Chapter 5

I woke up in Sun and Moons... ehh.. crusty room. Everyone was around me. Close to me except. Expect Lunar. He's a bit farther away. I think I've scarred him. He's been really happy and fine since Eclipse... kaboomed him. Now I've put him back in his shell.. he was free and I took that away. Ruin was still holding my hand, bringing that sweet feel back. Earth was messing about with my rays and Sun was sorting out my ruffles on my neck. Moon was talking to the computer. Lunar. He was... stabbing a voodoo doll.

I'll check in on him later.
"So how are you doing?" Sun asked calmly. I looked around and shrugged. I don't really know how to feel, or tell them what I'm feeling towards Ruin.
"So you don't know?" Lunar was a bit snarky. He sounded angry, rude and... scared?
"That's not how we talk to people Lunar." Earth scolded Lunar. "He's just woken up from being in a broken and bartered body. Think of how you felt when you woke up.. after the incident"
"No really.. it's fine. I can understand why he's snark-" "IM NOT BEING SNARKY!" Lunar screamed at me. The room fell silent.

Moon turned away from his work and began to walk to me. He sat down and showed me some pictures they was able to get of my anxiety and stress during the moment. Everything including; anger, stress, anxiety, panic, scared and worry had spiked. They understood why I got so upset but Lunar wasn't having it as an excuse. I just wanted to rewind time. (Hamilton ref :D) I looked at Moon and nodded a bit. I was still a bit scared. Earth had taken Lunar out of the room so we could have a bit of space.

"Your a bit startled dear Solar." Ruin said softly. He called me 'dear'... I could feel my faceplate getting hotter. That's a new thing. I think it's blushing. My fans had turned on. Moon immediately went to mocking me like he does with Sun towards Roxanne.
"Aww you like him don't you Sola-"
"Be nicer Moon. I just misused my words."
Ruin had backed me up. I don't think he likes me back.
"Well it is Christmas Day so... maybe we could spend time with everyone.." Sun broke the silence after a while and me, Moon and Ruin agreed.

As we walked out, I asked Ruin if he would like me to call him something different since I've seen people calling him Jigsaw. He said he didn't mind. We decided to jump off the balcony together. He's never done it so he was scared. As we hit the balls he screamed in terror and clung onto me. I held him back to help. I felt something go into a hole in my face. I shot up, instantly hating the feeling. I reached into the hole and pulled out a ball pit ball. I felt something hard touch the top of my hand. I think I've got a mouth. That's cool.

I also had little pads on my palm and fingertips. They were soft and squishy. I love it!  I began to walk to the middle as Lunar jumped onto me and tried to attack me. I let him. I wasn't going to stop him. Sun pulled him off and to one side. I sat up and walked over as Sun was telling him off. I tapped his shoulder and gently spoke, "Sun... I don't mind. He's scared and he's allowed to do whatever he needs to get rid of the fear," I then turned to Lunar. "Look Lunar... I really didn't want to hurt you. I wasn't in a stable position. You can hit and attack me all you need." I reached my hand out to him. He took it. "Just let me have another chance. Only when your ready. I want to let you in on a secret. You can't tell anyone." Lunar has nodded. "And you can't tell anyone."

I got closer to Lunar and whispered in his ear. "I like Ruin.. you can't tell anyone" seeing his little face change from a negative expression to a surprised one. He hugged me tight and we went to the middle of the daycare. We opened our presents. Earth explained the shirt that I was wearing was her gift but I needed it for my new body. I looked down my shirt and saw a.. more human looking chest. It was still metal but it was more.. intimate. A road of thoughts of me and Ruin ran through my mind. I stopped looking at my new chest and began to clear my head. We then moved to the theatre so we could watch movies and Earth could be with Monty safely.
