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Strict Wife of the Seventies Manages the Household Chapter 91: Suspicion, report
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Chapter 91

Han Jinyu sat on the icy ground, with a flashlight on his hand, shining at the line of the dark night sky ahead.

Her mind was blank, and she seemed to vaguely remember that there were four or five robbers rushing over with their faces covered, wanting to bully her, Liu Haozhe desperately protected her. He rushed to fight with people, and was besieged and knocked to the ground. They punched and kicked him around him, and her mind went blank with fright.

She even blurted out things like what you want to do to me, don't beat him, but those people drag him away.

Before leaving, a strong man gestured to her with a boning knife, "Little girl, if you dare to tell someone, we will chop and stew a pot of bits and pieces for your man."

Liu Haozhe was still shouting: "Jinyu, go back to Shanzui Village to find the third brother!"

The man threatened her with an eliminator, "Try it!"

Han Jinyu was so frightened that he didn't dare to move. He didn't have any thoughts, and his mind went blank.

The man also cut a strand of Liu Haozhe's hair and threw it on her, staring at her fiercely, "Shut your mouth, tomorrow you man can go back alive!" Then the group of people quickly slipped away with a wave of their hands. It was amazing, she felt that she couldn't catch up on her bike.

After they left, she jumped in shock. The first reaction was to go to Shanzui Village to find the third brother to report the crime, and then she thought that if she could not report the crime, they would kill Liu Haozhe. On this day, her emotions were ups and downs, and she was shocked and sad, and she didn't know what to do. Finally she got up, pushed the bicycle with the flashlight, still heading towards the county seat.

Liu Haozhe returned the next day.

The day after Han Jinyu returned home, Han Qinghua returned to the labor camp and tried to say goodbye to Han Qingsong before leaving. As a result, Han Qingsong didn't see him at all, and Han Qinghua had to leave by himself. After returning to the farm, he found that he had been replaced in the production team, surrounded by strangers, and Zhang Black Donkey was staring at him three times a day!

He also tentatively asked about asking for leave for the New Year, but he was ruthlessly rejected. He was desperate and angry, but he had to participate in winter labor and training obediently.

Han Qingsong was also busy in the twelfth lunar month. In addition to his commune and the labor reform farm, other communes and counties invited him to the year-end summary meeting and lectures. Every time he can push it, he will push it away. If he can't push it, he will let Sun Zhuowen and Huang Weizhong go. If he can't push it, he will show his face, and bring two more meals back to the family after dinner.

Now that life at home is getting better, there is no need for extra meals, and he is not willing to go to meetings. Some meetings are a waste of time, so it is better to stay with your wife and children at home.

Of course, Han Qingsong doesn't know how to lecture, and he can do it in a few words when he comes to the stage, and he doesn't say a word of nonsense, which makes people who are used to long talks and talk nonsense for an hour are a little unaccustomed.

For example, when it comes to the issue of how to do a good job of public security in the jurisdiction, let others talk about it for two or three hours. From theories to cases, from how hard and dangerous going out to stay on the field work, to how to think about wives and children without entering the house for three times, how to support the family, etc., anyway, it can be a sensational one, it can be a long novel.

In the end, Director Han was very good, just in one sentence, "Do a good job of internal affairs, and did not deal with public security."

There are so many leading cadres, large and small, that are quite embarrassing.

Deputy Bureau Li and Deputy Bureau Gao are fighting fiercely right now, especially Deputy Bureau Li, who does not put Han Qingsong in a hostile position at all. There is no fear that this airborne deputy director will compete with him. It depends on the way he is doing things. It is estimated that he will stay in the commune for the rest of his life. Maybe after the commune public security bureau is removed, he will have to go home to work in farming. Or maybe the old leader of the army who is guarding him and arranging his transfer job may be careless and belch, then he will be ruined.

Deputy Bureau Li felt that he wanted to make a point. After all, Han Qingsong was very capable, and it was good to be a subordinate of a general. He could do meritorious service without asking for it. If he is willing to help himself, it won't be a problem to deal with Gao Weidong, and when he becomes the director himself, Han Qingsong is also a great cadre.

He didn't bother to understand Han Qingsong's twists and turns. It would be better to get rewards for his own work and improve the lives of the staff and his family in the bureau. He wouldn't be able to fight other intrigues.

On the tenth day of the tenth day, Han Qingsong took Luo Haicheng to a meeting. At noon, Deputy Bureau Li and Deputy Bureau Gao invited him to dinner, but he refused. Unless it is organized by the Revolutionary Committee to have dinner, and you have to go, private treats will be refused.

They ate with Liu Jianyun in the cafeteria.

Han Qingsong saw that the food was good today, with meat and roasted chicken, so he bought an extra roast chicken and two parts of roasted meat, which he brought back when he left.

He owns cabbage vermicelli tofu at noon, and there is meat residue in it, which is very fragrant.

Liu Jianyun and Luo Haicheng are also accustomed to Han Qingsong's family care. If they have something delicious, they want to take it home, so they let Han Qingsong eat their own meat and vegetables.

Han Qingsong refused. He was not so greedy for meat, and he was reluctant to eat, so naturally he would not eat others. Besides, he felt that going home to eat with his wife and children at night would make it more lively and lively.

Knowing his temper, the two of them also smiled and fell down.

During the dinner, Liu Jianyun talked about the recent gossip, "Have you heard that there was a captain who suddenly died at night, and he was frozen into a stick when he was found."

Luo Haicheng: "This is either brain or heart disease."

Some people get older and go from a hot bed to a cold place. If they can't stand it, they will die easily. This kind of thing often happens in the countryside.

Liu Jianyun: "There is another, it's from a commune brigade in the east. During these two days, I heard that a warehouse was stolen at night and several thousand catties of wheat were stolen."

Luo Haicheng asked: "So much food? Either guards steal or house thief led wolves into the house."

He didn't just say it casually. After all, it was collective labor at this time. The brigade's livestock and self-retained grain were kept together in the brigade. The village's public order was also managed by the village itself, and it was not easy for outsiders to get into the village.

Han Qingsong was a little interested when he heard the loss of food, "Have you reported the incident?"

Liu Jianyun shook his head and said: "Their brigade investigated it by itself, saying that it had caught the thief who had been stealing food and had a meeting to criticize and kill a person. They didn't report the case, but only filed it with the Commune Revolutionary Committee."

At this time, many battalions had accidents, and the battalions themselves led the militia to deal with them. They didn't like to go to the communes to report the case, and the public security bureaus of many communes were decorated or not. This is the case in a special period. Cadres and revolutionary activists say that a person is guilty and guilty, and they criticize and criticize. In addition, people who acted excessively often killed people or people who were criticized felt wronged and jumped into the river to hang themselves, and no one cares about it.

Han Qingsong: "Has the food been found?"

Liu Jianyun shook his head, "If they don't report the crime, I will just listen to it."

A colleague called Liu Jianyun, and Liu Jianyun greeted him and said goodbye to Han Qingsong and Luo Haicheng. "I will go ahead with the Korean Bureau. The trucks transporting supplies in the county turned over the ditch, and there were members looting nearby. Our Public Security Bureau received an order to go. Maintain order on the scene."

Luo Haicheng looked at Liu Jianyun's leaving back, "Han Ju, do we want to join in the fun?"

Han Qingsong has a special status, and he can handle any case in the county as long as he is willing.

Han Qingsong frowned slightly: "Members are looting? Why are members so bold?"

Luo Haicheng said, "It's not surprising. A year ago, some members of the neighboring county were too hungry to rob the commune's grain control office. They were shot more than 20." The grain looting incident is of great importance and the authorities have ordered a serious deal. , So the participants are basically shot.

Han Qingsong: "The robbing of supplies is a felony when prosecuted. Why did you not go to the point of starving to death?"

This kind of material truck is not a grain truck, but generally transports industrial products such as textiles and oil.

Luo Haicheng thought for a while, "Perhaps he didn't take a lot of robs and took them home for use, and he couldn't be convicted for this. At best, those who know it will be traced back, and those who don't know will be pulled down."

Han Qingsong didn't intervene because it wasn't about his commune.

"Go and count our rewards." This is Han Qingsong's purpose in coming to the county.

Han Qingsong works hard, has repeatedly achieved achievements that others do not have, and is low-key and does not ask for credit. Therefore, when his superiors take the credit, he will give generous rewards, which are basically rice, noodles, grains, oil, meat, non-staple food, cloth tickets, daily necessities, etc.

