four || pranks, pranks, pranks

Hello everyone!! Welcome back to another chapter of My First Love: Kailyn's Story. As always, we hope you enjoy the chapter & ignore all weird typos :))


After a while, we all leave Taco Bell and decide to walk in Downtown Hollywood. I fall back and pull Harry along with me. 

"What did Lizzy do?" I ask him quietly. 

"Your bestie is being a bitch to Leilani. I'd say she's jealous," he replies, looking around at the scenery. 

"What do you mean?" I ask him, confused as to what it means. 

"She basically ignored her the entire time. When Leilani tried to engage herself, she shut her down. I've never seen her like this, but she's a bitch," he says, walking ahead of her. I ponder over this for a while. 

We walk into various shops and boutiques, where I make my credit card sweat some sweet dough. Afterwards, we all stop for ice cream. While in line to choose my flavors, I walk over next to Elizabeth. 

"Hey, Lizzy," I say, choosing New York Style Cheesecake as my first flavor.

"Hey! Leilani seems really great," she comments, choosing birthday cake. 

"So, I don't know if you know, but Harry and some of the others kind of picked up that you weren't so nice to my best friend, and-"

"I thought I was your best friend," she says, interrupting. 

"You are, it's just Leilani isn't just my best friend, she's-"

"Your soulmate, yes, I know," she interrupts again. It takes me all I have not to huff and roll my eyes at her childish behavior. 

"Look, just be little nicer, okay? She was really trying, and you were shutting her down and ignoring her every time. SO just be nice, okay?" I say, and she shrugs.

"If she can't handle it, that's not my problem. Not everyone's going to like her. I don't like her," Elizabeth says, and I look at her.

"You're kidding, right? Elizabeth, I love you, but jealousy does not look attractive on you right now. Leilani and I grew up together, you can't just expect me to leave her for you! So, stop, please. Don't be like this. If you don't like her, at least be nice, and tolerate her, okay?" I snap. Elizabeth raises her brow in surprise. 

"Okay," she finally says. 

I huff, "Thank you."

I walk over to join the others. They're engaged in some lively conversation. 

"Okay, but why the hell would Savitar be Ronnie?! He's dead!" Niall says, looking at Liam like he's lost his marbles. 

"Well, think about it; did you see the way Caitlyn looked at him? And Ronnie has a reason. I mean, he's sacrificed his life for Barry, twice, and never got to live his life. I don't know about you, but I'd be pretty angry," Liam explains. 

"But he's dead!" Niall replies incredulously. Liam falls silent. 

"Well, it never said he died. He just disappeared in the wormhole," Liam finally says. Niall looks at him and screams with frustration, earning a dirty look from everyone in the shop.

"I still think that Savitar is either Oliver or maybe even Barry from another earth," Niall says. Liam ponders over it for a second.  

"But why?" he asks Niall. He shrugs. 

"I guess we'll find out soon," he replies, eating a spoonful of frozen cream. I shake my head in humor and sit down next to my boyfriend. 


It's still so surreal. I love him with all my heart. 

"Hello beautiful," he says, placing a cold kiss on my cheek. I smile happily and shove the frozen delectable into my mouth. I feel my phone vibrate and pull out my phone. Niall does the same. I look at my notification and drop my spoon on the table. 

"Holy crap, Niall, did Khloe Kardashian... she just tweeted us! Holy crap!" I squeal, shaking Niall.

"I mean, I've met her, so," Niall shrugs, setting his phone down. I slap his arm and glare. 

"Not all of us have the luxury," I say, eating my ice cream. 

"You'd think being the VP's daughter would come with perks," Liam mutters, and Harry snickers.

I flip them off, and look at the tweet:

''khloekardash: @kailyn.steele @niallhoran y'all are so cute!!! i need to meet you guys one day! ❤ xx''

"Well, I'm beat. I'm gonna head out," Elizabeth says, throwing her cup in the trash. 

"Yeah, Liam and I gotta go too," Niall says, finishing up his cone. I raise an eyebrow. 

"Don't worry about it," he reassures, standing up with Liam. 

"See you home," I say, pecking his lips. 

"Yep," he says. They all leave, as the rest of us finish up our creams. 

"Well, are you guys ready to go?" I ask them. We all say yes, then we pile up into our cars and drive home. My phone buzzes repeatedly and I look down to see Chance face timing me. I slide to the right to answer. 

"MOMMA KAI!" he greets, grinning. 

