35. Dance!


We took a relaxed bath and settled on the couch in the living room and turned on the TV. Main agar Kahoon the song started playing and I badly wanted to dance. I looked at Abhinav and he understood what I wanted. He stood up and extended his hand which I took gladly and we both started dancing to the beats of music. 

We moved gracefully to the lyrics and honestly, this moment felt heavenly. What else does a girl want other than this? Dancing to her favorite music with the love of her life feeling his warmth. I hope this moment lasts forever.  As the song was about to end Abhinav lifted me up bridal style and twirled me before setting me down. We stood there hugging each other for some time and then I prepared dinner for both of us and ate it feeding each other occasionally.

He informed me that the elders will return tomorrow and Abhigya, she will be at our parents' for two more days. I just hope the problems in our lives ended with her arrest and let sleep engulf me. But little did I know this arrest will make her more determined to destroy our family and she joins hands with our enemies to witness our downfall. 

We both woke up when the alarm went off and Abhinav moved to the gym room to do his workout while I completed my yoga and prepared juice for him. I took it to him but stood at the door gawking at my smoking hot husband forgetting the work I was here for.

I was so lost in him to even notice him smirking at me. He came dangerously closer to me and bent down to my ear.

"Breathe Princess!" He whispered in my ear. His breath fanning my ear released a thousand butterflies in my stomach. I forwarded the glass to him and he took it not without brushing our fingers causing me to blush profusely.

He drank half of the juice looking straight into my eyes and forwarded the glass to me. I drank the remaining from his hand and later placed the glass in the kitchen. We both got ready and left for our respective work. 

I spoke to Abir over a video call and he seemed fine. Abhishek promised to take care of him and we three chatted for a while before I attended a meeting. I left for home and arrived on time to prepare dinner for everyone. I instructed one of the maids to place the dinner on the table while I took a bath and changed into my nightwear.

I was drying my hair when Abhinav entered the room and hugged me from back. He placed his head on my shoulder and inhaled my scent while I relaxed in his arms. I felt fresh and re-energized in his embrace.

"Take a shower. You must be tired." I suggested him and he went into the bathroom nodding. 

I waited for him and we both went down together. All of us had our dinner and were about to retire to our rooms when Dadi sa asked me and Nav to stay back as the elders wanted to discuss something with us.

We all took seats in the living room. Silence prevailed for a good 10 minutes before Dadi sa finally decided to speak.

"It's your coronation in two weeks and we will be leaving for the old palace in a week. I want you both to complete all your work before that and not to carry any office-related work there." She said and we both nodded our heads like obedient kids.

"And Isha beta, I want you to wear only traditional clothes during that week. Even though we don't mind you wearing clothes of your comfort your Dadus' sister who stays in that palace is quite orthodox and old-schooled. So, please adjust for a week beta," She said and I could feel her contemplating her own words as even Dadi doesn't want me to adjust to anything but given the situation, I guess I should adjust for a week. No big deal. But, my husband doesn't feel the same I guess.

"Why should she adjust to please someone else Dadi sa? If they love and respect her they will accept her as she is and if they don't there is no need to please them. And Isha is not doing something wrong that she should change herself." He said to his Dadi and got up.

"Abhinav, listen..." Papa trailed off when he gave a look that said 'end-of-discussion' and he moved to our room.

"I'll talk to him," that being said I too followed my husband who was now sitting on the couch with a frown.

"Nav, what happened?" I asked sitting beside him and taking his hands in mine. He doesn't react like this usually for trivial matters and he is also adjusting.

"Dadus' sister, she was never pleased by anyone, Princess. She always used to taunt Dadi sa, Chachi, and even Abhigya for one thing or the other and all these women just used to give in as Dadu and Chachu always asked them to adjust saying it's just a matter of days. I saw Chachi crying silently many times due to her taunts. Chachi was my mother Ishu. After Manjiri left me as a kid it was Chachi who gave me motherly love I couldn't do anything when she cried because I was a kid and Chachi used to shut me up saying it's just a matter of few days and we will come back to our palace. But, why should anyone bear something even if it was for a few days? I couldn't save my Chachi from her taunts and hurtful words but I will not let her hurt you, Princess! You will not adjust to anything. I will not let that happen." He said the last part as if he was promising himself.

I hugged him tight overwhelmed by his love. He kissed my hair and wrapped a hand around my shoulder. I rested my head on his chest.

"I will not let her hurt you, Princess. I know you can stand up for yourself and when you do that I will be beside you supporting you." He said and placed a kiss on my temple.

"Will you protect me when I can't protect myself Nav?" I asked raising my head.

"Always!" He replied and I kissed his cheeks and he gave me a heart-melting smile.

"Do you like seeing me in traditional wear?" I asked after a pause.

"I love you in everything you wear Princess, and traditional wear makes you look more divine. But it's completely up to you what you want to wear daily. But yeah, sometimes when I want to see you in traditional wear will you please do that for me?" He asked so cutely that I couldn't resist kissing him.

"I will always fulfill your wishes just like you fulfill mine, My King!" I said and he kissed my cheeks before getting up from the couch with me in his arms. He settled both of us on the bed and covered us with a comforter and we both kissed each other good night before dozing off.
