Chapter One: A Beacon Of Hope

"What do you like to do for fun?"

The tree branch bent a little bit as I sat down, just a day ago we all were determined that we would somehow find a way for someone to rescue us, but looking at it now, it seemed impossible. There wasn't any way for us to contact someone now that the electricity and cell phone signal was out. Unless there was some miracle that happened and we found a way to contact people, we were stuck with murderous dinos, I look out onto the ocean, I came here alone to think, wondering how long it would take before a hungry carnivore came along and tried to eat me, oh how I wish I could swim, I also wished I wasn't so deathly afraid of water. My silence was interrupted very quickly.

"Run, run, run!" I hear Darius' voice yell, I quickly jump down and see Darius and the others running towards me and see a...Parasaurolophus chasing them? They only ever chase people if you upset them.

I quickly run next to Darius and look behind me to see Sammy and Brooklynn holding Yaz up while running.

"Is the Parasaurolophus still there?" I hear Brooklynn ask. Kenji, at the back turns to see what's going on while still running. Only to see the T.Rex swoop in and snap at the herbivore.

"Not anymore!" He yells back.

Darius stops running for a moment and points to a huge log. "Over there! Cover!" We quickly run to it as the T.Rex snaps at the Parasaurolophus from behind a tree.

Darius and I crawl under the log while Brooklynn jumps over, Kenji and Sammy help Yaz up before hopping over themselves.

Sammy hides her head in her knees, Yaz close to her, Brooklynn covers her ears while I wince at the sound of the herbivore whining and bones crunching. I'd been feeding and watching these dinos since they were small, it hurt me to hear them now eating each other, and probably us.

I feel my arm, the blood still hasn't dried, you could see the fat layer of the skin, I couldn't get the treatment I needed because we blew up the last place with bandages.

Darius got up and looked over the log, I heard the bushes rustling and huge, receding footsteps. "They're gone." Darius says and we all sigh and relax.

"Why are there so many dinosaurs around?" Kenji asks, exasperated. Brooklynn gets up from where she was laying. "Well it's either your boyish charm, or all the fences are down." I scoff. "Definitely not option one." Sammy nods. "No offense, but it's definitely option two."

"I don't even care." Said Yaz, getting her head off Sammy's shoulder. "Right now, I just want a sandwich." She started touching her ankle and my stomach growled, anything that was edible would've been nice right now.

"We haven't eaten since we've had those awful carob bars that Ben..." She trailed off, we all looked down, my chest felt heavy, no one said anything.

We then heard another loud roar which made us groan in annoyance. "We just need to eat and rest." Sammy states, she helps Yaz up. "I can't keep running like this."

I see Darius walk off by a tree and gasp. "We don't have to." I walk beside him and see a bit of...Main Street!

"There's bound to be a way to call for help on Main Street." He turns to me. "Right?" I shrug. "I've never been disclosed of any information on ways to call for help, but there is food." I added. I look at my arm, maybe there was something to bandage it up with! We run towards the main street tower.


I look around in surprise as we walk down main street, it looked awful! This wasn't the place I'd ride down to every morning, this wasn't where I met with my best friend to eat dino gummies, Lilia... I wondered if she was still alive, if she had made it out like everyone else.

"What happened here?" Kenji asked. We walk up to a very destroyed restaurant. "Uh, I'm thinking dinosaurs." Replied Yaz sarcastically.

"It's more than that." Darius says as Kenji kicks a takeaway cup. "Some kind of fight took place." I look around, yeah, it looked too destructive from just rampaging dinosaurs. "From the height." I continue for him. "Maybe the T.Rex and something bigger." My eyes widen, who won this fight?

"The Indominus rex." Brooklynn says, my heartrate spiked. She walks by a body of water, where there was a broken fence, and claw marks, huge claw marks, the same ones that tainted Little Birdies enclosure when she climbed up to me.

"I don't think we have to worry about it anymore." Brooklynn says, Darius turns to see my blank face. Brooklynn continues. "Or what's left of it." Darius elbows her, she turns to me. My head was racing with thoughts.

I step to the body of water and stay there. "Least the mosasaurus won't be hungry for a while." Darius says to reassure the campers. "Sorry Holly." I don't say anything back.