"Hey Chance!" I reply cheerfully.

"When are you coming to the Team 10 house? Anthony and I want to do a video with you," he says. 

"Yeah, if you text me, we can set up a date, and I can come over then," I say, looking up. I see a brunette in the background. 

"Is that Erika or Red?" I ask, and upon hearing the names, she turns around.

"Hi Kai!" Erika waves, smiling. 

"Hey girl! Hey, guys, I gotta go, but I'll see you soon, okay?" I say, climbing out of the car.

"Bye!" They say simultaneously, and I wave and end the call.

"Hey, what are you doing tomorrow?" Louis asks, walking with me to the front door.

I think about it while we get to the front door. I pull out my keys and unlock the door.

"Oh! I have plans to babysit this lady's kid-" my voice dies in my throat as I take in the scene in front of me. Suddenly, everyone that was talking to me sounds very far away. My keys and phone slip out of my hands as I let out a strangled scream.

"Oh shit..." someone says, rushing past me. I finally come back to my senses and run over.

"Niall! No, Niall, please, Niall, PLEASE!" I cry, clutching him to my chest, not caring if I got blood on myself.

"CALL 911, CALL THEM!" I scream, crying.

"Niall, Niall, please, oh my god," I say, crying on his chest.

I hear sirens in the distance and stop in front of our house soon after. I run over and swing the door open. They rush in and access the situation.

"I just came in and found him like this!" I blubber.

"We've lost his pulse, get me a crash cart!" a paramedic yells.

"Oh my god," I whisper, a mouth covering my hand. I run back over to him.

"Okay, CLEAR!" he yells. They shock him three times before shaking his.

"Miss, I'm sorry..." but everything she said after that was mush. I fall back on my knees.

Then that's when I hear it. An audible laugh from Niall. I wipe my nose and look down at him. He's in a full blown laugh now.

"Gotcha," he says, winking and sitting up.

"What the fuck?!" I yell, getting up. All the boys are laughing.

"What the fuck is your problem? What part of any of this sounded like a good joke to you? You're fucking asshole, I can't believe you fucking did this!" I yell, wiping my tears, enraged.

"Woah, woah, babe, this is just payback. Come on it-"

"No, Niall, that's just that! It wasn't a fucking joke! Not to me! What I did, wasn't as extreme as this. It was harmless child's play. What the fuck is wrong with you! How could you do this? I'm your fucking girlfriend! I thought you actually fucking died! This is crossing a fucking line and I fucking hate you!" I rant, then I slap him.

"Is it a fucking joke now?" I hiss. I turn around and storm up the stairs and to our room. I walk in and slam the door, locking it. I walk into my bathroom, and look myself in the mirror. I look like a wreck. Then I fall to the floor and cry. I cry until my ducts run dry.

"Kai? Kailyn, come on babe, open the door, please. I'm sorry, baby, please," a muffled voice pleads on the other side of the door. I stand up and wipe my face. I grab a pillow off the bed and then a blanket in the closet and open the door. I thrust the items, with force, in his chest.

"You can sleep on the couch or wherever. I don't really care," I say curtly, then shut the door on his face, locking it again.

"Kailyn, please, I'm sorry! I didn't think-"

I march over and open the door.

"Exactly. You didn't think. And now, you're paying for it. I love you, I really do, but in the entire time we've been together, I've never hated you more than I love you till now. I just don't know what logical part of your brain thought this was funny. You're really lucky I didn't break up with you."

"You were considering breaking up with me?" he asks, baffled.

I roll my eyes. "Goodnight, Niall." And I close the door, locking it.

I wait till his footsteps disappear down the hallways before moving away from the door. I change into my PJ's and crawl into the bed, turning off the lamp.

It felt so foreign not having Niall to hug me, and pull me close. But he scared me so bad. And he needs to get that from my perspective, it wasn't funny. It was frightening.
I wake up, dazed and confused, to an empty bed. I start wondering where Niall was when all of last night's events came rushing back.

Well, that explains things. I roll out of bed and get ready for the day. Today, I'm making a surprise visit to the Team 10 house. 

After I shower, I get dressed and put on makeup and jewelry. I grab my hat, phone, and purse, and walk out of the room and downstairs to the kitchen. 

"Good morning, love," Niall greets as I walk in. I say nothing in return. 

"Wow. She's pissed," Liam says, chuckling at the show. I grab a Pop Tart from the pantry and grab my keys. 

