
.•° ✿ °•.

Lisa fearfully stared at the now hybrid man who's eyes were glowing crimson red filled with an unknown hunger that she had never seen in Jungkook. The atmosphere shifted from warm and bright to dark and unsettling in a fraction of a second.

Jungkook was still greedily sucking on her wounded finger, ignoring her discomfort or call. He was lost in this sinful bliss, tasting her oh so sweet...sweet blood.

Damn! He never savoured such intoxicating blood in his hybrid life.

"J-Jungkook! Please stop!" She shouted with her quivering voice, trying to pull her hand away. She felt his other hand sneak behind her back pulling her closer.

Hearing his name for the second time, his tounge halted on her finger and pulled his eyes up to look at her. His red orbs took in her fearful ones. She looked frightened of him and he was the reason.

'What...what am I doing?!'

Jungkook froze, reluctantly detached his mouth from her finger and blinked several times until the red colour of his eyes wasn't as prominent as before. But there was still some hue of red in them, his lust of blood wasn't completely subdued.

'I need to get away from noona.'

Noticing that he was still holding onto her hand, he abruptly releases his grip. Lisa instantly backs away from him, looking at him with sudden fear.

Jungkook felt his heart fell seeing her being scared of him. He slowly takes a step back, then another and another, while looking down. He couldn't meet her eyes, the guilt was coming.

Lisa gulped and tried to calm herself down,  taking deep breaths before using her voice. "J-Jungkook?" She managed to get it out of mouth,  despite the fear, seeing this abnormal side of him.

Jungkook didn't acknowledge her. She was about to speak again but suddenly his purple haze appeared before her, taking away the view of the man. He was changing back in to his animal form.

So she waited for the haze to be gone and talk to him about this mess.

Soon the magical haze was gone and like every time the familiar stature of the bunny formed. The moment her eyes fell on him, she frowned in confusion.

Surely it was her black bunny with his familiar long ears and beautiful silky fur but...

Why does he have an set of tiny black bat wings on his back and bloody red eyes?!

Oh God...are those tiny FANGS peaking out from his small mouth?!

Before she could say anything and reach for him, the bunny flapped his little wings and slowly his feet left the floor, up in the air.

He was flying!

Lisa eyes widens and her lips parted, stunned by what her eyes was witnessing.

Her bunny was freaking flying!

Then wosh! He was heading towards the nearby open window. It didn't take long for Lisa to realize that he was going to get out of her apartment.

Before she could act upon it and take actions, he was already out of the window-out of her sight. She rushed towards the window and looked outside to see where he was going.

But he was gone like a reversal of the rabbit magic hat trick act. Where the rabbit didn't appear but dissappear out of the plain sight.

'Where did he go?!'

She pulled her head back and sank down on the floor with her hand grabbing on her forehead as the reality of the situation that had unfolded in front of her sank in her brain.

"Why Jungkook didn't tell me this?...why Mr. Jin didn't tell me about him?" She mumbled to herself. Many questions swirling inside her mind but no answer. She shakes her head and lightly slaps her cheeks, trying to focus on what she should do next.

'No time to think now! I need to find Jungkook and get my answers from him.'

She hastily got up to her feet and ran towards her room to quickly change her clothes. She grabbed her mobile and a torch because it was night time, she will need it to find him in the darkness. Who knows where he is going or decided to hide from her?

She put on her shoes and unlocked her doors before sprinting out of the building. She ran to the direction where he had gone. Hopefully, she could find him in time before he gets lost forever.

The thought itself, frightened her more then seeing Jungkook's predatory form a few moments ago. She didn't wanted to lose him nor is she letting him go without telling her the truth.

Lisa taps on the button on her torch and lights up a small portion of the back area of her apartment. The street almost looked deserted if it wasn't for the lamp post providing dim light. Her eyes darted from left to right,  trying to find a clue to where he is. But there wasn't any traces of him.

After thirty minutes of searching and walking, she still couldn't find her bunny. It was already difficult to spot in the dark with his black fur, being tiny was added to mix. But Lisa didn't give up and kept going further away from her safe home.

Suddenly she heard a snap of twigs breaking. "Kookie?" She whispered in an uncertain tone and slowly turned around to face who the person was behind, praying inside her head that it was Jungkook.

To her dismay, it wasn't her tiny bunny or the muscular bunny man with soft features. It was just a normal, boring and annoying guy that lives a few block away from her apartment.

"It could've been anyone but it had to be you, Evan." Lisa grumbled under her breath unhappily.

"What are you doing here at this hour of night,  huh Manoban? Perhaps are you looking for your 'boyfriend'? I always knew you were hiding something." Evan ran a hand through his blonde hair and flashed her a mocking smile.

