ME in my very saggy pampers pullup

it all satrted on a snowy sunday night and I decided that I was going to make my pampers pullup very saggy and in order to do that without peeing in it I knew I needed to come up with a plan so I thought and then it hit me like a ton of bricks I could use snow my sound crazy but it really works you just get a couple of hand fulls of very white wet snow into the seat of my very soft cushiney pampers pullup  and then when I got all of the seats from top to bottom of my pampers pullup I pulled them all the way up and when I did I could start to feel the very white wet cold snow going up my legs and when it all hits the seat of your but it first feels weird but after you press my now padded but and get all the very cold snow all up and down the seat of my pullup I went inside and sat down in my favirot chair and I could feel the snow push up aginst the seat of my very soft and comfy pampers pullup and after awhile I started to watch a bunch of youtube videos  while very so often felling my very wet saggy pampers pullup the feeling was supper amazing and felt really good i mean when touching the big buldg in between the seat of my very wet and now saggy pampers pullup i mean the felling was like no other and after awhile i drifted in to a warm blissful sleep the end more to come next time.
