4. Date night

*******Nijahs pov*******
I quickly ran in my house Kill just dropped me off from school today's Friday aka date night and I'm soo hyped up because he said it was going to be fun and I was going to love it.

He was picking me up at 7:30 and it was 4 which meant I only had 3 hours and 30 minutes to get ready my sister was home and she was bored 'I wonder if she'll help she's been on a lot of dates'
"I heard that and yes I'll help." I've been saying everything out loud now and days ugh. I walked up my stairs to see my sister had already laid a outfit out (out fit on top).

I was super happy about the date it was my first one after Taylor which he wasn't the best.I looked at the time and it was 4:30 I have to take a shower and do my makeup and I have to do so many things

So I quickly got in the shower and I thought I was in there for a little while but when I got out it was 5:45 dang my long showers . I ran out of my room with a towel to see my sister at my vanity table with makeup so I sat there and she did my makeup into a "natural" look as She said which means concealer,brown eyeshadow,mascara,Chapstick.

Then she did my hair into waves and picked my shoes out by the time we were done it was 7:15 which meant I had 15 minutes to do whatever so I brushed my teeth checked my self out face timed my mom who was on a business trip. Then I looked at the clock and it was 7:34 and I knew it was only a couple of minutes so I didn't freak.

All of a sudden I heard a knock on the front door and saw my sister running down the stairs with her hair in a messy bun and a face mask with her batman onesie I have one too but it's pikachu. "Oh um sorry do I have the wrong house I was looking for a Nijah and uh you don't look like her so I'll go." I heard that and practically jumped down the stairs and landed on my back. 'Nailed it.' I got up and brushed myself off and ran to the front door giving my sister a kiss on the cheek and shoving her back in the house.

"I love your outfit and that blue on your lips is awesome." I panicked 'Blue?!?!' And wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and saw that some of the face mask got on my mouth and started blushing.

He started laughing at me and I playfully shoved him "sorry ma." I laughed with him and ran to his car.
**********3 hrs later*********
*sorry spoilers for the Jurassic world movie you don't have to read this part*

So kill took me to get pizza then the movies and it was awesome.
"Oh and when that lady got ate up that was hilarious." Kill was laughing so hard I was afraid we'll end up on the news for a crash "Calm down Kill and who goes the opposite way that they were telling you like I get it you wanted your sibling to have fun but safety first man."
*spoilers over*
"Hey,Babe we're here." kill nudged my shoulder gently." I rubbed my eyes 'I suppose I fell asleep.' I looked at kill he was on his phone so I reached over and swiftly took it away from him "Hey Ma what was that for?!" He looked at me like I was crazy.

I got out out of the car and skipped to his side and opened the door he looked so confused and I felt kinda bad for what I was about to do.

I got in and straddled him and licked my lips.I kissed him on his lips while grinding on him and he whimpered "Here's your phone Hun." I got off of him and walked up the walkway to my house "Tease!" He yelled at me I just giggled and blew him a kiss.

When I got into the house I did the most stereotypical thing ever I slide down the door and thought all about kill and his perfect face and eyes.
