02; Surprises

I slowly sit up, yawning and stretching. The sun is flooding into my bedroom and blinding me, so I quickly fall back into my bed.

I wake up twenty minutes later to my phone going off. I fumble around and answer the Skype call, not checking to see who it is.
"Hello." I mumble, yawning, eyes still closed.
"Wow. Nice hairdo, Y/N."
I open my eyes. It's Elijah. I groan, and he chuckles. I roll my eyes and look in my mirror.
"Sketch. Oh my god. I look like a zombie."
My hair is frizzy and wild, and an elastic is hanging off the end of my hair. I can't believe he's seen me like this. But then I notice...
"Oh my god!" I screech. I drop the phone on my bed How could I have not noticed I was wearing a torn, ripped up Sketch (merchandise) shirt. I run into my bathroom, throw on a random light pink sweater and  leggings, and throw my hair up.
I run back to my phone and pick it up, breathing heavy, my face a bright pink. His face is red too.
"Uh. So. Why'd you call? It's only 9:30 am." I question.
"Well, Denis invited the whole gang over to his place to record videos and then go out. I had to get the message across." He rolls his eyes.
"Hey!" I shout, and he laughs.
"I'm kidding. But just head to Denis' for eleven thirty. And wear that Sketch shirt." He winks and hangs up, and I realize I'm blushing profusely.

Just as I set my phone down, I get a call. Its Corl.
"Hey Braden. What's up?"
"Can I come over?" He says immediately.
"Uh, yeah. Sure. Is everything okay?"
But before I can finish that sentence, he hangs up.

Ten minutes later, my doorbell rings. I run to the door. Braden is standing there, tears forming in his eyes. I yank him in and hug him.
"What's wrong?" I whisper into his ear.
"Wendy... she broke up with me." He sniffles.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry..." I mumble, in utter shock. We stand there hugging each other for a minute. And then, the next thing I know, Braden's face is coming closer to mine.
"Braden..." I whisper.
But it's too late.