In their bureau, mature rules have been formed, rewards based on merits, and rewards are divided according to the rules, and even other cadres of the Commune Revolutionary Committee have followed.

This year, Director Song of the reform-through-labor farm often asked him to help, so he was paid very well.

These farms are all state-owned, and there is no population restriction for raising chickens and ducks. Director Song has a lot of them. Remuneration to the Public Security Bureau. Cured chicken and duck are given in baskets. Pork and lamb are given by legs. One leg with half a rib is given. Rice, noodles, grains, oils and fruits, not to mention sea fish and small squids from the coast. , Shrimp are there.

Han Qingyun and Luo Haicheng sent Lin Lan back a large cart with various food and supplies, as well as two baskets of charcoal.

Lin Lan packed up some food and sent Dawang and Erwang to send them to a few aunts. In addition, Brother Han, sister-in-law, and her family also had good relations. They are all ordinary people, and they can't eat dry goods such as seafood, so she sends pork, noodles, oil, sugar and the like. These things seem ordinary but very expensive, and the family is happy enough for them.

Lin Lan took the time to take Xiaowang and Sanwang back to her family's home by bicycle, and gave the old lady two yuan for the Chinese New Year, and also gave her sister-in-law a new year gift to take her back to her family's home, which was more decent.

Sister Lin will do things well with Lin Lan and Lin Mei. Although she has a purpose, isn't it the way her relatives are. It's ok to have a purposeful friendship without bad intentions. If you want to rejoice in love, it depends on fate.

This time, the younger sister-in-law Tang Hehua is not here again.

Old Mrs. Lin was afraid that she would be unwilling. After all, Lin Lan had been here several times, but Tang Hehua was not there, and the more times she would wonder if it was intentional.

She concealed it for her daughter-in-law, "Her mother's family has something recently, and she often finds her back, anyway, our family is not busy."

Lin Lan didn't care.

Sister Lin received Lin Lan's gift and said joyfully: "Thank you four sisters, what are you worried about when you return to your natal family this year? What you gave is just right." She picked a piece of meat and a piece of cloth and kept it, and gave the rest to the old lady Lin. keep it.

Lin Lan smiled and said, "Sister-in-law, you like it." She pushed them all to Sister-in-law Lin, "Sister-in-law, take it, mother has something else." It's nothing more than some snacks and fruits.

The old lady Lin hesitated to see if Lin Lan didn't give it to her second child, and she was thinking about giving it to Tang Hehua. It is inevitable that parents are patriarchal, and patriarchal patriarchs inevitably favor the younger son.

But seeing Lin Lan said this, she didn't say anything anymore, just wanting to give her share of the subsidy to the little daughter-in-law.

Sister Lin went to buy some big fish for Lin Lan to take home to cook for the children, and tried her best to keep Lin Lan and the children for dinner.

Lin Lan smiled and said: "Sister-in-law, there is still a stall at home, waiting for the first month to come and play."

"Then you have to take the kids to live for a few days."

Lin Lan smiled and said yes.

Lin Lan took Sanwang and Xiaowang home. On the way, Sanwang said, "Mother, my second son is hiding from you. She didn't go to her family's house at all. She was playing outside. I heard you came to her to hide from someone else's house. "

Xiaowang also proved that yes, "Mother, I am not happy to play with Xiaoxin either. He always wants to bully me. He cried and complained when the third brother was murdered."

Lin Lan didn't know when she offended this younger sister-in-law, and made her avoid herself again and again. Think about it, going back to your natal family is basically doing your filial piety to give things to the original owner. At most, you can sit for two hours and leave without even leaving food to eat. Where can you offend people?

However, Lin Lan is an optimistic person. Unless someone comes to explain some things, she doesn't bother to worry about it, and she just throws it behind her head when she knows.

Anyway, as a traverser, she should do her best as a child, and she doesn't expect to have much emotional fetters with anyone.

After all, the first and fifth children in her family have already occupied all of her mind, so there is no time for others to find faults.

Of course, it does not mean that she did not respond to Tang Hehua's disgust. Since Tang Hehua didn't want to maintain the decentness of her relatives, then she didn't need to show her face.

In the past, she gave everything to Mrs. Lin and asked the old lady to share it with Tang Hehua every time. Now she gives it to her sister-in-law alone, not Tang lotus alone, and within two days she will have to feel the taste of Tang lotus.

You don't want to greet me, and you don't even bother to talk about entertainment. Am I still rushing to give you something?

There is no such good thing.

She woke up early the next day, and after sending the child away, she cleaned up, and then she planned to go to Lin Mei's house.

Since Lin Mei has been busy with the sideline business of the brigade, there have been days that have not come. Lin Lan and the children still want to be a good boy, and they don't know if the child is getting better or is resuming his old habits, and wondering if he will be brought to live for a few days. , Let Dawang fix his problems again.

There is also Qiaoqiao that girl is the same age as Maisui, let her come to make love and affection with Maisui.

She didn't take Xiaowang because she wanted to bring her children. She didn't tell the children to bring her siblings. She planned to surprise them. Children always like to come to play with relatives or relatives and children.

When Han Qingsong heard that Lin Lan was going out, he took the initiative to accompany her, "I will take you, and the road will be easier."

Lin Lan smiled and said, "Director Han is not going to work today?"

Han Qingsong looked at her, "You seem to be disappointed."

Lin Lan shook her head quickly, "Walk around." Those who talk less are terrible, a word can figure out a lot of overtones.

Han Qingsong tied the basket to the outside of the bicycle and helped Lin Lan put things in.

Lin Lan brought a thermos, a piece of meat, a little seafood, and canned dim sum malted milk extract, and a leather hat for Mrs. Zheng. The dog skin was very warm. Originally, she wanted to give it to Dawang, but Dawang resolutely refused. Erwang and Maisui refused to ask for it. The old lady of the Lin family had it. Lin Lan gave it to the third sister's mother-in-law after thinking about it.

Fearing that the kettle would break, Lin Lan tied a rope on his back, sat on the seat, and wrapped Han Qingsong's waist with one hand.

Han Qingsong took her safely and fast, and she could keep her out of the wind on the road.

At home, Zheng Yaozu was there. Others either went to weaving or chatted with the old man. Good guys and Qiaoqiao were not there either.

Zheng Yaozu painted flowers at home. According to Lin Lan's suggestion, Lin Mei asked him to design some simple patterns so that he could weave them better in the future. It doesn't need to be complicated and changes a little bit, it is enough to become a dull country homespun.

Lin Lan yelled his third sister, brother-in-law, and Zheng Yaozu in the room happily wrote down and ran out, enthusiastically greeted: "Oh, sister-in-law, you haven't come for a long time, you are finally here! Come and come and bring... "Bring and bring Director Han here!

Entering the yard, seeing the tall and sturdy Han Qingsong next to Lin Lan, the smile on Zheng Yaozu's face paused and immediately became more brilliant, and he shook hands with Han Qingsong, "Hello, my uncle."

Han Qingsong: "..."

He shook hands with Zheng Yaozu silently.

When held by Han Qingsong's warm and powerful hands, Zheng Yaozu's eyes instantly widened, and his soul was about to be held out. When Han Qingsong let go, he hurriedly rubbed and glanced at the back of his hand, oops, several white finger prints! You say how strong you are!

He is about to cry. What is this? I will praise my sister-in-law for being handsome. Is it fake? The paintings on the wall still have to be exaggerated every day. Don't the big people have to exaggerate the flowers?

Lin Lan watched him grinning and laughed, "Brother-in-law, you and brother-in-law, I'll go to the weaving shop in your village."

Zheng Yaozu is really going to cry now, let him guard an iceberg brother-in-law? Where does he have the guts. When you say you come, you will come, bring anything with you, bring something with you, bring a man with you.

But Lin Lan didn't care about his eyebrows and lawsuits at all. Director Han in her family was so amiable, never bullied or talked much, and could sit there alone for a long time.

She went away.

Zheng Yaozu was nervous to Han Qingsong alone, so that his forehead began to sweat, "Little, little uncle...drink, drink water?" He raised his sleeve and wiped his sweat.

Han Qingsong: "You are not a spy, what are you afraid of me?"

Zheng Yaozu shook his head to cover up, "...when a group of people are not afraid, not afraid." It's just a little nervous when facing alone.

