
Pinellia novel
Chapter 21: Unintentionally breaking the poisonous blood jade
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Previous chapter: Chapter 20, meeting the queen againNext chapter: Chapter 22, Princess Xian's visit

Chapter 21: Jihua was still crying when she accidentally broke the poisonous blood jade

, but she stopped crying when she heard about the young prince.

"Is the brat really in the palace?"

Ji Hua turned her head and looked this way, but she didn't see Bei Hengjin after looking for a long time.

"Ouch, where is this person? Why can't I see him? Is he too short?"

As soon as the small characters in front of him disappeared, Bei Hengjin acted coquettishly towards the prince: "Brother Prince, give me a hug. I want to see sister Hua'er. Hua'er My sister is so pretty."

The prince took a look and saw that she was dressed in festive red, with a tiger-head hat and tiger-head shoes. She looked really good.

Bei Hengjin rarely showed his childish nature, so of course the prince was willing to hold him.

Only after the person was picked up could Ji Hua see the person clearly.

"Hey, you look good today. I won't be happy in two days. You have to enjoy these two beautiful days!"

Bei Hengjin sneered in his heart. Is this a curse on him?

Bei Hengjin's eyes fell on the piece of blood jade in Ji Hua's arms, and he snatched it away without thinking.

The prince was about to yell, but Bei Hengjin let go of his little hand. The blood jade fell to the ground and shattered.

Nanny Li, who was seeing her off from behind, had a complexion. She hurriedly knelt down on the ground and said in a panic: "Empress, this jade is a meeting gift given by the imperial concubine to Miss Ji. Now that it is broken, it is really hard for me to explain to the imperial concubine.

"Yeah, that's great, the poisonous blood jade was broken by this guy Bei Hengjin." " What

? " poisonous?

Bei Hengjin frowned fiercely.

The worried look on Mrs. Ji's brows immediately relaxed.

At this time, the dignified queen said: "Since it was a gift from my sister, it is of great significance. Now that the jade is broken, I will give you another piece as compensation."

"Do you mind, Mrs. Hou?"

Ji Hua followed. He looked at the queen. The queen was forty-one years old. She had a princess before the prince, but she lost her beauty for unknown reasons. After that, the smile on her face disappeared, and it didn't return until she gave birth to the prince.

The current prince is similar in age to Ji Yushu.

In other words, the prince was born seven years after the queen entered the palace. The second prince is only one year younger than the prince. As for why he got pregnant after several years in the palace, this is not something ordinary people can know.

After giving birth to the prince, the queen paid great attention to maintenance in order to regain her former glory. Coupled with being dignified and tactful, the stunning appearance is still as stunning as before.

"No, I don't mind." Mrs. Ji looked panicked.

His heart was filled with joy.

Aunt Li saw Mrs. Ji's dilemma and wanted to speak. But the prince spoke one step ahead of her: "Mother Li, please go back. Mrs. Hou will go with her mother to Fengyi Palace to get the jade pendant. After a while, I will personally escort Mrs. Hou out of the palace."

Mr. Hou made great contributions to Sheng Yu, even if the queen saw him off in person . Too much.

The prince personally spoke, so Nanny Li didn't dare to stay any longer. She hurriedly picked up the broken blood jade and bowed to leave.

She had knelt down very skillfully just now, and her dress had just enough time to wipe away the blood splashed from the blood jade.

Ji Hua stopped crying and happily followed the queen and her entourage to Fengyi Palace.

There was a lot of chattering along the way.

[It is recorded in the original book that the blood jade was given to the queen. The poison in the blood jade has the effect of promoting neurological disorders. Not long after the prince's accident, the queen was so angry that her poisonous attack worsened. 】

【He ran into the imperial study room like crazy and scratched the sage. The sage was furious and threw him into prison. In short, the queen died miserably. 】

Mrs. Ji no longer knows how to describe her mood. Looking at the queen's dignified back in front of her, I felt a sense of loneliness from her body. Yes, she did not feel the cold arrogance and self-reliance from the queen as rumored, but loneliness.

Since ancient times, the house of ruthless emperors has been ruthless.

There are many beauties in the harem of the Holy Emperor, but even if there is love for the Queen, there are not many left.

Not to mention there is a draft every three years. Maybe she was disguising herself in her own way to protect the prince.

Now that the blood jade was given to the daughter, is there a possibility that the daughter indirectly blocked the disaster for the queen?

[Oops, I remembered. The Queen's birthday banquet will be held in March of spring. At that time, someone will present the same piece of blood jade. 】

Mrs. Ji was panicked, there was actually a piece of blood jade?

Before Mrs. Ji could figure out what to do, Fengyi Palace arrived.

On the way, Bei Hengjin looked back from time to time, as if he was afraid that Jihua would suddenly stop coming.

After approaching Fengyi Palace, Bei Hengjin hurriedly ran forward and enthusiastically pulled Mrs. Ji to sit in the first seat at the bottom.

Mrs. Ji was frightened and did not dare to sit down.

The queen smiled gently: "There is nothing wrong with Mrs. Hou sitting in this position." She looked at Bei Hengjin as if she were looking at the young prince, with eyes full of love.

Mrs. Ji knew in her heart that the queen really loved the young prince.

"Sister Hua'er." As soon as he sat down, Bei Hengjin called her sister Hua'er sweetly, with a soft look on his face. Little hands holding hands, very loving.

But Jihua's little face was wrinkled and her little mouth kept spitting bubbles. Those who didn't know thought he was showing disdain for Bei Hengjin.

"Didn't you say that Bei Hengjin is a brat? Why isn't that the case? Looking at him like a big bad wolf seducing a little white rabbit, you know he has bad intentions."

Bei Hengjin screamed in his heart: "Why should I?" I'm sorry, I helped you break the blood jade

just now. I just wanted to know how to help my mother and concubine get through this difficult time." The Queen and Mrs. Ji were talking to each other, but the two little brats were quarreling in secret. It must be "not open to communication".

"Let me think about it, why did this brat suddenly become like this?"

"Is it because the palace is too boring and they want to kidnap me to the palace? After all, he is the only kid in such a huge palace. It's really boring.

"There are a few little guys in the harem, but they are no match for him. They beat people to tears every time they meet. Over time, they no longer want to play with him and isolate everyone. "

Bei Hengjin: "Huh, I won't play with them, okay? Stop talking nonsense." Bei

Hengjin clenched his fist and hit Ji Hua on the face without any warning.

Ji Hua was stunned for a moment, then burst into tears after she realized what she was doing.

"Bei Hengjin, you bastard, you bullied me when I was young, right? I, I'll cry for you."

Bei Hengjin's fist was too fast, and no one could react. After reacting, I found that the little guy was crying very sadly.

The prince was shocked, and immediately pulled Bei Hengjin and slapped him on the butt. She said sternly: "Ajin, why are you beating up sister Hua'er? Don't you like sister Hua'er the most? Ever since you came back yesterday, you have been clamoring to see sister Hua'er."

Mrs. Ji was so distressed that her heart was broken, this naughty child How could she hit her precious daughter? Deserve to be beaten.

Bei Hengjin spread out the dead bugs in his hand to the prince and said weakly: "Ajin didn't hit sister Hua'er, the bugs fell on her face."

After that, he secretly glanced at Jihua with his eyes.

The prince was startled, then turned to look at Ji Hua's little face. There was not even a red mark, which showed that the strength just now was not strong.

Realizing that he had been wrongly blamed, the prince looked a little uncomfortable.

Ji Hua, who was coaxed softly by Mrs. Ji, cried less loudly, but she still felt aggrieved. What was going on?

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Previous chapter: Chapter 20, meeting the queen againNext chapter: Chapter 22, Princess Xian's visit
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Pinellia novel
Chapter 22: Princess Xian's visit
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Previous chapter: Chapter 21, accidentally breaking the poisonous blood jadeNext chapter: Chapter 23, the cunning Bei Hengjin

Chapter 22: Princess Xian comes to visit.

"I'm sorry, Madam Hou, but children are not very sensible. Ajin, please come and apologize to sister Hua'er." The queen winked fiercely at Bei Hengjin.

Ji Hua had a look on her face: "Yes, yes, come and apologize to me, otherwise I will cry to you and make everyone think that I have suffered internal injuries, which will make you feel guilty."

Bei Hengjin:... After

hesitating again and again, Bei Hengjin gritted his teeth and stepped forward to apologize to Ji Hua, and also gave away the jade pendant he was carrying later.

The prince knew that if he was not willing, no one could take away the jade pendant from him, because it had the word Jin carved on it by Princess Xian's own hands.

The grievance in Ji Hua's heart immediately disappeared without a trace after receiving the jade pendant.

"I'm really sorry that Miss Ji has been wronged. Tao'er, go quickly and get the piece of Hetian jade that was sent as tribute from the Southern Territory."

Mrs. Ji looked embarrassed: "Empress, the prince has already lost the jade. Just don't waste the money."

The queen smiled even more gently: "That one was paid by Ajin, and this one was paid by me. How can it be the same? If Mrs. Hou refuses again and again, she looks down on me.

" , Mrs. Ji still dares to speak.

Not long after, the palace attendant brought an extremely beautiful box and opened it. Revealing the pure white jade bracelet inside.

[Wow, it's the top-ranked white jade among Hetian jade. It's warm, moist, and white. It looks like top-grade white jade at first glance. The price is high, and the Queen is so generous. 】

Ji Hua's little eyes were sparkling.

When Mrs. Ji heard that the price was high, her heart trembled.

"Bring Miss Ji over here, I will put it on her personally." The Queen spoke, and the palace staff immediately stepped forward to take Ji Hua.

At this time, the queen was very friendly, without the cold, arrogant and dangerous feeling in her impression.

When the queen saw Ji Hua's round face, dark eyes, smooth complexion, and a tear mole in the corner of her eye that was the same as Mrs. Hou's, she was immediately surprised. Especially the squirming little mouth is particularly cute.

"I have long heard that Miss Ji is as beautiful as Mrs. Hou, but now I see that it is indeed the case." The queen took the jade bracelet from the palace attendant and put it on Ji Hua's arm.

Jihua raised her arms curiously and looked at it, her cheeks filled with joy.

[Wow, what a beautiful bracelet! ]

[Since the Queen is so generous, I will help you on your birthday party. 】

She has to work hard to earn points now, so that she can keep the queen.

A bracelet for a life, not a loss, right? !

She also knew that for the sake of the prince, the queen wanted to get close to the Ji family, how could she lose face?

The time was almost up here, and the queen entered the topic in a low voice. "I heard that your concubine invited Madam Hou into the palace today to diagnose A Yuan's child. The child's life is very miserable. If Madam Hou has a way, I can help you no matter what the cost." It is

not difficult to hear the Queen's words as a ploy . means.

Mrs. Ji was not stupid. She sighed and said, "It was a fluke to save Miss Zhao yesterday. The third prince's body is very weak. I'm sorry that I can't do anything." Does

that mean it can't be cured?

After Ji Yushu helped the prince yesterday, the queen and the prince analyzed and learned that the Ji family planned to side with the prince.

Therefore, I plan to inform the Ji family about Wuhan University. After thinking for a moment, the queen lowered her voice and said: "Zhao Xue died during the interrogation. At the same time, it was also found out that Wu Da was a trick that the second prince placed in the Ji family to steal the list of Master Ji's disciples."

Even though she knew in advance that Wu Da was a trick, at this time, Ji Madam also had to pretend to be shocked. At the same time, he secretly said: Wu Da belongs to the third prince, and he wants to bite the second prince to death, which shows that he is a tough guy.

"The second prince was banned for one month and punished with one year's salary." The purpose of stealing the list was simple, and he planned to form a clique for personal gain.

The list is not just a list, it also has addresses and other details.

In this case, just banning people is really unjustifiable.

The queen's next words confirmed Ji Hua's guess.

"Concubine Xian's mother's family is the richest in Sheng Yu. They have a lot of money. At the time when water conservancy projects were being built in Jiangyu, Concubine Xian offered to donate silver to solve the emperor's urgent need. The condition is to help the second prince pay it off."

Privately criticizing important matters in the court, it is Felony. The queen also took a big risk.

The queen said this just to remind the Ji family that if there is a Wuhan University, it is not difficult to ensure that there will not be a second Wuhan University.

How could Mrs. Ji not understand? As a woman in the back house, she didn't know much about the decision of her men and sons, so she didn't reveal too much.

After sitting for half an hour, Mrs. Ji stood up and left.

Ji Hua's round eyes fell on Bei Hengjin.

"You bastard, go home and spend more time with your mother. Hey, you have a hard life like me. If I had been successfully transferred by the Qin family that day, I would be living a life worse than death now."

Qin family?

Bei Hengjin frowned tightly.

"Ajin, it's cold outside, go back to the house."

Bei Hengjin held the prince's hand tightly and shook his head in protest.

The prince had no choice but to order the palace servants to bring a heavy cloak and put it on him. She turned around and said to Mrs. Ji with a smile: "Ajin is a bit stubborn. Ever since she came back from the full moon banquet, she has been talking about Sister Hua'er. She even calls her Sister Hua'er in her dreams."

Ji Hua's face was filled with surprise . : "The brat is really calling me in his dreams? Why don't I believe it so much?"

Bei Hengjin's eyes followed Ji Hua until he walked out of the palace gate and watched Mrs. Hou carrying Ji Hua into the carriage.

That night, Mrs. Ji informed Marquis Ji of what happened during the day.

Blood jade? How could a noble concubine be willing to give such a valuable thing to his daughter? Before, he would not have paid attention to these things, but after learning that the third prince was pretending to be ill. He had to pay attention to all matters related to the third prince.

No, you have to find Yin Zheng to check.

In the next few days, Ji Houye, Ji Yushu and Ji Linfeng all seemed very busy.

Ji Hua got up early in the morning, always feeling that she had forgotten something important.

[No, no, there must be something important that I have forgotten. Ouch, what is going on? It feels quite important. ]

[Ah, I remembered, today is the day when Princess Xian's accident happened. ]

Listening to her daughter's surprised voice, Mrs. Ji was suddenly startled.

Something happened to Princess Xian? What could happen to Princess Xian?

In Shengjing, if there is anyone who can compete with him besides Lord Ji who dotes on his wife, it is none other than the Xian Wang.

When the wise king married the wise princess, he promised that he would only marry her in his life, and he did it later.

If something happens to Princess Xian, no one can predict what crazy things King Xian will do?

At this moment, Xiuhe hurriedly came to report: "Madam, Princess Xian came to visit with the young prince."

"Huh?" Mrs. Ji looked confused.

【What? Princess Xian is here? What is she here to do? 】

I mentioned her just now, and it happened in the blink of an eye.

"Quick, please come to the front hall." Mrs. Ji quickly tidied up her appearance and arranged it for Ji Hua along the way.

Because the weather is cold, rain and snow occasionally fall. Mrs. Ji was afraid of freezing her daughter, so she wrapped her whole body tightly.

Like briquettes.

Only a chubby little face is exposed.

The tiger head hat on the head is very eye-catching.

[Oh mother, I am a girl, how could I like tiger head hats? My daughter only likes rabbit head hats. ]

The corners of Mrs. Ji's mouth twitched. Then he said to Xiuhe: "Go and get the rabbit-headed hat. I think this hat doesn't suit my daughter's temperament.

" It's not worthy. ]

"Okay, let's go now." Xiuhe left with a smile. Not long after, he brought out a rabbit-head hat.

Looking at it, it is indeed much smarter than the tiger hat.

When the two came to the front hall, the servants just served tea to Princess Xian.

Ji Hua's eyes widened when she saw Bei Hengjin, who was also wearing a rabbit-headed hat.

"No, no, this kid also likes rabbit head hats! Even the colors of his clothes are the same."

"By the way, what is he doing here today?"

"Today is the day when Princess Xian's accident happened. He came to Ji's house Will it change the fate? But the accident happened in the afternoon, and it is only the morning? Can Princess Xian go to Shenshi?"

Bei Hengjin's eyes flickered, and it was indeed right to seek refuge at Ji's house.

After much thought, he couldn't think of a reasonable reason to take down the two maids, so he had no choice but to persuade his mother to come to Ji's house for refuge under the guise of liking sister Hua'er.

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Previous chapter: Chapter 21, accidentally breaking the poisonous blood jadeNext chapter: Chapter 23, the cunning Bei Hengjin
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Pinellia novel
Chapter 23, Cunning Bei Hengjin
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Previous chapter: Chapter 22, Princess Xian's visitNext chapter: Chapter 24, Brother, I can hear my little sister's heart

Chapter 23, above the cunning Bei Hengjin

, Princess Xian looked embarrassed: "I'm sorry for bothering Mrs. Ji. It's really Jin'er who is clamoring to see sister Hua'er."

"Princess, you are serious, Mr. Ji Open the door to the palace at any time. "My daughter is so lovable, it's not too late for her to be happy.

Ji Hua couldn't help complaining: "What? Are you trying to find out information under the guise of liking me? The city is really deep."

"I hope I can sit in Shenshi. Although this kid is not very good, Princess Xian is a What a good person. I don't want anything to happen to her."

After reading the first half of the sentence, Bei Hengjin couldn't help but want to hit someone. After reading the second half, he suppressed the anger in his heart.

Bei Hengjin gritted his teeth at Ji Hua in his heart, but on his face he had to show that he liked sister Hua'er.

"Mother concubine, sister Hua'er is so cute, she even has little bubbles coming out of the corner of her mouth."

"Can she eat? I brought some biscuits today and wanted to share them with sister Hua'er."

Ji Hua's eyes widened: "You brat, you are trying to kill me. I don't even have teeth, how can I eat biscuits? Sure enough, that brat has no good intentions."

Ji Hua worked hard for a long time before reaching out with her pink fist, trying to hit someone.

In the eyes of others, those who know how to share since they were young must be good children.

How kind.

But Bei Hengjin's eyes lit up: "Hey, concubine, look, sister Hua'er wants to eat, so she reached out her hand."

In a daze, Ji Hua seemed to see the cunning flash in Bei Hengjin's eyes.

Did she see it wrong?

Does this little kid know how to scheme against others?

Yes, who told this kid to be born with precocious wisdom?

Princess Xian hurriedly stopped Bei Hengjin who was about to hand the biscuit to Ji Hua, and said angrily: "Jin'er can't mess around. If so, I won't bring you here next time."

"Then I'll force the prince and brother to come. " Bei Hengjin said innocently.

Seeing this, Princess Xian was defeated. She liked to see Bei Hengjin look like this. In her opinion, a child should have the innocence and liveliness of a child, and she does not want him to be born like a prince or princess in the palace, immersed in intrigues since he was a child.

Mrs. Ji and Princess Xian chatted with each other without having anything in common. Finally, we had a lively chat about a common topic.

Ji Hua fell asleep while talking.

He didn't notice at all when Bei Hengjin went out.

About an hour later, Princess Xian stood up and said goodbye: "I was deeply touched when I heard Mrs. Hou's research on health preservation today. It's getting late. I'll come and ask Mrs. Hou next time when I have time."

Princess Xian was very polite and asked Ji . The lady was flattered.

"Princess, you're welcome. If necessary, you can ask your servants to come and get some health-preserving prescriptions." Mrs. Ji stood up and sent her off respectfully.

After hearing this, Princess Xian was naturally happy.

When he turned around, there was no sign of Bei Hengjin, so he thought he was playing outside. As a result, there was no one outside. At this time, Princess Xian felt a little flustered.

"Ajin, Ajin, where did this child go?"

"Princess, don't worry, you are in Ji's Mansion. He is not missing. Anyone coming, hurry up and look for the prince." Mrs. Ji asked her servants to look for him together.

They searched every corner, but there was still no sign of Bei Hengjin, which frightened the two of them half to death.

An hour had passed since Bei Hengjin was found missing.

Various horrific scenes of Bei Hengjin's tragic death kept popping up in Princess Xian's mind, and her legs were trembling slightly as she couldn't control herself.

She couldn't imagine how she would survive if she lost her child.

After learning that the prince was missing in the Hou Mansion, Ji Yushu, who was drawing blueprints in the house, hurried over and asked his servants to check whether there was anyone suspicious in the house.

"Check carefully and don't let go of anything suspicious."

Ji Yushu ordered in a deep voice.

At this time, Princess Xian cried heartbrokenly: "Jin'er, mother's child."

Mrs. Ji was very worried. If the prince disappeared in the Hou Mansion, the Ji Mansion would not be able to escape the blame. There will also be discord between the two families.

Afraid that there would be trouble in the house, Ji Hua fell asleep, and Mrs. Ji did not dare to put the child down.

Time passed little by little.

Bei Hengjin disappeared, which quickly alarmed King Xian. The wise king hurried to Ji Mansion with a large number of troops. The entire Ji Mansion was surrounded by water.

Those who didn't know better thought that the Ji family was going to be ransacked.

Many people gathered around, whispering to each other, and wondering if something had happened to the Ji family.

Lord Ji hurried back when he heard that something happened in his house, and was frightened when he saw the battle. "Why did everything go missing?"

Ji Hua yawned and woke up. She was shocked to learn that Bei Hengjin was missing.

[Isn't it because something happened in advance? 】

Since the subcontracting incident changed, she felt that the plot had collapsed. First, something happened to Chunqin and Aunt Zhou, then the housekeeper was transferred out of the Ji Mansion, and then Wu Da was accidentally caught by his eldest brother entering and leaving the study, and then his mother discovered something strange in the tea, which ruined the second prince's plan.

