EP. One - Act 2


INT. Cleo's Room and EXT. Luxor Temple

 Nephthys in disguise sitting so straight, that an obelisk would be jealous, has brought some sweets for Cleo. Licorice and ginger caramelized with honey, Dom palm nuts, and even dates and grapes were laid out before Cleo. She was stunned at the sight of so many sweets as the only thing she usually ate was stale bread, she only nibbled on a ginger candy afraid the exoticness of the rest would upset her stomach. 


Nibbling and realizing the ginger candy is sticky 

"The Papyrus Ani is a myth lady" 


picking imaginary lint off herself looking board already 

"Is it? hmm. well, that's disappointing that you believe that. well either way I will pay you greatly if you would please retrieve the tomb for me" 


Trying to pick the stickiness off her fingers looks up

"Lady I can't "retrieve" something that doesn't exist. Besides, why do I have to do it, don't get me wrong I am grateful for the opportunity but don't you want someone other than a street rat?" 


Her head snaps up so fast in anger, the air is tinged with the amount of power she holds inside, she reaches over the confectioneries and grabs Cleo's shoulders 

"Do not call yourself a street rat child. You are a woman. As a woman, you need to hold respect for yourself as no one will be doing you any favors. Never, ever bend your head. Always keep it raised. Direct your attention to the world so they may never forget the power of a woman." 


Her eyes are wide as Nephthys lets go of her shoulders."So it it because I am a woman?" 


 Composing herself 

"It is because you have a different understanding of the world. You believe Wisdom is the greatest form of wealth, and ignorance is the greatest form of poverty. It is evident by the way you protect the tombs that ignorant people have discarded into the trash, in the way you taught yourself to survive in this world that has forgotten you. You being a woman is a bonus child."

 Nephthys pulls out of her pocket, an old piece of cloth that has what looks to be old remnants of a map of the Nile. 

"So, are you still gonna try to turn down my job or can we get to the part where I show you where it is?" 

Cleo gets up to move around the sweets and Nephthys waves her hand and the assortment disappears. Cleo's head snaps up in shock at Nephthys, Nephthys shrugs 

"I have slight magical abilities, they are just very limited" 


Feels scared again at this new development but still sits beside Nephthys to look at the map. As she peers at it she sees it for what it really is and the part of her that loves Egyptian history takes over. With such excitement, Cleo word vomits over Nephthys 

"That is a map of Syow which is now Asyut, is it printed on Tulle-bi-telli!"

 Cleo reaches to touch the cloth on the edges. Nephthys is hesitant to show her. 


"But Cleo, I thought you said it was a myth?


stressing her neck to see the map on the cloth

 "I am sure there is some truth to all myths. I have only seen copies of maps of Egypt, some of my books are filled with them. But the fact that the map in your hand is a textile marrying cotton with small strips of metal last traditionally seen in the 19th century says you might be on to something"


 "I am impressed! You know your stuff." 

Nephthys flattens the map out and shows Cleo the path she must take

"When you get to the Museum warehouse you must find the truck that is transporting the Mamluks rugs. The museum is doing an exbibit of Mamluk rugs from the fifteenth century until the early sixteenth century. The outside of the warehouse has no cameras but the Museum does. Once inside the truck wrap yourself inside one of the rugs, they will deliver you straight into the basement" 


Cleo looks up from the map, giggling 

"You know they say Cleopatra wrapped herself in a rug" 


 "Yes, well you're not presenting yourself on a platter. Now once inside to the left, they should have The Papyrus Ani. Grab it and get inside of Tutankhamun's Sarcophagus. They will be taking that display off to put up the Mamluk rugs exhibit. If all goes well I will give you this map, find you a family, and secure you a spot at Asyut University fully paid-for deal?

The Camera Pans out, Leaving Cleo looking at Nephthys  - suddenly the camera zooms into Cleo's mind showing her what her life would be like not living like a street rat. Shows Cleo in clean clothes, a mother who cooks her a fresh meal. A father who takes her to archeological dig sites! I bet she could even get a little dog. Then she could finish school and go to college. This Heist would be life-changing! everything she's ever wanted!


 " I could have the most exquisite dresses'! My mom would make me ful (a traditional breakfast in Egypt). My dad and I could possibly find the secrets to the Dendera Light! Maybe they would even let me have a dog,  I'm so fond of! I could graduate college and uncover the origins of the Mysterious Land Of Punt... "

The Camera zooms out of Cleo's head and shows Nephthys trying to get Cleo's Attention.


"Do we have a deal?"



Cleo swells with happiness, But in the back of her mind there is a slight bit of regret and fear of what is to happen if she is caught 


