
Avni returned the file to Neil in the afternoon. Neil was not in his cabin as he was outside the office for lunch.
Neil returned to his cabin and realised that Avni came to his cabin and he lost the chance to apologise to her.

At night, it was raining outside. Avni and Neil were working till 8. 00 pm. Neil went to her cabin. Avni quickly stood up and was looking down.

Neil: "I think I shouted at you a lot. But it was also your fault."

Avni: "Sorry Sir."

Neil: "It is raining outside so I can drop you at home."

Avni: "No no Sir. It is absolutely fine. I can manage."

Neil: "It is okay. I can drop you. At least I have the humanity."

Avni didn't say anything further.

But as Neil and Avni were already ready Nikhil arrived at office.

Avni: "Nikhil. You are here at this time?"

Nikhil: "Yes Avni. Actually I saw you working when I left the office but when I saw that it is raining outside I thought how would you come home that is why I came to drop you home."

Avni just smiled at looked at Neil: "So Sir I will go with Nikhil. Thank you for you HUMANITY. Nikhil Let's go."

Nikhil: "Hmm."

Avni and Nikhil went to the car and left. Whereas our Neil was damn angry. Obviously cuz he can't tolerate Avni with someone else. He just gave a hard push on his hand on the wall and blood started oozing from his hand. As no one was there to bandage his hand, he went to hope and spent the night like this.
In the next morning,
Neil came to the office with that hand but he didn't care much. Avni entered his cabin for some files. When she saw his hand's state, she understood that he intentionally did that cuz she went with Nikhil yesterday instead of him.
Avni took out the band-aid box.
Avni knew that he will tell not to band-aid. So she directly hold her hand and started to band-aid it.

Neil: "What are you doing? No need to do all these. Go and take care of that Nikhil."

Avni didn't speak anything.

Neil: "Go and meet with Nikhil, speak with Nikhil, what with Nikhil. Do whatever you want."

Avni just band-aid his hand and was leaving. Neil was angry and frustrated. He hold Avni's hand as she was leaving and pinned her to the wall.

Neil: "Do you love that Nikhil?"

Avni: "Sir plz leave me."

Avni tried but she failed to get rid of him. But her luck was very good. An employee knocked the door.

Neil quickly left her and she ran to the door.

An employee: "Sir this file."

Neil: "Go to hell."

The employee left as he thought Neil was damn angry so he left without saying anything.

Precap: Avneil's moments.

I am so sorry for being. Actually my exam is nearby so that's why. Do vote, comment and share the story. Do not forget to follow me.