Could it be that because the subcontracting was not completed, a series of butterfly effects occurred, causing the plot to either change or be advanced?

If this is the case, then everything will become uncontrollable.

"No, Bei Hengjin, nothing can happen to you."

Bei Hengjin, who was hiding under a certain bed, saw the small words appear, and the corners of his mouth subconsciously curved. The little guy is quite kind and knows how to care about him. But the next second, Radian froze at the corner of his mouth.

"If something happens, you should change places, but you can't drag the Ji family into trouble."

By the way, Bei Hengjin's disappearance was a bit strange. He disappeared earlier than later, but today Princess Xian disappeared when something happened.

Is it a coincidence?

Bei Hengjin: ...

The wise king was so anxious that he turned the Ji family upside down and couldn't find him. Everyone in the Ji Mansion was as silent as a cicada. Lord Ji was also very anxious and helped to find it together.

When the time came, no one showed up. Ji Hua discovered that the plot had indeed collapsed again. Princess Xian, who was supposed to be in trouble, was sitting in Ji Mansion.

"Found it." A servant hurried over and shouted urgently.

"Seriously, where did you find it?" The wise king stepped forward excitedly and grabbed the servant who reported the news.

Everyone gathered around, Ji Hua listened with pricked ears, and the servant said excitedly: "Go back to the prince, the marquis, on the young lady's little bed."

Everyone, including Ji Hua:...

Ji Hua. Hua: Is this indirectly sleeping in the same bed with her?

"Ah ah ah, you damn brat, I hate it."

Bei Hengjin tugged at the corner of his mouth and continued to pretend to be asleep. If he hadn't seen that the time was almost up, he got out from under the bed. It will take several hours to find these fools.

Obviously, this matter went awry. Because Bei Hengjin was missing, King Xian led the imperial army to dig up the garden of Ji Mansion, and even the fish in the pond were not spared.

He is in the wrong!

So, in the evening of that day, boxes of gold and silver were delivered. He called it euphemistically: "It was my fault that I scared the youngest member of the Ji family. These are all given to the youngest member of the Ji family as compensation."

[Take it, take it, parents must accept it, my daughter loves these extraneous things most. 】

No choice, my precious daughter likes it, so the parents have no choice but to accept it shamelessly.

"Ding, the points system has been upgraded. The previous ten points for making a complaint has been changed to twenty points."

After hearing this, Ji Hua was a little confused. What did she do? Has the points system been upgraded?

I can't figure it out, I really can't figure it out.

In a blink of an eye, it is the twenty-seventh day of the twelfth lunar month, and every household is busy buying new year's goods, and the Hou Mansion is no exception. They start decorating with lanterns and colors early.

Ji Hua was also born pink and plump under the careful care of the whole family.

This evening, the family gathered together to eat. You helped me pick them up, and I helped you pick them up. It was very loving.

[Hey, the New Year is supposed to be a time for reunion and family joy. Who would have thought that on this night, countless families would lose their children, husbands, wives, and parents. Miserable cries echoed throughout Shengjing. This was also Sheng Yu's biggest trampling accident in a century. ]

[The Holy Emperor was furious and ordered a thorough investigation of the matter, which was traced to the prince. Because the captured assassin held a letter in collusion with the prince. In fact, it was the conspiracy of the third prince. At the same time, the third prince also met the heroine at this time. ]

The more she thought about it, the sadder she became. This feeling of knowing what is going to happen in the future and being powerless is really uncomfortable.

If she could speak, she really wanted to speak!

Ji Hua's heartfelt voice reached the ears of the four of them, and a few of them thought she was so kind that it made people feel heartbroken.

At this time, the four people had different thoughts.

Ji Yushu: It turns out that the third prince will attack the prince that night. Knowing the whole story in advance, he will definitely not let the third prince succeed. But who is this heroine?

Ji Linfeng: Ouch, my little sister said so much, I can't react at all, okay? God gave me the ability to hear my sister's voice, but he didn't give me a brain that works well. What should I do? Should I tell my elder brother about this? He has a good brain, and I can hear my little sister's voice. With the powerful forces joining forces, am I still afraid that I can't stop him?

Lord Ji: Don't worry, my dear, your father will never let a stampede happen, let alone let men and women take charge.

Mrs. Ji: It's over, it's over. How can I, a woman, stop such an important thing? Why don't you tell Mr. Hou? But what can I say? Should I tell him directly that he can hear his daughter's thoughts? Would he throw his daughter away as a ghost? Furthermore, would he really believe such a fantasy?

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Previous chapter: Chapter 22, Princess Xian's visitNext chapter: Chapter 24, Brother, I can hear my little sister's heart
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Pinellia novel
Chapter 24, Brother, I can hear my little sister's heart
Turn off the lights small medium large
Previous chapter: Chapter 23, the cunning Bei HengjinNext chapter: Chapter 25, the brat is here again

Chapter 24: Brother, I can hear my little sister's voice.

Mrs. Ji couldn't sleep all night long.

Ji Linfeng was different. He thought that his elder brother was smarter than him, and the incident was really serious, so he had an idea that night.

After dinner, Ji Linfeng followed Ji Yushu into Qingzhuyuan, and when he was done, he sent his confidant away with him. Mysterious look.

Ji Yushu could tell at a glance that he had something important to say, so he asked him to push him into the study. On the desk is Ji Yushu's unfinished water conservancy design drawing.

"Say something quickly, I'm still busy."

Ji Linfeng came to the door, looked around, and then locked the door after making sure no one was eavesdropping.

Seeing him locking the door, Ji Yushu couldn't laugh or cry: "What's the big deal that makes you so nervous?"

"It's a big deal, it's a matter of life and death."

After hearing this, Ji Yushu stopped joking.

Ji Linfeng first poured himself a glass of water to moisten his throat, then approached Ji Yushu and lowered his voice and said: "Brother, this matter is not trivial. It is related to the life and death of more than a hundred people in the Ji family. You must absolutely do it." Hold it back."

Ji Yushu has never seen such a serious second brother. After straightening his expression, he asked in a deep voice, "What's going on first?"

Ji Yushu held the armrest of his wheelchair tightly and thought to himself: Could it be that my second brother discovered that there is a suspicious person in the Ji Mansion? Wouldn't it be the closest person?

At this moment, he thought of Zuo Tong.

Ji Linfeng nervously picked up the tea cup again and took a sip of water, whetting Ji Yushu's appetite, and then said mysteriously: "Brother, I can hear my little sister's heart."

After that, Ji Linfeng settled down. I went to look at Ji Yushu, expecting to see him so shocked that he couldn't help himself. Who knows, he was only shocked for a moment, then relieved, and finally enlightened.

In short, his expression at this time is hard to describe.

Could it be possible that he could hear it too? Thinking of his recent changes. Immediately, Ji Linfeng felt completely bad. The finger pointing at Ji Yushu was trembling. "Brother, you, you, you..."

"Yes, I can also hear my little sister's heart." Ji Yushu looked at Ji Linfeng helplessly.

Ji Linfeng was immediately discouraged and felt a sense of frustration coming over him. Fortunately, he felt that he was still useful under the strong alliance. In the end, he was still the most stupid one.

Since the eldest brother can also hear the younger sister's voice, this matter will be much easier to handle. Thinking about it this way, he felt less uncomfortable.

"Since the eldest brother can also hear the little sister's voice, you must know about the stampede that will happen on Qingtian Street in three days. Can the eldest brother have a way to stop it? If you need me, just ask." The lives of the entire Ji family are at stake, careless. No.

Ji Linfeng pulled out a stool and sat next to Ji Yushu, waiting seriously for his arrangements.

At the same time, he also exchanged known information with his elder brother.

Ji Yushu combined everything he heard and analyzed: "New Year's Eve is the most important festival of the year for the people of Shengyu. Countless people will take to the streets at that time. We can't stop this, but the assassins who enter the city You should be able to detect something."

After that, Ji Yushu turned his attention to his younger brother, because he served in the military. He still has to come forward in this matter.

Ji Linfeng finally felt that he was still of some use, so he patted his chest and promised, "This matter will be taken care of by me."

"Also, Uncle Fu must be eliminated on New Year's Eve."

After exchanging messages, Ji Linfeng learned that Uncle Fu and Chun Qin and Aunt Zhou are both spies. Chunqin mistakenly thought that Aunt Zhou had reported her, and accidentally beat the person to death, and she herself died. Now there is only one Forbes left.

It would be great if we could take advantage of the chaos to kill Uncle Fu this time.

At that moment, Ji Linfeng thought of one more person, and that was Wuhan University. "Brother, did you also discover that Wu Da?"

Ji Yushu shook his head: "No, Wu Da was an excuse I came up with after listening to my little sister's voice." If his little sister hadn't reminded him, how could he have thought of it? Such a brilliant idea.

Ji Linfeng gave Ji Yushu a thumbs up: In terms of resourcefulness, he must be the eldest brother!

Then, the two of them reviewed the details again, and after confirming that they were correct, Ji Linfeng returned to his yard.

On the second day, Lord Ji went to court early.

royal palace.

At the top of the Zhengde Hall, Emperor Yu sat calmly, looking majestic and indifferent.

After all the civil and military officials knelt down and bowed, they heard Emperor Yu speak majestically: "Today is the last day of court this year. The issue of water control in Jiangsu and Chongqing is very important. I hope that this matter will be implemented as soon as possible. Now, please express your opinions. "

Officials, you look at me, I look at you. It took a long while before someone stepped forward and said: "Your Majesty, the required silver has been prepared, but no one has submitted the water conservancy structure diagram. Without the structure diagram, even if I go to Jiangyu, it will be useless."

The person who spoke was a worker . Li Yuanzhao, the Secretary of the Ministry, is a member of the Second Prince's gang, but in fact he has been bribed by the Third Prince.

Regarding the structural drawings, a call was made some time ago, and everyone who is capable can contribute, but still no one has submitted the drawings.

At this time, someone glanced at Ji Xiaoshan, hesitated for a moment, stepped forward and said, "Your Majesty, I heard that the eldest son of the Ji family has a lot of research on Kong Mingsuo. I wonder if the eldest son of the Ji family is willing to serve the country? "

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone's eyes fell on Lord Ji.

Lord Ji clenched his hands in his sleeves slightly, and after a long time he said, "Your Majesty, after my son was poisoned in his leg two years ago, his spirit was not as good as before, and it is really difficult for him to do the job."

The investigation of the assassin two years ago , just say "robber" to say "robber", it is impossible not to be angry in your heart.

Even if he knew that his son was already working on drawing a structural diagram, he would not give in easily.

Emperor Yu sighed heavily and mentioned the past: "If he hadn't encountered an assassin two years ago, that kid from the Ji family would have been able to take on a big job. I really didn't agree with him resigning from his official position at that time, but But... that's all, let's leave this matter to the prince. Let's see if there is someone in Qiu Wei who is qualified for this matter."

"I accept the order!" The prince bowed in agreement.

"Also, this matter is a rare learning opportunity. Li Aiqing will take the prince and the second child with him at that time. He must complete this matter."

"Yes, I will accept the order."

The prince and Li Yuanzhao said at the same time road.

After retiring from the court, Emperor Yu called Lord Ji to the imperial study alone, just to ask him to go back and persuade Ji Yushu that important affairs of the country were the responsibility of every man.

He also expressed that he was very optimistic about the child Ji Yushu and would seek treatment from famous doctors in the world. He also expressed the hope that he would go to court to serve the country again.

After leaving the imperial study, Lord Ji looked at the white snow outside and felt confused for a moment.

My daughter said that if the Ji family was full, they would eventually end up having their homes confiscated and wiped out. However, he had been loyal to the emperor and patriotic throughout his life and had never done anything unconscionable.

When he thought that his talented eldest son, his high-spirited second son, his lovely daughter, and his kind wife would all become victims of the Beiheng family's political struggle, his heart ached like a knife.

Damn Sheng Yu, damn the Beiheng family, if you dare to use the lives of my family as a stepping stone, I will fight you to the death.

Thinking of this, Lord Ji strode out of the palace with a serious expression.

In the north corner, the prince stood in the wind and snow, watching Marquis Ji leave from a distance. Two years ago, in the same place, the same person, the same world, that man of steel and iron disappeared.

What comes back is another ordinary man who doesn't seek fame or fame, but just wants to live a stable life.

Today, he seemed to see the man who had thrown away the red cherry gun picked up the red cherry gun again and returned on an iron horse.

What was the reason that allowed him to regain his former glory?

He didn't care what the reason was, but he knew that Ji Yushu's love for Kong Mingsuo was almost to the point of obsession.

He had to be the chosen one, and now it was a question of how to recruit people.

If it doesn't work the first time, try it twice; if it doesn't work the second time, try it three times...

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Previous chapter: Chapter 23, the cunning Bei HengjinNext chapter: Chapter 25, the brat is here again
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Chapter 25: The brat is here again
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Previous chapter: Chapter 24, Brother, I can hear my little sister's heartNext chapter: Chapter 26, Master, I can hear my daughter's voice

Chapter 25: The brat is here again

. Lord Ji went straight to Wutong Courtyard after leaving the court.

On the other side, Mrs. Ji was trying on new New Year clothes for the newly-wed Ji Hua, and every piece was filled with joy.

To avoid freezing my precious daughter, I put several heaters in the room. Entering this room, it feels warm as spring.

As soon as he entered the room, Lord Ji immediately took off his heavy court clothes and came forward to tease Ji Hua: "Our daughter is so beautiful! She is carved in pink and jade, like the fortune-seeking girl holding a koi carp on the door."

Outside the gate of Ji's Mansion . There is such a picture of boys and girls recruiting money. The girl in the painting has a round face and chubby little hands, which is very pleasing to the eye.

Ji Hua pouted her little mouth and made two oh-oh sounds, as if in response.

The pouty little red mouth made the couple very happy.

Mr. Ji came with something on his mind, and when he was hesitating where to start, Mrs. Ji, who was beside him, seemed to have a tacit understanding with him, and spoke before him: "Master, is there nothing going on in the court today?"

After today, there are more than ten people. It is a holiday day to facilitate officials to visit their ancestors and relatives.

Come to think of it, after the turmoil in Jizhou, I never visited my ancestors again.

This year she wants to go back and offer incense to her deceased relatives.

Lord Ji carefully picked up the dressed Ji Hua and said gently: "There is one thing. Regarding the water control in Jiang and Chongqing, the Holy Emperor has handed over the matter to Mr. Li, Minister of the Ministry of Industry, the prince and the second prince to complete together. The time is not determined."

Hearing this, Ji Hua was shocked.

[Is the flood control incident coming so soon? This time the flood control team was led by Li Yuanzhao. The money was already available, but there was no structural diagram. Later, the prince came to his elder brother and asked him to help him draw the structure, but he refused. Later, and still later, something very serious seemed to happen. The second prince and the prince both fell into this matter. What exactly happened? ]

[Oh, why did my brain get stuck at the critical moment? Anyway, this incident was the last straw for the crown prince and the second prince. However, it doesn't matter if you can't think of it at this time. Jiang Yu's flood control matter is very involved, and even the finalization of the structural diagram has to be delayed for a year. ]

Hearing this, Lord Ji understood, it meant not being in a hurry.

Mrs. Ji's face was complicated.

The master couldn't hear such a serious matter, and she, a woman, couldn't help. Really anxious.

At this moment, Xiuhe's slightly anxious voice sounded outside: "Master, madam. The prince and the young prince are here, saying they came to see the young lady."

Jihua looked surprised.

[You're celebrating the Chinese New Year, what do you think you're doing to see me? 】

Bei Hengjin has not been here since the last time he made a mistake here. But she never stops complaining every day. So far, her points have accumulated to 420 points.

There is no problem in treating her eldest brother's leg, but she doesn't want to treat her eldest brother so early now. There were too many eyes looking at the Ji family, and she didn't want to push her eldest brother to the forefront.

Brother, please bear with me a little longer.

Lord Ji and Mrs. Ji looked at each other and carried Ji Hua to the front hall.

At that time, the Crown Prince and Crown Prince Bei Hengjin would sit down and suddenly stand up again.

"Shen..." As soon as the couple opened their mouths, they were stopped by the prince.

"It's because there are so many troubles, so let's avoid the red tape!"

Ji Hua raised his eyes and saw that the prince today was wearing a large black cloak that showed his power and domineering power. A black brocade ribbon was tied around his waist, and Sanqian Momo's hair was pulled up high with a golden ribbon.


The prince, Bei Hengjin, who was being held by his side, was wearing a fox fur cloak that was worth a lot at first glance. The whole head is covered under the cloak.

Ji Hua couldn't help complaining: "The brat is so rude. He didn't take off his hat when we arrived at Ji's house."

After saying that, Ji Hua saw Bei Hengjin take off his cloak, revealing his face which was red from the cold.

"Wow, is it so cold outside? But I still want to go out to play? This is my first Spring Festival here. If I don't go out to play, I will regret it."

Xiao Jihua's face was filled with grievances.

Bei Hengjin's mind moved slightly and he reached out to touch Ji Hua's pitiful little face. He turned around and said to the prince: "Brother Prince, there will be a lively lantern festival on Qingtian Street on New Year's Eve. Can I take sister Hua'er there?"

Hearing this, the expressions of the three people in the room changed. The prince was the first to refuse: "Absolutely not. Sister Hua'er is still young and can't stand the cold."

"But I really want to take sister Hua'er to join in the fun. This is also sister Hua'er's first Spring Festival. If she doesn't go there, she might Leave regrets."

[Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu""You know my heart, you know that I want to see the lanterns, please quickly convince my parents to let you take me to see Sheng Yu's most famous charade lanterns. Guaranteed to make an accurate guess. Please, please, can I not call you a brat in the future? 】

Bei Hengjin: ...

Marquis Ji and Mrs. Ji: ...

Bei Hengjin rolled his eyes several times. What did he think of in the end? No more words were said. He just pulled up a chair and sat next to Mrs. Ji, poking Ji Hua's little face with his hand.

"You're compromising now? It's really useless. You're poking me in the face with your stinky claws, fuck me."

The more fierce Ji Hua screamed, the more Bei Hengjin wanted to poke me. Even he didn't realize how gentle the curve of the corner of his mouth was.

You say I'm useless, right? On New Year's Eve, I'll ask you to see if I'm useful.

The prince and Marquis Ji were chatting without a word, and their eyes were a little wandering. Mrs. Ji was a smart person, so she got up and walked away, saying that Ji Hua wanted to see the plum blossoms.

Ji Hua has left, so of course Bei Hengjin, as a child, has to follow. After all, he came here in the name of liking sister Hua'er.

As soon as Mrs. Ji left with the two young ones, the prince lowered his voice and said, "To be honest with you, Lord Marquis, this time I came here just for the eldest son and wanted to meet him alone. I wonder if that's possible?"

"Your Highness wants to Will my son design the structure diagram?" Mr. Ji smiled very officially, and the prince could not capture his inner thoughts for a while.

But he still smiled slightly and said: "Nothing can be hidden from Lord Marquis."

Lord Ji's face suddenly became solemn: "I must disappoint His Highness. My son is not in good spirits, and I am afraid he will be embarrassed in his big job."

The prince frowned. He did not expect Lord Ji to refuse so simply, and spoke again: "Master, don't you ask the eldest son for his opinion?"

"The day my son decided to resign, he just made up his mind to live the rest of his life smoothly. Your Highness also You should understand the serious relationship between it. "

Ji Houye's words were probing. It was related to the prince's wealth and life, and it was impossible for him not to investigate afterward.

The prince was silent.

He intended to protest against the Ji family for what happened back then, but his father used strong methods to suppress him and even protected his second brother.

He knew that because of what happened two years ago, a good young man from Zhilan Yushu was completely killed. This is what the Beiheng family owes to the Ji family.

He always felt guilty.

However, he still refused to give up. "I hope that the Marquis will give Gu a good life and advise the eldest son. All people are destined to die, but some people are lighter than a feather, and some are heavier than Mount Tai. I think that the eldest son will not give up the opportunity to be famous in history."

"Gu will do it again . If you come to disturb the Marquis, please think twice." The prince's attitude was unprecedentedly sincere.

On the other side, Mrs. Ji held Ji Hua, who was wrapped into a ball, and walked all the way to the plum garden in the west courtyard.

[Let's see, the prince's original intention today is to come to dad and brother to talk about the structural diagram. The brat and I are just a shield. ]

Mrs. Ji had a smile on her lips: My dear daughter, sometimes you don't have to be so smart.

Bei Hengjin: It's good to know. You are quite self-aware.

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Previous chapter: Chapter 24, Brother, I can hear my little sister's heartNext chapter: Chapter 26, Master, I can hear my daughter's voice
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Chapter 26, Master, I can hear my daughter's heart
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Previous chapter: Chapter 25, the brat is here againNext chapter: Chapter 27, The first New Year's Eve is extraordinary

Chapter 26, Master, I can hear my daughter's voice

. Not long ago, Meiyuan arrived. Since the full moon banquet, Mrs. Ji would hold her and take a look at her every day.

Today's plum blossoms seem to be much more beautiful than yesterday, and the faint fragrance floats into the tip of the nose, refreshing the heart and mind.

Regardless of whether they are white, red, pink or yellow, they are not afraid of the severe cold and stand proudly, trying to compete with the falling white snow.

[If you don't go through a lot of hardships, the fragrance of plum blossoms will come. 】

At this time, Mrs. Ji and Bei Hengjin were both silent, as if they were comprehending something? Or are you reminiscing about something?