"Guys!" Sammy yells. "You have to see this." She looks at me. "What's wrong with Holly?" Darius shakes his head. "Leave her be, she needs to be alone for a while.

While the campers dissipate to look at whatever Sammy called them over for, I stare into the water, I didn't know what to feel, sad that the dinosaur that I've been visiting my entire life was gone, or relieved that she would never hurt the campers again.

But what about me? What did I want? I wanted a dinosaur best friend that no one experimented with, I wanted to be in my bedroom, looking out the window, listening to the campers talk to each other, I wanted to help Dave with his work, I wanted to take pictures with Brooklynn, to make hand sanitizer with Ben, talk about farms with Sammy, race against Yaz, annoy Kenji, but I could never have those things, I could never just sit down, maybe talk about dinosaurs with Darius and stare at the sunset. These dinosaurs ruined it, I felt mad, mad at that stupid T.Rex and especially that mosasaurus, a tears poured from my eyes, when I saw that fish dinosaur, I was going to make some nice sushi.

I look around trying to find where everyone went, I go to a store, to see a, Brooklynn cut out? I make a pfft noise and start laughing, everyone turns to look at me, I point at the cut-out, I just found the way Brooklynn was made here was weird.

Brooklynn rolls her eyes and gives a slight smile. "Ok, I et it, the cut out's weird." Sammy laughs. "Least she feels better."

"Ooh, lost and found!" I hear Darius exclaim. He rummages through the lost and found box. "Sunglasses, hat, sunglasses, hat. Really? No one lost their cell phone?" He exasperated.

Yaz tries to dial on a telephone. "Well whatever phones are here don't work." She puts the phone back on it 's holder. "The power's out, there's not even walkie-talkies." Kenji leans on the counter Yaz was behind.

"Oh yeah?" He pulls out two triceratops walkie-talkies. "Then what do you call these bad boys?" He hands one to Yaz, she presses a button on it which makes an electronic sound, an annoying electronic sound.

"Definitely not bad boys." I scoff. "Hey at least they work." Kenji suggests. He presses another button and does some robotic movements. "They even have a robot mode."

"Oh!" We hear Sammy yell. Darius head lifts up. "You found something?" I turn to see her holding a book. "An Insider's Guide To Jurassic World!" She shows us the cover. "It's got all kinds of details about the park. Did you know there's hidden dinos carved into the buildings?" She flips a few pages. "Or that aircraft aren't allowed to fly over the island?" Our faces change from hope, to disappointment, now the only way for someone to save us was to come by boat.

"Sorry, that last ones a bummer." Apologises Sammy.

"Hey!" Brooklynn exclaims, excited.

"Is it a phone?" Darius asks.

She pulls something out from the box she was rifling through. "A camera! And it works!" It beeps on. "Now I can document all the crazy stuff we've seen! Our rescue will be a Brooklynn exclusive!" She poses in front of the camera. "That'll get my follower count back up where it belongs."

"And that will help us how exactly?" Yaz asks sarcastically. "Uh, because when we get home this will also make you famous?" I scrunch my face, I didn't want to be famous, not gonna lie I wanted to walk in a shopping mall without a crowd of fans swarming me.

"Hey!" Kenji also exclaimed. "Tell me you found a phone." Darius says exasperated.

"Uh, no but I could be in the video." He poses in front of the camera Brooklynn was holding.

Sammy gasps. "Phone?" Darius asks, not even trying.

"Nope, it's better than that. It's an EDB- Emergency Distress Beacon! After the first park went down Mr. Masrani installed one on main street." I look over her shoulder. "It's battery powered and can send an SOS signal 150 miles in all directions! We're saved!" We all look at each other and smile."

"Does it say where it is?" Yaz asks, hopeful. Sammy looks at the next page. "Uh, no. The rest of the chapter is just glamour shots of Dr. Wu wearing turtlenecks." I chuckle as I look at the pictures. "He was obsessed with those."

"Everyone spread out!" Commanded Darius. "There's a way to communicate with the outside world on main street. We find this thing, and we go home. We hear a robotic voice next to us.

"Affirmative, human." I gave Kenji a 'really?' look.

We spread out and I do less looking and more thinking, I felt a lump in my throat the more I thought about Little Birdie, I shook my head, trying not to think about it and focus on the beacon.