Han Qingsong sat in a precarious position and watched Zheng Yaozu's forehead sweating. He was very puzzled that it was not hot in this room, or was Zheng Yaozu in good health? It doesn't look so strong either.

Zheng Yaozu: "...Little, little uncle..."

Han Qingsong couldn't bear it, "Little uncle?"

Sister-in-law and sister-in-law, they are far behind.

Zheng Yaozu quickly changed his words: "Sister, brother-in-law, Ha Shui." You are not my little uncle, you are my ancestor!


Lin Lan found someone outside and asked casually, she knew the location of the weaving point, and went straight to find Lin Mei.

Lin Mei was busy walking around among a group of weaver girls like a butterfly, and when she saw Lin Lan coming, she ran over happily.

Lin Mei pulled Lin Lan to an empty place to sit down and talk, and he gave her hawthorn to eat, "I wanted to go to your house a few days ago, but a good man clamored to find his brother and brother to play, but he was tripped up by the incident."

Lin Lan looked bad when she talked about it, "What's the matter? The good man is naughty again?"

Lin Mei shook her head: "It's not him, where is he when he is not naughty? I'm used to it."

"What's the matter?" She felt that a good man had become better, and Mrs. Zheng would only be happy not to mess with Lin Mei, while the old man Zheng was sleeping at home except for work, and rarely mixed with women. Zheng Yaozu is even more silly, but he can make Lin Mei happy.

Is that angry?

"Is there a problem with dividends?"

Lin Mei: "Fortunately, I listened to you and turned weaving into a sideline of the brigade. Although they earn less than before, they are a lot more stable. Those women earn work points, and I also earn dividends in addition to work points, but the dividends are not counted until they are sold. , It's not bad to say." Although it took a lot of words and thoughts in the middle, it stabilized anyway.

"Very good." Lin Lan thought it was really good.

"There are still people reporting this! It really maddens me." Lin Mei was angrily.

Lin Lan smiled and said, "Isn't someone reporting you every day? You make money, and it is normal for someone to report jealously. It is mediocre not to be jealous of others, you are a profitable talent, so you should be jealous. Don't be angry." She Touching Lin Mei's back smoothly, teasing her with Xiaowang's tone, "Relax, imagine yourself as light as a feather, not angry."

Lin Mei laughed at Lin Lan's persuasion, she pinched Lin Lan's face, "Why do I rare you orchid flowers."

Lin Lan hurriedly avoided her claws, "Don't squeeze, my head will feel distressed."

"Tsk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk-tuk-tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk.

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Home » Strict Wife of the Seventies Manages the Household SWSMH » Chapter 92: Tricks behind
Strict Wife of the Seventies Manages the Household Chapter 92: Tricks behind
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Chapter 92

Lin Lan was not afraid of her. She laughed for a while, and said: "The good man and Qiaoqiao have nothing to do. I will take them to live with them for a few days and wait for them to be sent back in the new year. Let Qiaoqiao and Mai Sui. Be close and close, if a good man has a minor problem, let Dawang give it to Banban."

At this time, the children don't go to school and don't want to make a big difference. There are not many major problems, and they are quite acceptable.

Lin Mei went to call the child, and soon Zheng Qiaoqiao and the good man came over.

Zheng Qiaoqiao is about the same size as Mai Sui, and she looks like her father, with red lips and white teeth. They all say that she and Mai Sui are like a pair.

A good man is dressed neatly but still has a big nose, and it is cold in the twelfth lunar month. Many children habitually have a big nose.

Qiaoqiao asked the fourth aunt happily, while the good man happily leaped towards Lin Lan's arms.

Seeing that big nasal mucus was about to rub his clothes, Lin Lan stopped him in time, took the toilet paper out and wiped him, "I want to take you and sister to live for a few days, you are dragging this big snot, brother and brother. Don't be a joke?"

When the good man heard it, he immediately sucked in hard.

Lin Lan: "..."

Qiao Qiao is a typical peasant jasper, demure, gentle, and well-behaved, not at all spooky, but also because it is too well-behaved and a bit shy and not lively enough, it looks like a fifteen or six-year-old girl as sensible. She is inherited from Zheng Yaozu's appearance and honesty, and also inherited from Lin Mei's steady and capable, but not frivolous and violent. She is really cute and well-behaved.

Lin Lan said to take his siblings to live for a few days.

A look of joy appeared on Qiaoqiao's face, but she first looked at Lin Mei and asked softly, "Mother, can't you?"

Lin Mei naturally agreed, "Going to your fourth aunt's house is more comfortable than living in your grandmother's house. Go ahead and get close to your cousins ​​and Mai Sui." She asked Qiaoqiao to take her brother's house to pick up food and bring food and the like. .

Lin Lan smiled and said, "No, I still have this grain."

Lin Mei said, "No, your food is not brought by the strong wind. My nephew won't come to live. If he comes, I would be happy."

She pulled Lin Lan and said on a whim: "Orchid flower, let's have a son and daughter in-laws."

"Huh?" Lin Lan was startled, "We are twin sisters."

"Fuck you!" Lin Mei slapped her, "Look at Dawang or Erwang, whichever is the best. You can make a marriage with Qiaoqiao, and you can get married in a few years."

Lin Lan had an indifferent face throughout the whole process. If you say yours, I will stare at you coldly.

Lin Mei smiled and said, "What do you look like, it's funny like a child."

Lin Lan: "Don't say they are cousins, even if it doesn't matter, I won't agree."

Lin Mei: "You look down on my coincidence, don't let my son throw it away, no one picks it up, my daughter can..." Barabara counted a hundred.

Lin Lan: "It's so good, it's not good for me to take it back to be a girl-in-law? Why do I still get married with close relatives and be a daughter-in-law? Don't you know that you have to have prenatal and postnatal care? If close relatives are not good, your team doesn't promote it?"

Lin Lan can promote to the nearby brigade.

Naturally, Lin Mei didn't understand this. Everyone was married with aunts and aunts, so why didn't they do it?

She also sees her daughter being honest, for fear of being bullied by a man who is not honest. If you marry a daughter-in-law, you know your nature and will not bully your daughters, but your daughters will be out of school, for fear of being overwhelmed by pigs. If you marry your sister's house, you can rest assured, and she likes Erwang the most, and thinks that he is gentle and considerate, he must be a sweetheart to his wife.

Lin Lan smiled and said: "Don't worry, Qiaoqiao is still small, and I will keep it for Xunmo to satisfy you when I get older."

The ending of Qiaoqiao in the previous life was not good. Marrying a man was selfish and controlled. He was incompetent and suspected his wife's unfaithfulness. A person who was originally like a flower, suddenly became a teenager after marriage.

In this life, naturally, she won't let her repeat the same mistakes.

"Then I can remember, don't fool me."

Lin Lan said to visit Madam Zheng and talk about it, but before she could go there, Madam Zheng came to look for her.

Mrs. Zheng was busy looking at another weaving spot, and heard that Lin Lan came and hurried over to say hello.

Lin Lan said: "Auntie, just busy, I just want to talk to you."

Mrs. Zheng laughed haha, "Who is looking for different. You are so busy to come and see me, I am happy."

At this moment, she helped Lin Mei stare at the women who did the work, and gave guidance, but she didn't have so much time to serve good men. On the contrary, good men were more sensible.

Lin Lan exchanged greetings with her and said goodbye. She went to Lin Mei's house. The twelfth lunar month was short, and she wanted to go home early.

Lin Mei said on the road: "You said how can the second child's family be like this, I'm really furious."

Lin Lan was surprised and said, "What is the second child's family doing?"

"I didn't want to talk to you, but I was so panicked, I don't know who to talk to if I didn't talk to you." Lin Mei exhaled angrily.

Lin Lan asked her to talk and listen, and when she heard that she was also angry, "Is she really like this?"

"It's not a good thing? I told you several times in a sarcasm that I would give you cloth or not, give you a scarf and not give her a scarf. Then I heard that I was going to partner with the brigade, and immediately let her natal family join in. There are not many things. The brigade is necessary, and this is also divided into the other. Then I can do a shit. Besides, her family and us are not the same brigade, they are behind, how to divide her?

"It turned out that she was fine, so her family went to report me! Are you stupid? I became a sideline in the brigade and she reported me? I didn't have to come out, the brigade blocked me. But I really want to die, where is there such a thing? White-eyed wolf. You said the things we took back so many years, why didn't she pick it out first? Our mother originally said to keep it and wait for us to use it and then return it to us, but let her coax it all. Said that I didn't leave my family with anything afterwards, so I didn't let her pick them all..."