It wasn't until the prince and Lord Ji came for a long time that the silence was broken.

"Brother Prince." Bei Hengjin caught a glimpse of the prince's clothes from the corner of his eye and called softly.

Only then did Mrs. Ji come back to her senses.

The snow was not heavy, but it still fell on Mrs. Ji's shoulders. It can be seen that the standing time is a bit long.

It was getting late, and the prince took Bei Hengjin to say goodbye politely.

Because of their different identities, the Ji family did not dare to make any efforts to persuade them to stay.

On the way back, Lord Ji took the initiative to share his conversation with the prince, mainly because he wanted to tell Ji Hua.

"Madam must have guessed the prince's purpose of seeking a husband. The husband rejected Shu'er because of his mental decadence. What do you think, madam?"

Before Mrs. Ji could answer, Ji Hua's voice came.

[The prince will not give up and will come again. At that time, if the Ji family refuses, others will only think that the Ji family is trying to get Qiao. The prince had actually found out that his eldest brother's leg was injured by the second prince. Although this was only superficial, he understood the Ji family's hatred of the Beiheng Royal Family. He is a wise king. If you refuse again, you will probably lose your heart. 】

After saying that, Ji Hua couldn't help but yawn, she was really sleepy. After standing in the plum garden for a long time, my little nose turned red from the cold.

Mrs. Ji thought for a moment, raised her hand to call Xiuhe, and took Jihua back to the house to put her to sleep. She had something more important to tell Mr. Ji.

Yes, she figured it out. Instead of worrying so much, it would be better to tell Lord Ji everything. Whether it was on the battlefield or in officialdom, Lord Ji thought more carefully than she did.

If it's just some back-office matters, she can definitely solve them perfectly. But if it's a matter of national importance, there's nothing she can do.

After Xiuhe left, Lord Ji thought it was Mrs. Ji who wanted to take him to enjoy the plum blossoms together. A smile filled the corners of his mouth. Although he was a rough man, he was willing to change after learning that the woman he had missed for twenty-one years was his wife.

I am willing to be a gentle and romantic man.

Lord Ji took the initiative to hold Mrs. Ji's hand and walked slowly into the plum garden.

When she was in the middle of the journey, Mrs. Ji suddenly stopped, tilted her head, and said seriously: "Master, I have something very important to tell you. You must remember every word clearly."

Seeing his wife being so solemn, Hou Ji said The master immediately set his face solemnly, as if he was all ears.

"Madam, please speak."

Madam Ji looked around, and after making sure that no one was there, she lowered her voice and said, "Master, our daughter is not an ordinary person. I can hear her inner thoughts."

After hearing this, Lord Ji His eyes widened, but after a moment, he showed a look that didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Where is the promised heart-to-heart relationship between father and daughter? Fortunately, he was still proud of it for so many days.

He had thought about telling Mrs. Ji about this, but after much hesitation he chose to conceal it. It was really too weird and I was afraid of scaring her.

Marquis Ji's expression fell into Mrs. Ji's eyes, and she instantly felt sad.

Even though she had guessed that Mr. Ji would not believe her, she felt very uncomfortable when she saw his distrustful expression.

But for the sake of the people, she had to tell the story until he believed it.

Mrs. Ji wrung her handkerchief anxiously. He spoke again: "Master, what I said is true. I heard it from my daughter..."

"My husband also heard it." The light words frightened Mrs. Ji to the point where she froze, mouthing The words stopped abruptly.

"You, don't you think your daughter is weird? You, will you dislike your daughter for this?" After a long time, Mrs. Ji quickly asked with tears in her eyes, expressing her worries.

Mrs. Ji was born with the kind of beauty that I felt pity for, and her tears touched the man's heart even more. Coupled with the tearful mole in the corner of his eye, Mr. Ji's heart almost melted.

Lord Ji suddenly lowered his head and kissed the charming Mrs. Ji, and said affectionately: "Madam, can you please call me husband?" If he hadn't heard his daughter's heartfelt voice, he would never have known what he was thinking about twenty years later. The woman of one year is right in front of her.

It was too late for him to be grateful, how could he dislike his daughter. "Madam, I was wrong for neglecting my wife before. I would like to solemnly apologize to you. From now on..." After

a pause, he continued: "From now on, I will risk my life to protect you and your child." "We. Hua'er is the daughter she gave birth to in ten months of pregnancy. If she is rejected by her husband, will she still be a human being?"

After hearing this, Mrs. Ji cried, worrying about countless things day and night, and finally got it at this moment. relief.

The two hugged each other tightly under the plum blossom tree, and the plum blossoms around them seemed to sense their joyful mood. They broke away from the branches in twos and threes and danced in the air, praising the love story of the two with their beautiful dance.

The snow is falling more and more, and it seems that it also wants to occupy a place on the stage, competing for beauty and beauty.

That night, Jihua was arranged to sleep with Xiuhe for the first time.

After the warm relationship between Marquis Ji and Mrs. Ji, they exchanged a lot of news with each other.

When she learned that Mrs. Ji could hear Ji Hua's thoughts before she was born, her face was full of envy. Also, after Ji Hua found out that she was almost transferred to the Qin family on the day of delivery, she was so angry that she smashed the edge of the bed with her fist.

Hatred filled his face.

"It's unreasonable. The Qin family actually attacked me. It's very good. If I don't show off my power, I think I really can't carry the gun, right?"

"From now on, madam, just take good care of our daughter. Everything will be fine." Husband, hold on." Mr. Ji's expression was extremely solemn.

He had previously felt that there was something fishy about the deaths of Chunqin and Grandma Zhou, and his wife's premature birth also made him suspicious. He did not expect that there was something so sinister in it.

"Oh, by the way, I found out something about my husband."

Madam Lu suddenly raised her eyes, and her lustful eyes suddenly met the gaze of Lord Ji. He heard him say: "The blood jade that the imperial concubine gave to our daughter contains hallucinogenic poison."

After listening to Mrs. Ji's words that day, he asked Yin Zheng to investigate secretly, and sure enough, he found something wrong.

Seeing that Mrs. Ji didn't react much, Lord Ji knew that she knew something.

"Madam, it's all my husband's fault for not protecting you and your children. From now on, I will never let these things happen again." Mr. Ji said with firm eyes.

At this moment, Mrs. Ji seemed to see the handsome young man returning in triumph with flowers and brocades again.

His voice was choked: "I believe you."

On the 29th, the entire Ji Mansion seemed very peaceful, and nothing major happened. However, on this day, Ji Hua did not see Ji Linfeng as usual. He seemed extremely busy. I haven't seen her for several days.

The New Year's Eve finally arrived amidst everyone's expectations.

Every house is hung with red lanterns and decorated with festive couplets. Some wealthy families will also give holiday red envelopes to their servants. Servants with families would have the opportunity to get three days off to have a reunion dinner with their families.

The Ji family is no exception.

Ji Linfeng, who had not seen anyone for a long time, rushed back to Ji Mansion on the night of the 30th in a dusty atmosphere. He did not come to Wutong Courtyard immediately, but went to Qingzhu Courtyard. As soon as he arrived at Qingzhuyuan, he couldn't wait to tell Ji Yushu about the harvest of the past few days.

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Previous chapter: Chapter 25, the brat is here againNext chapter: Chapter 27, The first New Year's Eve is extraordinary
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Chapter 27: The first New Year's Eve is extraordinary
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Previous chapter: Chapter 26, Master, I can hear my daughter's voiceNext chapter: Chapter 28, there are assassins in the Ji Mansion

Chapter 27: The first New Year's Eve is extraordinary.

"Brother, as you expected, many killers disguised themselves as ordinary people and sneaked into the city. I stood guard at the door and arrested no less than twenty suspicious people. Among them Fifteen people have the same kind of tattoos on their arms," ​​Ji Linfeng said with excitement.

"Also, I saw that the third prince has been sitting on the second floor of Zuixiang Building these past few days."

"Have you noticed you?" Ji Yushu's eyebrows were filled with worry.

Ji Linfeng poured himself a glass of water. After drinking it in a big gulp, he chuckled and said, "I'm doing a routine inspection, so what if I see it? Three days ago, the news was released to strengthen security control in the city in order to fear that something would go wrong in the city. "

Brother, the assassin is almost captured. Do you think the third prince will give up the operation?"

Ji Yushu lowered his eyes and said after a moment of silence, "Probably not. It has been two years since the last assassination. If it were me, no." We will stop because of the change in the number of people. Maybe the number of killers is beyond our imagination. "

Also, in order to avoid attracting the attention of the third prince, we released these people afterwards."

Ji Linfeng nodded. It was late, and he hadn't slept for two days. Thinking that he had caught those assassins, he felt an overwhelming sense of accomplishment. Sure enough, after confessing to his elder brother, he felt that he was much more useful.

I have to admit that my eldest brother is much smarter than him.

Ji Yushu signaled Ji Linfeng to push him towards Wutong Courtyard.

When the two arrived, the dinner was being served.

It was just an ordinary family banquet, and the table was not as rich as the full moon banquet. In addition to the main table, there are five tables of servants and nursing staff.

Mrs. Ji lowered her eyes and glanced at the girl in her arms. She seemed to be too worried, her little brows were furrowed tightly, as if her toes were nervous.

[Today is New Year's Eve. Why is my heart so unstable? 】

I always feel like something terrible is going to happen tonight.

The plot had already collapsed several times, and this feeling really made her panic.

[At this time, the third prince is already waiting in Zuixiang Tower. When the prince appears, he will break the cup in his hand and signal the lantern shopkeeper to do it. ]

After hearing this, Ji Linfeng instantly realized that the third prince only threw the cup after seeing the prince. As long as he stopped the prince halfway, he would probably be fine.

In addition, he had already arrested a dozen people, so he probably didn't have much help except the shopkeeper.

Ji Linfeng thought happily, and the next second, he couldn't laugh anymore.

[There were more assassins this time than the one that assassinated my elder brother two years ago, a total of forty people. ]

"Pfft..." Ji Linfeng didn't take a sip of the wine and choked and it flowed out of his nose.

[Oh, look at how stupid the second brother is, how old he is and he still looks like a brat. 】

Ji Linfeng was about to cry but had no tears. In the little sister's heart, was he so unbearable?

Ji Yushu seemed to have no intention of scolding him and said, "How old are you to be so impetuous?"

Lord Ji also reprimanded him: "Learn from your brother, be calm and restrained." After that, he kicked him.

Ji Linfeng was very aggrieved. In his opinion, his father liked to kick him, and he would kick him every time he didn't like it. It's just that the birth of his little sister recently gave him some face.

Mrs. Ji smoothed things over with a smile: "Okay, okay. Feng'er may be too happy and a little anxious."

Ji Linfeng smiled and put a piece of chicken into Mrs. Ji's bowl. He said, "Mom still loves me the most."

The deliberately soft movements were so funny. Looking at him, Lord Ji wanted to lift his foot again. Ji Linfeng quickly took a step back, not afraid of death and even made a face at his father.

Ji Yushu ate his meal elegantly, feeling helpless and amused when he saw this.

"You are sixteen, and you are still acting like this. I need to find you a wife to take good care of you." She didn't dare to mention the eldest son's marriage. Can the second son still run away?

[Ah, I suddenly remembered, tonight is the second brother's love affair? Speaking of which, that woman was the second brother's destined wife, and she was too kind to him. Unfortunately, life is also miserable. In the end, something happened to the Ji family, and they didn't even want a divorce letter, preferring to suffer the consequences. 】

Ji Linfeng: ...

Marquis Ji, who originally didn't want Ji Linfeng to go out, heard that he had such a fate that he had to drive him out even if there was a knife outside.

As soon as Mr. Ji finished his thoughts, he saw Ji Linfeng put down his chopsticks and said to Mrs. Ji with a smile: "Mom, the child is full. Now follow the elder brother to the shop to help."

After that, he pushed Ji Yushu and went out.

It was rare that Lord Ji did not scold him for being disrespectful as before, and said with concern: "Come back early."

Ji Linfeng was startled, pursed his lips, and then replied: " Hmm."

The shop is on another street, still some distance away from Qingtian Street where the accident occurred. This is also the reason why Mr. Ji and Mrs. Ji feel relieved to go out.

[Why is the second brother so buzzing? Could it be that his father suddenly cared about him and was moved? 】

The little sister is talking nonsense and telling the truth.

Ji Linfeng, who had walked far away, suddenly laughed again and heard Ji Yushu say: "Actually, dad has always cared about you, but he was not good at expressing it. Now, dad is changing. You can see it from his attitude towards mom."

"I You know, brother, dad just hates me for being useless." In fact, he still has feelings for him in his heart, he can feel it.

Ji Linfeng pushed Ji Yushu out, while Ji Hua fell asleep in Mrs. Ji's arms.

She would like to go out, but unfortunately her strength does not allow it.

Shortly after the two left, Lord Ji nodded to Mrs. Ji and left. At the same time, he called away Yin Zheng and several other subordinates.

At the same time, Prince Xian's Mansion.

"Father, Queen, the child is full and is going to bed." Bei Hengjin put down the bowl and chopsticks, yawned, and looked very sleepy.

King Xian and Princess Xian were a little surprised: "Aren't you going to Qingtian Street to guess the lanterns with your brother tonight?"

"No, I'm very sleepy tonight. It's not interesting to guess the lanterns every year." Bei Hengjin waved his hand with a look on his face Said wisely.

Princess Xian looked at her son helplessly. He has grown so big, so he only went there once last year, okay?

"Okay, you go to sleep."

After receiving the approval, Bei Hengjin jumped off the chair and walked to his yard accompanied by the maid.

The maid waited until the lights in the room went out before leaving.

Qingtian Street.

It was crowded and lively, with deafening sounds of firecrackers coming from time to time, each sound carrying a festive atmosphere.

There were juggling stalls, lantern stalls, wine shops, candy man stalls, etc. Every stall was crowded with people watching the fun. There were constant cheers and applause.

Since the surrender of the North and the South, it has been such a grand event every year.

Lord Ji and others were standing at the street entrance in casual clothes. The grand scene not far away made several people's eyes wet.

"General, this is all your credit. Without the general's wisdom and prowess, how could we have such an unprecedented grand occasion." Yin Zheng stood beside Lord Ji, feeling quite proud.

Marquis Ji had not heard the word "general" for several years. When he heard it again, he felt as if he was still fighting on the battlefield.

"Yin Zheng, you are wrong. This is not my credit, but the credit of thousands of soldiers, whether they are dead or alive, they all contribute. Remember, as a general, the country should be the first Your duty is to have your country first, then your family."

"I understand," the four people behind him said together.

After waiting for about half an hour, Lord Ji saw the figure of Prince Bei Hengmo coming out of the palace. There were actually King Xian and Princess Xian accompanying them. In addition to these three people, there was another person following the prince. This person was covered in a black cloak and his face could not be seen clearly. He was probably the prince's escort.

"Master Marquis, do you want to take action?" Yin Zheng's slightly worried voice sounded.

Lord Ji was hesitant. He thought the prince was traveling alone, but he didn't expect there were four people. If you do it, you will be caught soon. After all, both the prince and the wise king have great skills.

But if the prince is not stopped, a stampede is likely to occur.

When Lord Ji was thinking about how to stop the prince, he caught a glimpse of four skinny beggars in the alley not far away. They were men, women, old and young, and they formed a family.

Marquis Ji glanced at Ambassador Yin who was standing aside. The latter understood instantly, and disappeared in a flash.

After a while, Yin Zheng came back and said in a low voice: "Master Marquis, it's done."

"Well done, we'll protect you in secret."

"Yes." The four of them hid in the darkness.

For fear of arousing each other's alertness, the four of them hid a little away. So I can't hear the conversation here.

"Brother Wen, the people of Shengyu have already lived and worked in peace and contentment. Look, there isn't even a beggar on the street. It can be seen that..."

"Please kind-hearted people give me some food, kids." I've been hungry for several days." Before the Xian King finished speaking, four skinny beggars suddenly came out and knelt down at his feet.

Looking at the four beggars who suddenly appeared, the wise king was speechless. What did he say just now, and he was slapped in the face in the blink of an eye?

The prince's first reaction was to draw his sword to protect the man in black behind him.

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Previous chapter: Chapter 26, Master, I can hear my daughter's voiceNext chapter: Chapter 28, there are assassins in the Ji Mansion
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Chapter 28: There are assassins in Ji Mansion
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Previous chapter: Chapter 27, the first New Year's Eve is extraordinaryNext chapter: Chapter 29, the plot is so bad that I don't even know the author anymore

Chapter 28: The prince

's reaction was so abnormal that an assassin entered the Ji Mansion, which attracted the attention of Lord Ji.

Seeing the four beggars, the prince took back his sword. He took out a piece of silver from his waist and handed it to the leading beggar.

Little did he know that the beggar in charge did not answer the call, but said miserably: "There are many poor children in our small home who are all infected with the cold. We don't want any money, but we only ask kindhearted people to show mercy and save those poor children.

" Hearing this, the four of them were shocked. In the prosperous Shengjing City, there are still children who cannot afford medical care? Don't the palace doctors go out for free clinics every half month?

"How long have you been sick?" The man in black spoke, his voice was low, hoarse, and very dignified.

"January." When the beggar heard the other party's tone, his body and mind trembled, and his soul was trembling.

"Why don't you go to the free clinic?" The man in black asked again, but the wise king and the prince were reluctant to say anything.

"Someone doesn't allow us to bring those children to the free clinic. We are only allowed to go out at night."

"Who?" The man in black couldn't hide his anger in his tone.

The beggar did not dare to answer this question.

What does the man in black seem to understand? He said in a low voice: "Take us to have a look."

"No, father...father. Be careful of fraud." The prince tried his best to stop him.

The wise king also stopped him and said, "Let me... I go with Ah Mo."

"It doesn't matter." After that, he took the lead to step out.

The beggar understood, and immediately stood up from the ground and walked ahead to lead the way.

Tonight is New Year's Eve, the lights are brightly lit everywhere, and the city defense soldiers responsible for maintaining order come one after another.

Lord Ji frowned tightly: "Yin Zheng, what did you say to that person? Why do I think something is wrong?"

Yin Zheng said in a calm voice: "My subordinate asked the person to find a way to hold the four people down, but he didn't explain the method clearly. "

Let's go, follow closely." Mr. Ji always feels that something is wrong. It concerns the future prince. How dare he be careless.

Here, Ji Linfeng saw that the time was almost up, came to the door of the store, and made a gesture towards the darkness.

Customers were coming in and out of the shop, and Uncle Fu and a waiter were so busy that they didn't even touch the floor.

Ji Linfeng turned around and entered the house, and soon pushed Ji Yushu out. He said politely to Uncle Fu, "Uncle Fu, I'll push my eldest brother to Qingtian Street to join in the fun. You guard the shop and won't close until later."

"Yes, Second Young Master." Uncle Fu looked at the two disappearing figures. His expression was unclear.

Ji Linfeng pushed Ji Yushu and walked very fast, passing by Lu Yi and his master and servant who had sneaked out to join in the fun.

"Miss, they are making clay figurines over there. Come on, let's go take a look." The smiling maid pulled Lu Yiyi into the crowd.

"Hey, I'm too spoiled to you. You don't have any rules." Lu Yi smiled helplessly, his eyes full of doting.

The maid stuck out her tongue at her: "Didn't the young lady say that everyone is equal, and asked Ya'er to put away her servility and become an independent person?"

The figures of the master and servant quickly disappeared into the crowd.

Ji Linfeng pushed Ji Yushu and it took a lot of effort to squeeze into the largest lantern stall outside Zuixiang Building. At a glance, he saw the disguised lantern shopkeeper.

This person's disguise was very successful, at least, there is no difference at the moment.

Everything was as usual around him, presumably the prince hadn't appeared yet.

The two of them didn't know which street the prince would come from, so they had to hide in the crowd and wait for the opportunity.

"Brother, my eyelids are always twitching, can something happen?" Ji Linfeng said slightly worriedly.

Ji Yushu raised his eyes, glanced at the window seat on the second floor without leaving a trace, pondered for a moment and said: "Under such strict control, nearly forty assassins still entered. Without the help of the third prince, I'm afraid it wouldn't have been possible. .

For now, we can only wait and see what happens."

Jihua suddenly woke up from her sleep. She had just had a nightmare. In the nightmare, Bei Hengjin vomited blood and fell to the ground.

The room was eerily quiet, and I didn't know where my mother and Aunt Xiuhe were.

【What time is it now? Is this the time when something happened on Qingtian Street? Mom is worried about her father who is out of town. Did she go out to look for him? Don't let anything else happen! 】

Ji Hua stared blankly at the beams, with thin beads of sweat overflowing from her forehead. Mainly because the nightmare just now was too realistic.

Suddenly, there was movement on the roof, which startled Ji Hua.

【Who is up there? He can't be a killer, right? ]

Ji Hua's heart trembled, and she quietly felt the sudden movement on the roof. There was no sound for a long time, so I thought it was when I heard wrongly. Suddenly an enlarged masked face came closer.

[Ah ah ah, who is this person? It scares me. Mother, help me, Grandma Xiuhe, help me? ]

The visitors looked around the small bed curiously, and the more they looked at it, the more frightened they became.

[No, we can't sit still and wait for death. I want to save myself. I'm going to exchange an explosive charm to blow this man up to death. 】

As soon as the thought came to an end, Ji Hua felt that her body could not move, and the golden finger she extended was frozen in the air.