Lisa felt uncomfortable around him since she had moved here. He would always try to openly flirt with her and touch her.

"Mind your own business and go about your way. I have important things to do rather then waste my time talking to you." She told him strictly and was about to leave the place. Evan grabbed her arm, stopping her.

Lisa snapped his head towards her and tried to pry her hand out but he only tightens his grip. "What is the meaning of this, Evan? Let my arm go." She said with annoyance and frowned brows.

"You aren't getting anywhere, sweetheart. You always rejected my offers like it was nothing. No girl had turned me down but you seem to be the only one. Tell me-OUCH!" His speech came to a halt when Lisa stepped on his feet real hard.

Due to the sudden pain, his grip on her arm loosens and Lisa didn't waste anytime running away from the crazy blonde guy.

She ran and didn't look back. Unfortunately Evan was able to recover quickly and started to chase after her, almost getting closer to her.

'Damn his regular visit to the gym!' Lisa cursed him in her mind and tried to speed up a bit.

But it was too late, the man had already caught up to her and tackled her down. She lost her balance and fell, pinning her on the cold ground.

She looked straight at him with a glare. "Let go you jerk!" She shouted and wiggled around to free herself.

Evan chuckled darkly, promising malicious interest. "Aren't you a brave girl? Stepping on my foot and running away from me." He said and looked at her body from up and down.

"Hmm. You look good underneath me, Manoban." His voice seemed to become low. He leaned down.

"Get away from me!" She yelled again but she couldn't get away from him. Feeling helpless,  she closed her eyes and looked away, hoping for a miracle to happen.

She waited and waited,....nothing happened but she felt the weight of the man's body lifted off of her.

She heard an inhuman growl. She snapped her eyes open, sitting up on the ground. Her eyes widen once again, seeing the scene in front of her.

Jungkook, the man she has been looking for was holding Evan's body by his collar. He has a dangerous scowl on his face and his eyes were crimson red.

"Don't. Touch. Her. With. Your. Disgusting. Hands. You pathetic human!" He growled out and thrown his body on the ground.

Evan groaned in pain when his spin hit on the hard ground. He saw the ruby eyed man taking steps closer to him and looked at him in the eyes.

"Never try to get close to Lisa or even talk to her and forget that we have ever met. Now get the hell away from here before I decide to break your bones." He threatened and showed him his long white fangs.

Evan panicked and nodded quickly before running away from him with stumbling feet.

Lisa watched him with stunned expression and was motionless for a minute before she tried to stand up. Jungkook saw her moving at the corner of his eyes. He calmed down and got closer to help her.

The moment his hand made contact with her skin, she flinched slightly. Jungkook quickly withdrawn his hands from touching her. His bunny ears dropped down.

Lisa carefully examined his eyes to see if they were still red. They weren't. Familiar brown orbs were looking down at his hands. She sighed and stood up while grabbing his hand to pull him up with her.

They stood there in silence while the moon light shining down.

Jungkook couldn't meet her eyes. He felt guilty not only for scaring her but also running away from her and worrying her which caused her to get in danger.

"Let's go home." Lisa spoke first breaking the excruciating silence.

The bunny man nodded still looking down. She grabbed his hand taking him by surprise and dragged him with her. And he let her, following her like lost bunny.

'I shouldn't have done that...Noona will probably hate me and return me to Jin hyung.'

Jungkook thought about how stupid of him to run away like that but he had to. If he stayed any longer around Lisa, he would lose control again because of her strong blood scent.

So he fled away and waited till he is sure he got a hold of his blood lust. Then his sensitive ears picked up the desparate sounds of her voice. it didn't take long to find her through her blood scent. He found her with an unknown man atop of her and touching her inappropriately.

He felt a boiling anger spread through his veins and his vision turned red in rage.

He wanted to tear the man apart the moment he had him in his clutches but he controlled himself from doing so because Lisa was there.

He didn't even notice when they had reached Lisa's apartment since he was so engrossed in his thoughts. When he sensed the familiar smell of lavender that he knew he was already inside her home.

Lisa pulled her shoes off and dragged Jungkook with her. She made him sat on the sofa which he obediently took and sat on the front single sofa herself.

He heard her sigh deeply before she asked the dreaded question that he didn't wanted to answer.

"Jungkook...what exactly are you?"

°•. ✿ .•°

I am back!
I will try to do more updates on my books.

This is how I imagine Jungkook in his 'real' bunny form. I actually got inspired by this Jungkook fanart to make this story ;)
[This art isn't mine. Credit goes to the original owner]