Lin Mei couldn't stop talking about it.

She wasn't such a wordy person, she was so angry that she didn't expect her family to stabb herself. She would not have thought of breaking the head if there was no evidence.

"Don't be angry, let's talk to her in the first month."

Lin Mei was comfortable after complaining, but she didn't want to care about it, "Forget it, I don't have the same knowledge as her this time, it's difficult for our mother to save it."

Lin Lan also talked about Tang Hehua hiding from her, "Did I offend her somewhere? She hides from me every time." This year Lin Lan went back to her family a few times and never saw Tang Hehua, if not three. When Wang caught evidence this time, Lin Lan didn't think much about it.

"Don't be angry with her. You are now obedient to the man and the child. It makes people jealous as if mixed with honey on a good day. It is not worth anger. She hides from her, we don't care about her, and there will be good things we won't give in the future. She." Lin Mei said angrily, not to make Lin Lan angry, but she was even more angry than she was reported.

Lin Lan smiled and nodded, "I'm not angry, I tell you, don't be angry at any time. Being angry hurts the body, it hurts yourself, who can replace the illness?"

The sisters laughed and Lin Mei took her hand, "Oh, orchid flower, I really didn't expect us to be like this in a dream."

Thinking about pinching before meeting, and also pinching if not, Lin Mei felt that it was really not a life for people, and good sisters would pinch like that.

Lin Lan smiled without saying a word.

Lin Mei also talked about their father, the old head of Lin is not a sensible person. Let Lin Mei say that she is an old and confused, patriarchal, but deadly too old to care about things, protect her son and grandchildren's home, daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law are her own, and her daughter-in-law is an outsider. .

He had said for Tang Hehua before that he wanted Lin Mei to make a little bit of weaving business for his younger brother's family, but Lin Mei refused at that time.

It is estimated that this matter has offended Tang Hehua severely.

Anyway, Lin Mei has the boss's opinion on her father, "You said you didn't expect him to be more capable, but don't you hold back, are you? Like my father-in-law, he doesn't have much skill and doesn't care about things, either working or sleeping. That's good. I'm afraid that I'd like to take care of things if I don't have the ability to do things, and then make troubles. And my second brother, too, is getting more and more unreasonable. He listens to his daughter-in-law all day long. Come on."

Lin Mei looked at the weather and stopped talking, "Forget it, not talking about them, it's irritating."

Lin Lan: "Don't hold back if you are angry. We are not obliged to take care of the Tang family. When we turn around, we should sit down and take a good break and settle the accounts. Or his family thinks we owe them."

Lin Mei nodded, "Sure, I'll let her spend a year first, and settle accounts with her in the first month."

Back home, Lin Lan looked at Zheng Yaozu's restless look, like a needle in his butt.

Han Qingsong sat in the hall with a golden sword, Yuan Yu Yue Zhi, he was sure, he was the master.

Lin Lan smiled straight at the sight.

Lin Mei glared at Zheng Yaozu, and someone like her brother-in-law must treat you!

Zheng Yaozu took a deep breath and wiped his sweat, but he was relieved.

Oh my mother, it's dying.

Han Qingsong and Lin Mei exchanged greetings, and Lin Mei packed up.

Lin Lan asked her to forget the food, and she can't take it with the two children.

Lin Mei: "Look, you brought me so many things."

Lin Lan: "That's not what your brother-in-law did. Besides, how much cloth did you give me? Our family has no shortage of clothes or shoes. Thank you very much."

Lin Mei clasped her shoulders and said, "Look at your man well, don't let the young vixen hook her up."

Lin Lan glared at her, "What are you talking about." She glanced at Han Qingsong, and Han Qingsong looked over, with questions in her eyes.

Lin Lan bends her eyes.

When returning home, Han Qingsong asked Lin Lan to ride a bicycle with the child, and he walked behind.

Lin Lan said: "It can be carried. This bike is big. I hold a good man and sit in front of it cleverly."

Han Qingsong refused, "I can keep up."

Lin Lan wanted to try it when he said that, but she set off with the two children. She was so tired and sweaty that Han Qingsong ran beside her at a constant speed.

The good man kept calling his uncle to cheer.

Lin Lan has the illusion of riding a big wolf dog... I hope Director Han doesn't know her inner activities.

Lin Lan was so tired all the way home, Han Qingsong only sweated a thin layer.

Lin Lan was a little unbelievable, touched his forehead, and then reached in and touched his back. As expected, his shirt was not wet.

The good man rushed into the yard like a moth, "My Zheng Hao Nan is here again!"

Sanwang was whispering to Xiaowang in the yard, planning to fool Xiaowang to shave a monk like himself.

Xiaowang remembers that his mother said that he looks better with his hair. In fact, Lin Lan was afraid that he would be cold, and it was extremely cold to shave his hair.

Seeing the good man flying in at this time, the two of them were shocked, and then they were pleasantly surprised. Sanwang immediately jumped on and hugged the good man, "Haha, have you been beaten recently?"

The good man laughed so happily, the big nose came out again, and it flowed straight down.

Sanwang avoided disgustingly: "Oh, I've crossed the river, it's dirty!"

Xiaowang's expression was also very strange, he subconsciously sucked his nose, trying to help the good man **** his nose back.

Lin Lan accompanied Qiaoqiao to come over, and seeing that the yard was already in a commotion, she called the children to come out quickly.

Mai Sui quickly ran out and told Lin Lan and his second brother to cut the puzi. Actually, there was coal at home and there was no need to cut it, but Erwang couldn't help it...

Seeing sister Qiaoqiao also came, Mai Sui was very pleasantly surprised, holding hands happily, "Sister Qiaoqiao, you have to live longer."

Qiaoqiao smiled softly and nodded, very shy.

Sanwang leaped over and opened his mouth wide, "Wow, sister Qiaoqiao, you are getting more and more handsome."

Qiaoqiao blushed and said shyly: "Sister Mai Sui is better-looking than me, Xiao Wang is more handsome."

Mai Sui said generously and honestly: "We are both good-looking, but he is not good-looking! Black charcoal bald! Hahaha."

Sanwang touched his head and refused to admit defeat. He said to the good man: "You know, bald heads are the smartest."

The good man shook his head, "My grandfather is a bald head, and I always scold him for stupid things."

Sanwang: "Your grandfather is old, and the kid is bald and smart." He pulled out an idiom he had learned, "You know how smart you are, only smart people can be very smart, without hair!"

A good man doesn't go to school or likes to read. Naturally, he doesn't know the idiom of being extremely smart, but Sanwang is envious when he speaks decently.

The good man turned his head and said to Lin Lan: "Sister Si, I also want to shave the monk's head."

Sanwang patted him and pointed to his head, "This is Sanwangtou, why is it a monk's head?"

It's so joyful to be so noisy, the yard is as quack as if there are a hundred ducks.

When it got dark, Han Qingsong had already gone to pick up the two sons, and Mai Sui invited Qiaoqiao to cook with her and took out Erwang's recipes to watch with her.

The two little girls were sitting in front of the stove, beautiful and clean with flowers and bones, one bright and the other beautiful, and they were especially moving when reflected by the fire.

Lin Lan watched with joy.


In order to entertain the two young guests, Lin Lan made a few new dishes specially.

The small squid is very delicious. You can add some leeks and stir-fry it, or make a soup directly, and then fry a octopus, stir-fry eggs with green onions, and add home-cooked meals to prepare a table.

Country folks don't understand seafood, especially children. It seems that the only good meal is to eat stewed pork and chicken. If you haven't eaten it before, you don't know the benefits.

The children of Lin Lan's family were raised to be able to eat, and they felt appetite when they smelled the delicious taste.

Especially that pot of squid soup, not only has the fresh and sweet taste of seafood, but also has the fragrance of leeks. The white soup is filled with emerald green leeks, which is a perfect match.

Because there were two young guests, the seats for dinner were mobilized again. Mai Sui and Qiaoqiao were together, Xiao Wang and a good man plus San Wang, Da Wang and Han Qingsong, Lin Lan and Er Wang.

Lin Lan looked at the very similar father and son, the two girls who looked like twins, and the three lovely boys from big to small over there, and finally looked at the gentle and handsome butler beside her. I am in a very good mood, and I have to eat two more pancakes.

