"Welcome back Denki Kaminari"

Dabi said with a smirk. "H-How did y- never mind that I want-" "To join us to help you with your quirk right?" Toga asked jumping up and down while clapping her hands. "Yeah..." I whispered. I didn't know exactly what to do but I need to get stronger for Kirishima's sake. "You must be really confused so let me explain. You see, we just don't give out free quirk handling lessons, we need our share of the bargain so you, you must join us. As a villain that is." Dabi said as he walked over to me. "But how can I help protect the ones I care about if I'm going be a villain? How can I protect Kirishima..." I said with a panic voice. "Oh don't worry your pretty little head about that. You'll get once a week to help him in any case even against us. BUT you CAN'T tell him about your deal ok?" Dabi spoke as he patted my head in a smooth voice.

I had a feeling he was bluffing but I don't care. One week to protect him was ok. Besides I'll get stronger! "Ok count me in!" I said with a confident voice and face. "Now that's my boy." He chuckled lightly and stoked my hair. I liked the feeling very much so I let out a soft purring noise. "Hmm? You like that?" He asked with a amused tone as he continued to stroke my hair. I only nodded and continued to purr happily. "Ok then my little kitten, let's begin." He said as he got up and I followed. We went into a separate room. "This is where we'll be practicing your quirk. Toga would be here but she's busy making you a new outfit. Then after we handle your quirk and upgrade your power ups then you'll join us on your first mission and after you'll get to see your friends. So let's begin" Dabi said as he patted me head. And like that we began.

Two weeks later cause I'm a lazy ass writer

Kirishima's POV

It's been two whole weeks since any of us had seen Denki! He didn't come down to meet me in the kitchen so I went looking for him everywhere and I couldn't find him. I asked my classmates and they haven't seen him. They helped look but we just didn't find him. We went to Aizawa and he said to wait a day or two cause he might come back. After waiting two days we were getting calls from his parents and we realized that absolutely no one knew where he was. We told the police and hero's to keep a look out but no one saw him. Ever.

Now I'm in his dorm, lying on his bed while holding onto a little plush of him that he gave me. My eyes were tired from crying but it was time for me to get up for school. I've been spending most of my days and nights in Kaminari's room since the third day. After I got ready I walked to the school, arrived in the classroom, and sat down ignoring the people around me until a hand was placed on my back. I saw pink. I looked up to see a smiling Mina. "Hey there Kiri. You holding up ok? Everyone's worried about you and Kami....." she said as she ruffled my hair. I didn't respond until two more figures walked up next to her. I saw green and spiky ash blonde hair. There was Midoriya and....Bakugo with a worried expression plastered on their faces. "Hey don't beat yourself up about it!" Bakugo said as he placed his hand on my shoulder. "Yeah! Don't worry! I'm positive we'll find him soon!" Midoriya spoke with a determined face. Little did we know that the 'soon' was right around the corner. Literally.

Aizawa walked into the room and everyone took their seats. "Today we'll be doing combat training so get changed and meet outside. Also-" he was about continue until the bell rang and a familiar voice rang through it. "Students please evacuate the school immediately. This is not a drill. I repeat, evacuate the building immediately!" It was Present Mic. "Everyone please line up outside and make your way to the exit quickly!!" Aizawa shouted as we all stood up worriedly. Everyone was worried and talking fast while exiting the classroom quickly. Aizawa was talking to a worried Midnight. I purposely walked over closer to them as they walked in front of me. "Villains are lurking around the other half of the school! We have to lead the children out fast. If some don't make it they must fight for protection!" Midnight spoke quickly. "Tell that to the students, I'll go find All Might!" He said and he ran the other direction.

I turned to follow him. Maybe these villains have Kaminari and are here to prove it for something! When I turned the corner I was stopped by familiar people. Midoriya, Bakugo, Todoroki, Ochako, Tsuyu, and Iida. "We're coming with you!" Bakugo said with a grin. The others all agreed. "Yeah we hate seeing you like this and even though this is wrong and it might get us kicked out of UA-" "It's still worth it because we have a chance to save our friend" Tsuyu started and Ochako finished her sentence with a pat on Tsuyu shoulder. "This isn't the best idea you've guys had but I'm here to make sure everything goes well." Iida said as his arms moved up and down in a robotic motion. "I'm here to help as well..." Todoroki sorta smiled and Midoriya finally chimed in "We all are here to help and save Kaminari so lets do this!" They all smiled and for the first time in two weeks.....I smiled and spoke "Thank you guys....so much....!" I said happily. Everyone was slightly flabbergasted but smiled and we began running towards the other side of the school.