[The legendary sunflower acupuncture hand? Woo hoo, I escaped being transferred, but I still didn't escape the fate of not surviving until the age of two. Who is this person? Why don't you have any impression? Could it be someone sent by the Qin family? The transfer contract failed, the marriage failed, and it was changed to direct kidnapping? After going round and round, it will eventually be given to the butcher. 】

When Ji Hua thought about this result, she looked defeated.

She thought everything would change with the failure of the subcontracting, but she didn't expect that fate would still choke her.

But soon, she figured it out. She still had a lot of points on her body, and when the time came, she could kill the butcher in advance, and it was important to save her life.

The person who came was none other than An Yan, the best stealth master in the killer world. Tonight, the task he received was to sneak into Ji Mansion and steal the list of Houye Ji's disciples.

He believes that his stealth skills are the best in the killer world, and no one dares to be second. But he was discovered as soon as he settled down. He wanted to jump down and kill the person, but he found out that it was just an infant.

Just now, the voice he heard seemed to come from this little kid.

It's simply ridiculous.

"What kind of monster are you?" At this time, An Yan was so horrified that he couldn't describe it, and asked the question in his heart with a trembling voice.

Ji Hua: .....

[Damn, this man's eyesight is not good, right? I also know that I am as beautiful as a fairy, but I am not as beautiful as a monster. The word "monster" is really too flattering. Me. But I like it, hahaha...]

Ji Hua looked like she was completely unaware of the danger, which scared An Yan to death.

He thought Jihua was just a little monster. Otherwise there is no way to explain what he heard.

Suddenly, an idea came to me. If this little monster is raised and used by him, wouldn't he be invincible?

Will he still be affected by the dark hawk's anger?

Thinking of this, An Yan picked up Ji Hua who had her acupoints tapped. He did so in a very awkward manner and knocked Ji Hua's head several times.

[Ouch, you are holding it horizontally. Don't you know that holding it vertically will make the baby uncomfortable? At first glance, you look like you have never been a father. Also, you can't wrap me up in a quilt. If I freeze to death early, the Third Prince won't let you go. 】

An Yan frowned, this matter was his own decision, what does it have to do with the third prince?

Before leaving, he hesitated before taking the small quilt and wrapping Jihua in it.

At this time, An Yan just wanted to take the person away. As for the list, he had long forgotten about it.

An Yan hugged Ji Hua and quietly sneaked back the way he came. As soon as he jumped off the wall, he collided with Bei Hengjin who came sneakily.

"Are you holding sister Hua'er?" Bei Hengjin was horrified.

He planned to take Ji Hua to see the lantern festival tonight. For this purpose, he planned for two days and took out all his belongings to rent the Moon Viewing Tower. The Moon Viewing Tower is at the highest point of Shengjing City. Looking down from there, you can have a panoramic view of the entire bustling Shengjing night scene.

"Woo, is this Bei Hengjin's voice? Great, great, we are going to be saved. Bei Hengjin, hurry up and shout that there is an assassin, hurry up, you can't let this kid give me to the butcher. I He will freeze to death outside the door."

Bei Hengjin also wanted to shout, but what if the thief jumps over the wall in a hurry?

No, he had to save sister Hua'er.

Bei Hengjin did not call out for assassins as Ji Hua expected, but prepared to fight An Yan. How can a little brat like him be his opponent? After two moves, he was beaten until he vomited blood and fell to the ground.

Ji Hua's eyes widened. This, this, this, isn't this just the nightmare he just had come true?

An Yan knew that it was not advisable to stay for a long time, so he ran away with Ji Hua in his arms.

Bei Hengjin got up and continued chasing as if he didn't care about his life.

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Previous chapter: Chapter 27, the first New Year's Eve is extraordinaryNext chapter: Chapter 29, the plot is so bad that I don't even know the author anymore
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Pinellia novel
Chapter 29: The plot is so bad that I don't even know the author anymore
Turn off the lights small medium large
Previous chapter: Chapter 28, there are assassins in the Ji MansionNext chapter: Chapter 30, great, no need to be sent to the butcher

Chapter 29: The plot was so bad that even the author didn't even recognize him.

An Yan did the opposite. Instead of going into the alleys with Ji Hua in his arms, he took the main road, trying to take advantage of the crowd to defeat Bei Hengjin. Get rid of. He could have killed him, but Ji Hua's voice kept disrupting his thoughts.

[Ah ah ah, how can you take this path? You will die. 】

【Many killers will appear on this road soon to assassinate the prince. When people are frightened and flee in panic, a stampede will occur. Can I take another path? I don't want to die yet! ]

[Woooooooo, this thief is so stupid. All roads lead to Rome, but he chose the most difficult and dangerous road. 】

An Yan was inexplicably horrified. The little monster was indeed a little monster. He had even figured out such secrets. It can be seen that taking her with you is a good choice.

At this time, Dark Eagle has not taken action yet, which means the time has not come yet.

At this time, a group of patrols passed by, and An Yan flashed into the dark alley behind him. From this angle, you can see Dark Eagle disguised as a shopkeeper selling lanterns with a philistine look on his face.

"Come on, come on, take a look, take a look. If you guess correctly, you will get double the lanterns. If you guess incorrectly, it doesn't matter. If you guess ten lanterns, you will get five for free."

Such a good thing can't be found even with a lantern, and many people are struggling to find it. squeeze in.

A burst of applause suddenly broke out from the crowd. Someone guessed the biggest lantern.

"Brother is so awesome. I will give this rabbit lantern to my sister later. She will definitely like it."

Jihua's eyes lit up, and she vaguely heard her second brother's excited and proud voice.

"Aren't the second brother and the eldest brother in the shop? Why are they here?" Thinking that something was going to happen soon, Ji Hua became anxious.

She looked up with all her strength, and saw the third prince sitting leisurely by the window enjoying tea.

She suddenly realized that the plot was messed up again.

In the original book, the second brother and the eldest brother came to Qingtian Street to help deal with the aftermath after the accident. The biggest lantern was not his guess, but the prince.

So where is the prince?

The prince was supposed to be taking Bei Hengjin shopping, and he happened to guess the lantern here. But Bei Hengjin appeared sneakily at the back door of Ji Mansion.

What did he originally want to do?

It's broken, it's broken, the plot is so broken that even the author is fucking confused.

When he raised his eyes again, he saw an old man standing respectfully beside the third prince. What was the old man reporting at this time?

"Go back to the master, the target has appeared, but it's just going south."

Bei Hengyuan's eyes were cold, holding a cup to cover his face, and his words were full of doubts: "Why go south?"

The old man said respectfully: "It's our people who are leading the way. , the specific reason is unknown. Also, there is more than one target present this time, there is also King Xian and Princess Xian, and the other person is hidden in black clothes and cannot be seen clearly. "

After listening, the third prince had a candidate in mind, but he Calmly, he still ordered the old man to start the second plan.

"Yes." The old man bowed and left.

Ji Hua only regretted that she didn't understand lip reading, otherwise she would have guessed what the two of them were plotting?

In the original work, the third prince's first plan had already succeeded, and she had no idea that there was a second plan.

At this moment, she caught another glimpse of another person hurriedly upstairs, whispering something in Bei Hengyuan's ear?

Ji Hua knew that this person was the third prince's confidant, and his name was Lone Wolf.

Bei Hengyuan stood up from the chair in a hurry, his sickly face became even paler. He was so angry that he was about to smash the teacup in his hand, but stopped at the critical moment.

"You, you said Uncle Fu is dead?" Uncle Fu was the Ji family's last spy, and he was kind to him. How could he be dead?

"The reason?" Bei Hengyuan's breath suddenly became extremely condensed.

"Master, yes, it was manslaughter. Just now, a group of unknown people suddenly rushed into the shop and robbed almost everything in the shop. Uncle Fu pretended to stop him, but he was stabbed in the heart by the other party. His subordinates checked and found out that those people They are the enemies of the Ji family."

"The Ji family has enemies?" Bei Hengyuan felt that this was very strange.

"Back to the master, those people are specifically the enemies of Imperial Physician Mu. Imperial Physician Mu has been working in the palace, so he vented his anger on the Ji family."

Is this really the case?

Bei Hengyuan expressed disbelief. "Go and investigate this matter clearly. Uncle Fu must be avenged." Bei Hengyuan's face was shockingly cold and handsome. He turned his head and saw Ji Linfeng pushing Ji Yushu to watch the lanterns in the crowd.

He opened his mouth to stop his subordinates who were about to leave. "Come back and inform Mei Niang to take action."

An Yan hid in the alley and did not move, thinking darkly to take advantage of the chaos to get rid of Dark Eagle later, so that no suspicion would be raised on him.

With the little monster in his arms who knows things like a god, he will surely be able to lead Ange to another level.

Unexpectedly, after waiting for nearly an hour, Dark Eagle could not take action.

How is this going?

Ji Hua's little brows were furrowed. Did she also find it strange? Why hasn't the prince appeared for so long? Seeing that the lanterns are coming to an end.

Ji Linfeng and Ji Yushu in the crowd were also waiting impatiently.

At this moment, a well-behaved woman passed by Ji Linfeng, bringing with her a charming fragrance.

It was so fragrant that it was difficult not to attract Ji Linfeng's attention. When he saw the woman's face, Ji Linfeng instantly remembered Ji Hua's words.

[Ah, I suddenly remembered, tonight is the second brother's love affair? Speaking of which, that woman was the second brother's destined wife, and she was too kind to him. Unfortunately, life is also miserable. In the end, something happened to the Ji family, and they didn't even want a divorce letter, preferring to suffer along with them. 】

The girl in front of him is well-educated and beautiful at first glance. Could it be that she is his destined wife?

Ji Linfeng's heart palpitated.

Since she is his destined wife, she must have some kind of fateful bond with him.

Ji Linfeng's eyes followed the woman subconsciously, and he happened to see a kid sneakily trying to steal the purse hanging from her waist.

At that moment, Ji Linfeng wanted to act bravely and leave a good impression on his destined wife.

"Bold thief, what are you doing?"

Following Ji Linfeng's roar, the crowd broke into a small commotion.

Jihua thought the prince had appeared, but she didn't want to see her second brother kick a man away. The man was not interested in fighting, so he got up and ran away. And his good second brother turned around and smiled gracefully at a woman.

Ji Hua: ...

What are you doing, silly second brother? Isn't this person the second sister-in-law?

It's over, it's over, you'll know you've fallen in love just by looking at the second brother's cool moves.

"My dear, I would like to thank you for your chivalrous help. If you dare to ask your name, I will pay you a lot of money to reward him one day." Women have taken the initiative to ask for their names. It would be disrespectful to refuse to answer.

The naive Ji Linfeng immediately announced his family name: "I am Ji Linfeng, the second son of the Marquis Mansion. His small actions are not important, so there is no need to pay him a visit."

The girl smiled shyly, making it even harder to hide her beauty.

"How can you do that? Mr. Ji doesn't know that this purse contains a relic left by my mother to me, which is of great significance. I should be rewarded for visiting."

"Ahem..." Ji Yushu was afraid that Ji Linfeng would get distracted by chatting and forget about the main business, so he coughed lightly as a reminder.

The girl in front of me looks nice, but I haven't let my little sister see her. Who knows if she is the second brother's crush. He was so reckless just now.

The woman left, but her stupid second brother was still looking at her dreamily.

"Damn it, it seems that tonight's plan has changed." Ji Hua thought about it but couldn't remember who the woman was, when a man's curse suddenly came from above her head.

The man was about to take Ji Hua away when he looked up and saw the boy he had dumped stumbling around not far away.

Seeing Bei Hengjin, Ji Hua's eyes lit up: "Bei Hengjin, hurry up, my two brothers are downstairs in Zuixiang Tower. Go find them and save me, I'm behind you!"

Wuwu, What should she do? Seeing Bei Hengjin passing by, she was helpless.

Bei Hengjin dragged his injured body all the way to Qingtian Street, looking for no one for a long time. He kept praying in his heart that the small words that once repulsed him would appear.

The patrols tonight came one after another. It was difficult for the thief to escape, so he must have been hiding. He searched alley after alley like this.

He was very scared because he couldn't find Ji Hua for a long time, and he couldn't hold on any longer.

Sister Hua'er, sister Hua'er, tell me where you are, okay? I don't mind your verbosity anymore, and I don't mind your calling me a stinky kid anymore.

Bei Hengjin didn't even know that tears were already covering her cheeks. Every day when he was practicing calligraphy, he could see small characters appearing out of thin air. He imagined that sister Hua'er would spit out small bubbles of water every day, complaining about other people's brats and their old-fashioned ways.

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Previous chapter: Chapter 28, there are assassins in the Ji MansionNext chapter: Chapter 30, great, no need to be sent to the butcher
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Pinellia novel
Chapter 30: Great, no need to be sent to the butcher
Turn off the lights small medium large
Previous chapter: Chapter 29, the plot is so bad that I don't even know the author anymoreNext chapter: Chapter 31, The assassination was successful?

Chapter 30, Great, no need to be sent to the butcher.

"Bei Hengjin, hurry up, my two brothers are downstairs in Zuixiang Building. Go find them and save me, I'm right behind you."

Finally, Huangtian paid off and allowed him to see the small letters appearing in front of him again.

He didn't dare to look back at Ji Hua, so he just ran towards Zuixiang Tower with his head down, looking for Ji Linfeng for help.

The crowd dispersed, but the prince still did not appear. Ji Linfeng was about to push his eldest brother to leave. Suddenly a child rushed forward.

"Prince?" Ji Linfeng exclaimed after seeing the person clearly.

The next second, his expression suddenly changed because he realized that the prince was injured.

Before he could ask, Bei Hengjin spit out a mouthful of blood and said with a pale face: "Quickly, go and save sister Hua'er, she, she has been kidnapped."

He couldn't fall, he still had to save sister Hua'er. . Bei Hengjin managed to cheer up again.

At such a young age, I have endured things that were too heavy and should not have been endured.

"What?" Ji Linfeng's mind went blank for a moment.

what happened? How could the little girl be kidnapped? But Bei Hengjin didn't look like he was lying. After Ji Linfeng, who was slow to react, came to his senses, he saw that his eldest brother had pushed his wheelchair and stopped the patrolman who happened to be passing by.

After some negotiation, the patrols immediately became alert and started searching separately.

"Why are you still standing there? Go back and call someone." Ji Yushu yelled at Ji Linfeng anxiously, and only then did Ji Linfeng react and call someone.

After Ji Linfeng left, Ji Yushu thought Bei Hengjin came around behind him to push him, but he didn't want to hear such a word.

"Master Ji, Sister Hua'er is in the alley east by south. The thief hasn't gone far." As soon as Bei Hengjin opened his mouth, the smell of blood spread.

Hearing this, Ji Yushu's nervous heart suddenly calmed down. He said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty, can you push me closer." He wanted to get closer to his little sister and wanted to confirm her safety.

Ji Yushu clutched the armrest tightly, turning white from too much force.

"Don't get too close, or you might alert the snake." Bei Hengjin said something inappropriate for his age at such a young age.

Ji Yushu looked at him in surprise. He was only five years old, but he had the reaction and ability to respond as well as an adult. There is always a thoughtful look on the childish face that only adults can have.

He had heard from two years ago that Prince Beiheng was born to be extremely smart and extraordinary, and now it seemed that the rumors were indeed true.

Before, the Ji family did not have much contact with Prince Xian's Mansion. After the birth of his little sister, Bei Hengjin often appeared in Ji's Mansion. I think the little girl is really very popular!

The youngest member of the Ji family was kidnapped, which alerted several patrols. More and more people are joining the search for people on the street.

The clock strikes midnight soon, heralding the success of people keeping up the new year. The lively sound of firecrackers continued, drowning out the dense footsteps of patrols.

An Yan never found a suitable opportunity to escape. At some point, An Ying, the leader of An Pavilion, also disappeared. The killer who had been promised to be hiding everywhere was nowhere to be seen. Now, he was the only one left fighting alone.

His heart was pounding, could he really escape tonight?

Thinking like this, An Yan suddenly lowered his head and asked the little furry child in his arms: "Hey, monster, do you think I can escape successfully tonight?"

She is a little monster, and she can definitely tell whether he can escape. Get out. Being able to hear her voice, the bond between him and her must not be simple.

Ji Hua: .....

[Why is this dear fellow looking so dumbfounded? You really think of me as a monster. Do you still want to escape from Shengjing in front of everyone and dream about it? Unless you put me down. It would be easier to escape alone. 】

An Yan:? ?

He understood that he couldn't escape with the little monster, but he could escape successfully by himself.

The little monster calculated it correctly! After getting out, find another opportunity to steal the person away. It would be a pity for such a capable person to stay in Ji Mansion.

Ji Linfeng came with a large number of people, including the prince, Lord Ji and the Xianwang couple.

Everyone was stained with blood, which showed what kind of fierce battle had just occurred.

Jihua was shocked when she saw this scene.

Why is everyone covered in glory? Why is dad getting together with the prince and the wise king?

Everyone was very anxious at this time, and Lord Ji was trembling all over. All kinds of terrifying conjectures could not be suppressed in my heart.

Either way it broke him.

"Don't worry, Lord Marquis, the thief will not be able to escape far." King Xian comforted Lord Ji and said.

Next to her, Princess Xian held Bei Hengjin in her arms. She did not blame him, but carefully checked where he was injured.

Jihua was still in danger. Bei Hengjin knew that he could not fall, so he shook his head and said, "Concubine, the child is okay."

Princess Xian hugged Bei Hengjin tightly. Unexpectedly, she just took him into her arms. As soon as I got into my arms, I heard a muffled groan. Bei Hengjin finally fell. "Ajin, Ajin, mother's child, what's wrong with you?"

King Xian stepped forward and supported the mother and son who were limp. His eyes were extremely cold.

When Ji Hua saw Bei Hengjin unconscious, her heart ached like a knife. Bei Hengjin was injured because she was trying to save him. If something happened, she...

Oh, no, no, I can save him. I have a way to save him. As long as he is still breathing, I have a way. Bring him back to life.

"Uncle Wang, please take Ajin to see Mrs. Ji quickly."

Seeing this, the prince quickly asked King Xian to take the two of them back to Ji's Mansion and ask Mrs. Ji to help take a look. Since the Zhao Xue incident, Mrs. Ji's reputation as a miracle doctor has spread far and wide. Even Zhao Xue can be saved, and I think I can also cure Bei Hengjin.

Ji Linfeng came over and pushed Ji Yushu, and Ji Yushu pinched the back of Ji Linfeng's hand with his backhand. Ji Linfeng was startled. What did he think of?

He leaned down and asked in a low voice, "Did you find anything?"


Ji Linfeng learned to march and fight in the military camp, and he had a strong sense of direction.

He pushed Ji Yushu slowly toward the southeast. I heard Lord Ji's urgent instructions: "Some people follow the two young masters, and some people come with me."

At this time, Lord Ji was going crazy. He saved the prince, but put his beloved daughter at the mercy of others . In danger.

If he couldn't find her back, he couldn't imagine how anxious Mrs. Ji would be.

My daughter, my father is wrong, it is my father who is wrong. Please don't leave daddy, okay? Daddy would go crazy without you.

Perhaps it was because of the heart-to-heart connection between father and daughter, when Lord Ji was in a hurry. I heard Jihua crying.


[Daddy, save me, daddy, help me, I'm in an alley. ]

It was not Jihua who broke through the acupuncture point, but the man who kindly helped her relieve it.

She didn't care whether the man was kind or not, she only knew how to cry to attract her father's attention so that she could catch the bad guy in time.

[The bad guy ran away, heading north. This person is very good at hiding and is very light. 】

Ji Linfeng flew over after Lord Ji, and what he heard was this sentence. He glanced at the crying little girl in the broken basket and saw that she was not injured, so he chased her out with relief.

Lord Ji hugged his daughter tightly, his whole body trembling. "Daughter, it's all dad's fault. He was careless."

[Wow... Daddy, if you don't come, my daughter will be sold to the butcher. I'll never see you again. 】

Jihua cried so sadly that her little body shook like chaff.

Ji Yushu still had lingering fears, and it took a long time for his heart to relax.

Jihua was so tired from crying that she fell asleep. Suddenly, a wit woke up again.

[Daddy, go back quickly. Nothing can happen to that boy Bei Hengjin. Just now he even risked his life to save me. ]

Thinking of the scene where Bei Hengjin vomited blood and fell to the ground just now, I felt sad and scared.

Marquis Ji did not waste any time and ordered his men to push Ji Yushu to Ji Mansion. Some people were left to take care of Ji Linfeng.

The prince also followed back to Ji Mansion. He was very worried about Bei Hengjin.

Everything here was seen by the third prince in the dark. The mysterious old man next to him said anxiously:

"Master, the letter is missing."

After saying that, the third prince's pale face turned sinister.


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Previous chapter: Chapter 29, the plot is so bad that I don't even know the author anymoreNext chapter: Chapter 31, The assassination was successful?
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Chapter 31: The assassination was successful?
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Previous chapter: Chapter 30, great, no need to be sent to the butcherNext chapter: Chapter 32: The seeds of doubt are planted in the prince's heart

Chapter 31: The assassination was successful?

When several people returned to Ji's Mansion, they heard Princess Xian's heart-breaking cry from a distance: "Jin'er, mother's child, please wake up?"

Several people's hearts trembled at the same time: No, something happened.

