Mike's POV

   I heard a knock on the door damn more people? I thought
   I opened the door "He-Jazzi!?!!! What the hell are you doing here?" I asked
I stepped outside and closed the door behind me.
   "I just came here to have some fun 😉" She smirked.

   "Look no one invited you, Okay? So just go home!" I said getting frustrated.
"Look Mike, I promise I won't start anything " she said.
" And I'm suspossed to believe that" I asked


"Go home Jazzi!" I said trying to keep my cool

"How come you invited nearly the whole damn school but didn't invite me?" She asked

  "Because 1. You Crazy...2. You Crazy an-"

"Okay I get it... but if I leave you won't get none of this" She says raising her short dress up until I could see her ass. I have to admit Jazzi had a nice ass ...wait, what am I saying

  She took a few steps closer to me our lips only an inch apart, she started rubbing me through my pants . I couldn't control myself a moan escaped from my lips...

  "Fuck...follow me ma" I said leading her inside the house to the bedroom.

"I knew you wanted me " she smiled

"Don't ruin the moment " I said

I pushed her on the bed , kissing her neck while rubbing her thigh. I slowly took off her dress and kissed her from her neck down her area I took her panties off with my mouth 👄 and started fingering her. She was moaning like crazy.

I took out my fingers and replaced it with my tongue 👅 💦
After a while I slowly slid into her...

Sorry 😐 for this terrible chapter & sex scene I didn't know what to put... 👀
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