Wildest dreams

**Just wanted to say before I write this apply that the author of this aply fic is just honestly such a good person (I can say from experience they are literally my best friend) I really recommend going and making an application for both their Wildest Dreams and Heather's aply fics because in all honesty it's one of the most fun things too do!! Please go follow them. Their user is below!! (Also if Ur reading this ILYSM HIRO CANT WAIT TO SEE U AFTER SUMMER 😭)


**name >**  *Araki Kazuhiko*

**nickname(s) >**  *Aki, Kazu, Hiko, Kiko*

**age (17-19) + pronouns >** *17 and He/Him*

**teacher or student? >** *Student!!*

**superpower >** *his super powers called Red, he has 'devil' like attributes such as horns and a tail, his power allows him too create fire from his palms, he's good at controlling it most of the time but when he's feeling emotions strongly it can sometimes do something he hasn't made it do.  For example if he is extremely angry his superpower can get out of hand, or happy or shocked etc.*

**face claim (fc) >** *This guy- (idk his name I image searched it and nothing came up 😭)*

**backup face claim >** *Kyoya Honda (specifically when he played Shyuuhei in Me, My Husband & My Husband's Boyfriend!!*

**backstory >** *Araki comes from a wealthy family, his parents both wanted him too go to this school as they have been training him too use his superpower for as long as he could remember, they have always been extremely strict on Araki which has done some mental damage too him. He has trained his superpower for so long in hopes of doing well in **Dreambranch High**, he wasn't the best at making friends when he was younger so he just stuck to himself and his studies. (Sorry idk if that backstory makes any sense I wrote this when I was really tired 😭)

**personality >** *Araki is short tempered, which obviously isn't the best thing considering his super power. He is good too be around if you're his friend, but if you aren't he really pays no mind too you or you're existence (unless you're being annoying then he will not be afraid to tell you). He doesn't really like talking about his feelings, he also isn't good at comforting people so yh-*

**family >** *He has his Mother and Father who are really hard on him, his younger sister who is 7 (He loves her a lot) and his elder brother who's already graduated.

**sexuality + love interest >** *He is gay (idk the other guys in the story line so you can pick :3*

**likes >** *Being praised, sleep, reading, SALTY FOODSSS, cats ^^

**dislikes >** *People who try annoy him, anything to do with dogs, getting sick (even if it's just a cold, it makes him feel icky)

**colour 1 >** *Any firey colour, for example red orange black yellow idk what one you can choose!!*

**strengths and weaknesses >** *If he has a calm mindset would be one of his strengths, the calmer he is the more he can control his super power more, his weakness would be water, he can't use his superpower if he's wet, if he is it can hurt him.*

**anything i've missed? >** *He paints his nails, don't ask he just does (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠). He's 5'5 1/2 in height and his LL is physical touch*

**passwords +3 tags **

*Password 1- A Racoon!!*

*Password 2- Been following you for ages ^^!!*

*Password 3- On my mb rn!!*

**Three tags:**




**I @ed ppl I knew wouldn't get angry at me for @ing them in a random story 😭

That's it!!**
