My brother is a wolf ( Chapter 4 : Spells Broken )

Namjoon's POV

When we are done researching we all went into the car and when to the location Jiseok told me before. When we arrived , we saw the place and went in. The Physician appeared immediatly and told us what is the spells are to change Jiseok's brother back to normal. She said

" All you had to say is Expeweramus in front of him okay? ," the Physician said.

And we all agreed. We didn'tknow she can say in Korean. We went back to the company and saw no one. It's empty outside and we all saw blood all over the floor , leading it to the back of the company. We all went to the back and saw 2 corpse of security guards were eaten by her brother. We went tip toed to his front slowly and silently and we wait for him to stand up. It took like 2 hours waiting for this weird creature. Then , Jiseok stepped on a twig and yelled. But then , the werewolf was wondering where her sounds coming from. Then , Suga Hyung ran in front and said Expelweramus but , it didn't't work. Then , Sera went in front to say the word but failed again. Then , i tried going infront but , Jiseok walked in front of the wolf. The wolf were trying to attack her but , he was hearing every words she said to him.

" Stop. This isn't what you are , brother. You are normal like us. How did you turned into this kind of creature? Who did this to you? Is it their revenge? Is it that they're jealous? Why didn't you tell me? It was going to be fine when you tell us but , none of this was right. They went wrong. How can you be normal since you are like this? I think this time it's all about siblings. Expelweramus!!! ," Jiseok yelled.

Jiseok's POV

Then , the werewolf was changing. His hands are normal. His face turning handsome. He was revealed half naked. He was lying there like a dead body. I ran to him and quickly look at him. He looks sick. I must cure him. Then , i went back to the company and the security guards are carrying him to his dorm. When we arrived , the others are shock.

" Jiseok-ah , what happened to him?! ," Seokjin oppa said worriedly.

" Jagiya , what happened to you?!You had dirt all over you hands! ," Jungkook brushed the dirts out of Sera's hand and hugged her.

I told them everything and they felt okay after that. Then , i took a last look at my brother and went back to the dorm with Sera. She was totally freaked out. She is the most brainful person we ever met. Thanks to her , she solved this out quickly before our next concert.

To be continued...