A group of people hurried to Wutong Courtyard and found a large area kneeling on the ground, including four corpses. They were the secret guards sent by King Xian to Bei Hengjin and the secret guards left by Lord Ji to protect Ji Hua.

Bei Hengjin fell into a coma, and Princess Xian burst into tears.

On the bed, Mrs. Ji was checking Bei Hengjin's injuries, her face full of panic and worry.

Bei Hengjin was so seriously injured that she could not imagine what kind of suffering her Hua'er had suffered.

If her Hua'er was gone, she would definitely bring the entire Qin family and the third prince to be buried with him.

If the precious daughter is gone, what will happen to the Beiheng royal family if she turns against him?

"The prince's internal injuries are serious."

After saying this, Mrs. Ji seemed to feel something and suddenly looked towards the door. The joy and excitement of regaining something filled her whole heart.

Ji Hua seemed to sense Mrs. Ji's worry and made a babbling sound.

[Mother, mother, I'm fine, don't be sad. 】

After listening, Mrs. Ji held back the tears that had not fallen and finally burst. God knows, in a short period of time, she has already thought of how to take revenge on the Qin family.

Just two hours ago, when she saw her daughter sleeping, she got up and went to the kitchen to make winter melon soup. When he came back, his daughter was gone and Xiuhe collapsed on the ground. In addition, two guards in the backyard who were responsible for protecting their daughter also collapsed.

Her first reaction was to suspect that the Qin family did it. After the transfer and marriage failed, they immediately started kidnapping.

At that moment, she felt like the sky was falling and she wanted to kill everyone in the Qin family.

Resisting the urge to hold her daughter, she took the medicine box next to her and prepared to give Bei Hengjin an injection.

Bei Hengjin was injured because she was trying to save her precious daughter, and she would do her best.

Princess Xian cried harder, just like Mrs. Ji's mood just now.

[Dad, hurry up, hold me closer. I have a way to revive Bei Hengjin. ]

Ji Hua was so anxious that her short legs were glaring wildly, and her little chubby hands were flying hard. The little buttocks arched up and down, and the little mouth made a roaring sound, eager to speak.

In the eyes of others, she wanted her mother to marry her.

Zhao Xue was the little sister who used some talisman to resurrect her. This time, she might be able to achieve a miracle.

When Ji Yushu saw his little sister dancing in anxiety, he wanted to help her: "Mom, don't worry, my sister is fine. She must be frightened and a little scared, and she wants you to hug her."

Ji Yushu didn't say anything, but Mr. Ji also He planned to carry Ji Hua over, but at this moment, it was obviously not the right time, so he had to say: "Daughter, be good, daddy will carry you over right now, but mother is busy, so just watch from the side, okay?"

What he said It was told to the prince, the wise king and others.

[Okay, okay, daddy, hurry up and carry me over! 】

Marquis Ji held Ji Hua close to the bed as he wished, and Ji Hua quickly placed the healing charm that had been prepared on the tip of the needle that Mrs. Ji was about to prick.

The moment the needle was pricked, the golden healing talisman disappeared into Bei Hengjin's body.

Lord Ji used his body to block it, and the prince and others couldn't see what was going on inside. After seeing his daughter finish, he quietly stepped aside.

At this time, Bei Hengjin's internal organs were healing rapidly. In a daze, he seemed to hear sister Hua'er's voice.

"Bad boy, as long as you are still breathing, I will not let you die. Wake up quickly. Don't waste the healing charm that you spent fifty points on."

This is sister Hua'er's. Sound?

Soft and waxy, very beautiful and pleasant.

He seemed to see two chirping little Jihuas stuck on his head, running towards him with a poop, shouting affectionately: "Brother Jin."

"You bastard, why aren't you awake? I still want to know why you sneaked up at the back door of Ji Mansion? Wake up quickly and stop pretending."

Nai Nai's fierce roar shattered the beautiful scene into pieces.

Bei Hengjin opened his eyes leisurely.

"Wake up, wake up. Mrs. Ji is truly worthy of being called a miracle doctor. Ajin woke up as soon as the injection was given." The prince was extremely excited.

He is a little less majestic and looks like an ordinary person.

King Xian and Princess Xian rushed forward and hugged him tightly. "Ajin, you are scared to death."

King Xian hugged the two of them and tried to comfort them before he stopped Princess Xian from crying.

"Sister Hua'er, have you rescued sister Hua'er? Hiss"

"Don't move, Your Majesty, you still have a silver needle on your shoulder." Mrs. Ji knew that if her daughter took action, a miracle would happen.

Bei Hengjin did not dare to move and let Princess Xian hold her.

When he saw Ji Hua being held by Lord Ji beside him, he felt relieved. He comforted his mother-in-law and said: "Mother-in-law, the baby is okay." A sound of milking came from Xuanji's ear.

[Hehe, just wake up. 】

Bei Hengjin suddenly raised his head and looked at Ji Hua.

He was not dreaming, he could really hear sister Hua'er's voice. Before, he could only see the small words appearing in front of him, but now, he could hear her thoughts.

It wasn't a dream, he wasn't dreaming.

With this knowledge, Bei Hengjin was so excited that his heart beat like thunder.

This was the second time that the Xian Wang saw Mrs. Ji's superb medical skills, and he sincerely praised her: "Mrs. Ji is indeed worthy of being a miracle doctor, and I admire her."

Mrs. Ji waved her hands hurriedly: "The Xian Wang is wrong, I am just lucky. "

The wise king and the prince only thought that Mrs. Ji was being modest.

Just at this moment, Ji Linfeng came back with a panicked look on his face.

Lord Ji nodded towards the prince and the wise king, and they understood each other.

[No, no, dad, don't let me go. I also want to hear if the thief was sent by the Qin family. Please, good dad. 】

Marquis Ji originally wanted to hand Jihua over to Xiuhe who woke up, but after hearing this, he decided not to do so.

[Ah ah ah, dad must be afraid that the thief will come again, so he is holding me in his arms. Wow, so touching! 】

Ji Houye carried Ji Hua to the study, followed by the prince and others.

As soon as they entered, they heard Ji Linfeng say with a serious face: "Let the thief run away. This person is very good at hiding."

[Very good at hiding? This is a key word. Let me think about it. Who is the best at hiding in the whole book? 】

At this time, several people in the room were thinking.

Suddenly, Ji Hua's whirring voice sounded in the ears of the Ji family:

[I remembered, it was An Yan. This person is the best at hiding in the dark pavilion. It's just that this person wears a black scarf all year round, so it's hard to tell what he looks like. 】

At this time, the prince also thought of this person. "It's An Yan. This person is a well-known concealment master in the killer world."

Ji Linfeng's eyes fell on Ji Yushu, but he hesitated to speak. The latter waved his hand towards him in an incomprehensible manner.

Ji Linfeng was not stupid and understood what Ji Yushu meant instantly.

Next, the prince's heavy voice sounded again: "I wonder if An Yan and Fang Tai's group of killers pretending to be beggars are a group? What do you think of this matter?" Lord Ji

's brows twitched almost unnoticeably. The prince's words were a bit suspicious. If he could explain clearly, he would be free of suspicion. If he could not explain clearly, it would be difficult to suspect that he appeared by chance.

"Back to the prince, I think they are the same group of people." He did not expect this. He was just a group of beggars randomly found on the road. Who would have expected that this group of people would attack the prince.

Ji Linfeng got some clues from the two people's words and asked in shock: "Dad, Prince, you were assassinated?"

Ji Hua was also shocked.

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Previous chapter: Chapter 30, great, no need to be sent to the butcherNext chapter: Chapter 32: The seeds of doubt are planted in the prince's heart
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Chapter 32: The seeds of doubt were planted in the prince's heart
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Previous chapter: Chapter 31, The assassination was successful?Next chapter: Chapter 33, the driving force behind the scenes

Chapter 32: The realization that the seeds of doubt were planted in the prince's heart

shocked the two brothers Ji Yushu. They had obviously arranged everything, but why was the prince still assassinated. But judging from the current situation, that group of people did not succeed.

Then how did his father end up with the prince?

The prince was deep in thought. No one knew what he was thinking.

At this moment, there was a knock on the study door: "Your Highness, the emperor ordered the old slave to take you and the wise king into the palace."

"Understood." The prince replied in a loud voice, and then stood up to leave.

"Thank you for your help tonight, Lord Marquis. I will say goodbye now. As for the killer, I will tell my father. My father will not let any murderer go." The

distant look in the prince's eyes made Lord Ji's heart skip a beat. One jump.

"Best farewell to the Crown Prince, King Xian." The father and son sent the Crown Prince and King Xian to the door of Ji's house. Also leaving with them were Princess Xian and Bei Hengjin. At this time, Bei Hengjin had already fallen asleep and was being held by Princess Xian.

Ji Hua was still holding on because she hadn't heard what she wanted to hear yet. She guessed that Lord Ji had something to say.

Sure enough, after the prince and others left, Lord Ji called three people, including Mrs. Ji, to the study.

Lord Ji lowered his eyes and glanced at his daughter with wide-eyed eyes, his face full of helplessness.

He spoke softly, "I know you are curious about why I met the prince. This is what happened."

After listening to Lord Ji's narration, Ji Hua understood the general outline.

[That is to say, the friends my father made tonight missed their appointment. When he was about to come back, he saw the prince and the wise king following a group of beggars. He became suspicious and followed them. ]

[Those four beggars were most likely the third prince's second plan, and they were met by the prince and others by accident. Simply stop doing nothing and take the person away from Qingtian Street to carry out the assassination operation. Then, the father followed him all the way, and finally saved the prince's life. 】

These are the exact words that Lord Ji said to the prince.

[Therefore, the assassination operation arranged by the third prince on Qingtian Street failed, indirectly avoiding a stampede that would not happen in a century. To put it bluntly, those four beggars could be regarded as saving the lives of the people. 】

The family of four silently gave their daughter a thumbs up.

"I also found this." Lord Ji suddenly took out a letter from his sleeve.

Seeing this, Ji Hua screamed with joy.

[Ah ah ah, dad is so awesome, he discovered the forged collusion letter. In this way, the third prince will not be able to frame the prince. 】

After receiving the praise from his daughter, Lord Ji's face was full of pride. Although he lost his plan with the four beggars, fortunately, he got the most important thing.

Mrs. Ji and her two sons praised Lord Ji one after another. After Ji Linfeng and Ji Yushu looked at each other, they looked horrified and said, "If this letter falls into that person's hands, the consequences will be unimaginable."

He only said Thinking about how to lure the prince away and prevent the stampede from happening, the next thing will obviously not happen. He didn't expect that the third prince had a second plan. Fortunately, dad saved the prince in time. Now that I think about it, I'm really scared.

Then, Lord Ji seemed to remember something, and turned to ask Ji Linfeng: "Why did you appear on Qingtian Street?" If the stampede on Qingtian Street happened tonight, how would these two people survive?

The thought of that terrible incident filled him with fear.

Ji Linfeng had already reconciled his confession with Ji Yushu and said, "I saw Uncle Fu was looking after the shop, so I took my eldest brother to Qingtian Street to watch the excitement."

This makes sense.

[The third prince's plan failed tonight, so has he met the heroine? ]

As soon as the name Lu Yiyi came out, the four of them felt familiar.

Then, Mrs. Ji's eyes lit up. Isn't this Lu Yiyi the concubine of the Lu family who suddenly gained medical skills?

It turns out she is the heroine! !

Brothers Ji Houye and Ji Yushu also looked like they suddenly realized something.

Ji Hua's heartbeat sounded again.

[Who would have thought that a catastrophe could be solved so silently, so what happened to this Anyan? 】

Everyone's eyes fell on Ji Linfeng. He was the one chasing people. He could always understand something that others didn't know, right?

Ji Linfeng had secretly communicated with Ji Yushu just now, and the latter said that he could tell his parents about this matter.

After thinking for a while, he turned his attention to Mrs. Ji and asked a very surprising and shocking question: "Mom, when you gave birth to me, were you sure you only gave birth to me?"

"Why did you say that? No. Could it be that if I gave birth to you, I would be a twin?" Mrs. Ji was speechless. She didn't know how many of them she had given birth to.

Ji Linfeng frowned and said, "Is there a possibility that even Mrs. Wen at that time deceived you?"

"What exactly do you want to say?" Ji Houye scolded Ji Linfeng impatiently. I really wanted to scold Ji Linfeng, but I was really overwhelmed by the events tonight.

It was clearly under control, but it seemed to deviate from his expectations.

Ji Linfeng suddenly felt aggrieved and said, "That An Yan looks very much like me."

[What? Very similar? ]

Even Jihua was shocked.

[The book does not mention this incident. In the original work, it is only said that this person is good at hiding. He wears a black face scarf all year round and cannot see his face at all. Could it be that the Qin family used the same method when their second brother was born? ]

[It should be impossible. Mrs. Qin and her mother didn't know each other at that time. An Yan was from An Ge. She sneaked into Ji Mansion tonight obviously to steal the list, because Wu Da's informant was gone and the list hadn't been obtained yet. Therefore, the third prince took advantage of the excitement tonight and asked An Yan to steal the list quietly. But why did that guy suddenly steal from me? Or is his goal just for me? 】

I can't figure it out, I really can't figure it out.

This fact is so mysterious that few people can figure out the key to it.

Ji Yushu, who had never spoken, said in a deep voice: "There are many doubts about this matter, so we have to investigate slowly. But one thing should be noted, An Yan will not give up coming to Ji Mansion. It is very likely that An Yan will pretend to be his second brother and sneak into Ji Mansion. During this period You need to pay more attention to the time. "

Whether An Yan is here to steal the girl or steal the list, we have to find out.

Lord Ji nodded, "Shu'er's analysis is good. We need to send more people to protect my daughter."

Ji Linfeng was a little absent-minded. Is there really such a coincidence in the world? It's understandable that there is a slight resemblance, but those people are very similar!

Meticulous to the point of charm.

It was precisely because he saw that the man looked so similar that he accidentally missed it, otherwise the man would have hated Northwest.

Recalling that when he was born, his parents said that there was a vision in the sky, he suddenly felt shocked: No, no, such a weird thing would happen. But, it's also weird to hear my little sister's voice, right? ?

Ji Linfeng was frightened to death by his sudden idea.

"Wait, there is one more thing I forgot to mention." Madam Ji suddenly remembered the report from the servant just now.

Several people looked at her together. Hear her say: "The jewelry in the shop was robbed, and even Uncle Fu died."

[Uncle Fu is dead? It's a good death, hahaha]

Ji Hua's laughter infected several people, and they all felt that Uncle Fu died at the right time, but they were secretly happy, but looked worried on their faces.

Return to Wutong Courtyard and wait for Jihua to fall asleep completely. Mrs. Ji looked worried and said to Lord Ji: "Master, tell me the truth, what happened to those four beggars?"

Lord Ji sat on the edge of the bed with a serious look on his face. After a long while, I heard him say: "I never thought that there was a problem with those four people at first. I, Yin Zheng and others were waiting outside Lintian Street as planned to have a chance encounter with the prince."

"But I didn't expect that not only the wise king would come Yes, even the Holy One is here."

"What? The Holy One is here?" Mrs. Ji's face turned pale with shock.

Lord Ji nodded heavily, this was what he was most worried about. He didn't know what happened tonight, so the Holy Spirit believed him. But the one who saved them was sincere.

"Those four beggars were my impromptu idea. I wanted a few people to lure the prince away and delay the third prince's time to take action. Unexpectedly, something happened by the moat. Fortunately, I followed behind and had a chance to rescue. Afterwards, On the way back to the palace while escorting the Lord, we met Feng'er who came back in a panic to report the news. "

"The prince probably suspected that he was the assassin hired by the second prince. He also suspected that the second prince and I were of the same party. The reason why we rescued him was because he suddenly discovered the Lord. "Also."

"In this way, everything done before seems to the prince to have a purpose. He doesn't believe the Ji family now. Now, the only thing that can make him believe is the water control structure diagram in Shu'er's hand. ."

Even though the prince behaved as usual today, the seeds of doubt had already been planted in his heart.

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Previous chapter: Chapter 31, The assassination was successful?Next chapter: Chapter 33, the driving force behind the scenes
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Chapter 33, the driving force behind the scenes
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Previous chapter: Chapter 32: The seeds of doubt were planted in the prince's heartNext chapter: Chapter 34, Returning to Mu Mansion to visit relatives

Chapter 33:

The palace is behind the scenes.

At this time, the imperial study room was brightly lit.

The palace servants guarding outside were all trembling with fear. Even though there were small flakes of snow floating in the sky, they did not dare to move.

The atmosphere inside the imperial study was colder and terrifyingly serious than outside.

Emperor Yu's face was sullen, for no other reason than that the four beggars were pretending to be too similar. Even the emperor himself was deceived.

This is completely in defiance of royal majesty.

"Brother Emperor, what do you think of this matter?" Emperor Yu first asked the wise king for his opinion.

The wise king pondered for a moment and said respectfully: "Those four beggars have obviously been ambushing Lintian Street for a long time, otherwise they would not have been met by us by such a coincidence. As for their target, I think the only one they want is the prince."

Emperor Yu's idea was to pay a private visit incognito . He decided on the spur of the moment that no one would arrange it so quickly. But he and Princess Xian didn't plan to go out at first. It was the prince who knocked on the door and wanted to take Bei Hengjin out to watch the lanterns. Unfortunately, my son fell asleep.

Since he didn't want to spoil the prince's interest, he decided to go together.

As for who wants to deal with the prince, the answer is ready to come out.

He won't point it out and believes that the prince will make his own decision.

At that time, the prince tried his best to prevent Emperor Yu from following, but it was he who insisted on finding out what happened that led to the accident. If Marquis Yuki hadn't suddenly appeared. I'm afraid things won't go well tonight.

Some of the killers were killed, and some committed suicide by taking poison, leaving no one alive.

The expression on Emperor Yu's face was unclear. After the wise king finished speaking, he did not give any advice, but cast his unexplained gaze on the prince.

"What does the prince have to say?"

Hearing this, the prince felt frightened. Father, this tone is not right!

Was he doubting him?

"My son thinks that Lord Ji's appearance is strange." The prince truthfully stated his doubts.

The wise king narrowed his eyes: Sure enough.

Emperor Yu showed no emotion or anger on his face and asked him, "What's so strange? Tell me about it, Prince?"

The Prince couldn't tell for a while. He just suspected it, but he felt that this suspicion was somewhat untenable. It's not easy to draw a conclusion at the moment.

"I think you are trying to confuse things. The Ji family is loyal to the emperor and patriotic. How can there be something fishy?" Emperor Yu looked grave.

The prince did not understand what Emperor Yu said.

However, the eyes of the wise king next to him moved slightly, and he realized that Emperor Yu intended to test the prince. Sure enough, Emperor Yu gave the answer the next second.

"The second son will stay at the other village all night tonight." It took a long time before I heard this sentence from Emperor Yu, which was intended to remind the prince.

The prince's eyebrows moved, his eyes dark and unclear.

The second prince had been at the other village all night, and there was no way he could participate in tonight's assassination. So this assassination was directed and staged by the prince, with the intention of framing the second prince. At the same time, he took out the Ji family and tried to remove the suspicion on him.

After all, it seems that currently only the second prince poses a threat to the crown prince's position.

At this moment, I don't know whether Emperor Yu believed the prince or whether he believed that the second prince really stayed at the other village all night.

"My son, I will investigate this matter clearly and restore my innocence." Obviously, the prince also understood what Emperor Yu meant. His face looked a bit hard to describe.

Being doubted by his own father, no matter who has a good temper.

The wise king only sighed secretly in his heart. He likes obedient children and likes the prince to follow his instructions every step he takes, without any disobedience or wrong step.

"Then I'll wait for your news." I want to see what I can find out.

At that time, Emperor Yu asked about Bei Hengjin's injury.

"Back to the Emperor, thanks to Mrs. Ji's wonderful rejuvenation, he has woken up."

"That's good, go back and spend more time with him. That boy showed up at the back door of Ji's Mansion. He must have wanted to sneak the little boy of the Ji family out to watch the lanterns. It's too bad. That's true."

Hearing this, the Xian Wang looked helpless: "Jin'er has become a little bit innocent like a child recently. I am very happy and indulge you a little bit."

"Well, just control it more. Don't develop a pampered temper. The youngest member of the Ji family is the lifeblood of General Ji, so he can't go wrong."

Emperor Yu deliberately emphasized the words "general" and "lifeblood", believing that the prince was a person who knew the importance of things.

After hearing this, the wise king breathed a sigh of relief for the prince. Generally speaking, Emperor Yu still believed in the prince.

When he came out, the wise king saw the prince's dejection, so he gave him a piece of advice: "Ah Mo, the Ji family is full of loyal ministers. Since the Marquis can take the initiative to hand over military power, it means that he has no intention of getting involved in your fight. Don't do anything like this." It's a heartbreaking thing."

The prince said in a deep voice: "Uncle Wang, you have forgotten one thing, and that is Ji Yushu's hatred for Gu."

The wise king was startled and almost wanted to speak.

When the prince thought of the relationship between Bei Hengjin and the youngest member of the Ji family, he suppressed what he said and bowed to say goodbye to the wise king.

The prince walked quickly, anger spreading across his face.

When he returned to the East Palace, he tossed and turned and couldn't figure it out, so he hurriedly went to find the queen.

When he came out of Fengyi Palace, his brows furrowed even more.

He fell into self-doubt. Did Ji Yushu really not hate him? Do the Ji family really have nothing to argue with?