Erwang served Lin Lan a bowl of soup first.

Lin Lan smiled and said, "Give Qiaoqiao a bowl."

Erwang took a bowl to help Qiaoqiaosheng, and Qiaoqiao took it with both hands, and said softly: "Waisui, can we have a bowl?" At this time, people usually have a large number of people and a small table, and there are not enough bowls at home. Don't pay attention to one bowl per person. Lin Lan wasn't used to it at first, but it didn't matter if he went to the village to follow the customs. There were no outsiders anyway.

Mai Sui smiled and said: "Of course it will do. Anyway, don't go with the black charcoal bald head. Don't drink it when it's hot. Take a sigh of relief and drank it and stare at him. Haha."

Sanwang smiled across the dining table and picked up a squid, "Sister Qiaoqiao, you sleep with Sister Mai at night and be careful of her kicking you. She is not honest when she is sleepy." He gestured with the squid, "Just kick it like this."

Then he received the death gaze from Sister Mai.

Sanwang turned his head to clip a squid to the good man, and immediately changed the subject, "You see, squid is also bald."

Good man: "There are several big hairs under the squid."

Xiaowang: "That's the hands and feet of the squid."

So the three little ones began to research whether it was the squid's hands or feet.

Lin Lan feels unable to eat anymore, "After we finish eating, you will study it and it will affect our appetite. Coincidentally, you can eat whatever you want. At Siyi's house, it is the same as your own. You are welcome."

Qiaoqiao smiled at her, but didn't dare to look at Han Qingsong and Dawang, and quickly bowed his head to eat.

Lin Lan winked at Han Qingsong, why was she so serious that she scared her niece and dared not raise her head.

Han Qingsong: "...eat more."

Qiao Qiao's hand holding the egg shivered, and it stabilized anyway, and did not dare to raise his head, whispered, "Okay."

Han Qingsong gave Lin Lan a rather innocent look, saying that it was not his fault.

Lin Lan smiled and greeted the children to eat more.

Sanwang over there has successfully fooled the good man and Xiaowang and agreed to shave their heads, and they were ordered to lobby with the second and eldest brothers.

Dawang killed him with an eye knife, and Sanwang immediately turned his head and talked to his second brother, "Second brother, do you have a bed with a good man tonight?"

Winter is different from summer. In winter, a quilt is required. There is no extra quilt to give a good man a quilt.

Erwang was stunned with a lingering fear, yes, I didn't expect this problem.

Lin Lan said: "It's okay, let the little brother sleep with the good man."

Sanwang immediately geared up, "Good!"

He put a chopsticks and egg for a good man, "Good man, make up for it."

Many times he would have heard his mother ask his father to take this supplement or that supplement for breakfast many times, and he thought that he was tired of sleeping and needed supplements. In fact, Lin Lan usually stuffs Han Qingsong what she doesn't like, and asks him to make up for it by the way, jokingly.

The good man caught Xiaowang a squid again, "Brother, you also make up for it."

Lin Lan lowered her head to eat silently, pretending not to hear.

Xiaowang thought it was everyone's concern, so he also stood up and gave Dawang some food, "Brother, you make up for it."

Dawang: "..." He glanced at Sanwang, "Well, make up your strength to shoot the ball."

Sanwang immediately felt a faint pain in his head.

Erwang looked at Qiaoqiao and was embarrassed to serve the soup, so he helped serve it. The second time the soup was a little bit less and more material.

Qiaoqiao smiled at him.

After dinner, the children played in the yard and digested, while Lin Lan led Maisui and Qiaoqiao to see the floral cloth she bought.

"Two girls, come, pick what you like and make you a new year's gown."

Qiaoqiao was embarrassed and waved her hand hurriedly, "Sister Si, don't do it for me, my mother did it."

"Your mother did it by your mother, and the fourth aunt is from the fourth aunt. My sister designed it for you. It looks pretty."

Maisui picked a piece with a green background and a white flower, and helped Qiaoqiao pick a piece with a small red flower on the foundation. "Sister looks good in this one."

Qiaoqiao smiled and said: "You look bright and beautiful in this."

Lin Lan took a look, "You both have white skin and look good in everything you wear."

Mai Sui thought for a while, "Yes, we can use two colors of cloth to make a dress."

She immediately gestured with one piece, squeezing the edge with one piece, "This way, there is a touch of pink in the green and green in the powder, just like flowers and trees, very fresh."

Qiaoqiao said in surprise: "It can be like this, Maisui, you are so amazing."

Mai Sui took out his own book, "Isn't this learning."

Lin Lan: "Girl, that's...Is this technique inadequate?"

Mai Sui embraced Lin Lan's shoulders and pressed her face to her face, encouraging: "Mother, I believe you can."

Lin Lan nodded, "I have to serve both of you."

After choosing the cloth, Mai Sui took Qiaoqiao to take a bath. She also took out the unworn girl vest made by Lin Lan and gave it to Qiaoqiao, "I have a few of them. Give this to you. Go back and follow it. Sew two and change to wear."

Qiaoqiao looked at it and blushed, "If you don't wear it out..." Shame.

Mai Sui: "Sister, this is a vest. You wear it underneath. You must wear it in summer. You can't wear short sleeves directly."

Lin Lan has begun to instill a girl's awareness of secondary sexual characteristics in Maisui, so that her daily attention will not be embarrassing.

Qiaoqiao took it and took a look. It was made of light pink cotton, like a small vest, with a few cloth buttons on the front.

Cloth-wrapped buttons will not grind.

The bathroom has been transformed by Lin Lan and Han Qingsong, and now you can make a charcoal fire there, there is a flue, you don't have to worry about gas poisoning, and there is also a metal water tank that can boil hot water, which can be used at any time.

Qiaoqiao is really eye-opening.

She loves to be clean every day, but she cleans herself quietly by boiling water, but she never thought that she could take a hot bath in winter, and it's not cold at all.

The two girls whispered while taking a bath, very happy.


On the second day, Lin Lan asked the good man to go to school with his brothers and sisters. He was a boy in the province and nobody was bored at home, so he stayed at home to help her with needlework.

While doing work, Lin Lan asked Qiaoqiao a lot of questions, and tried Qiaoqiao's mind, and by the way, calmly instilled something girls should pay attention to. The most important thing is the difference between men and women, precautions for girls' puberty and so on. Lin Mei is not a delicate person and does not notice the developmental problems of girls. Girls don't understand, and sometimes they are unavoidable, especially with breast growth and menarche.

She gave Qiaoqiao a vaccination first, and she wouldn't panic at that time.

Qiaoqiao lowered her head slightly, her cheeks were reddish, but she listened very carefully, nodding her head from time to time to show that she remembered.

Being busy, Yan Yan came over with a book and shouted at the door, "Is Teacher Lin at home?"

Lin Lan responded and asked her to come in.

Yanyan ran in, called Teacher Lin, and smiled when Qiaoqiao was there.

"Ms. Lin, this sister is so handsome."

Qiaoqiao's face flushed slightly.

Lin Lan introduced them to each other. Yan Yan is one year older than Mai Sui and Qiaoqiao.

Yanyan and Qiaoqiao said a few words, and then showed Lin Lan their homework, "Teacher Lin, please help me to correct it."

In fact, Yanyan went to find a teacher and Han Qingping would help her, but she felt that if she didn't pay the money and didn't have the chance to go to school in the future, she couldn't trouble the teacher anymore. In addition, she intuitively taught Lin Lan better than the teacher, and felt that it was better to learn from Lin Lan.

Lin Lan told her the wrong question and taught her some new words. Yanyan's learning ability is still good, and Lin Lan can remember it after repeating it a few times.

"Ms. Lin, you are really clear, I will know it as soon as I listen." She had studied with Cauliflower before, and Cauliflower is now also in school, and she comes back to give her supplementary lessons, but she always listens to what Cauliflower says.

Lin Lan also taught her a few learning tips, some techniques for summarizing the usage of Chinese characters, such as the difference between pinyin and idiom.

After chatting for a while to study, Yanyan talked to Qiaoqiao.

She was envious and said: "Teacher Lin, your girls are so handsome." No wonder Cauliflower is so jealous, even she thinks they are so beautiful and so envious.

Lin Lan smiled and said: "Yanyan, you look good, too. Your eyes are beautiful, dark and bright, and your eyes are clear and correct. It shows that your mind is pure and sincere." In other words, if those who look away from insincere, It's not simple and sincere enough.