"I'm going to the Team 10 house, don't wait up," I say, then walk out the front door. Starting my car, I'm about to back out when I get a phone call. 

"Hello?" I say, now backing out of the driveway. 

"Hey Kailyn! Just wondering when you were gonna pick up Rachel," Emily's voice flows through the speaker. I hit the brakes. 

"Damnit," I mutter, completely forgetting. 

"Uh, yeah, I'm so sorry, I forgot! I'm coming right now!" I say, backing out again and onto the road. I shift my gear and drive. 

"Okay, well, ring the bell when you get here!" she chirps, and with that, she hangs up. I drive like a madman to her house. I'm really surprised I didn't get a ticket. I pull up to the house, and hop out. I race to the door and ring the doorbell, quickly fixing my hair while I wait. The door swings open and a tiny person clings to my legs. 

"Auntie Kai!" Rachel says happily, and I laugh as I hug her back. 

"Hey, my love bug. How are you?" I say, patting her back.

"Good! I got an A on my spelling test and Mommy wants to talk to you and me," she grins, pulling my inside. 

"Great job! That's my girl, you are so very smart!" I reply, walking to the kitchen.

"Hey, sis," I say, with a wink.

"Hey! Okay, sit down, you too Rachel," she says.

"But I wanna play!" Rachel wines.

"No, you can't right now. I need to talk to you, so sit down please, okay?" she says, and Rachel reluctantly sits down, grabbing a coloring book and some crayons. 

"So, do you remember how I got you?" she asks Rachel. My mouth dries up. 

"Yeah, my mommy said that she couldn't take care of me, and s-so she took me to you, so you could take care of me, s-s-s-so she could come back one day, an- and get me," she says, coloring Dora in her book. I smile sadly. 

"Well remember, when I told you I found your mommy?" she says, eyes saddening. 

"You're my mommy, mommy!" she exclaims, her gap smile radiating. 

"I know, darling, I know, but your real mommy," Emily says. She stops coloring and looks at her. 

"Who is she?" she finally asks. 

I finally find my voice. "I'm your mommy," I croak. 

"I'm your mommy," I repeat, and she turns to look at me. 

"You're my mommy?" she says, looking at me as if she was examining me. I nod. 

"Wow. That's cool," she says, and she goes back to coloring her Dora. 

"Sweetie, um, I need you to go with your mommy," Emily says. 

"But why?" she asks her. 

"Because I'm very, very sick, and I can't take care of you anymore. Your mommy came back to get you," she tries to explain. 

"But I don't wanna!" she pouts, and my hearts cracks. But I understand; she's known Emily as her mom, not me. I'm just the person who carried her for nine months, and held her a birth, then gave her away. I was her aunt now. 

"Sweetie, you have to," Emily tries again. 

"NO!" she screams, and she slips out of the chair and runs upstairs. Emily sighs with a heavy heart. 

"Don't worry about it, she'll come around," I try to condole.

"Yeah, I know," she sighs again. I give her my best smile, then hop and walk upstairs, trying to find Rachel. I find her in her room, playing with her dolls. 

"Hey, Rachel?" I say, peeking my head in. She looks at me. 

"Yeah?" she says, and I take that as a 'come in'.

"I know that this is hard, but-"

"You really c-couldn't take care of me?" she interrupts. 

I look her at sadly, "Yeah, I couldn't. I was going to be traveling a lot, and I couldn't take care of you properly. So I gave you to Emily, and she took care of you for me. And now I'm back, to take you back home, because I don't know about you, but I missed you," I say, poking her, and she squirms. 

"Y-y-you're my real mom," she states, playing with her Bratz doll. 

"Yep," I say, popping the 'P'.

"Can I take my toys?" she asks. 

"Of course! Absolutely! Come on, let's get a bag, and pack all these babies up!" I say, picking up a baby doll. 

"No! B-be careful! That's my child!" she exclaims, snatching her away from me. She holds it and bounces up and down, shushing it. I smile at the cute sight. 

"Okay, come on, we have to pack up," I say, grabbing a suitcase I'm guessing Emily laid out. I fill it as best as I could with her toys, which was a majority. 

"Awesome," I say, after closing the suitcase. I put it on the bed with the other suitcase. 

"Alright Rachel, time to go," I say, standing up. I grab both the cases. 

"Okay," she says, taking her baby and strapping it in the stroller. 

"You're such a good mom," I say, winking at her. 