He had thought this way before, but what happened last night made him have some self-doubt.

He suddenly felt that there was a pair of terrible pushing hands in the dark, pushing him towards the abyss.

At this time, a confidant came over and whispered: "Prince, the second prince had been in the other courtyard last night and spent the night with his concubine."

The prince's sword eyebrows were slightly frowned, but this could not eliminate his suspicion.

In the dark room of Yuehua Palace, after listening to the old man's report, the third prince couldn't help but cough up a mouthful of blood, and his sickly white face turned sinister little by little.

He had been planning hard for many days, but in the end it was a total failure. How could he not be angry?

"Master, don't get angry." The old man was very worried about the poison in his body.

The third prince said nonchalantly: "Ji Xiaoshan appeared strangely. Go check it out. And the letter must be found."

"My subordinates have already sent people to handle it."

After the old man left, the third prince was helpless. Lying on the soft couch, he started to make plans since two years ago. Everything has gone smoothly in the past two years. It seems that everything has not gone smoothly since the failure of the Ji family's primary school transfer incident.

Suddenly, he thought of the time when the second prince lost at the Full Moon Banquet.

He guessed that the second prince's plan at that time was to set up Lu Qingyan, but it was somehow ruined by Ji Yushu.

Ji Yushu should have hated the prince and the second prince. After all, he found out that it was the second prince who sent people to ambush the prince that caused his legs to become disabled. Relatively speaking, he wanted to get rid of the second prince more.

When the prince learned that the man behind the incident was also the second prince, he did not help him seek justice, which made the Ji family unhappy.

Judging from this matter, the Ji family will not stand with the second prince, nor will they stand with the prince.

Perhaps the Ji family was also planning to use the prince's help to get rid of the second prince to avenge Ji Yushu.

In Ji Yushu's opinion, there was no doubt that the killer tonight was sent by the second prince.

His purpose is to make the second prince and prince fight like dogs. Although Emperor Yu did not get the letter, he was somewhat suspicious of the prince.

Without the help of letters, the doubt in Emperor Yu's heart would soon be overcome by himself.

No ripples can be made.


The third prince suddenly woke up from the couch, with beads of sweat rolling down his forehead. It was freezing outside, but his whole body was covered in cold sweat.

He couldn't figure out why he often dreamed of a woman in recent days. He hated women and would not allow women to come within three steps of him, but this woman appeared in his dreams more often in recent days. And every time, she managed to get close to him and call him Yuan affectionately. Who is she? What does it foreshadow in his dream?

Damn, damn, this man should be damned for trying to mess with his mind.

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Chapter 34: Returning to Mu Mansion to visit relatives
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Previous chapter: Chapter 33, the driving force behind the scenesNext chapter: Chapter 35, Aunt Xu has something in her heart

Chapter 34, Returning to Mu Mansion to visit relatives

in Wutong Courtyard.

The house is warm as spring.

After a good night's sleep, Jihua didn't cry or make a fuss when she woke up. She stared at the rafters quietly and thought about the next plot.

After what happened last night, the female protagonist Lu Yiyi may not be able to meet the male protagonist, but the two are important characters in the book, and it is impossible for them to stay away from the main plot. Therefore, in the future, the fate of the two will be twisted together.

Let me think about what big things will happen next.

It seems to be...

[Oh, I remembered it. There will be a plague in Jizhou next. By the time it reaches Shengjing City, it will be a month later. Lu Yi has a prescription to cure the plague. She would ask the third prince to present the prescription to the Holy One, and then save the sick people. He achieved great success and became famous. 】

【The third prince particularly liked Lu Yiyi because of this matter, so he asked the Holy One to marry him. The Holy Spirit also agreed. At the same time, the third prince's condition gradually improved with the help of Lu Yiyi. All the way up. This incident was an opportunity for Lu Yiyi to show his face in front of the public, and it was also a turning point for the third prince to turn around. 】

But this all developed after the two met on New Year's Eve. Now, Lu Yiyi has not connected with the third prince, and the third prince has not been able to see Lu Yiyi's abilities. Lu Yi would definitely not believe it if he found him rashly. So will the two of them meet before that?

In what way did Lu Yiyi make himself famous all over the world? Will he borrow Prime Minister Lu's help?

It would be okay if we borrowed the help of Prime Minister Lu, since Prime Minister Lu is also a member of the prince's party. I'm just afraid that something will go wrong again.

Ji Hua expressed that she was very panicked, because the two of them were born to be male and female, and they had to get together sooner or later.

[Actually, this epidemic is easy to solve. My grandfather has a deep understanding of medical science. When the epidemic spread in Jizhou, the Holy Father immediately found his grandfather to discuss countermeasures. My grandfather cared about the common people. He immediately said that he would go there in person. Of course he couldn't ask for someone to help him relieve his worries. On the occasion of departure, the third prince recommended Lu Yiyi. ]

[The Holy One has always felt guilty about the third prince, so he agreed to his request. Later, my grandfather and Lu Yiyi went to Jizhou together. Grandfather gave many plans according to the condition. One of the prescriptions was very similar to Lu Yiyi's, except that red peony root was missing and the dose of anemarrhena was also lighter. Naturally, the credit falls on Lu Yi. 】

The four people who were having breakfast suddenly heard Ji Hua's heartbeat, and their hands shook in fright.

Will there be a plague in a month? Still in Jizhou. No, it won't be long before a plague breaks out, and it won't be introduced to Shengjing until a month later.

My God, the plague is an incurable disease and will kill many people.

Does Lu Yi really have a cure for the plague? If so, wouldn't her medical skills be so high that she can't even match them?

Thinking of this terrible incident, Mrs. Ji's hand holding the chopsticks became unsteady.

At the dinner table, the four of them had their own thoughts. Ji Yushu and Mrs. Ji's eyes suddenly lit up, and they thought of a good idea at the same time.

Now that I learned the real prescription from my daughter/little sister, why not go to Jizhou first. Then use this prescription to cure the disease. At that time, there will be no opportunity for the third prince and Lu Yiyi to perform. Without this contribution, how could the third prince gain the respect of the Holy Emperor?

And the Ji family's reputation in the eyes of the people will only be higher. If something happens in the future, if you want to disturb the Ji family, you have to think carefully.

Ji Hua was still spitting out water bubbles angrily when Mrs. Ji's words came to her ears: "Husband, I want to take the children back to my hometown in Jizhou to worship their ancestors." This was a perfect excuse.

When Jizhou was mentioned again, Lord Ji looked startled, while Mrs. Ji pretended not to notice.

Ji Hua's urgent roaring voice sounded in his mind.

[Hurry up, dad, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to prevent the third prince from turning around. 】

Ji Yushu just thought of an excuse to go to Jizhou, and unexpectedly heard his mother saying that she wanted to go back to Jizhou to worship her ancestors.

He had never heard his mother mention that his grandfather's hometown was in Jizhou.

Ji Linfeng and Ji Yushu looked at each other. They were really dozing off and giving them pillows. He raised his hands in agreement: "Mom, I agree to go to Jizhou to worship my ancestors. I raise my hands to agree."

Ji Linfeng has a simple mind and well-developed limbs. As long as the little sister says yes, A good opportunity is a good opportunity.

"But mother, my grandma's ancestral home is in Jizhou. Why have I never heard you mention this matter?"

Ji Houye shook the hand holding the chopsticks. Yes, if he had mentioned it in advance, he would not have ignored her for decades. .

Mrs. Ji's expression darkened. She never mentioned it because she could not face the fear in her heart. The civil unrest more than 20 years ago was so tragic that it has always been a pain in her heart.

At that time, she could obviously save more people, but she ran out of styptic medicine and saw the living lives falling one by one. She couldn't get over this hurdle in her heart.

Mrs. Ji sniffed and smiled miserably: "It's the same thing now. I haven't been there for many years. I will go back to my grandfather's house tomorrow and ask them if they are going together. If so, we will set off immediately."

Ji Hua was very happy. He agreed, waving his chubby hands anxiously.

[Okay, okay, let's go to Jizhou. Let's take the path of the hero and heroine, leaving the hero and heroine with nowhere to go. Even God is helping me Ji Hua]

On the small bed, Ji Huawu talked to herself in baby words. The four of them felt sour in their hearts. If they could not hear Hua'er's heartfelt voice, how could they Anticipate so many events in advance. She is a great contributor to the Ji family.

At this time, Lord Ji swallowed the food in his mouth and saw that Ji Yushu was about to speak but stopped, so he asked him: "What did Shu'er want to say just now?"

Ji Yushu seemed excited just now, but now he calmed down. Hear him say: "My child wants to say that the jewelry store has been robbed. It is not an option to leave it empty. It is better to sell some medicinal materials. Isn't Jizhou the hometown of medicinal materials? I want to take a look at Jizhou while my second brother Xiu Mu has time."

"Right now . , Mom said that my grandma's ancestral home is in Jizhou, so we can go together. "

It turns out that I want to go to Jizhou to buy medicinal materials, so that's okay.

"Okay, let's sell medicinal materials instead. From now on, you can learn more about pharmacology from your mother. So as not to stay in the study all the time and hurt your body."

Ji Yushu nodded in agreement.

Lord Ji glanced at Mrs. Ji and gave her a thumbs up without leaving any trace. She thought of such a wonderful idea, she was truly worthy of his good wife.

The daughter was right, taking the path of the third prince would leave him with nowhere to go.

[Hehehehe, it's great. Even God is helping the Ji family. If the plague is discovered in advance this time and this big trouble is solved, the people's voice will only be higher. 】

Hearing this, the four people's eyes lit up.

This feeling of having everything mastered in advance is great. Victory is always reserved for those who are prepared.

The second day of the Lunar New Year was the day to return to her parents' home to visit relatives. Mrs. Ji took Ji Hua on a carriage to Mu Mansion early in the morning.

On the way to Mu Mansion, Mrs. Ji felt very melancholy.

Feeling that her mother was sad, Ji Hua also pouted.

【Mother is sad. After the death of my grandmother, my grandfather promoted Aunt Xu, who was still a concubine at the time, to the position of his wife after three years of filial piety. Aunt Xu herself was not happy with her mother. So my mother rarely comes back. 】

Aunt Xu has a son and a daughter. The son followed the path of his grandfather and now works in Taiyuan Hospital. The daughter married the minister of the Ministry of War.

Aunt Xu was not happy with her mother, and naturally her two children were no better to her, so on the day of the full moon banquet, only Dr. Mu sent a congratulatory gift.

Suddenly, Jihua remembered something, her brows furrowed tightly, and her fists clenched tightly.

[After the incident in the Ji family, my grandfather threatened to die to make a speech, but was beheaded on the spot by the ruthless third prince in the main hall. The reason why Aunt Xu and others are not affected is because Aunt Xu is a distant cousin of the Qin family. The matter was only made public after Dr. Mu died. ]

[Now that I think about it, my grandmother's death is very strange. My grandfather was obviously an imperial physician, so why did my grandmother die of tuberculosis within a year? 】

Did someone start planning all of this more than 20 years ago? Or is it just a coincidence that Aunt Xu is here?

The speaker was unintentional, but the listener was intentional. Mrs. Ji suddenly remembered that it was Aunt Xu who had been taking care of her mother at the bed during that time.

Maybe my mother's death was really unusual.

Ji Hua felt that Mrs. Ji was shaking violently and thought she was cold, so she tried her best to get into her arms. However, she was wearing too much clothes and was still standing still for a long time.

[Mother, mother, are you cold? Give me a hug, it won't make you cold anymore. 】

Ji Hua did not give up and worked hard to lift her butt. Trying to give my mother some warmth.

To prevent her daughter from worrying too much, Mrs. Ji suppressed the overwhelming hatred in her heart, lowered her head and gently kissed Ji Hua's forehead.

And said: "My good daughter, please don't be naughty when you arrive at your grandfather's house soon."

[Okay, okay, don't worry, mother. 】

She never takes the initiative to provoke others, but if someone takes the initiative to provoke them, she will give her a surprise.

She now has more than 600 points that she can spend as she pleases.

Half an hour later, the carriage stopped outside Mu's mansion. Xiuhe jumped out of the carriage and knocked on the door. The person who opened the door was an old man from Mu Mansion. Seeing that it was Xiuhe, he hurriedly opened the door.

"The eldest lady is back, come on, come in."

Mrs. Ji got out of the carriage with the child in her arms. Xiuhe quickly took the plum blossom brocade and fur cloak and put it on. Cover Ji Hua with a small cloak.

Warmth rushed up all of a sudden.

Ji Hua narrowed her eyes in comfort.

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Previous chapter: Chapter 33, the driving force behind the scenesNext chapter: Chapter 35, Aunt Xu has something in her heart
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Pinellia novel
Chapter 35: Aunt Xu has something in her heart
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Previous chapter: Chapter 34, Returning to Mu Mansion to visit relativesNext chapter: Chapter 36, Go to Jizhou to worship ancestors

Chapter 35: Aunt Xu has a

certain status in her heart, and the Hou Mansion is much higher than the Mu Mansion. As a rule, a courtesy ceremony is required, but Mrs. Ji is kind-hearted and thinks that we are all one family, so she doesn't have to.

But things will be different in the future. She not only has to toughen up, but also needs to find out the cause of her mother's death.

"Why don't you greet me when you see me?" Aunt Xu and her daughter-in-law Gao came slowly and leisurely, wearing expensive clothes.

Hearing this, a sharp frown flashed across his somewhat wrinkled brows.

"Ayao has such a great reputation. In terms of seniority, you should call me mother."

Mrs. Ji sneered: "A mere aunt dares to call herself mother in front of my wife. If my wife refuses to admit it, you will For one day, she was just a concubine who couldn't stand up to the public."

[Ah ah, mother is mighty, mother is my god, yyds. 】

Mrs. Ji didn't understand what yyds meant, but she could hear her precious daughter praising her. In the past, she only tolerated it for the sake of her family and everything, but what she got in return was Aunt Xu's cynicism and neglect.

Now she understands that Aunt Xu is just an ignorant white-eyed wolf who has deceived the entire Mu Mansion.

"Didn't the eldest sister say before that there is no need for a family to be polite?" The speaker was Aunt Xu's daughter-in-law, Mrs. Gao, who was also holding a little baby in her hand, which looked longer than Jihua.

"When I speak, you have the right to interrupt."

Mrs. Gao was shouted at by Mrs. Ji, with an indignant look on her face.

When Aunt Xu saw her daughter-in-law being wronged, she immediately said harshly: "This is the Mu Mansion, not your Ji Mansion. If Madam Hou wants to show off her authority, please come back!"

I really didn't expect that after becoming Madam Hou, she would be so indifferent to superiority and inferiority. In the past, I saw that she was well-educated and kind-hearted, so I didn't give her too much embarrassment. Now, it's better to just ignore her as a mother.

Mrs. Ji raised her eyebrows and sat down on the chair beside her calmly. Said: "I think, Aunt Xu has forgotten the name of my wife. I can remind you that my surname is only Mu and has a Yao character. Aunt Xu can hear you clearly."

The more calm Mrs. Ji became, the more nervous Aunt Xu felt in her heart. The greater the anger.

[That's right, even a mere aunt wants to drive my mother away, so she's not worthy. 】

Jihua waved her little chubby hands happily, trying to give Mrs. Ji a thumbs up. Unexpectedly, he just made a small pink fist, and only a few thumbs came out.

[Wow, I'm so fat? No, no, I have to eat less. 】

Hearing what her daughter said, Mrs. Ji didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Xiuhe felt very happy when she saw Aunt Xu, who had always been showing off her power, blushing and turning pale at the face of Mrs. Ji.

Madam should have been like this a long time ago. If she doesn't become tougher, Mu Mansion will change her surname to Xu. The old man is not very good at managing affairs. Sooner or later, this house will have to be named Xu.

"Ayao is here." At the door, the approachable Dr. Mu walked into the lobby holding an exquisite wooden box.

Mrs. Ji quickly stood up to greet her: "Dad, this is Hua'er. Dad hasn't seen her yet." Mrs. Ji held Ji Hua closer to make it easier for Imperial Physician Mu to look at her.

[Yeah, yeah, is this old man with silver hair on his temples my grandfather? Now he is over the age of 10, but his face is rosy and his body is as strong as a young man. It can be seen that he was more handsome when he was young. 】

Mrs. Ji was truly delighted to hear her precious daughter's praise of her father.

She was his own daughter's daughter, so of course Imperial Physician Mu had to take a second look at her. He and his wife only had one child, Mu Yao, so they took it seriously.

Perhaps this was the reason why there was a gap between Aunt Xu and Mu Yao, so since then, he hid his love for Mu Yao.

Today is Ji Hua's first visit to Mu Mansion, and Imperial Physician Mu brought over the gifts he had prepared earlier. "This is a gift for Hua'er, keep it for her!"

Ji Hua was very happy, because it contained a little rabbit made of pure gold, and her zodiac sign was rabbit.

In the book, Ji Hua was successfully transferred as early as she was born, so the rabbit was given to the daughter transferred from the Qin family.

All this is hers, hee hee.

When Aunt Xu saw the gift, she couldn't hide the anger in her eyes.

She had been asking for it for a long time, but Imperial Physician Mu just refused to give it to Xiao Yu. Now Mrs. Ji has been busy giving it to Ji Hua as soon as she arrived. How could she not hate it?

After all, her son's weight in Imperial Physician Mu's heart was not as important as that of Mu Yao.

Mrs. Ji saw all the resentment in Aunt Xu's eyes and paid more attention to it.

After greetings, Mrs. Ji revealed the purpose of her trip: "Dad, my daughter wants to go back to Jizhou to worship her ancestors, so she came here specifically to ask if dad would go with her."

"Dad has not been back for many years, okay, let's come together! "

After hearing this, Mrs. Ji was happy. In this way, the epidemic will only go more smoothly.

If she takes the initiative to cure the epidemic, she may accept that she will not be able to convince the public. The situation was different for Imperial Physician Mu. He was the head of the Imperial Hospital, so it was natural to cure the disease.

"Okay dad, my daughter will make arrangements now." Then he thought of something and looked at Aunt Xu and said, "Aunt Xu, let's go too. After all, Mu Cheng has also been listed in the genealogy." Mu Cheng is Aunt Xu's son.

"I, I won't go." A flash of light flashed in Aunt Xu's eyes, which was caught by Ji Hua.

[If you don't want to go, why didn't she go to Qin's house to report the news as soon as we left? ]

After hearing this, Mrs. Ji wanted to take Aunt Xu away even more.

"Dad, my daughter feels that as Aunt Xu is now the head matron of the Mu family, it would be unreasonable for her not to go."

Aunt Xu looked in disbelief. Just now he said he didn't recognize her identity, but now he said she was the mistress of the Mu family?

Why does she feel that Mrs. Ji is uneasy and kind-hearted?

"That makes sense. Just go with us and let Cheng'er and Yu'er go. As a descendant of the Mu family, how can we not worship our ancestors?"

Aunt Xu wanted to use the excuse that Yu'er was still young . , the next second I heard Mrs. Deji's words: "Aren't you happy that Hua'er is also going to Jizhou with your mother?"

[Happy, of course I'm happy. 】

Ji Hua kept blowing bubbles out of her little mouth. She was happy, but some people were not happy.

"Yes." Aunt Xu glared at Mrs. Ji fiercely, then turned to clean up. Gao also left.

"Dad, my daughter will go back and pack now. We will set off tomorrow."

"Okay, you can go. Don't bring too many things. Let's travel light." Dr. Mu warned.

"Okay dad, my daughter understands."

After getting on the carriage, Mrs. Ji's face suddenly darkened and she said to Xiuhe: "Aunt Xiuhe, I suspect that Aunt Xu has something in her heart. Go and have a look in the backyard."

Ji Huaman Face surprised.

[Does mother suspect Aunt Xu? That's great, mother, there is something wrong in her heart, maybe she will send the news that we are going back to Jizhou soon. I just don't know if there will be any trouble on the way to Jizhou. 】

In the original work, the Ji family did not return to Jizhou, so she could not say whether there would be trouble along the way. But you must be on guard against others! It doesn't matter if you take Aunt Xu with you. If trouble does occur, you can take advantage of the chaos to get rid of her.

"Yes, madam." Xiuhe left in a hurry, and Mrs. Ji ordered the coachman to drive the carriage into the alley to wait for Xiuhe.

After waiting for about an hour, Xiuhe ran back panting and said: "Madam, I saw the old nanny next to Aunt Xu sneaking to the back door of Qin Mansion."

[Ah, that old thing really delivered the news. After giving it to the Qin family, the Qin family will pass the news to the third prince. Will the third prince take action against the Ji family? The third prince thought that the Ji family was on his side, but on New Year's Eve, his father rescued the prince. It was impossible for the third prince not to know about this. It is very possible that he is now beginning to doubt the Ji family's intentions. ]

Mrs. Ji also thought of this and felt very anxious.

If we don't go, what will the people of Jizhou do? If he goes, there will be many dangers along the way, and it is impossible to leave Ji Hua in Shengjing. There is also An Yan who is watching covetously. What should I do?

One thing she knew very well was that Aunt Xu must die on the road without anyone noticing,

in the Huguo Temple.

The third prince's face was full of cruelty at this time. Just now, his people found out that the person who smashed the Ji family's jewelry store on New Year's Eve was indeed an enemy of the Mu family. In order to avenge Uncle Fu, Dr. Mu must die.

The Ji family is still useful to him for now, and he won't move.