Yanyan has strong learning ability and understands naturally.

Yan Yan was also very happy to receive Lin Lan's praise, and she deliberately looked in the mirror to see her eyes. Originally, I thought that she looked like cauliflower and said that she was not good-looking, but when Lin Lan was so praised, she felt that she was at least not that ugly.

Yanyan said goodbye to Lin Lan after she consulted, and Lin Lan asked Qiaoqiao to send her away.

Qiao Qiao brought Yan Yan to the door, and then came back to continue to help Lin Lan.

Lin Lan said: "Qiaoqiao, do you think Yanyan is good?"

Cleverly said: "Very good, easy to learn."

Lin Lan: "Yanyan's biggest advantage is that she knows what she wants, what to do and what to do. She has a lot of ideas and is not at the mercy of others."

Qiaoqiao naturally couldn't think of this, and said admiringly: "Sister Si, she is so amazing."

"Coincidentally, you are also very good. What you want in the future, what ideas you want to say, don't hold it in your heart. Sometimes if you don't say it, even your own mother won't know." For example, what you like and what you don't like, what you like If you don't like someone, you should say it.

Qiaoqiao bit her lip lightly, lowered her head to think about digesting Lin Lan's words.

For a moment, she said: "Auntie Si, I, I, I also want to..."

Lin Lan looked at her with a smile, encouraged her with her eyes, and signaled what she wanted to say.

"I want to read, too." She knows some of the simplest words now, and she can't even write her own name.

When listening to the radio on Dongjian Kang last night, she found that she was not even as good as Xiaowang. She talked to Maisui, and she didn't understand what Maisui said a lot of times. She always felt that Maisui spoke very nicely and literally.

Looking at this Yanyan now, she didn't go to school, but she was learning literacy from her fourth aunt. She really worked very hard.

Does she think she can do it too?

Lin Lan happily said: "Of course, your family doesn't expect you to earn work points. You go to school, at least learn how to read and write letters, read newspapers, and read books. Wouldn't it be better than blindness?"

Qiaoqiao smiled brilliantly, and his eyes were bright, "Aunt Si, I want to read."

Lin Lan: "I will tell your mother when I go home this time."

Qiaoqiao was like a big idea, and his cheeks were red with excitement.

Lin Lan went to find some study syllabus that she had helped Dawang tutoring before. At that time, she compiled a detailed and simplified one.

This detailed includes all the knowledge points of the first, second and third grades.

She gave Qiaoqiao the first grade, took paper and pen, first taught her the correct posture of the pen, and then taught her strokes, radicals, etc., first taught her the most basics, and later taught her pinyin.

It was boring at first, and you need to have an interest in learning to stick to it. After all, you don't have that kind of urgent learning responsibility without going to school, and it is easy to give up.

Lin Lan also has a way to arouse children's interest, just grab the children's interest. Qiaoqiao looks quiet, but she also has things she likes. She basically likes what girls like, nice clothes, nice paintings, nice songs, delicious things, and so on.

Lin Lan asked Qiaoqiao to say a few of her favorite things and marked them with Chinese characters and pinyin so that Qiaoqiao would take a look when she had time. In addition, the names and titles of the family members are also written down and checked from time to time.

After midday, in a blink of an eye, it was time for school in the afternoon, and the child hadn't come back yet. Lin Lan wondered, "Coincidentally, you take care of the house.

Lin Lan went to school and found that the teachers and children were all standing in the yard, not knowing what they were doing.

She stood on tiptoe, and saw that Sanwang was holding a child in his arms. The two were fighting, and the good man next to him was also holding one and was fighting hard.

Xiaowang stood by to cheer for his brothers. Teacher Han Qingping, Dawang and other students were all watching.

Lin Lan: "..." Are you collectively degenerate?

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Home » Strict Wife of the Seventies Manages the Household SWSMH » Chapter 93: duel
Strict Wife of the Seventies Manages the Household Chapter 93: duel
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Chapter 93

Lin Lan hurriedly squeezed to stand beside Dawang, "What is this for?"

Dawang relied on giving Lin Lan a place, "Duel."

Lin Lan: "..."

When Han Qingping saw Lin Lan, several teachers laughed at her, "Oh, these kids are really interesting."

Lin Lan: What the **** is going on!

Erwang and Maisui hurriedly told her that, in fact, it was not a big deal. Sanwang had shaved his head, and there were children in the village who shaved his head. They also said that the bald people are smart. There are children in the class but they are not convinced, and they want to say that they are bald and stupid, because Sanwang's grades are not good, while the hairy wheat ears and Erwang's grades are very good.

So they started to quarrel. Several children called Sanwang Monk Head, and San Wang called them Lice Head.

It was nothing at all, it was just bickering, but there was a small lice head that was extremely rare, Xiao Wang, he was anxious when he heard that Xiao Wang was going to shave his head like the third brother.

He and Xiao Wang sit next to each other, and he especially likes Xiao Wang, and he likes to stay close to Xiao Wang when he has nothing to do. Especially when Xiaowang played the harmonica, he was particularly infatuated. Today I heard that Xiao Wang was going to shave his head, he was more anxious than anyone else, and he kept leaning on Xiao Wang to tell him not to shave his head.

Sanwang was originally upset with that kid sticking to Xiaowang, because he used to stick to Dawang, and then Xiaowang sticks to him. These are all his own brothers, but why is this kid sticking to Xiaowang? Especially he still has a lice head, and there are lice all over his body. Xiaowang has a kind temperament. As long as they are kind to him, he will always come and be willing to be friends with them, even if they are dirty or greedy.

Sanwang found that the lice on his head crawled onto Xiaowang's head! I can't bear it now, "Look at you with a lice head, full of lice, don't you shave your bald head? Climb my brother on the lice."

So the two quarreled, and the good man naturally wanted to help him, so they quarreled. There was a big boom, they didn't dare to fight, and they agreed to a duel after school!

The good man helped the elder brother, and the other kid helped the lice head, so Lin Lan saw this scene.

Lin Lan: ...to blame for the twists and turns.

At this time, Sanwang had already looked at the gap, and finally a stumbling person tripped the other party, but the good man was crushed on the ground. Oops, Oops, Sanwang went to help him again.

Lin Lan clapped her hands, "It's alright, let's all go home."

Sanwang heard Lin Lan's movement, and said proudly: "Mother, look at me and throw him a big horse."

In the end, he was thrown back by the opponent.

Dawang: "Okay."

The child immediately let go of Sanwang and ran away with the head of the louse.

Dawang picked up Sanwang, "Idiot."

Sanwang immediately hit the snake and went on the stick, "Brother, you teach me to wrestle."

The good man rushed forward, "There is still me."

Xiaowang had already plunged into Lin Lan's arms and rubbed him, "Mother, my head is itchy."

Maisui slapped and pulled his hair, "Go home in the evening and I'll shave it with a grate for you to shave off all the lice."

Sanwang: "I said you stay away from the head of the lice."

Xiaowang nodded, as if doing something wrong, "Okay."

The good man laughed, "Auntie Si, how happy it is to shave our heads."

Xiaowang's eyes were bright and moved.

Lin Lan: "Baby, the bald head is very cold."

Sanwang: "It's not cold at all."

Good man: "It's not cold!"

Xiaowang hesitated, "Mother, they said that my head is round and my chin is pointed, and it looks good if I shave my head."

Lin Lan: ...who, come out and I will kill him!

Sanwang laughed.

Lin Lan feels desperate when she thinks about having lice on her head, and she feels that she still shaves Xiaowang's head. Anyway, children have fast hair, and now they will grow a little after shave for the Chinese New Year, which is okay.

Lin Lan asked Dawang to lead the three little ones to the captain's house, and asked the captain to help shave her head, while she took Maisui and Erwang home first.

Qiaoqiao was waiting at the door, and she asked with concern: "Aunt Si, where are the older brothers?"

Lin Lan smiled and waved her hand, "You can ask my sister, but I'm so happy."

Mai Sui and Erwang talked to Qiaoqiao, and laughed at Qiaoqiao with joy.

They went home first to clean up, and after an hour, Da Wang brought three small bald heads back, one by one brightly illuminated.

Lin Lan: "..."

Maisui pulled Qiaoqiao and laughed so hard that he could not stand up straight, "Haha, now the room will turn on without lighting, just like those light bulbs in the city."