"You too," she says, walking out of her bedroom. My eyes water, and I quickly tilt my head back to prevent the tears from falling. I follow after her, dragging the suitcases out of her room, and I put them in the car while Rachel and Emily say their goodbyes. 

"Okay, be good for your mommy, okay? Cause I don't know when I'll be back," Emily says. I tear up again, and fan my eyes. 

"Okay. ily?" she says, holding out her pinky. 

"ily, my sweet baby. ily always," she says, pulling her in for another hug. She pulls away, and wipes her tears. 

"Okay, well, this is it," she says, standing. I walk over to Emily and give her a hug full of love and so much thanks. 

"Thank you. So much. For raising my daughter when I couldn't. For raising such a strong, intelligent, beautiful, and independent girl. She's amazing, you did so good. You were so good to her. And to me. And even though I've been pretending to be your sister... it felt real. I am so, so, so, thankful that they gave you to her. I love you, Emily, I am so so sorry that you have to leave this Earth so soon," I whisper, crying into her shoulder. 

"Thank you for giving me the opportunity to do so. She was such a delight in my life, and now I can leave knowing I fully accomplished something," she says back to me and pulls away. 

"I may be her mother, but you will always be her mommy," I tell her, wiping my face. 

"She'll come around. And she'll come to love the wonderful woman you are, just as I have. And one day, one day, out of the blue, on random; she will call you mom. And it will be the most beautiful music you will ever hear," she replies. 

"And when she does, I'll think of you," I say. 

"Okay, well you have the car seat and booster seat, right?" she asks, looking over at Rachel. 

"Yep! Come on Rachel, let's go!" I exclaim, smiling at my child. 

"Bye mommy!" she says, waving to Emily. She waves back and Rachel bounces to the car. 

"One day that'll be your name," Emily says, walking me out onto the porch, "I'll call you if anything happens to me. I had the privilege, now you go, and have the experience. Go raise your daughter."

I take her hands and squeeze them before walking over to my car. I open the backseat and strap Rachel in, then slide into the driver's seat and start the car. I back out of the driveway, and drive off. 

"Where are we going?" Rachel asks. I glance at her though my rearview mirror. 

"We're going to go visit one of my friends," I respond, stopping at a red light. She doesn't say anything. I glance at her again, and she's brushing the hair of one of her Monster High dolls. 

"I wanna go home," she pouts after a while. 

"I know, sweetie, I know," I say sympathetically, my heart cracking. I pull up to the Team 10 house, maneuver between the fans standing in front of his house, and park. I get out and instantly, people start screaming. I wave to everyone, then walk over and open the door, unstrapping Rachel from the car seat, and lifting her up on my hip. 

"Who are all those people Auntie Kai?" she asks me, waving. 

"Those are called fans, they're people who like you," I explain, ignoring the sting I felt when she called me Auntie. I walk up to the door and ring the bell. Second later, it's swung open by none other than the devil himself. 

"Kai!" River yells, sticking his vlog camera in my face. 

"Hey Rives, and hello Duncanators," I say, waving to the camera. I step in with Rachel and he closes the door behind me. 

"And who is this?" he asks, filming me.

"She's my friend's daughter, and she'll be staying with me for a while," I say, putting her down. She quickly hides behind my legs. 

"Kade! Kade!" River yells, and a tall, skinny male walk out of the office. 

"What's u- Is that a baby!?" he says, seeing Rachel. He crouches down. 

"Hi, I'm Kade, but you can call me Uncle Kade," he says, sticking his hand out. Rachel looks at it, then looks at me, and I nod, smiling. She shakes it shyly, then lets go of it quickly. 

"Uncle Kade!" River shouts.

"Yes, yes, yes!" he shouts, pumping the air with his fist. 

"What's that about?" I ask, walking further into the house. 

"KAILYNN!!" someone yells, then two people squish me from both sides. 

"He-hel-hello," I strangle out, trying to shake the two boys off of. 

"Ch-Chance, that's enough," I hiss, and he and Anthony let go of me. 

"We've missed you Momma Kai," Anthony says, hugging me again. 

"I missed you too, babes," I say, hugging him back. 

"This is Rachel, and she's going to be staying with me for a while," I introduce, not going into details.

"Hi there," Anthony says, bending down. Rachel peaks around my legs shyly. She waves quietly. 

"She's shy," I say, bending down and picking her up.

"No I'm not!" she exclaims, looking offended by my comment.

"Oh yeah? How come you aren't playing with anyone?" I ask her, smiling. She shimmies, which means she wants to be let down.