We eventually got to the main hall and were stopped in our tracks from the sight in front of us. "Dabi...." Midoriya muttered under his breath. "Oh hey students of UA! How are you doing today huh?" he was so annoying! I couldn't help but activate my quirk and launch towards him and it seems Bakugo couldn't wait either so we both jumped at him for an attack. "WAIT DONT!" I faintly heard Midoriya yell before Dabi disappeared in thin air. We landed and saw Dabi a few feet a head of us. He didn't disappear he just dodged. "Hey, hey there now calm down! Don't you wanna hear what I have to say?" He said with his hands in the air. The rest came running up next to Bakugo and I. "WHAT DO YOU WANT?!" Bakugo yelled at him with anger. "Sheesh pushy! Ok I'll speak. Don't you guys have something-or should I say 'someone' that is missing?" He asked with a smirk. I knew it! "GIVE KAMI BACK!" This time I was the one who yelled.

"Wow he sure is eager to see you my little kitten." He sang as he looked behind him. We all gave each other weird glances. Two figures emerged from the shadows. One ran out next to Dabi. A girl with....her hair put up in buns! It was the girl who took Kami! We began to take a step forward until we noticed the last figure who stopped still in the shadows.

"Hey come on Kitty! It's ok! Don't be scared...!" The girl coed to the figure which flinched "Aw what's wrong my little sweet kitten? Are you nervous? Don't be Kitten, I'm sure they'd love to see you! Or maybe you don't want to see them? How adorable! Don't worry I'm here for you Kitten. You belong to me" and with those comforting from Dabi the figure came out from the shadows. Our jaws dropped. I almost started crying. "There's no way...." Todoroki muttered out. "I hope you guys love my new little kitten! Meet Dark Bolt! Oh my you actually may know him as Denki Kaminari!" Dabi said as Kami emerged from the shadows but he changed. He had black hair with a yellow lightening blot. "K-Kami...." I whispered and reached my hand out. "Hehe I see the red head has a liking to your kitten Dabi!" The blonde giggled "Mhm if I'm not mistaken thats Kirishima, the one you love right Kitten?" Dabi asked Kami. Wait he....loves me? "Not anymore master. I only love you....." Kami said as he sat down on his knees.

"Kaminari what has he done to you?!" Bakugo yelled to him causing him to flinch a little. "Hey! Don't yell at him...he looks unstable" Ochako said "That's right. Are you ok kitten?" Dabi asked Kami as he pet his head causing Kami to let out a few soft moans that sound like purrs. "Yes master I'm ok...just not ready yet" he said between purrs. "That's ok my kitten how much longer do you think?" Dabi asked him as he pulled out what looked to be a collar and a leash attached together  "Only a few minutes master" Kami said as he turned his head to face Dabi. He places and collar around Kami's neck and ties the leash to a nearby poll.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO HIM?!" I shout "Oh don't worry! We take very good care of our new little kitty but we can't let you guys take him away from us. So we're gonna fight you!" The blonde said with a giggle as she claps her hands together. "But your out numbered! How will you defeat us without more help?" Tsuyu asked "Our help is our little Kitten now come on Dabi lets have some fun!" the girl continued as she ran towards us "Alright wait up Toga!" Dabi yelled as he patted Kami's head a last time before trapping us around a circle of blue fire. Except there's on problem. Todoroki, Bakugo, and Midoriya were not in the circle! "Are you guy ok in there?" we heard Midoriya yell from the other side. "Yeah were just fine!" Ochako yelled back "You wont be for long!" Toga giggle as knives suddenly fell from everywhere. This might take a while.

Bakugo's POV (Bet your weren't expecting that huh?)

We got split up from the others but its no big problem. "I'll just freeze it." Todoroki began to ice his hand until the same blue flame came out of no where and grabbed him by the waist and lifting him up. "Now, now there wont be any of that!" It was Dabi! He picked up Todoroki with his fire and threw him in front of us. "Todoroki are you ok?!" Deku asked conserned "Y-Yeah I'm fine...." He said as he got up with only a few minor scratches. "Wow tough one! What about....you?!" He yelled as his fire caught a hold a Deku "DEKU!" I yelled. "LET HIM GO YOU BASTARD!" I charged towards Dabi but he chuckled

