Male oc

Name: Alen Farleth

Nickname: Al 

Age: 24 (depends on rp)

Race: Half elf 

Gender: Male 

Secondary gender: omega 


Personality: smart, stubborn, loyal, airhead at times, creative, sarcastic, outgoing, friendly 

Likes: practicing and learning magic, animals, reading, drawing, hanging with his friends, stars, music, playing the piano or harp, dragons

Dislikes: being teasing because he is half elf, new people, someone messing with his friends, being woke up early, small places 

Weakness: slight trust issues, sensitive towards remarks about him being half elf , small places, snakes, ducks, geese 

Powers: can heal minor wounds, teleport (from amulet he made), water spells 

tattoos: one on his left bicep 

Smokes/Drinks: no, he doesn't smoke, but he does have a drink or two occasionally 

Uke/Seke/Seme: virgin