I eventually met up with the others, by the torn down restaurant. "Find anything?" Darius asks me. "Not yet." I answer as I look inside of the restaurant for any props out of place. "What about the others?"

Kenji suddenly whizzes past me. "Found scooter!" We just stare at him as he carries out the r and zooms away.


(bob's back)

"Maybe the beacon got trashed along with everything else?" Yaz suggested as she stabilised herself on a pillar. "It's here somewhere." Darius persists. "It has to be."

I hear Kenji's voice from behind Darius, he was playing with a stegosaurus above his head. "Mm roar I'm gonna eat you!" He says in a 'creepy' voice, it just sounded weird.

"That's a stegosaurus Kenji." Darius says, with a bored look on his face. "You look like a plant." He continues as he makes the stegosaurus munch on Darius' hair. (This part was so funny for no reason lmao)


"Anybody order frozen pizza from the world's dopest delivery boy?" We hear Kenji say in a robotic voice as we were sitting under some table umbrellas.

"Food?!" I exclaim, hungry as heck. We all take a slice from the pack. But wince as we try to bite into it. "Ow!" I yell as the coldness of the pizza hurts my sensitive teeth.


Darius flips through the pages of the book, while Brooklynn looks at her footage, Yaz, Kenji, Sammy and I sit and wait for the pizza to defrost.

"Ok, is the pizza thawed now?" Sammy asks. Kenji sighs and gets up. "I'll check."

Kenji reaches to grab a frozen slice of pizza but a compy snaps at him, Sammy and I yelp as another compy jumps on the table we were sitting at, we shout and yell as they start to surround us, if they got to close we were going to be compy food.

"Throw the pizza!" Yaz yells. "Throw the pizza!" She bats at one of the small dinos. "Aw man!" I say bummed out, I was really hungry. "All of it?" But a compy quickly jumps on the table and I run towards the pizzas, everyone else following.

We start picking up pizza boxes and throwing it at the tiny dinos. Making all of them move in the opposite direction.

"I'm really starting to dislike them compies." Sammy states, hands on her hips. "They're like the rats of the dino world- they'll eat anything." Brooklynn adds. "Yeah, but so will Kenji." Yaz says, rubbing her ankle.

"I object to that." Kenji says, nearly putting a slice of frozen pizza in his mouth before I smack it out of his hand. I gently push him, and we then start monkeying around, Brooklynn and Sammy joining in, laughing together, it was moments like this that didn't make me completely hate this island.


I had never been on a real beach before, unless you wanna count the islands little amount of sand they had around as a beach, but here I was, in a white sundress, with my bare feet, walking along the sand.

The ocean looked so pretty, so gentle, but it was probably one of the most powerful and scariest things in the world. Just like my Little Birdie, my heart ached just thinking of her, she never ever deserved what happened to her, she was never supposed to be experimented on, or raised alone in captivity, then maybe I wouldn't have been the only friend it had in the world.

A huge groan came from next to me and I realised I was sitting down, a huge, white, thing was laying it's head on my lap, Little Birdie! My head was gently stroking her snout (? Idk), I wasn't controlling my movements, it was like someone altered my brain commandments.

We both listened to the ocean waves together, the splash and crash of the waves, the sound of the seagulls squawking above us, when we escaped the island, I really wanted to go to a beach.

It was just the two of us for a few minutes, before two other people came and sat next to me, a man and a woman, they kind of looked like, my ma and pa! The man having blonde hair and my blue eyes while my ma had brown eyes and my dark, curly hair.

"Why are you guys here?" I ask. My mother doesn't say anything but just holds my cheek as a tear slips down, I place my hand on top of hers. "I'm so happy you guys are here." I say smiling, my dad hugs me from the side and little birdie turns to face me. "But this isn't real." My smile drops.

I get up from my sleeping position next to Kenji and just stare at the ground while I process the dream that I just experienced.

I hear quick and anxious breathing and look up to see Darius moving his head around and muttering a bunch of things I can't hear, he must be having a bad dream. I quickly walk up to him.

I shake him as he mumbles something about his dad before coming to. He pants, cold sweat dripping down his face. "Hey, whoa, whoa! You okay?" I ask him, trying to calm him down.

