chapter 4

I don't know why but I was getting the feeling again.The feeling that was linked between him and I. My heart was throbbing real fast making me quiver with excitement . It wasn't right accepting that a place still exists for him within me. A place that was still there . Till now. Knowing that I'll be the one to end up lonely. But all these reasons were far beyond my reach now . I just needed to be in the present , where i could face my inner thoughts .I raised my head and placed a pillow below it making myself cozy. I wasn't sure whether or not texting would be a good idea. In spite of the numerous advice from the whole world , of how he assaulted me indirectly , that I deserved better.Practically it was not about deserving better. It was never was for me. Because I was never his first choice neither his second.The only difference was ,I was attracted to him. I never realized how in a due course I fell for him.With the person that fucked up everything. But right now it was up to me , as long as I was fine with it . Moreover it was not a big deal , just a text or a patch up.Thereby the last one.

Awen:' hey hey' .I closed my eyes in despair.How stupid of me to even expect something from someone like him.I darted at the text not knowing what to write. Genuinely I was happy that he took out some time to text me. Apart from a hit man he had a good side to himself. A side that makes people know his true self which was why I was hooked up on him. I wonder what if we were still together.Maybe The loneliness within me would would finally fade away .I would be complaining about how much I'll be missing him,his talk,everything .What if he never called me on that day indicating how sorry he was for breaking my trust. I glanced at the door to make sure no one was peeking over me. I typed a 'hihi' which was the tit for the tat he started. Lu and Mace would hate me if they knew I was getting butterflies,which I shouldn't. Specially for Awen, the person they hated for the things that happened between us. Lu mostly because she was worried for me . If I remember rightly the week after the thing she went up right to his face and passed out a curse leaving him flattered.Except that the curse was in a different language.Mace on the other more effectively because she thought he had a crush on her.For now I was good , I couldn't spend my entire life convincing people to like me.And putting it differently I still wasn't over with the harsh thing Awen did to me. Treating me like I was someone he'd encountered among hundreds of unique people while he was there making out with another girl. But it would still be a lie if I say I wasn't over him anymore.I Really have to admit I liked him which was sad to comprehend.Its not your fault that you cannot get rid of the feeling. I jumped up from my bed before presiding into a deep thought.I tossed my phone inside the drawer switching it off.In addition i still hadn't come up with a plan of getting myself some sleep.I noticed kyla's laptop above the dresser . She wouldn't mind me borrowing it for and hour two.I turned on the laptop and played some random movie.


I woke up to the dim light entering my room through the blinds.A sign indicating it was time for me to leave my bed.It took me a little while to adjust my eyes in the morning light. After a while of faking a sluggard , I hopped up immediately assuring myself I needed to be on time. I grabbed a clean underwear from the dresser, a white shirt with yellow collar, blue_washed jeans and a pair of superstars. I quickly changed into it before creating a major scene for one of my parents. I smudged on some makeup keeping it as simple as ever. Makeup was exactly the other restricted rule aside from mental presence at the Chesapeake's, You either quit while you're there or get ready for suspension.You do not want to get embarrassed on the first day at the chesapeakes' specially in front of your parents. Apparently suspension was the least topic in my subject.Well it should be. After all these money you're parents have invested on you for this very day . And disheartening them with a dumb makeup would be a good load of tragedy for either of us. I tugged my shirt bringing it out a little loose on the front covering up my curves.i was happy with my look.The outfit looked exactly what I would wear on days like these.With no haste I grabbed my watch and headed downstairs.

'Hey,'I called out to my mom from the staircase.She was busy settling in breakfast. 'Hey',she paused for a second,'hurry down quick before your'e father leaves us'. I mentally laughed at her words. I walked towards the dining making a seat.She handed me my plate filled with massive food which was surely because I was leaving.I gasped at the sight throwing a gaze at my mom. 'You didn't really have to', I sighed feeling extremely shocked and glad at the same time .My mom desperately reached for the glass across the table .'Its a sign of care,you should be aware of it', mom claimed keeping her eye on the glass.I rolled my eyes half-grinning.'Who knows what you'll miss',mom raised her look on me securely removing all my doubts .I Nodded in response planting a soft smile .I couldn't disagree on that matter .

