Ch 13

*Leo's Pov*

"Well they are getting off the field so maybe you should go see him." She pointed down to where they were. I waved goodbye and ran down the bleachers. I hit the ground and dashed over to Jason. He saw me and put his arms out. I jumped into them.

"You did so good!" I squealed.

"Because you were there, you cheered me on." He said.

"Your so corny." I said kissing his cheek.

"I know!" He beamed. He grabbed my face and gave me a small peck on the lips. I smiled so hard my face started to hurt.

"Oh right Leo I have a question for you." He finally let go of me.

"Oh and what's that?" I asked raising my eyebrow.

"Leo Valdez, will you um be mine?" He asked pointing to himself.

"I was about to ask you the same question." I said. I was I had it all planned out and everything. I was gonna kiss him and hold up a sign I had in my locker.

"So will you?" He asked.

"What do you think superman?" I asked. He smiled and pulled me into a hug. He was sweaty but I didn't care. I hugged him right back.

"Stop being so coupley you too, I'm taking you and Leo out for dinner now come on!" Nico said grabbing my arm. He pulled me to the car. He gestured me to get into the car so I did. I got into the backseat with Will, Frank, Hazel, and the Stolls.

"That was a great game." Will beamed.

"I know right, Jason won the whole thing." Hazel said happily.

"And the way you jumped into his arms." Thalia said. Her and Reyna were in the front. I rolled my eyes. Jason and Nico got into the car. Nico sat next to Will and Jason sat next to me. Thalia started the car and drove away from the school.

"So where are we going?" I asked.

"You'll see." Nico waved off the question.

"You know I don't like surprises." I huffed.

"You can be patient for 30 minutes Valdez." Nico said.

"Leo your not alone we don't know either." Travis said pointing to him and Connor. I sighed in frustration.

"Leo sometimes you need to be patient." Jason complained.

"Listen superman, you signed up to deal with me, so get over it." I snapped back. He rolled his eyes and looked out the window. I turned to the Stolls.

"What type of prank we doing when Percy and Annabeth get back?" I asked.

"Ooo why don't we pants Percy." Travis suggested.

"Yes, just like we did to Leo!" Connor agreed.

"Wait hold on, you pants Leo?" Jason asked. I could tell he was angry.

"Yeah they did, but I got them back!" I smiled.

"Wait what?" Travis asked.

"What did you do?" Connor asked.

"You'll see tomorrow." I said turning back to face front. I could hear them whispering about what I did. I smirked. I can't wait for their reactions tomorrow.

"Leo what did you do?" Will asked.

"You'll see Solace." I whispered.

"Leo tell me, what did you do?" Jason demanded.

"Nope!" I shook head. I took out my phone and texted Piper.

Me:Hey Pipes how you feeling?

Beauty Queen(aka Piper): like shit

Me: I hope you feel better

Beauty Queen: did Jason's team win?

Me: yep and Me and him are dating!


Me: I heard you from here

Beauty Queen: Oh please but I'm so happy, finally you guys are dating!

Me: yeah remember our plan, I didn't get to use it because Jason asked me

Beauty Queen: he did! I'm go blow up his phone now bye Leo!

Me: bye Beauty queen!

Jason's phone went off just as I turned my phone off. He looked at me and went to see who texted. I looked to my right and saw Frank and Hazel being all coupley.

"Get a room." I said rolling my eyes. Hazel blushed and Frank looked embarrassed. I turned and Nico was staring daggers at me. I gave him a smile and put my headphones in.
We finally got to our destination. It was a restaurant that looked to fancy for my taste. I think Jason saw right through me because he put his arm around me.

"It's gonna be ok, I'm right here and If you feel uncomfortable, tell me." He whispered to me. I smiled and we got out of the car. Fun fact about me is that I don't like fancy restaurants. It is weird I know, but I was raised by a loud and clumsy family. We walked up to the front door and headed inside. I took Jason's hand and just stayed quiet. The server brought us to a private room with Jason's team inside. Malcolm and Katie were there too. I saw Hades and Persephone sitting at the head of the table.

"Where are your parents?" I whispered to Jason.

"My dad's on a business trip and my mom is in Hollywood for a movie she's in." Jason explained. I nodded my head. We sat down next Nico and Will. I kept my grip on Jason's hand. He squeezed it from time to time to reassure me.
Thalia dropped me off. It was like 9 o'clock. I made my way inside and to my room. I locked my door and hopped into a long hot shower.

Once I got out I plopped down on my bed. I had the chemistry test tomorrow. I couldn't sleep. My mind was racing a mile a minute. I tried to go to bed but after an hour I gave up. I got out of bed and went over to my desk. I turned on a light and started to work on what ever I could come up with. Once I was done I put in my headphones and put on some music.

I listened to it while thinking about what tomorrow will bring. The thing is I look fine on the outside but my heart aches on the inside. I'm broken. I'm like a machine that's about to blow. Would anyone care if I just disappear or leave this life behind. Everyone's just friends with me because they feel bad. Tears started falling down my cheeks. For the rest of the night I sat on the floor silently crying and feeling bad about myself.