"Looked like you were having a bad dream." Darius starts to calm down. "Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks." He speaks.

We hear radio static and turn to see Kenji snoring into the triceratops walkie-talkie. "I keep telling myself the batterie's gotta run out sometime, right?" I say to Darius, the walkie-talkies were extremely annoying, and Kenji's constant use of them wasn't making it any better.

I see Darius curled up in a ball and my smile fades, he really must've had a bad dream huh?

"I have to find that beacon." He says, determined. "I just have to try harder. I can find it if I try harder."

"Calve raises." I say as I stand up and start going up and down, I see Yaz and Darius hang out a lot, maybe this is what she would do?

"Ok, this is the last time I eat unthawed pizza." Darius says as he watches me, his eyes going up and down along with me. "Cause boy is this dream getting weird." But cooler. He thinks to himself.

"Isn't this what Yaz likes to do for fun?" I ask as I go for my 30th calf raise now. "Oh, we have very different definitions of fun." He states.

I stop and walk towards him. "Okay then, what would be fun for you?"


"Learning new dinosaur facts!" He yells and whoops as we enter the discovery walk, I didn't really go here, very boring.

"Whoo." I said bored.

"I've been wanting to see the Jurassic World Discovery Walk since forever! I can't believe this place is practically untouched!" He exclaims as he turns to me, looking at a fact plaque.

I can.

"Race you to the next plaque!" He says but runs to it before I can even get ready. "That did not count as a race."

"Check it out, sauropods can eat up to 12,000 pounds of food a day!" He holds finger up and turns to me. "Their necks help them cover both elevated and lower grazing levels, but still, that's insane!" It made me happy to know that this was making him feel better.

"Race you again." He says and rushes past me to the next plaque, he was kind of cute, actually, but I'm not that interested right now.

"Ooh this one's about camouflage." He says excitedly. "Some dinosaurs developed colour patterns to help them hide from...hide-I know where the beacon is." I run to him, holding his shoulder. "That's great Darius, but we should let the others rest for now, we'll look in the morning, meanwhile, we can do something I find fun." Darius raises an eyebrow. "Which is what?"

I gently pull him down and lean against the plaque. "Talking, I like talking with friends, and since we're going to get rescued soon, we won't have plenty of time to chit-chat." Darius makes an 'I guess' face and also leans on the plaque.

"So..." He starts. "Did you and your parents ever come to the discovery walk?" I wince. "Ah, no... I mean I can't-since, they're-kinda...dead." Darius' smile drops. "Oh I'm sorry! I didn't know! I promise I wouldn't've asked if I had!" I shush him, placing a finger on his lips. "Chill, you're gonna attract dinos here, and it's okay, you didn't know, plus I understand what you're going through, y'know, with your dad and all." So the night wasn't very much talking because right after that we just stared the stars in silence, sitting next to each other.

"Look, we already looked here." Kenji said as we set off the next morning to find the beacon.

"We looked, but we didn't look." Darius said, everyone raised an eyebrow at him.

"Well that clears that up." Brooklynn said sarcastically.

"It's like Sammy was saying." Darius continued. "Things are disguised as other things." He places a hand on Sammy's shoulder. "We never saw the beacon because it was camouflaged." After he said that we separated again, on another hunt for this SOS beacon.

We basically looked everywhere for this thing, trash cans, tiny plants, rocks, chairs, etc, we kept looking until Yaz fell onto a tree, which made a metal thunk, not a very 'tree-like' noise.

"Ever hear a tree do that?" She asks as we all rush over to her, inspecting the tree.

Sammy pulls open the tree and gasps. "There's stuff inside!" Brooklynn pulls out her mini camera. "Find it again for the camera?" Sammy proceeds to renact the entire scenario.

We continue to open up these fake trees, only to find nothing. "All aboard the failure boat." Kenji said sarcastically. "The rest of these are all empty, Broseph."

"This one's missing." Darius says as he stops by one of the metal trees that's been ripped off. He steps and looks at the trail the tree left, into a very eerie place.

We hear a dinosaur snarl, and we all scream.


We duck down from our current hiding place as we watch the T.Rex drag something into its enclosure, covering it with some dirt, before giving a loud roar.