It took me long enough finishing the meal.By this time I could say dad was already up in his car looking at the way he was honking impatiently .'Quick clear up the plate and head for the car immediately,we will be waiting there for you' mom scurried out .My throat felt parched. I needed to get myself a glass before passing out . I chugged on the water with high-speed, stuffed my plate on the sink and rushed to the car straight away.It was surprising that Kyla did not bother waking up early to initiate a goodbye which was odd.Nathan,well I did not expect a lot from him.

'Looks like you didn't sleep well last night ', Sadrick snapped dimly from the back seat.I rolled my eyes struggling with the car door.He scooted over making a place for me.I landed in real quick closing the door behind me . Sadrick had a witty look on his face as customary.I think he had a serious misconception of looking great with the expression.'What?',I shrieked keeping my look on him.'What is what?,he questioned thrilled gleaming his eyes purposely.I rolled my eyes again at his stupidity.My bad I murmured under my breath. 'Now if you two are done... , should I?, dad passed out a suspicious look from the rearview mirror. 'No worries', I concluded caving my back on the seat restlessly.Dad started the gear and in no minute we were already driving.

After an hour or so we were halfway on our way .Sadrick had passed out in his seat , same with my mom.I Lowered the screen on my side letting the wind tease my hair. ' Dad according to you what time we'll reach',I asked curiously .'Um......approximately 2 hours ......'still left, he answered . Two hours was almost a year long . I would definitely rot before reaching.I decided sleeping, exceptionally because I stayed late watching a list of are you being served? and ultimately moving on some animation.By the time it was already 2 in the morning.In conclusion I had to get some sleep.

Four hours of drive and we were finally here facing the chesapeake's gateaway.A huge pink structure stood in front of us.I pulled my hair on the side simultaneously bitting on my lower lip.'Behave your best',mom warned us before getting in. We nodded in response.
There were a lot of teens in their normal attire on the frontyard of the very house.Some were already seated in the class near the office with opened books.The class was a size of a box.This was a stain to their reputation , I was not supposed to judge it by means of a room but I could not leave it unnoticed.Perhaps there was more to see in common.It became quite awkward walking through the crowd.I moved my eyes at the group of girls to find out if by any chance someone from our circle was present.No-one , precisely not a single person I barely new except for my parents and Sadrick were there.Only new faces were surrounding the area.I slided up the porch to approach a vintage office filled with mostly books and calender. A poster was hanged on the side that read ' we listen half ,understand quater, think less and react more' in bright pink letters deliberately kept there for attention. This was surely supposed to be the front office by its decor .
Shortly after our arrival a middle-aged woman with a sharp look made her way in the office . She had a blonde hair curled up in a ponytail giving her a rebel look which was approximately designated as a sign of warning.
'Hello.......',she bidded sternly making a seat on the chair..'hope you didn't have any trouble coming here'.

'Absolutely not,mom assured her saving in a talk for herself.

'Well that's great,and so we will be starting our classes from tomorrow', she stated roughly. Her everybrows moved instantly from side to side while she talked causing me to grin. *mentally*.
'Thats not a problem',my mom forced a smile turning towards my dad.
The woman who supposingly seemed to be the owner's wife raised a look on me and sadrick.
I struck a blank face because smiling did not obviously work for her sharp face and annoyed was way out of my league.She stood up from her seat to get something from the shelf nearby.She came in with two papers which I did not have a clue of.
'There was slight change in our routine......a lot of kids who were admitted here before others .....have been placed in A and B....we've assigned the both of them in C,she raised a look on my parents.

My mom quickly informed Her,'We don't have anything to worry about as long as they get to learn productively'.

I turned my head on the side learning the architecture of the wooden shelf. 'Besides relationship you don't have to worry about anything else',she smiled stiffly. I cringed as soon as she let out the word' relationship'. Did she think we came all the way here to screw with someone we hardly knew. That was way too personal

We immediately came out of the residence and headed towards our pj. Furthermore in my opinion it was sure that the woman was concerned with her basic rules.
'She is crazy ',I let out feeling outraged.

'You should not be thinking hard ......Thats what everyone says about saving your image',mom groaned,'she was just helping you'.

I nodded my head.The heat was scorching here in Aldrick than back in our hometown.I brought my hand up to the forehead covering my face from the heat.Everything was ultimately getting tuffer than usual.


T^T 💕
