a rubber ball to me,

Jiraiya: For the next step, I want you to increase the amount of Chakra you're putting out, this helps create real damage against your opponent.

I immediately mastered this part as it was similar to finding the same "balance" I had to find during the ripple test, The Third Hokage, was correct, the Training did help me develop in other parts.

Jiraiya: Wow kid, it took me a few days just to get to this part, I guess the Old Man's training did help.

Jiraiya handed to me another balloon,

Jiraiya: Now, use the same principles as the first step and create a "smoother" version, if the balloon changes shape or pops, it means you haven't mastered it.


Week 4

For six days I have practiced this "Rasengan" yet the Bubble always popped, with time running out, Jiraiya-sensei joined me to help me with the technique.

Even with Jiraiya-sensei's help, the balloon kept popping or changing shape.

Jiraiya: Well kid, I guess you won't be able to master it.

Y/n: Dammit! I did all this training for nothing! There's only three days left before the exam! It's not enough time for you to teach me any other Jutsu!

Jiraiya: Well Kid, I guess you have to resort to Shatterpoint, just make sure to use it when you have enough endurance.

Y/n: That's not the point Jiraiya-Sensei, last time I thought I had enough "endurance" last time I used Shatterpoint against Haku, and I lost!

Y/n: This stupid Rasengan is impossible to use! Everytime i do the last part it POPS!!

Jiraiya: Maybe you should calm down a little. I mean even if you lose in the exams, there's always next year's.

Y/n: No! Look how stupid this is!

I formed the "Rasengan" with a balloon, and in my rage I hit the ground with it when it burst, creating a small crater. Then the realization hit, I could use this to my advantage.

Jiraiya: Why are you so quiet all the sudden?

Y/n: I think I've done it!

I started forming another "Rasengan" this time I gathered even more energy than I could handle and it popped! Creating a crater!

Jiraiya: I don't get it?

Y/n: I turned my weakness into strength!

Jiraiya: Kid I think you've gone too crazy with all this training, maybe you should rest.

Y/n: Hear me out Jiraiya-Sensei, when it popped, it created a crater on the ground!

Jiraiya: So?

Y/n: When I attack someone, I just let it "burst" at them! The same way a bomb does damage when it explodes!

Jiraiya: But it's unstable, you won't be able to engage it in a long battle.

Y/n: yea, but I'll only be using it as a finisher, my final move to knock out someone.

Jiraiya: all right, let's test it out then. Shadow Clone Jutsu!

The clone took a battle ready-stance.

I then threw my Kunai, teleporting to it and activated the Rasengan, after holding it in my hand, I let the Rasengan burst, hitting the Shadow Clone and leaving a huge crater.

Jiraiya: It's definitely powerful, but i'm concerned that this isn't technically a "rasengan"

Y/n: Might as well create my own finishing attack, especially since the real Rasengan might be Naruto's main attack once you teach it to him. So at least I have my own variation.

Jiraiya: Well, it seems you've done it, we're done training, now go and rest for the next three days for the Exam.

As Jiraiya prepared to leave, he turned around.

Jiraiya: One more thing, follow me.

I followed Jiraiya back to our house where he went to his room and opened his closet, revealing a small box that he handed over to me,

Y/n: What's this?

Jiraiya: A little "gift" per se, as a result of your training. You should open it.

I opened the box, which contained dozens of Oddly-shaped Kunai.

Y/n: What's the difference between this and normal Kunai?

Jiraiya: Glad you asked, you see these Kunai were created specifically by the Fourth Hokage Minato to suit his Jutsu, the very same Jutsu that you use. The Kunai was designed to easily stick to targets, thereby having an easier time to teleport using the Flying Raijin. This will definitely help in your fights.

Y/n: Thanks Jiraiya-Sensei! Considering how powerful the Fourth Hokage was, these Kunai will definitely make me stronger.

Jiraiya: Now you should go and sleep, you definitely need the rest for the next few days. I'll be going out of town as well, so the house is yours.

I went back to my room and finally had good sleep.


Week 4, Day 7

I spent all of the last few days resting after I completed my own variant of the Rasengan, time was running out and the Final Test of the Chunin exams was nearing, and only today remained before the Exam.

During Lunch, I was busy wrapping a hundred needles that had my Jutsu tag in preparation for my "newest" attack outside Ichiraku ramen that was perfect against Haku's Ice-Mirrors, I also checked the match popularity polls and apparently, my match is projected to be the second most popular fight. Out of nowhere Hinata appeared!

Hinata: Hey Y/n! Been a while.

Y/n: Yea, training for the Exam has kept me busy

Hinata: Anyways, do you want to go to the festival with me later?

Y/n: festival? What for?

Hinata: Well, before the Exam, the Village organizes a bunch of events to increase tourism around the village, they have these events the week before the exam.

"Wha??? I could've gone to different events with Hinata for the past few days? I must make it up to her in the last two days of this week!"

Y/n: So what's the event today?

Hinata: A big festival, a bunch of food and fun stuff.

Y/n: sure I'd love to go with you! When's it happening? And where should we meet up?

Hinata: in about two hours, the festival is only happening in one area of the town, so we should meet at the entrance there.

Y/n: Then it's a date! See ya then.