"Master, Master Cifeng is here to invite you." Lone Wolf said respectfully.

"Help me over."

Lone Wolf helped the sick third prince out of the side room and went to Master Cifeng's meditation room.

When nothing happened, the third prince would stay at Huguo Temple most of the time, in the name of praying for Emperor Yu. Emperor Yu would also think highly of him.

If something happens, it won't be thought of on his head.

On the way, Lone Wolf's voice sounded again: "Dark Eagle said that An Yan betrayed the organization."

The third prince raised his eyebrows and was speechless.

He really didn't understand, what was An Yan doing stealing Ji's youngest child that day?

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Previous chapter: Chapter 34, Returning to Mu Mansion to visit relativesNext chapter: Chapter 36, Go to Jizhou to worship ancestors
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Pinellia novel
Chapter 36: Go to Jizhou to worship ancestors
Turn off the lights small medium large
Previous chapter: Chapter 35, Aunt Xu has something in her heartNext chapter: Chapter 37: Encountering a killer on the road, An Yan's identity is exposed

Chapter 36: Going to Jizhou to worship the ancestors

. Coming out of the Zen room, the third prince's face looked extremely gloomy.

He asked Cifeng why he had the same dream every night, with the same person in it.

Cifeng replied: "I think about it every day, and I dream about it at night."

He thought it was ridiculous, because he didn't miss anyone during the day, let alone a woman.

In his opinion, women would only affect the speed at which he drew his sword.

At this time, Lone Wolf hurriedly came to report: "Master, I just received news that the Ji family and the Mu family will go to Jizhou to worship their ancestors tomorrow."

"Oh? This is a good opportunity."

The third prince walked away without looking behind him. The lone wolf hesitated to speak. The third prince is a very cautious person. Will something go wrong if he is not notified in advance?

Shortly after the third prince left, Lu Yiyi and his maid Ya'er came to Huguo Temple and found Master Cifeng, who actually asked the same question as the third prince.

Lu Yiyi first bowed to the Buddha statue above with great piety, and then asked Cifeng who closed his eyes and meditated next to him: "Master, if someone has the same dream every night, the same person will appear in the dream again." Man, what does this mean?"

"It means that if you think about it tomorrow, you will dream about it at night."

Lu Yiyi:

It's so ridiculous. She doesn't miss anyone at all during the day, let alone a man.

In her opinion, men will only lower her IQ.

This Master Cifeng has nothing but appearances!

After Lu Yi left, Master Cifeng in the room stood at the door of the hall with his hands behind his hands and looked far away in a certain direction. There seemed to be black clouds rolling there.

The undercurrent is raging.

He murmured: "It has been sixteen years, and you finally showed up. Lao Na has been waiting for you for sixteen years."

The servants of the Ji Mansion were very busy, busy packing their bags.

At noon, Zuo Tong pushed Ji Yushu to Wutong Courtyard.

"Where is the second young master?" Ever since Ji Linfeng confessed to him, he would take the initiative to push him at this time every day, but today it was Zuo Tong.

"Back to the eldest young master, I just saw the second young master leaving the house in a hurry. Maybe there is something important."

"Forget it, just push me over!" I think the second brother will share it with his eldest brother later. The second brother is good at everything, but he doesn't like to use his brain, as if he is missing a few muscles.

The servants in the mansion were all going in and out to load things on the carriage. Jizhou and his party were some distance away and would not be able to come back for a while.

[Big brother is here. 】

Before Ji Yushu arrived, Ji Hua heard the sound of the wheels grinding against the ground. He kicked his short legs excitedly. It's been almost two months since she could practice raising her head. Over the past month, her hair has grown very quickly, becoming thicker and thicker. The round face and bright eyes look like a rag doll.

How could Mrs. Ji not understand that her precious daughter wanted Ji Yushu to hold her? He came closer and handed the small breast dumpling in his arms to Ji Yushu. He also said: "Hold my sister for a while. Before dinner, I have to pack up the things I need on the way to Hua'er."

On the way, it is not as convenient as in the house. It is inconvenient to use anything. I have to bring two big bags with just diapers, and some other things. s things.

She was afraid that the servants would not be careful enough and would wrong her little Zai Zai.

"Okay, Mom." Ji Yushu took the milk dumplings steadily and made her laugh.

Ji Hua giggled very cooperatively.

[Hee hee, big brother is so warm, like the rising sun in spring, fragrant and soft. 】

Ji Yushu listened and motioned to Zuo Tong to push him into the house. There is a heater in the house, so it won't freeze her.

[Hey, it's almost time to eat, why isn't the second brother here? 】

At this time, Ji Hua realized that Ji Linfeng was missing.

Ji Yushu asked Zuo Tong without leaving any trace: "Did the second young master say that he would come back for lunch after being busy?"

Zuo Tong said respectfully: "Back to the eldest young master, the second young master left in a hurry, and I forgot to ask."

[Oh, it turns out it is. You're busy, I don't know what the second brother is busy with? ]

Then, Ji Hua frowned and bit her chubby hand. She seemed to have forgotten something?

At this time, Ji Yushu covered his mouth with his hands and started coughing. He almost threw Ji Hua to the ground, but when he realized it, he hugged her tightly.

Ji Hua frowned slightly.

[Spring is the common influenza season, and it is also at this time that the plague is rampant. It would be great if you have a mask, which can prevent cross-infection very well. 】

What is a mask?

Ji Yushu had a big question mark on his forehead. Although he didn't know what it was, he heard from his little sister that it could prevent cross-infection very well, so it must be a good thing. Furthermore, can what comes out of the little girl's mouth be bad?

Ji Yushu took the mask issue seriously.

Mrs. Ji glanced this way, thinking she also heard this. A little thoughtful.

Soon, the food was put on the table, and Lord Ji came over. As soon as he sat down, he snatched the little breast dumplings from Ji Yushu's arms.

Caught off guard.

Ji Yushu complained aggrievedly: "Dad, I just hugged him."

Lord Ji ignored him completely.

Before seeing Ji Linfeng, Mr. Ji and Mrs. Ji couldn't help but ask a few more questions. When they learned that he was busy, they ignored him.

In the afternoon, the servants continued to pack their things.

Ji Yushu didn't see Ji Linfeng come back until evening.

"Second brother, what are you busy with today?" At the intersection of the two yards, Ji Yushu stopped Ji Linfeng, who was returning in a hurry.

Ji Linfeng was stunned for a moment, then turned his head and his eyes fell on Ji Yushu grabbing the corner of his clothes. Suppressing the strange color in his eyes without leaving a trace, he opened his mouth and smiled: "What are you busy with? If nothing happens, I'm going to sleep."

After that, he pulled back the hem of his clothes from Ji Yushu's fingertips.

Ji Yushu stared at his back for a long time. A second before Ji Linfeng's back disappeared, he suddenly raised his voice: "Second brother, don't forget what the elder brother told you."

Ji Linfeng was stunned and didn't look back. Said: "I know."

Ji Yushu motioned to Zuo Tong to push him back to Qingzhuyuan, and stopped Zuo Tong before he left: "Wait, you don't have to come with me tomorrow, you just stay at home, and then..."

II On that day, when the sky was bright, the Ji family all got up. Mrs. Ji carried Ji Hua, who was still sleeping, into the carriage, and Mr. Ji followed closely behind with his bundle.

Not long after, Ji Yushu and Ji Linfeng appeared. Ji Linfeng jumped on the carriage before Ji Yushu. There was absolutely no intention of pulling Ji Yushu's hand. Ji Yushu moved his fingertips slightly but said nothing.

Finally, four servants carried the person onto the carriage.

The carriage space is too small to use a heater, but everyone has a soup pot. There is a thick quilt inside, so I don't feel cold.

A group of six carriages headed to Mu Mansion neatly, and when they arrived, the genius was bright.

There were a total of four carriages in the Mu Mansion. They agreed to go into battle lightly, but in the end there were ten carriages in a row, forming a formation that could be called a royal procession.

There was a lot of commotion in the two houses, which aroused a lot of discussion among the people who got up early. But it didn't pay much attention. Visiting relatives and worshiping ancestors in the first month was a custom of Sheng Yu, so there's nothing surprising about it.

Besides, the Hou Mansion is a famous family, so its reputation must be huge.

As soon as he got on the carriage, Ji Linfeng closed his eyes to rest and completely ignored Ji Yushu. Ji Yushu closed his eyes slightly and tapped his knee with his index finger.

From time to time, he opened his eyelids and glanced at Ji Linfeng, his brows deep.

Four days later, the carriage safely drove into Anyang County for rest and rest, while the servants went out to supply supplies.

It's fine for a day or two, but if we travel for a few more days, the women and girls will start to feel tired and complain a lot.

"Mom, why should we follow? Yu'er is still young and how can he bear this crime." In the inn, Mrs. Gao said with a dissatisfied look on her face.

Aunt Xu put the tea cup heavily on the table and said angrily: "That bitch is so talkative, you think I want to come."

Mrs. Gao was very aggrieved by this yell. The child next to her kept crying, which made her upset.

Finally, I had to get up to coax the child. She touched her forehead and said in surprise: "Oh mother, Yu'er has a fever."

Upon hearing this, Aunt Xu suddenly had an idea in her mind.

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Previous chapter: Chapter 35, Aunt Xu has something in her heartNext chapter: Chapter 37: Encountering a killer on the road, An Yan's identity is exposed
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Chapter 37: Encountering a killer on the road, An Yan's identity is exposed
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Previous chapter: Chapter 36, Going to Jizhou to worship ancestorsNext chapter: Chapter 38, Are An Yan and Ji Linfeng twins?

Chapter 37: Encountering a killer on the road, An Yan's identity is exposed.

Imperial Physician Mu's precious grandson heard that he had a fever, so he went out to get medicine.

Because Mu Yu had a fever, the team stayed for an extra day. Aunt Xu took the opportunity and said: "Master, you see that Yu'er is so young and weak, is it possible for me to stay with Yu'er in Anyang County to look after Yu'er and wait for you to come back?"

Imperial Physician Mu felt that Yu'er's health was important. , and agreed.

Mrs. Ji heard about this when she was preparing to go on the road the next day. "Dad, why don't you let Mu Cheng stay? As the head mother of the family, it's not good for Aunt Xu not to worship your ancestors. Besides, your health is not as good as before. If she is here, she can take care of you."

Seeing that Imperial Physician Mu hesitated, Ji Madam took advantage of the victory and pursued her: "Father, listen to your daughter, she loves you so much."

Imperial Physician Mu then agreed to let Mu Cheng stay with his wife and children, and Aunt Xu followed.

Aunt Xu, who was on the road again, was so angry that she cursed Mrs. Ji in her heart for a good death.

Yuer's high fever aroused Jihua's alert.

The sky is high and the road is far away, and it is difficult to convey news quickly. Is it possible that the epidemic in Jizhou has already appeared?

No, she had to be prepared.

In order to get more points for emergencies these days, she started complaining about Bei Hengjin from the moment she opened her eyes.

In the original work, from the perspective of the heroine, there are quite a lot of descriptions of Bei Hengjin, from birth to death, almost everything is described. Because the prince and the wise king were close, they would be together almost every day.

The prince will teach him painting, calligraphy, poetry and even martial arts, etc., so the prince is one of the most important people in Bei Hengjin's life. When Bei Hengjin died, the prince killed dozens of palace people in a rage.

At that time, he had gradually lost trust in Emperor Yu's heart.

Prince Xian's Mansion.

As soon as Bei Hengjin put down his pen, a line of small words appeared in front of him: "Bei Hengjin, are you lazy? Did the prince teach you how to draw yesterday? In fact, I also like drawing. I like Q prints." When I grow up, I will draw a stinky kid as big as a kid, with big eyes, big ears, and a small head, hahaha."

Bei Hengjin slightly opened the corner of his mouth and thought: Then I will draw a soft and waxy little kid. Pitiful.

The distance was too far, and he could only see small words like this. From a close distance, he could hear sister Hua'er's soft and waxy voice.

The sound of milk is milky and very pleasant.

He hasn't seen sister Hua'er for three days and misses her so much.

"You bitch, don't miss me. I'm going to Jizhou and I'll be back soon."

Bei Hengjin jumped up when she saw these small words. How could she go so far away? Can such a young child bear the pain of traveling long distances?

After two more days of driving, Ji Yushu suddenly received a secret letter. After reading the contents, he finally let go of his worries for many days.

"Whose letter is it?" Ji Yushu and Ji Linfeng were riding in the same carriage. When Ji Yushu received the secret letter, he couldn't help but be surprised.

Ji Yushu calmly put away the letter and lied: "The letter said that someone sneaked into my father's study to steal the list." After saying that, Ji Yushu glanced at Ji Linfeng without leaving any trace.

The latter looked shocked: "Do you know who it is?" He said this, but he already had a candidate in mind.

"I guess it's the second prince's people, right?" Ji Yushu said deliberately.

Ji Linfeng frowned and agreed: "It's possible that he is the only one who has the ability to compete with the prince. The third prince is a sick man and has been sentenced to death a long time ago. He has no motive at all."

Hearing this, Ji Yushu trembled physically and mentally. Zuo said solemnly: "This matter is of great importance. I need to tell my father. Come here."

Hearing Ji Yushu's shout, a guard immediately came forward. Seeing that it was Yin Zheng, Ji Yushu safely handed over the secret letter. He squeezed his hand and said, "Be sure to give this letter to dad for reading. When it's over, you can ask my dad what he meant."

Yin Zheng understood, took the letter and left.

[Hey, it's a secret message. Whose secret message is it? Why does dad look so serious and mom doesn't look good either? Could it be that someone took advantage of us to leave the house and sneaked into Ji Mansion? ]

[It must be, otherwise my father and mother wouldn't look so bad. 】

Daughter, my daughter, you guessed wrong this time. The content of the letter is about the second child.

Afraid of worrying her daughter, Mrs. Ji was about to read out the contents of the letter. Suddenly, Lord Ji rushed towards her and Ji Hua with a panicked expression.

He yelled: "Madam, be careful."


"There are assassins, protect the Marquis and his wife." Yin Zheng shouted in an excited voice, which made people tremble with fear.

Arrows were shot from all directions towards the carriage, and the servants screamed. Soon, a man in black flew over. Ji Mansion brought many people, and they immediately started fighting with the men in black.

The scene was chaotic.

Ji Hua held her hands tightly, frowned, and her round eyes widened, wishing she could transform into the Flying Girl and go out to help.

[There is an assassin. He must be someone sent by the third prince. What should I do? What should I do? Can dad and brother fight? 】

【But nothing can happen? ]

As the plot collapsed, many things were out of her control.

Suddenly, a sharp arrow shot towards Ji Yushu. At the critical moment, Ji Linfeng took action.

Ji Yushu looked at him in disbelief, thinking that he was going to take action.

"Brother, what are you doing? Get down quickly and I'll deal with them." After saying that, Ji Linfeng took the silver sword on the side and rushed out to fight with the man in black.

That big brother cry was extremely natural.

Outside, An Yan was really fighting with the man in black, every move and every move was true to form. He was like a natural killer. No matter what moves the opponent made, he could handle them with ease.

Half of the men in black lying on the ground died at his hands.

The secret letter was sent by Zuo Tong, and the content was that he had found the second son, Ji Linfeng, who was tied up in the woodshed of Yihongyuan. In other words, the person in front of him is not Ji Linfeng, but An Yan, the assassin of the dark pavilion.

Ji Yushu closed his eyes, taking all precautions, but something happened. This person refrained from making any move along the way, presumably because he was looking for an opportunity. But he had just saved him.

It was ridiculous that he actually relented at that moment.

This person only looks similar to the second brother, but he is not the second brother. He may have done it deliberately to save him. Aren't these killers from the dark pavilion?

Who are you showing it to?

Yin Zheng and others are all experienced masters, how could they not be able to deal with these men in black even when they are well prepared.

Yes, he had received the hint from the eldest young master earlier and was already prepared.

Not long after, all the men in black were beheaded. Except for the two guards of the Mu family who died, there were no casualties on the Ji family.

Just when "Ji Linfeng" had just sheathed his sword, Yin Zheng's sword was suddenly placed on his neck.

A look of solemnity on his face.

"Don't move."

There were corpses on the ground, and the maids and women screamed in fear. Before they could let go, they saw Yin Zheng putting a knife on the second young master's neck.

The change happened so quickly that it caught people completely off guard.

Xiuhe was shocked and said hurriedly: "Guard Yin, this is the second young master, how dare you do something like this?" Just now, the second young master was trying his best to protect everyone. He is a very good person.

Ji Hua was hugged by Mrs. Ji and got out of the carriage.

Seeing Yin Zheng holding the knife on Ji Linfeng's neck, he looked confused.

[Why did Yin Zheng put the knife on his second brother's neck? Does he really want to commit the following crime? ]

[No, he is not the second brother, he is the killer An Yan. The aura on his body is completely different from that of his second brother. Oh my god, along the way, I just realized now, where did the second brother go? Wasn't he killed? ]

Thinking of this possibility, Ji Hua screamed.

[Dad is going to kill him. He killed his second brother and wanted to replace him with his looks. Wow, my poor second brother, why did he die so early? ]

[I said how could the stupid second brother molest the princess? It turned out to be this guy. He might also be the one who was beaten to death with random sticks in the end. 】

The plot collapsed again, I'm really bored.

"I didn't kill Ji Linfeng." An Yan suddenly spoke after hearing Ji Yao's chirping voice.

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Previous chapter: Chapter 36, Going to Jizhou to worship ancestorsNext chapter: Chapter 38, Are An Yan and Ji Linfeng twins?
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Pinellia novel
Chapter 38: Are An Yan and Ji Linfeng twins?
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Previous chapter: Chapter 37: Encountering a killer on the road, An Yan's identity is exposedNext chapter: Chapter 39, Death of Aunt Xu

Chapter 38: Are An Yan and Ji Linfeng twins?

【Um? what did he say? He didn't kill his second brother? So where was he hidden? 】

The situation at the scene made the servants of the Ji family and everyone in the Mu family who had just gathered around were dumbfounded.

what is going on? This person was obviously Ji Linfeng, so why did he say he didn't kill Ji Linfeng?

Seeing Imperial Physician Mu walking over with a dark face, Mrs. Ji quickly stepped forward and explained: "Dad, this person is not Feng'er. He is An Yan, the assassin of the dark pavilion. He is just like Feng'er."

She also just looked at Ji Yushu. I learned about this through the letter.

Previously, she wanted to think about why the second-in-command who talked a lot and was not very talkative. It turned out that it was not her.

If the boss hadn't discovered it in advance, the consequences would have been unimaginable.

"What?" Doctor Mu's eyes widened in shock.

The expressions of all the servants also changed in shock, and Xiuhe even covered her mouth and took a step back.

Lord Ji put away his sword and walked over with a solemn expression: "Brother-in-law, what you said is right. This man is very similar to Feng'er. He tied Feng'er up and wanted to take his place. Wait for us." When he lost his guard, he took the opportunity to snatch Hua'er."

At this time, An Yan also realized that his identity had been discovered. The secret letter that Ji Yushu read just now was probably not a stolen list, but the news that Ji Linfeng had been found.

When did he start to suspect that he was not Ji Linfeng's?

Su Wen heard that the eldest son of the Ji family was extremely smart, and when he met him today, he was indeed well-deserved, so he had just treated him in front of him.

He originally wanted to kill Ji Linfeng, but because of his resemblance, he felt compassion.

He was suspecting that his identity was actually that of the Ji family, that he and Ji Linfeng were twins, and that someone had tampered with them on the day of delivery. In order to find out this, he changed his mind and left without Ji Hua for the time being. He lived in the Ji family as Ji Linfeng.

I didn't expect to be discovered so soon.

Imperial Physician Mu looked An Yan up and down, and said in surprise: "It looks like, it's really too similar."

"Ayao, could he and Feng'er be twins who were tampered with by someone in the house sixteen years ago? ?"

After hearing this, An Yan was surprised and said hurriedly: "I am indeed sixteen years old. "Is he really a child of the Ji family?

It's so exciting.

Mrs. Ji looked at Mr. Ji with a complicated expression. Could it be that someone really stole one sixteen years ago while they were not paying attention? Just like trying to seduce a girl.

Ji Hua also hesitated. Mrs. Qin and Mrs. Ji didn't know each other at the time, but there was no guarantee that others wouldn't do this?

After all, at that age, Mr. Hou was so successful that he surpassed his master.

Everyone looks at me and I look at you. In the end, someone shouted: "How about we shed blood to recognize your relatives?"

Ji Hua frowned, feeling that it was not reliable to shed blood to recognize your relatives, but this seemed to be the only way at the moment.

An Yan also wanted to know if he was from the Ji family, and agreed: "I agree."

Seeing Lord Ji's hesitation, An Yan knew that his special identity could not win the Ji family's trust, so he simply told everything he knew: "I You have betrayed Ange, so there is no need to think that I will harm you. I might as well tell you that this trip to Jizhou is very dangerous. Someone paid a lot of money to buy Mr. Mu's head. "

Who is it?" In front of him, his face was full of horror.

【Who else could it be? He must be the third prince without a doubt. 】

Ji Hua did not expect that An Yan would betray the organization. Wouldn't he be hunted down by An Pavilion? If you hide in Ji Mansion, won't Ji Mansion be implicated?

Ji Hua looked at An Yan with a somewhat complicated expression, maybe because she looked a bit similar to Ji Linfeng!