At this time the sky was not completely dark, but the room was already very dark. The three of them stood at the bright door, lined up from high to low, each with their round heads glowing, just like oversized light bulbs.

Lin Lan couldn't help laughing too, and looked at Erwang and Dawang.

Dawang was unmoved, Erwang hurriedly clutched his head, "Mother, I'm afraid of the cold."

Sanwang watched everyone being stopped by them, winking at the two younger brothers, and changing the formation according to the beginning of the rehearsal outside. Sanwang walked forward with his hands on his hips, shaking his body and twisting Yangko, the good man followed, and Xiaowang was behind.

"Beep beep, we are big bright light bulbs, beep beep, we are cheerful big clever, beep beep, we are happy little bald heads~~" After a circle, the three of them pose , Shouted together: "Big smart light bulb, you deserve it! Bright brand small bald head, no lice, no oil!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha......"

At this time, the captain was cleaning up the faders and razors at home. As a result, several children, big and small, rushed in and shouted, "Grandpa Captain, we have to shave our heads too!"

The captain looked dumbfounded, "It's so cold, why do you shave your head?"

"Bald head looks good!"

Lice head learned the appearance of Sanwang, with one hand on hips and one lunge forward, shouting: "Bright brand small bald head, no lice, no oil! I want to shave my head, no lice. I don't want to be a lice head!"

When Sanwang took the two younger brothers to rehearse on the street just now, they watched the audience.

Captain: "..." If we eat our hair for dinner, it will depend on you bastards.

Han Qingsong rode home. As soon as he entered the yard, he found that the house was quiet and something was wrong. He supported the car, took off his gloves and hat, and walked into the house.

Suddenly the door of the house opened, and three bald heads came out from high to low. The bright tiles were still glowing.

Han Qingsong: "...it looks pretty."

The three children laughed, not seeing their teeth. No, Sanwang's front teeth were missing, which was very funny.

Sanwang led the younger brothers to perform to Han Qingsong with the previous singing and dancing. Mai Sui and Qiaoqiao also helped to beat. Lin Lan and Erwang were having a meal, so happy that Lin Lan didn't hold the bamboo basket and almost buckled it. On the ground, fortunately Erwang was prepared to quickly support her.

Da Wang, who was rubbing the corn kernels, couldn't hold back his smile, and the masseter muscles came out.

When the three children yelled the last sentence, Han Qingsong also laughed, and reached out to touch the three small bald heads, "Yes."

"Hahaha, your fourth uncle laughed!" Sanwang talked to the good man.

Good man: "Why don't my fourth uncle love to laugh?"

Xiaowang also leaned over with a curious baby expression asking for explanation.

Sanwang met them and whispered: "My mother said that your fourth uncle was born by a fierce beast, so she is cold and fierce every day."

Lin Lan: "..." You gotta **** me, I didn't tell you how you knew it. She just joked with Han Qingsong and teased him, as expected, nothing can be known by the three monks!

Xiaowang: "It must be hungry, just eat full. I will take dad to eat delicious food at night."

The good man immediately: "Take me to take me."

Lin Lan rubbed her belly and said to Han Qingsong, "Help me quickly, it's no good."

Han Qingsong immediately became nervous, embraced her, and said with concern: "What's the matter?"

Lin Lan leaned in his arms, stroking his chest with one hand, and said, "...Oh, it's dysfunctional, it's dysfunctional, I'm going to fall apart with a smile, fasten the screw for me."

"Hahahaha..." The whole room burst into laughter again.

The three little ones rushed forward and squeaked Lin Lan, praising them to tighten the screws.

Lin Lan was afraid of itching, and hurriedly hid behind Han Qingsong, then caught Sanwang and started to fight back.

Sanwang is most afraid of squeaking!

Because of the activities before the meal, the abdominal muscles laughed out, and the meal was doubled.

During the meal, Er Wang touched his stomach, "My stomach is broken because you laughed, so I can't eat enough."

Especially the three bald heads on the opposite side are arranged from high to short, and they all move together during the meal, opening and closing their mouths, watching... it's very funny.

Sanwang developed his own mechanical movements without moving his head, expressionless, opening and closing his mouth, using mechanical sounds that he understood without tones and emotions, and said, "We are a bald boy from Mars. Squad, our goal is to conquer the people of the earth, and our weapon is to laugh out of your stomach."

Lin Lan quickly put down the dishes and chopsticks, laughing from ear to ear, "It's not easy to choke this meal. Eat quickly, don't choke."

It was dark after dinner. Lin Lan refused to let them go out on the cold day of the twelfth lunar month, so she listened to the radio, read a book and played games on the kang, and went to bed early.

After breakfast the next day, Lin Lan and Qiaoqiao were clearing the dishes, and the others were about to go to school.

Suddenly a group of children rushed in, went to the yard and spread them out, with hands on hips, shouting: "We are the bald brigade. Hahaha."

Sanwang led Xiaowang and the good man into the pile of children, not to mention being more happy, especially the head of the louse turned bald, haha.

"You don't know. Yesterday, a lot of lice were shaved off their heads, but they are gone now, haha."

"The louse can't stand it, it fell to death, haha."

Lin Lan couldn't laugh. After seeing a group of children so cola, she grabbed a lot of red dates and divided them into one or two sweet mouths.

When Dawang came out with his schoolbag on his back, he looked at the bald head in a courtyard and was stunned.

Erwang and Maisui also laughed, Maisui still touched Erwang's head, "Second brother, do you want to know about it too?"

Erwang made a rare face at her, "Would you like to try with sister Qiaoqiao."

Mai Sui turned around and waved to Lin Lan and Qiaoqiao, and ran after them.

Qiaoqiao looked at their backs and smiled softly, "Aunt Si, this is really happy."

Lin Lan embraced her shoulders, "It's not something wrong, my stomach hurts every day when I laugh."

She said again: "In fact, these little skin guys are irritating enough. Just talk about Sanwang, and they didn't make us worry less. But the old saying is good, even if the child fell the bowl, the moment he was stunned was also very irritating. It's cute, let's not look at the broken bowl and just look at the interesting ones and be happy."

Qiaoqiao nodded thoughtfully, really. In fact, Sanwang is so naughty, if you leave someone else's home, you will get beaten twice. There are also good men. When I'm at home, my mother can't wait to throw them out, but at Siyi's house, Siyi thinks the good man is very cute, so she praises it every day, so that the good man thinks that he is really cute. My temper is much better.

For example, before she left it, it was pure fun for him to poke the chicken coop at home. He said that he stabbed the chicken well, but the mother would fight it. Here, Sanwang also led them to chase the chickens and tease the dogs, but they drove the chickens out to take out the chicken manure and clean up the chicken shed. A good man is not too dirty, so he actively helps.

And myself, I always looked down on the good side before and didn't look at the better. I think it's good if you have food without being hungry. You don't have to expect to eat better. You don't have to pay attention to good looks if you have clothes to wear. You don't have to think about what your elders can arrange.

Now that I think about it, I should do something instead of just accepting whatever comes. Thinking of the future is to marry, have a baby, and live with a strange man in two years, good or bad, just like that for a lifetime until death, and you can see the bottom at a glance.

Qiaoqiao shivered inexplicably.

Lin Lan patted her shoulder, "Go into the house, the door is cold."

When the children have company, they live happily every day and live the fastest. In particular, Han Qingping was so kind this year that he took winter vacation for exams at 20. The children were happier, and Sanwang led the two younger brothers and ran into the river when they saw the sky. Now the ice is firm, because the water is clear, the ice in some places is thick and clear, it looks like water, and you can see the water plants and the swimming fish below.

Sliding on the ice and playing spinning tops are the children's favorite games in winter.

On the day of Xiao Nian, Lin Mei came to pick up the children. When they heard Lin Mei coming, the three children rushed out and shouted at Lin Mei: "1,2,3"

Lin Mei is still wondering, what are these kids doing? Just watch them take off their hats together, revealing three small bald heads.

She was stunned.

Seeing her dumbfounded, the children laughed, "Another dumbfounded!" In the past few days, they had already dumbfounded several people. Han Qingyun was even more exaggerated and almost shaved his head too.

Lin Mei also laughed and touched one by one, "You naughty bastards, now you are bald."

The children buckled their hats quickly and went outside to tease others.

Lin Lan welcomed Lin Mei into the house, and Lin Mei put down the things she had brought, a little rooster, and a few schoolbags made of home-made cloth, indigo and colorful, all for the children.