I prepared for the festival, made sure not to eat that much lunch so as to get ready for the food during the festival.

I met up with Hinata at the entrance of the festival, bright lights lit the busy streets, dozens of vendors, customers and guards lined the streets.

I instinctively held Hinata's hand.

Hinata: Uh Y/n?

Y/n: We should hold hands! There's so many people here and I'm afraid we'll split up. Besides at least we'll look like a normal couple.

Hinata: Wait we're a couple?

Y/n: Well, we'll look like one, so at least we can get into those "Couples only" rides, like that tour of the river with the Swan boats, we should go there next!

Me and Hinata sort of abused the "Couples only" rides throughout the festival, it was fun. Although it was a bit awkward when some of the rides had pictures or videos of couples telling them to kiss, and only me and Hinata were the only ones sitting awkwardly.

There was so much food as well, Hinata offered to pay for the food (apparently being the Heiress of the most powerful clan in the village has perks) and even though that was considered a "no-no" situation in Jiraiya-Sensei's book, I had to accept it as the balloons and other expenses I had to pay for during my training drained my pockets, it was a little weird that a dozen girls came to me and gave gifts of chocolate, roses and valentine cards? But I still accepted them.

All our fun ended when we crossed paths with Neji Hyuga.

Neji: Hinata, get away from this philanderer?

Hinata: no

Y/n: "Philanderer" ??

Neji: It is my duty to forbid you from going into places with people like him.

Y/n: people like me? What does that mean?

I stepped closer to Neji.

Neji: I meant that you're a womanizer! You've literally accepted dozens of gifts from women who came to you during this festival WHILE you were with Hinata.

Y/n: What's wrong with accepting gifts? It would be rude not to accept them.

Female Genin: Hey you! Are you messing with him?

Suddenly a dozen or so girls surrounded Neji and started throwing insults, rocks and the occasional shoe.

Random Girl: Stay away from my Boyfriend!

" Boyfriend??! 0_0 "

Y/n: Uhh Hinata, I think we should go.

She nodded and I immediately grabbed her arm and made a run for it, we then found an alley-way to hide in.

Y/n: That was fun, but i don't know where we should go next.

Hinata: Well, there's gonna be fireworks in 30 minutes, there's a spot people usually go to watch fireworks.

Y/n: well yea, but I don't think watching Fireworks in a public place filled with people who want to date me will be fun.

Hinata: Where should we go then?

Y/n: I know! At the top of Hokage Rock! The Third Hokage showed me a shortcut to get up there when I was training with him.

Hinata: But that's still so far away?

Y/n: So we do a good old stealth mission!

Hinata, with some convincing, agreed to do a stealth mission to Hokage rock, it was very hard to do a stealth mission when almost every single Female Genin was searching for you, would've been easier if Sasuke was here to take some weight off.

Eventually we reached the top of the Hokage Stone Faces, unfortunately, there were a dozen other people who had the same idea as me to watch the fireworks, but they were couples so at least the girls wouldn't be trying to disturb me unless I'm somehow "Mr Steal-Your-Girl"

As the fireworks exploded atop the Sky, the lights shone brightly that it was almost blinding, this exact scenery reminded me of our little trip to the Mountain, further similarities presented itself when the other couples sitting on the Stone Faces started kissing each other.

I then looked at Hinata, she looked at me as well in confusion, in which then I couldn't hold myself any longer. I pressed my lips against hers and her face riddled with confusion grew red and she then pushed away.

Hinata: Y/-Y/n?! Did you do that just so you could fit in with all the other people here?

Y/n: n-no, I meant that.

Hinata: really?

Y/n: yes really! I really like you Hinata, and the time we spent tonight at the festival made me like you even more! I've had so much fun with you, an-and I-

Hinata then gave a quick peck to my lips

Hinata: Y/n, I've been wanting to tell you the same thing ever since we met-up when we were signing those forms before the Forest of Death, and I tried again and again but couldn't. I thought I would never get to tell you, and then tonight happ-

I interrupted her adorable tirade with a laugh

Hinata: uh Y/n? Why're you laughing?

Y/n: Well, I always imagined our first "true" kiss would be like the ones in Jiraiya sensei's book! But nope, it was clumsy and entertaining, you didn't even know when to confess to me! Then my breath smells like Ramen from all the food from the festival, honestly this seems more fun than the books or movies!

Hinata and I continued to conversate, ignoring all the events happening around us, she was so easy to talk to. Eventually exhaustion crept up on her, and the overuse of Fireworks made her bored and eventually fall asleep. I knew we couldn't sleep in such a rough environment, especially after we had this much fun, and we still have the Exams tomorrow. So I decided to carry her as quietly to not disturb her sleep, and alert any other Fangirls.

I eventually chose to go back to my house and let her use my bed since carrying the Heiress of a clan back to her house would look very suspicious, especially after the incident with Neji.

As I tucked her in bed, I went to the living room and laid down on the couch, reflecting upon this month. I grew so much, from my strength and speed, and even with my relationship with Hinata.

I think I'm ready for my big fight tomorrow.


I hope you guys like these really long chapters! it was so fun for the situations to play out in my head, and I hope you guys enjoy them too.

Next chapter will be released tomorrow.