An Yan glanced sideways at Ji Hua in Mrs. Ji's arms. The little monster was indeed a little monster, and it was revealed so quickly.

"Third Prince." An Yan said matter-of-factly.

Upon hearing the words "third prince", Mrs. Ji and Lord Ji looked at each other, knowing that he was not lying.

Imperial Physician Mu didn't think so. He frowned and said, "Anyone can do it. It's nonsense to say it's the third prince."

"Who doesn't know that the third prince is poisoned by a strange poison and won't live past thirty. How is that possible? He attacked me, and since I had no grudges with him in the past, he couldn't take such a big risk to kill me."

Imperial Physician Mu did not see the panic flash across Aunt Xu's face behind her.

She actually didn't understand why the third prince wanted to kill Imperial Physician Mu? Imperial Physician Mu was just an imperial physician and could not play any role in the fight for the right to inherit the throne.

"Tie the person up first." Lord Ji spoke.

An Yan was anxious: "Why don't you confess your blood to me?" He couldn't wait to know the answer.

Lord Ji had already turned around. Hearing this, he was stunned for a moment and continued to get in the car.

Mrs. Ji hugged Ji Hua and followed closely behind her, with a complicated look on her face.

[Why doesn't daddy recognize his kinship with An Yanxue? Could it be that he doesn't want to admit that he has a killer son? My father was always clear, and if someone knew he had a son who was a killer, it would indeed be affected, but what if An Yan was really a child of the Ji family? 】

Ji Hua tried hard to recall the contents of the original work, trying to find some relevant information.

But in the end it failed.

She felt like her brain was turning into mush at this time.

An Yan was tied to the cart and sat with the servants. He was still struggling there and roaring: "What happened to me as a killer? If you hadn't lost me back then, could I have been a killer? Could I have embarked on this road of no return? You servants dare to kidnap me, When my identity is revealed, I will be the first to kill you."

An Yan looked like he was from the Ji family. Both inside and outside the words were complaining about the fact that Lord Ji had lost him back then.

The cries of beating and killing will only make Marquis Ji and Mrs. Ji even more unhappy. I almost stole my beloved daughter away on New Year's Eve, which is unforgivable even if I think about it.

The more Ji Hua thought about it, the more she felt that she had forgotten some important information.

No one saw the dark energy surging in the angry An Yan's eyes, which was extremely terrifying.

God was really not kind to us. It started to drizzle, the spring rain continued, and the lingering chill of late winter came back again.

Imperial Physician Mu thought An Yan was an inseparable twin from the Ji family and felt sorry for his grandson, so he ordered someone to carry him into his carriage.

Aunt Xu was extremely frightened when she learned that An Yan was a killer. Especially when she saw his blood-red eyes, she was so frightened that she almost collapsed to the ground.

She shivered and moved to the corner.

But Imperial Physician Mu didn't care about her timidity at all, and wanted to untie An Yan.

"Since you and Feng'er are twins, my grandfather can't watch you being abused."

"No, Master, I'm afraid of you." Aunt Xu tried to stop Dr. Mu, but she was so frightened by An Yan's cold eyes that she couldn't say anything good. So.

An Yan looked at Aunt Xu for a long time, until the latter became frightened, as if she was being targeted by an evil spirit, and her heart was beating fast.

"I seem to have seen you somewhere?" An Yan frowned, unable to remember for a while.

Aunt Xu's heart was ringing with alarm, and she said in panic: "How, how is it possible, you are a killer, I, I am a serious boudoir lady, how can I have contact with someone like you."

An Yan narrowed his cold eyes and snorted disdainfully: "You don't look down on people like me, and I don't look down on you, a frog in the well who only stays behind the boudoir's house."

"Don't be rude, An Yan, she She is your grandmother." Imperial Physician Mu really regarded An Yan as a member of the Ji family. Having lived outside for many years, I can understand his rebellious temperament,

"You have to learn the rules from now on."

An Yan snorted disdainfully. He didn't want to stay in the house and listen to any teachings. He was passionate about freedom.



Aunt Xu?

What did An Yan suddenly remember? He was shocked and said: "Grandpa, this woman is very bad. She was the one who killed my grandmother. She bought poison in the dark pavilion."

There is a rule in the dark pavilion that all dealings with dignitaries must be registered in the book to prevent these people from defaulting on their accounts. .

It was because he stole this book that Dark Eagle sent people to hunt him down.

Last night he looked carefully at matters related to the Ji family. When he saw that Ji Yushu and the prince were attacked at Huguo Temple two years ago, he was extremely angry.

If he is really a child of the Ji family, then Ji Yushu is his eldest brother.

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Previous chapter: Chapter 37: Encountering a killer on the road, An Yan's identity is exposedNext chapter: Chapter 39, Death of Aunt Xu
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Pinellia novel
Chapter 39, Death of Aunt Xu
Turn off the lights small medium large
Previous chapter: Chapter 38, Are An Yan and Ji Linfeng twins?Next chapter: Chapter 40, Jun Fu is the second sister-in-law's cousin

Chapter 39: Death of Aunt Xu.

Upon hearing the news, Imperial Physician Mu's expression suddenly changed, and he cast his gaze on Aunt Xu. His eyes were filled with an angry look that Aunt Xu had never seen before.

"Tell me, is what he said true?"

Aunt Xu was horrified, but her survival instinct made her subconsciously deny it: "No, sir, don't listen to his nonsense. How dare I do this?" Such a bastard thing happened."

An Yan sneered: "I'm not talking nonsense. I still have a book with me. The book records all the dirty dealings between An Pavilion and you so-called famous families."

"If you don't believe it, take the book. Take it out and take a look, it's written clearly in white and black, and it's on my waist."

Doctor Mu was filled with anger and immediately bent down to touch it.

Aunt Xu was trembling with fear, and cold sweat fell from her forehead like rain.

When he thought he was dead, he found that Dr. Mu had not touched anything. Aunt Xu immediately argued: "Master, would you rather believe a killer who has done all kinds of bad things than I am?"

"Where did he get the evidence? He was clearly bluffing and deliberately inciting feelings between us. . His identity is unknown. He is probably an undercover agent sent by someone to kill you after gaining your trust. Didn't you just listen to what he said? This journey is full of dangers. The dark pavilion sent experts to assassinate Yu. You?"

"He said this deliberately just to sow discord."

Imperial Physician Mu frowned and looked at An Yan, his eyes sharp: "If you and Feng'er are really twins, I am your grandfather. How can you bear this ? Kill your grandfather?"

An Yan said with a grimace, "Grandpa, how could I kill you? I tell the truth. As for why the book is missing, I'm afraid it was lost on the road. Now I have really betrayed An Pavilion. They're still chasing me around. It's not good for me to lie. "

What should I do? It would be troublesome if the booklet was lost.

Where was it lost? Since escaping back to Shengjing that day, he has been hiding in Ji's house. He has never been to other places. Could it be that he is in Ji Linfeng's room?

If discovered, would it harm him?

An Yan's mind was so confused that he had no clue.

He didn't want to kill his twin brother, so the Ji family would not accept him.

Doctor Mu's face was filled with anger, and he didn't know whether he believed An Yan's words or Aunt Xu's. His fists were clenched tightly. After a long time, he asked An Yan: "Do you remember, what medicine did she buy?"

An Yan said without thinking: "Remember, it is a poison that can make people cough for a long time. Once a person is infected, he will get tuberculosis. Undoubtedly, there is no antidote."

When he heard that it was undoubtedly tuberculosis, Imperial Physician Mu was so angry that he vomited a mouthful of blood.

Aunt Xu looked panicked, she knew that Dr. Mu believed it.

"Bitch, I'm going to kill you." Imperial Physician Mu kicked Aunt Xu hard in the heart. Unable to forgive her hatred, she opened the curtain and took the knife from the guard, stabbing the frightened Aunt Xu to death on the spot.

There was too much movement here, which attracted the attention of the carriage in front.

"Stop the car. Yin Zheng, go see what's going on behind you?" Lord Ji's voice came from the carriage.

Ji Hua also looked curious, what happened?

Yin Zheng ran away in a hurry, and came back after a while, saying in a solemn voice: "Master Marquis, madam, Lord Mu has killed Aunt Xu."


Madam Ji and Ji Hua exclaimed at the same time, but then The one who shouted loudly. My little buttocks were arching up and down, and I wished I could stand up and run over to be the first to eat the melon.

[Did grandfather really kill Aunt Xu? Why? Mother, go and have a look. Is it because my grandfather found out that Aunt Xu secretly sent a letter to the Qin family? 】

Marquis Ji and Madam Ji were shocked at the same time. Madam Ji hurriedly opened the curtain and got out of the carriage, just in time to see Dr. Mu kicking the dead Aunt Xu off. The old woman who was waiting in front of Aunt Xu was kneeling in the rain and shivering.

He kept trembling in his mouth and said: "Master, please spare my life, I have no knowledge of my aunt poisoning my wife."

In the end, he was hacked to death by the furious Imperial Physician Mu.

Imperial Physician Mu knelt in the rain and confessed to his dead wife: "Ayu, I'm sorry for you. I'm sorry for you. I didn't realize the poisonous woman's ambition earlier. It was I who killed you."

"Father, get up, my mother is in the sky ." I don't want to see you like this. Now that you have taken revenge on your mother, you can rest in peace."

Mrs. Ji glanced at Aunt Xu's body and trembled with hatred. It turned out that her daughter's suspicion was not unfounded. Aunt Xu really killed her mother.

Now, my father killed Aunt Xu with his own hands, which was regarded as revenge for his mother.

It's just that this way of death is still too cheap for her.

Mrs. Ji raised her eyes and saw An Yan's hands tied behind her back were untied. He also looked at Mrs. Ji and muttered for a long time: "Mother."

Mrs. Ji:? ?

An Yan already firmly believed that he was a child of the Ji family. How could there be two people in the world who looked so similar.

Mrs. Ji glanced at him, her eyes particularly difficult to understand.

Otherwise, persuade your husband to shed blood and confess your kinship to him?

It was drizzling, the servants all put on raincoats, and the maids and women all crowded into the carriage. The carriage set off again, leaving the two corpses to be beaten by the cold wind and rain.

Mrs. Ji accompanied Imperial Physician Mu in a carriage, constantly comforting him along the way.

An Yan was sitting in the corner obediently, looking at Mrs. Ji with a face full of joy.

He was the one who reported on Aunt Xu. For this reason, my mother could look at me more. Seeing how kind she was to the little monster along the way, she would definitely be kind to me as well.

He has been begging for a living since he was sensible. Later, he was picked up and trained to be an emotionless killer. In his heart, he has always longed to have family affection and the love of his parents, just like ordinary people.

"Mom, my child will protect you from now on." An Yan promised innocently, patting her chest.

Hearing this, Mrs. Ji spoke up in a rare voice: "Your identity has not been confirmed yet, so don't call me mother. Also, thank you very much this time."

If it weren't for him, she would have to investigate secretly. That's fine, just kill the person directly to avoid more trouble.

"You're welcome, after all, she is also my grandmother." On the night of the third day of the Lunar New Year, he made up for many interpersonal relationships related to the Ji family. We know that the Mu family is Mrs. Ji's natal family.

After talking about it, Mrs. Ji found that the killer in front of her was not as scary as the rumors. Except that the murderous aura on his body was a little stronger, everything else was fine.

He seems to have a good heart.

If he changes his ways in the future, it is not impossible for him to be accepted by the Ji family. But for some reason, she didn't feel the joy of regaining An Yan when she saw him. If it was really the child of the Ji family living outside, he should be filled with joy when he saw her again.

But she always felt an indescribable feeling of rejection.

Seeing Mrs. Ji's expression softened, An Yan's eyebrows relaxed. Follow and be happy.

Is this what it feels like to be loved? So novel.

In this way, the little monster is his sister.

It was drizzling outside, the spring rain was lingering, and the coolness was still there, but it was extremely warm inside the carriage. Jihua was placed on the soft couch by Lord Ji, who stood by and watched her cute sleeping face.

Seeing her moving her little mouth and blowing bubbles from time to time, my heart almost melted.

Jihua was pampered like jewels by the Ji family. She was born white and tender. At more than two months old, she looked like a four-month-old child.

He has a chubby face, thick hair, dark and bright eyes, and a smile that will melt your heart.

The whole person is full of milk.

I don't know how long I slept, but when I woke up, Ji Hua kept screaming.

[Hungry, hungry, mother, mother, I want mother]

Hearing this wah-wah sound, Lord Ji knew that his precious daughter had woken up.

He hurriedly called his servants to call Mrs. Ji.

At this moment, it is no longer raining, but the coolness is still there.

Lord Ji gently picked up Ji Hua and teased her.

"My baby is so cute!" This is the first thing Ji Houye says every time he holds Jihua in his arms, as if he can't get enough of her.

[Hehehehe, daddy can be patient too! ]

Lord Ji:

Then, Ji Hua thought of something.

[When I come to Jizhou this time, my father will definitely miss the person hidden in his heart, and my mother will be sad again. 】

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Previous chapter: Chapter 38, Are An Yan and Ji Linfeng twins?Next chapter: Chapter 40, Jun Fu is the second sister-in-law's cousin
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Pinellia novel
Chapter 40, Jun Fu is the second sister-in-law's cousin
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Previous chapter: Chapter 39, Death of Aunt XuNext chapter: Chapter 41: The first signs of the epidemic

Chapter 40, Jun Fu is the second sister-in-law's cousin,

Lord Ji, and he smiled slightly: Silly girl, your father and I have known for a long time that that person is your mother, how can we still make your mother sad?

At this time, the curtain of the carriage was opened, and it was Mrs. Ji who came up with a hint of coolness.

With a soft expression on his face, Lord Ji stretched out a hand to pull her into the carriage, saying at the same time: "Madam, we only have five or six days to go from Jizhou. My husband has not been to Jizhou for more than 20 years." . Stepping in again, I feel deeply, what do you think, Madam?"

Mr. Ji deliberately reminded Madam Ji of what happened back then.

As he expected, Mrs. Ji's expression froze. If he remembers correctly, the woman in his mind is also from Jizhou.

No wonder, he said without any hesitation that he would follow him to Jizhou. It turned out that there was such a relationship. Are you preparing to see things and miss people?

Where does that leave her?

Seeing Mrs. Ji's face falling down at a speed visible to the naked eye, Ji Hua's heart skipped a beat.

[Look, what are you talking about? Daddy really doesn't pick up the pot and makes mother sad, right? ]

[My mother never said that she was from Jizhou before, but now it's better. There's a big misunderstanding. 】

Marquis Ji didn't seem to see Mrs. Ji's disappointed look and was focusing on his own memories.

"Speaking of which, twenty-two years have passed since the civil strife in Jizhou. At that time,"

the more Lord Ji said, the more ugly Mrs. Ji's expression became, as if she was deliberately adding salt to her wounds. Unexpectedly, the baby daughter she always loved was also pouring salt on her wounds.

[Daddy, please speak more carefully, so that mother can]

Just at this moment, the coachman suddenly tightened the rope tightly, "Whoops..." The two people in the car, the young man and the young man, were so startled that their eyes widened.

"What's going on?" Lord Ji asked in a deep voice.

Yin Zheng's voice came from outside: "Master Hou, there is a man lying in the middle of the road ahead. He is not sure whether he is alive or dead. I went to check."

After that, the sound of horse hooves was heard.

Mrs. Ji was still breastfeeding Ji Hua behind Lord Ji's back, and her expression could not be said to be good.

Ji Hua ate with her little mouth, looking very shy.

But now her body is like a real child, and she is really hungry when she is hungry.

Yin Zheng quickly turned back and reported back: "Master Hou, that man is still alive, but he seems to be sick."

Upon hearing that he was sick, the two adults in the car jumped cautiously.

Ji Hua stopped eating the milk and was so anxious that she danced with joy.

[Isn't it an epidemic? Let's see what symptoms he has? There may be a red rash on the skin. It's over, it's over. If it were really an epidemic, wouldn't Jizhou, a hundred miles away, become a purgatory on earth? 】

Marquis Ji and Mrs. Ji came here because of this matter, and their expressions changed after hearing this.

Here, Imperial Physician Mu heard that someone fell ill on the road. In line with the benevolence of a doctor, he jumped out of the carriage and examined the person.

After a long while, he said: "I'm so hungry, and I'm infected with the wind and cold. Yin Zheng, give him some water."

"Wait a minute."

Mrs. Ji suddenly said, "Dad, diseases are more likely to occur in spring, so be careful."

Mu The imperial doctor nodded and turned to boil the medicine. When he was in Anyang County, he bought a lot of herbal medicine to prevent this situation from happening on the road.

Yin Zheng gave the man water and helped him lie down on the cart.

Mrs. Ji lifted the curtain and took a look, but did not see any red rash on the man's face or neck. Feel a little at ease.

Maybe it's just an ordinary wind chill?

Ji Hua, however, was extremely anxious and clutched the corner of Mrs. Ji's clothes tightly.

[If it is really an epidemic, Jizhou must be in purgatory on earth at this time. I have to think of a way to remind my mother to add more red peony root and anemarrhena to the prescription. ]

[By the way, let me see if there is that kind of transfer talisman in the mall. When my grandfather discovers something is wrong, he will definitely find a way to prescribe it, and then add the medicine god unknowingly. 】

The more Jihua thought about it, the more feasible it became.

Mrs. Ji tightened her grip on her daughter. She had already thought of a method, so there was no need to go to such trouble.

As soon as the thought came to an end, Ji Hua's scream was heard.

[Ah, there really is such a talisman. It's not expensive either, only fifty points. The question now is how to transfer? Hey, no, no, I can't write? 】

Ji Hua suddenly scratched her ears and cheeks anxiously. She grabbed her thick hair with her chubby little hands and rubbed it.

But Mrs. Ji and Mr. Ji were extremely distressed.

"Oh, my dear, why are you grabbing your hair? Let go." Lord Ji wanted to force Ji Hua's fat little hand away.

[Dad, don't stop me. This hair is too long. I'm sorry. 】

Ji Hua was spitting bubbles in her little mouth and wanted to talk.

The two of them couldn't laugh or cry.

The hair is a bit thick, but it doesn't seem to affect the daughter's IQ. She is probably too young and not fully grown, so she is a bit clumsy.

The young man who had been fed water by Yin Zheng woke up.

Lord Ji immediately asked him where he came from?

"Thank you so much for saving me. Xiaosheng is from Ru County."

Ru County is in the north and Jizhou is in the south. I think this person is really an ordinary person.

Bai Bai scared them.

Ji Hua also breathed a sigh of relief, but she was still scratching her head.

Here, Lord Ji asked about the young man's name and family background.

"Xiaosheng's surname is Jun, and his single name is the word "Fu". He was going to Shengjing to join his relatives, but he didn't want to encounter bandits on the way and be robbed and taken care of. The two schoolboys who were traveling with him were killed by the bandits in order to save Xiaosheng."

[Jun Fu What? Is this name so familiar? Who is it? ]

After asking some basic information, Lord Ji got the general idea and asked Yin Zheng to bring him some food. Not long after, the medicine was ready.

Jun Fu thanked him repeatedly.

When he saw the Ji family's ranks growing, he guessed it was a big family. He would be grateful if you could give him a little guidance, but he felt it was inappropriate to speak rashly.

Here, Imperial Physician Mu gave him the medicine and told him, "Don't forget it three times a day." He also gave him the medicine jar.

Jun Fu thanked him repeatedly and behaved politely. He must have a good family background.

[Ah, I suddenly remembered, isn't this Jun Fu the second sister-in-law's cousin? Are you going to Shengjing to prepare for this autumn? Quick, quick, quick, get this gentleman on board and build a good relationship first. When he wins the championship in the future, our Ji family will also be able to take advantage of him. The most important thing is that this person will become the first minister of the dynasty in the future. 】

【At the same time, he is also one of Lu Yiyi's subordinates. To be used by the third prince, establish a good relationship with this person first. If something happens to the Ji family in the future, he can also help him. ]

After hearing this, Lord Ji said without hesitation to Jun Fu who was about to leave: "Since Mr. Jun will go to Shengjing, let's go to Jizhou to worship our ancestors. After that, we will return to Shengjing." In

front of Jun Fu's eyes As soon as the light came on, Guangshan bandits encountered Liangba along the way. The guards around this family were experienced in many battles. If we go the same way, we will save a lot of trouble.

Jun Fu bowed hurriedly: "Thank you, Master, for taking me in."

In this way, Jun Fu joined the Ji family's team.

Later, Jun Fu learned that the Ji family was a sect of Shengjing nobles, and was shocked. In the whole Sheng Yu, there was only one lord, that was the undefeated God of War Dingbei Hou Ji Xiaoshan.

The Ji family is not only a famous family, but also a general's mansion that is respected by thousands of people. No one should kneel down and worship him when he sees him.

After that, Jun Fu seemed more and more cautious.

Knowing that Jun Fu would be Ji Linfeng's cousin in the future, Ji Yushu and An Yan were very friendly to him. Especially An Yan, who looks like a good brother.

"Brother Jun, don't be afraid. I will protect you from now on."

Jun Fu looked flattered. He knew that the Ji family had two sons. The eldest son, Ji Yushu, was injured while saving the prince when he was in his prime, and he never recovered.

The second young master, Ji Linfeng, is high-spirited and has superb martial arts skills. He must be the one in front of him.

"Thank you, brother Linfeng."

After hearing this, An Yan frowned and became unhappy for a moment.

Jun Fu looked confused.

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