Chapter 5

Frank's POV

When we finally arrived to the bus, we got out and Mikey came running out and hugged Gerard as tightly as he could. You could tell because Gerard's face started to turn red.

"I can't breath Mikey!"

"I'm sorry" Mikey said pulling away, and helping Gerard out of his car. Being super cautious of his leg

"I was just so scared for you."

"Ya. Well I feel a whole lot better." Gerard said with a smile.

"We'll... Uhh... Hey um Mikey. You go fix a spot for him to sit down for when he gets inside. Ill help him into the bus."

"And a coffe would be nice too." Gerard said smirking at his brother.

As soon as the door closed,"Do you want to tell them now? As soon as we get inside, sit them down?" I asked.

"No. I'd rather tell them after the show. When they are all tired and have stopped treating me like a baby because of my cast."

"Alright then. After the show."

Gerard's POV

When we got to the Pepsi Center, Brian came up to me and said "So do you want a stool towards the side of the stage. In case your leg starts to hurt really bad?"

"Ya. I would like that." I said with a smile.

"And I never got the chance to ask, which one of you guys picked the color for my cast?how didn't you know I didn't want pink?" I joked while the guys started laughing.

"Well Frank was going to tell them to put a neon pink on. No joke. Then I said that you would like black better. I was very close to saying the same though" Mikey said trying not to laugh. We all laughed, then went to put on our the Black Parade uniforms.

I was done putting on my shirt when I figured out that my skinny jeans were not going to fit over my full leg cast. I grabbed a towel, put it around my waist, grabbed my crunches and walked out asking what I should do. Frank saw me first, and we both blushed a bright red.

"Umm... My skinny jeans won't... Uhh... fit over my.. Cast."

"Oh. Ha ha. Ok." He already had his whole costume on.

"Well... Oh! I know! We can take one of the back up pants and cut the leg off."

"Ok. Ill go get the pants. Can you go get the scissors?"

"Sure. Be back in a sec."

I had already got ton the pants and laid them out so you could see where they needed to be cut off. Frank walked in and said "Alright. So where do I cut?"

"Right here" I said pointing to where I drew a line with my white make up. I had everything on except my shoes and pant. I still had the towel on though.

"And... Done. And here are your new snazzy dazzy pants." He said holding them up. We were alone in the changing room while the guys where all getting the instruments set up.

"Thanks." I said.

"Umm... Can you help me get them over my cast." I said blushing.

"Ya. Ok." He said. I stood up, and he grabbed the right pant leg pulling them up. He was blushing bright red as his head was coming up.

"Shoes too? I'm not liking th is cast one bit!" I said pointing to my shoes. "Ya. No problem." He said smiling. After my shoes were on he stood up. I put my arms around him.

"Thanks a bunch." I said softly.

"No problem." He said then leaned in and kiss me. His tongue gliding around inside my mouth. My hands moving to his hair. His hands moving up my shirt. We were stopped by a loud nock on the door. We both turned to the mirror looking like we were putting our make up on, we were really fixing it, when Frank said

"Come in!" It was Brian.

"Will you two hurry up! 10 minutes till show time!!" He said.

"Ya ya ya. We're coming." I said finishing touching up of the smeared makeup. I didn't realize how fast the time went by.

When Brian left, Frank pulled me back to him "I really want to but I just finished fixing my name up. Later." I said softly kissing him a single time then pulling away, grabbing my crunches, then following Frank as we walked out to the other guys.

"Geeez. What were you two doing in there? Making out?" Blake asked. I blushed but you couldn't tell because of all the white makeup on my face.

"Gerard needed help with his pants. We cut off a leg so he could wear them!" Frank said.

The guys all jokingly went "Suuuurrrrreee...."

I walked over to the white hospital gown and put it on over my clothes. Then I walked over to the hospital bed and laid down as the other guys got in positions. When I was about to be rolled out by this girl who was wearing a nurses outfit, the support band said

"NOW WHO'S READY FOR.... MY. CHEMICAL. ROOOOMAAAANNNCCCEEE!?!?!?!" the crowed went crazy as the support band ran off stage. After a couple seconds a slow and steady beat started playing for "Welcome to the Black Parade". As I was rolled on stage by the girl I was getting more and more excited. Then I started singing.

"When I was... a young boy... my father... took me into the city... To see a marching band... " Then I quickly sat up. The crowd gasped at the sight of my leg but I kept on singing. The crowd just went more and more crazy.

At the end of this one song, I stopped the guys and heard a couple fans scream "WHAT'S WRING WITH YOU'R LEG?!?!"

"We'll you see. I was skiing in your fabulous, beautiful mountains yesterday. And mind you I have never skied before. So I got all cocky and went to fast. Resulting in me slamming into a tree." All the fans awe in concern.

"Ya. He was out for like 10 minutes." Frank said.

"Ya. But I'm better now! And I'm ready to sing some more awesome songs for ya all!!!!!" Then we finished all the songs from our Black Parade album.

"Now the Black Parade has to go home now. But who's ready for My Chemical Romance I said. They'll be hear in about 5 minutes. So keep your panties on!!!" I said and walked off as fast as I could to go put on my outfit for or 3 cheers for sweet revenge outfit. As did all the other guys. I had Brian and Mikey helping me finish getting ready. I had to were the same black pants and shoes though. Which was fine. Then we all ran back to the audience. We sang almost the whole album, then said good night.

We all ran off stage. Of corse I was the slowest though. I was to tired to take off my pants and shoes so I kept those on, and took off all my make up and put my plane black shirt on to go greet the fans. After the autographs we went back to the bus. Frank and I sat together in the back and the guys were.

In the front of the car talking when Frank says "It's just about time to tell them."

"I know." And we returned to the conversation.
