Back Stories

I had this idea a very long time ago and I never had the chance to finish. I decided I would give it another chance. I'm going to start by editing the chapters I've already published and then hopefully continue the story.

Disclaimer: I do not own the plot or any of the characters created by the amazing writers of Marvel. I do however own Annabelle Stark and her plot. I've also tried doing research to find out names and birth dates of some characters but could not find anything so I will be making up names for the sake of my story.

Hi, My name is Annabelle Rose Stark. I was born on July 15th, 1917 in New York. I have red hair and green eyes. I was the daughter of Walter Stark. My father was married to Helen but I was not her daughter. I never had the chance to meet my mother but I was told her name was Rosalie and that I got my hair and eye colour from her. My father and Helen had a son exactly one month after I was born. They named him Howard Anthony Walter Stark.

In 1921 Helen gave my father the choice to choose between her and Howard or me. My father decided to send me to an orphanage in Brooklyn so he could live a life with his wife and son. When I was 5 years old I started elementary school. On the first day I met a boy named James Buchanan Barnes and he was the same age as me. He had brown hair and blue eyes. He told me I could call him "Bucky" like everyone else but I decided that I didn't want to be like everyone else and always just called him James. We became very good friends despite how much me calling him James irked him and I would always go over to his house after school. He asked to come over to my house multiple times but seeing as I lived in an orphanage he couldn't come.

I lived in the orphanage until I was 8 years old. During those years my father and Howard would try to visit me as much as they could without Helen knowing. Howard and I were very close despite us not being able to live together. One day James decided that he would follow me home without my knowing and found out that I lived in an orphanage. In the following weeks James started begging his parents to let me move in with their family. Once they found out my living situation they quickly agreed as they could see how much I meant to him. The day I moved in, James and I made a promise to each other. We promised to stick together till the end of the line.

When I was 13 years old a man came to the Barnes household and asked to speak with me. Winifred (James's mother) let the man inside and called me downstairs. James and I ran down the stairs and I saw a man I hadn't seen in a long time. A man that worked with my father stood in front of me with a letter in his hand. His name was Mr. Calling and I've never seen him without my father or Howard being with him so I was very confused. He told me that my father, Helen, and brother got into a car accident but only my brother survived. I fell to the ground and started crying, the man gave the letter to James and left.

Shortly after the news of my father James started going to a boxing gym called "Goldie's Gym." I needed something to distract me so James thought that training would work and it did. Seeing as I was a girl I couldn't go to the gym myself so James took it upon himself to teach me whatever he would learn at the gym.

One day when James and I were walking home after school we heard crashing and yelling from an alley so we went to investigate. We found a small boy being picked on and beat up by some bullies from school and we decided to intervene. After saving the boy we discovered that his name was Steve Rogers and that he was only a year younger than us. Shortly after that day James, Steve and I became the best of friends and decided that Steve would be added into our promise.

When James and I were 16 I started to discover feelings for him and they were different from the ones I've felt all my life. It felt like I loved James, as we would train I would catch myself admiring the way his muscles flexed. It was very confusing so one day I admitted to Steve that I thought I was falling in love with James. He encouraged me to tell James about my feelings but I was afraid that it would ruin our friendship so I never said anything.

In 1934 (They're 17) things started to change between James and I. He started acting differently towards me and would get overly protective over me if we were around other guys. One night we convinced Steve to come to Coney Island with us. After a night full of laughter and Steve unfortunately throwing up from one of the rides, James and I ended up on the Ferris wheel and he admitted his feelings for me and asked me to be his girlfriend. I obviously said yes.

A year later, James and I were 18 so we moved out of the Barnes household and got a small apartment a few streets down from Steve's apartment. Bucky and I were very happy in our relationship and we added to our promise that we made when we were kids. "You are my forever love, never to be forgotten. I'll be with you, till the end of the line." We even bought necklaces that had the saying engraved into the backs of it.

This is where the story of my life begins. In Brooklyn, New York with the love of my life James Buchanan Barnes