   "Me or your 'boyfriend'?" oh no Deku! When I turned around I saw that he threw Deku a lot harder to the ground then Todoroki. Todoroki tried the catch him but he wasn't fast enough. I ran over to him. "Deku?! Are you ok?!" I saw his right arm was broken badly like how it was during combat training against me. I know what happened. He used his arm to cause less impact to the ground. "I-I'm fine....go help Todoroki...." he was breathing heavily. "But-" I was about to say something before I was so rudely interrupted by Todoroki. "Don't worry I got this!" He yelled and got into a fighting stance. But before either of them could land a hit a voice was heard. "Master I'm ready to play now" It was Kaminari. Dabi really messed him up. "Oh ok my little kitten!" and with a snap of a finger the fire circle disapered and Toga looked upset. "Aw man, ok have your play time kitty!" she said as she walked up to Kaminari and patted his head. Causing more of those annoying purrs. "Welp...here ya go! Have fun my little kitten!" Dabi spoke as he undid the collar and leash and Kaminari stood up.

Kirishima's POV

The fire went away and we got out of Toga's grasp with only minor scratches. It looks like Kami might do something though. "Thank you master. This'll be fun!" he giggled and light states started to spark out as he walked closer to us. He scanned us over and pointed his fingers in the shape of a gun and fired lightning and all instead me. Everyone was paralyzed. "Kami what has gotten into you?!" I asked activating my quirk once more. "What ever do you mean?" he asked as he tried to attack me. "Come on Kami, lets go home together." He stopped in his tracks. "I LOVED YOU ONCE BUT NOT ANYMORE! MY HOME IS WITH DABI AND TOGA! SHIGARAKI AND ALL THE OTHERS! THEY TREAT ME LIKE THE KITTEN I AM TO THEM!" he continues to fire at me while I dodge "YOU HAVE TO SNAP OUT OF IT!" I told him. He had to have been being controlled or something! He stopped once more and seemed shocked. "N-No! The whole reason I did this was to become strong and to protect you instead of being so useless like you said I was!" He yelled back. What is he- oooh. He misunderstood the conversation I had with Jiro probably.

"That's not what I meant! What I was saying was, Yeah I think it's very helpful but there is only a tiny thing. If he could be less brave and let others handle things he wouldn't get hurt. His quirk is quite strong and I think he's got a good grip on it!" I yelled to him. "T-That's not true! I don't believe you!" He yelled as he stopped moving and looked up at Dabi. "Master can I?" He asked "oh of course my sweet little kitty. If your ready~" he hummed and Toga and him took a few steps back. As if they weren't far enough. "This is revenge. My whole life I've been called week. 'Such a pathetic quirk' they'd say 'Wanna be Hero' they said and I'm done now! I will make you all pay! 1,000,000,000 DARK VOLT CIRCUIT!"

He yelled as he started to glow a bright yellow and balck colour and placed his hands to the ground. "NO DONT DO THIS!" I yelled and ran to try to stop him but I couldn't move. "3....." I whispered "STOP PLEASE YOU DONT WANT TO DO THIS! WE CAN WORK SOMETHING OUT!" Is the kind of things the others would yell out "2...." "COME ON KAMI THIS ISNT YOU SNAP OUT OF IT!" When I yelled that seemed to stop him in his tracks but not for long. "NO THIS IS ME YOU DONT UNDERSTAND!" I took this moment to run up to him. "N-NO S-STAY BAC-" he was about to continue before I cut him off. I placed my lips on his and for a few seconds it was fireworks.

I backed up and saw him bewildered. "What..." he mumbled "Your not disobeying orders are you kitty?" Toga yelled "N-No....I" he seemed so disorganized. "NO! 1...!" He unexpectedly said before lightning zapped from him in different directions before it hit me I had to tell him. "Kami...I've always loved you! From the bottom of my heart!" He just stared at me with wide eyes. Did I mention that his eyes were a different colour as well? They were dark brown. But at that moment I saw them change back to the beautiful gold they once were. "WAIT NO-" was all I heard from Kami before I saw white strings fly across the air and everything went black.

Sorry guys! This was a little later then how I planned it to be but oh well. I had school so I didn't finish the night before. I'll make sure another update is out. Believe me when I say I was up till 1:30 in the morning writing this and still didn't finish so I only got 5 hours of sleep but that's how much I normally get anyway. I also listened to Alexander Hamilton the whole 2 hours and 22 minute soundtrack on YouTube-which I really recommended listing to- and I cried so hard I got a nosebleed during the last two songs, then decided to play the again and cried more XD. Anywho, I hope you enjoyed and another chapter will be out as soon as I can.

Have a wonderful day! ❤️💛

Word Count: 2796 words
