Ruin's p.o.v.

I got out of bed as careful and quieted as I could and left the room after leaving a note for Morningstar.. As I made my way to the Fazcade, I couldn't help but feel like I want to Murder Eclipse. I mean he is the one that destroyed Solar and made Solar become like this...

As I made my way to my office in the back rooms/ storage area of Fazcade I want onto the computers and looked over the footage, when my dearest Morningstar had gotten attack, Moon doesn't know that I am smarter then how I act and that him and his family are in the way of my plans..

I need a bit more time, because I know that they're onto me for making Eclipse, but I would never make Eclipse because I would tell him or force him not to hurt my beloved Solar..

'Eclipse needs to pay for what he did to MY Solar' I thought as I got more and more angry I punched one of the computers and left the room..

Solar's p.o.v.

As I am dreaming that Ruin and I are getting married, I don't know why or how my subconscious think of this but whatever!! I love it! But then everything became dark and gloomy.. I don't like how this was going but I could wake up.. It all felt real.. I turned to Ruru but I found someone's body.. It kinda looks like me a bit, but there were no eyes, arms and head... I backed away because it was scary..

No one's p.o.v.

Lunar went to check on Solar and found him asleep curled up shaking slightly, Lunar went to Investigate Solar to see if he was all right, ' I think he might be having a bad dream or he's just really really cold.. and where the heck is Ruin?!' Lunar thought to himself as he covered up Solar with a blanket, and was about to walk out to the room until he heard whimpers coming from Solar..

Lunar's p.o.v.

As I was about to turn around and walk out of the room, I heard whimpers coming from behind me, so I turned around and saw Solar shaking more than before and was whimpering.. 'Poor Sol Sol.. no Ruin to comfort him and is all alone scared... don't know what to do..' I thought with sympathy for him, because I was in his boat before.. I know how it is to be all alone and scared.. I sighed and got up onto the bed and sat beside him rubbing his shoulder, seemed to calm him down but still he was still shaking.

I tried to call Ruin, but like the jerk he sometimes is, didn't pick up the phone.. which to me was a little odd.. What is he doing..? Now I am angry because it seems like he doesn't care about Solar like he says he does, so now him doing this makes me start questioning was he the bad guy and was just hiding it from us all...

Ruin's p.o.v.

As I got into my base that I found when I first got here... which was two years ago.. I started to find where Eclipse was hiding out and staying.. He's going to pay with what he did to my MorningStar.. My killcode is acting up.. And yes my dear readers I have a killcode.

I've been ignoring Lunar's calls for sometime now, because I don't care what he wants to tell me about. I need to find him before it's too late and he attacks another person like he did to Solar.. Oh my sweet wonderful Solar.. I can't wait to go back to you and cuddle you close... in my arms and to keep you safe from danger.. 

((645 words!! Sorry for not posting anything!!! Have a great day or night!!))