"What's you name?" she demands Anthony.

"Rachel, be nice please," I tell her.

"It's all good. Anthony," he replies to her.

"Hm, Antwony, that's nice. And you?" she says, now facing Chance and now, Tessa.

"I'm Chance, and she's Tessa," Chance replies, linking hands with Tessa. I raise an eyebrow at this. I'll be interrogating them later.

"Antwony, Chance, and Twessa, wanna play Barbies?" she asks sweetly.

"Sure!" they all say. She races to the door, grabs her suitcase full of toys, and runs back to the living room.

"Mommy Kai, can you get Uncwle Kade?" Rachel asks me. I nod.

"Kade! Uncle Kade!" I yell, and he comes racing in.

"Yes?" he asks.

"Uncwle Kade, can you play Barbies with us?" Rachel asks him sweetly.

"Yes, of course!" he exclaims, sitting on the floor and grabbing a doll. I roll my eyes and smile. I stand up and leave her to them, as I walk into the kitchen.

"Wow, and what budding romance do we have here?" I ask the two, and they jump.

"We got married cousin, you're late," River says, draping an arm around Erika. 

I stare at the dumbfounded. "When I left here, she could barely stand you, how did you too even manage to get married?"

"Don't be jealous of what you don't have, cousin," River replies for Erika. 

"I mean, I love him," Erika says, kissing him on the lips. I gag and walk out of the living room. 

"Well, this should be fun," I mutter to myself, as I sit on the floor and grab a Barbie doll. 


"Wanna do my outro,  Kai?" River asks me. 

"Oh my, I've been wanting to do this since forever!" I say ecstatically, grabbing his camera. 

"Alright guys, today's post notification shoutout goes to Mary Klane! Thank you so much for turning my post notifications on! If you want a post notification shoutout, all you have to do is turn on my notifications, subscribe, and then comment done when you're done!" River explains. 

"And I'll see you tomorrow cause-"

"IT'S EVERY DAY BRO!" I yell. 

"Peace!" We yell, and he turns the camera off. 

"That was awesome! I really love that," I compliment. 

"Thanks. You leaving?" he asks. 

"Wow, I'm hurt," I say, hand over my heart. 

"No, I mean, I don't want you to, I'm just asking," River replies quickly.

"Yeah, actually, I should while she's still asleep," I say, gesturing to Rachel, who's fast asleep on the couch. 

"You're welcome," Chance says, walking in. I blow him a kiss, then pick up all her toys and pack them back into the suitcase. I throw Chance the keys, and he catches them with surprising reflexes. 

"Put this in my car, will you?" I say, handing him the suitcase. He grabs it, and walks out of the house, and to my car. 

I grab my purse and then gather Rachel in my arms.

"I'll see you later, Rives," I say, kissing his cheek. He nods, and salutes. I quickly walk out the door and to the car, strapping in Rachel. Chance closes the trunk. 

"Thank you much, sweets," I say, giving him a hug. 

"Come back soon, preferably with brownies," he replies. 

"Yeah... I'll think about it," I say, pulling away. I wave goodbye as I get in the driver's seat and start my car. I back out and then drive to my house. 

When I arrive, I park, and then I step out and make a phone call. 

"Hello?" he answers. 

"I need you to come outside really quick," I say, and then hang up. 5 minutes later, I hear the door open. 

"Hey," I say, walking up to him. 

"What's up Kai?" Liam asks me. I walk over to the backseat, and open the door. Liam's jaw dropped to the floor. 

"What the hell, Kailyn!? Are you out of your fucking mind?!" Liam exclaims, glaring at me. 

"Emily is sick, she has cancer, and she doesn't have much time left! Rachel already knows," I say to him. He looks at me. 

"But guess who doesn't know? About any of this," he replies. 

"I just need more time," I tell him. 

"Sounds a lot like you're trying to convince yourself," he retorts, unstrapping Rachel, and taking her out. 

"I sure hope you know what you're doing," he mutters, walking with Rachel into the house, and I watch them, just standing there. 

"So do I," I whisper.



I'm so, so, so sorry about the late update! I had the littlest bit of writer's block, BUT I'M BACK BABY!!

And just because I kept you waiting so long, I am uploading not one, but TWO chapter!!! YAY!!!! I mean, one of them is an instagram chapter, but same thing! 

Kailyn will get Niall back for that prank; that was a little low.

Thank you for ya support!

love, Beth :)