"A T.Rex lair!" Darius whispered, intrigued. "They've found fossilized nests, but the T.Rex never did this when the park was open. We're witnessing new behaviour! This is great!" We all give him a look.

"This is terrible." He realises. "She built her lair right on top of main street." Brooklynn holds up her camera as I speak. "And it's about to get worse, look." I point to Brooklynn's camera, which is zoomed in on a certain metal tree we've been looking for.

"Well we found the beacon." Yaz says while we all groan.

"How are you supposed to get to the beacon now?" Kenji asks as we all crouch out of the huge dinosaur's view. "Um, don't you mean we?" Darius asks. Kenji shook his head.

"No, because I want to live, and living does not involve me walking into a T.Rex lair!" He points to wherever he's pointing.

"So wait, does this mean we can't signal folks and tell them we're still here?" Sammy asks. I shake my head.

"Great, try to spend a little time as normal kids and it still ends up biting us in the butts. I- I just wanted 24 hours without thinking about dinosaurs, or being left behind, or Ben." We stayed quiet.

"It was nice while it lasted." Sammy gave up.

"Hey." Said Darius. "We can't give up now, I know it seems hopeless but there's always an answer. We just have to get out of our own heads to see it." I smile at his determination.

He looks over the wall of the roof we were sitting on then turns back to us. "Kenji, were there any more of those walkie-talkies in the gift shop?"


Sammy and I were placed up in a tree, to keep watch just in case the T.Rex came to and fro. "Heading your way Sammy and Hols." Yaz said, I smirk at the new nickname.

We hear stomping and see Big Mama walking past us, from my upside down position, I give thumbs up to Sammy. "Listen up." She speaks. "She just passed by."

She hands the walkie to me. "Coast is clear, go for it!"

A few minutes later we see her walking by, and I do a quick sit-up before jumping to the next branch Sammy following, I start to hang upside down again, but I lose the T.Rex, Sammy and I look at each other confused until her eyes widen, I follow her gaze to look down, I held the urge to scream.

She was underneath us.

I clamp a hand to my mouth and quickly pull myself up, my heart pounding in my chest.

She looks up at us and I inch closer to Sammy, my eyes wide. She reaches up- and grabs a branch, I sigh in relief as she walks away, maybe no going upside down for a while.

"Are you kiddin?" She says, stunned, she then slips on the branch and let's go of the walkie, my legs grip onto the branch as I hold on to the walkie, upside down, I wanted to leave this island already.

I quickly sit up and give the walkie to Sammy, although I could've said something I probably would've been too stunned.

"Rexy's headed back to her lair!" Sammy whispers into the speaker. "She's heading back, y'all need to get out of there. Darius Kenji!" They weren't responding, I was having mini heart palpitations as Darius and Kenji didn't respond. I heard them yelling about how they ran down the battery and how Brooklynn was gonna stall the T.Rex. "How do you stall a T.Rex?" I asked into the speaker.

Sammy and I both jumped down from the tree, sprinting towards main street.

As we move in, we see the T.Rex stomping towards Darius and Kenji. We then heard a very loud-

"What's up Brooklanders!" Then heard the T.Rex stomping towards the voice.

All the campers run out into the jungle and Sammy, and I follow.

We whoop. "We're gonna be saved!"

"Sorry you had to give up your camera." Darius says to Brooklynn.

"Eh, it was old and Janky anyhow. My followers deserve way better picture quality than that."
"Where to now Darius?" I ask him.

"We obviously can't go back to main street."

"Now we just have to find a place to hole up until help arrives." He stands up. "And rescue will be coming, we just gotta stay alive until they do." I smile, we were gonna be saved! For real this time!

4,080 words

Authors Note

You can probably see me getting lazy near the end with the no paragraphs, its cuz I'm finishing this up at 2am in the morning right now and just want to sleep. But I dont wanna make you guys wait.

You also probably noticed I took most of the scenes with Yaz and Darius and replaced it with Holly and Darius, she had tons of moments with him which wont slide in this fanfic.

Finally, someone requested that Holly deck kenji in the face, I will not make her punch him, but slap him somewhere in season 3, so you're gonna have to have patience for that.

That's It! I appreciate whoever is still reading this! 💗