Maisui got the gift from the third aunt, and happily gave his small triangle cloth bag to Qiaoqiao, "Sister, I used the third aunt to give it to me. My mother made this and gave it to you."

Qiaoqiao took it happily.

Lin Mei said: "Qiaoer, we have one in our family."

If it was Qiaoqiao before, she would let it go. Now she smiled and said, "Mother, my fourth aunt did it. I want to keep it."

Lin Mei laughed when she heard the girl wanted, "Then you keep it, you girl will talk back too."

Lin Lan said: "It's all so old, and if you don't want to talk to girls, don't be too domineering at home."

Lin Mei: "This is wrong." She teased Lin Lan, "Will you go back years ago?"

Lin Lan: "The New Year gift has already been given, so I won't go back years ago. I'll talk about it after the first month."

Lin Mei curled her lips, "Then I won't return, I will talk about it in the first month."

Lin Lan: "In the first month, let's live with rations for two days, and have a good break with her." There is no separation of the family, and the second daughter-in-law is responsible for half of the things done by the parents, so naturally we have to talk to them. You can't just make a dumb loss like this, Tang Hehua thought she was right.

Lin Mei: "Then what if she hides?"

Lin Lan smiled and said, "It's okay. Let's live until she comes back. Let's not go if we don't come back, let's see how long she can hide."

Lin Lan also talked about Yanyan to Lin Mei, saying that this kid is talented and that going there will definitely promote the progress of their team's sideline business. Lin Mei responded happily, "We now have classes for women and girls. In addition to having less strength, girls can do much more delicate work."

Lin Lan encouraged her, "Sister Sister, do it well. After a few years, when the time is right, you can open a textile factory in the countryside." She won't talk to Lin Mei too much, just need Lin Mei's persistence.

Lin Mei thought: "Where do I think so much? Isn't this just to make a living? I can't be forced to do it. You said Tang Hehua's family is going to find a job, can I not help? The **** they want to divide me? Hong, I really consider myself the ancestor of our Lin family."

Lin Lan asked her to run her own business. The first thing she had to do was to hold on to it. She couldn't hide her face and all the seven aunts and eight aunts would gather together. By that time, they would have been disturbed in less than two years, and they still complained that they hadn't made enough money.

Lin Lan stayed with Lin Mei for a meal, packed up some things for them to take home, mainly new clothes made for Qiaoqiao, as well as paper and pen for their siblings and so on.

The good man doesn't want to go back, so he wants to spend the Chinese New Year here. But Mrs. Zheng also missed him, and now he was sensible and felt that it would not work if he didn't go home, so he followed his mother and sister.

When they arrived at the entrance of the village, Lin Lan only stopped.

"You guys have to miss me!" The good man turned his head three times, his eyes streaming with tears.

Sanwang and Xiaowang waved at him.

Sanwang: "Don't wipe your nose with your sleeve!"

Xiaowang: "Don't lose your temper!"

The good man took off his hat and shook his bald head towards them. Sanwang and Xiaowang also took off their hats and shook them back.

Such a teasing made everyone amused again, and the only bit of sadness was also diluted.

When the three mothers were out of sight, Lin Lan led the children home.

Xiaowang: "Mother, as soon as my good brother is gone, I feel that there are many people missing in our family."

Lin Lan laughed, holding his little hand, "Brother and sister can still come after the New Year."

Sanwang laughed and said, "How can there be less? If there is one of me, there will be a hundred. Didn't you hear my mother say that Sanwang's kid is at home, just like ten troupes playing in the ring, ding-ding, hum, hum, hum, hum, hum, hum. Haha."


Then I started the busy year, killing pigs and dividing meat, grinding tofu and tofu, and grinding to make big glutinous rice and buns. The harvest this year is better than last year, and the members have distributed more. Every household is busy with surplus food, and it will be a good year.

Sister Han makes tofu by herself, and asks Lin Lan not to make it. She divides it into half. Naturally, Lin Lan didn't want to buy it in vain, so she gave the soy beans to her sister-in-law as a partnership.

Making dumplings on the afternoon of New Year's Eve, Lin Lan's family of seven people, half of them eat poor Laozi, and each one can eat so much more dumplings than others. Because of the small number of people in Han's family, the three of them ate together, so the package was small. She finished her work early and sent rice to help Lin Lan with her work.

Old Mrs. Han can't do it. Old Hantou and Brother Han can't make dumplings. Old Mrs. Han is busy herself, moves slowly, her eyes are not so good, and she is always a little powerless. And the second sister-in-law Han was gloating either to talk cold words or watch the excitement, and the old lady Han was buzzing with anger in her mind.

Especially Han Qinghua originally said that he would go home during the Chinese New Year, but now he is not allowed to come back. The old lady is even more angry. In addition, Han Jinyu hadn't come back since returning home, and she panicked again, wondering why the girl didn't come back for a look before? Is it a bad day? Isn't the grandpa not letting it? Worried and angry, Mrs. Han has been uncomfortable this year.

Brother Han wants to spend the New Year with his wife and children, but he can't take care of his parents, and he can't bear it, and he can't help but take care of him if he agrees to split the family. The result was that the old lady was upset, cursing one and another, crying about Jinbao and Jinyu, and Brother Han felt uncomfortable.

On New Year's Eve, Brother Han went to the street and stood behind his sister-in-law Han's house for a long time. Although not as lively as a child, the three mothers were discussing and friendly. Later he went to Lin Lan's house and stood there. Lin Lan's house is undoubtedly the most lively family in the village. It has many children, is rich, and laughs constantly. It can almost lift the roof of the house.

After returning home, even the second brother Han's house was lively. In their home, Han Tou'er knows snoring, and the old lady knows snoring and sighing. There is a depressive and cold atmosphere in the house, and even the Chinese New Year couplets and blessings cannot be suppressed.

The three of them sat down and the night watch was boring.

Brother Han didn't even want to find someone to speak, but felt as heavy as a mountain in his heart and wanted to cry.

Lin Lan's family is naturally more lively than last year, especially when the money is divided among the lucky ones. Lin Lan said that if the exam results are added to the father and mother's kowtow, they can get three of the money.

Although Sanwang's grades were not very good, he knew the words he should know and made no major mistakes. Lin Lan was not harsh to him and gave him a dollar.

A dollar!

Almost fainted Sanwang happy!

He had thought that he got five cents by knocking his head twice last year, but this year he would get a dime at most? He called long live for two cents.

I didn't expect a dollar!

Damn, I suddenly changed from a poor monk to a rich abbot!

Lin Lan also smiled and told them that she still didn't restrict how they spent the money, hoping that they would spend it happily and meaningfully.

As soon as Sanwang heard it, he wanted to fool Xiaowang and his eldest brother together, and then go to the county to buy a toy gun.

Xiaowang gave Lin Lan the money, "My mother saves my eyes for me."

As soon as Sanwang heard it, he handed over his own money, "Mother, let's fix the eyes of Brother Xiaowang first."

Lin Lan smiled and said, "My parents will save money for eyesight treatment for children. This money is for your hard work for a year. Take them all. New year will be new and new year will be a great fortune!"

"Get rich, get rich!"

New Year's Eve, walking on stilts, twisting yangko, walking relatives, and giving each other New Year's money, the children's happiest time, the adults have to have fun with their swollen faces and fat people...

Lin Lan still decided to return to her family on the third day of the middle school, but on the second day of the second day, the old lady Han sent Brother Han to visit and told Han Qingsong to let him go tomorrow, because Jin Yu returned home in the first year of marriage and asked several older brothers to go.

"The third brother, the fourth child is not at home, Jinyu and the son-in-law are back, you have to be the third brother." Brother Han was also stunned, and it was really not a good Chinese New Year.

Lin Lan didn't care about Han Qingsong. She and her sisters had made an appointment to return to her natal home on the third grade. Naturally, she would not change the day, but she would not stop him if he passed.

Han Qingsong refused, "Brother, it is agreed to accompany Lin Lan back to her natal house tomorrow." In previous years, he was not at home, and the family would celebrate the New Year as usual, and the sisters would also go back to her natal house.

Brother Han's expression became more and more sad, and he saw that there was no celebration of the New Year.

Lin Lan said: "Brother, don't you accompany your sister-in-law back to your natal family?"

Brother Han was taken aback, and then said in a loss: "Your sister-in-law didn't call me either."

Lin Lan didn't say anything. Are you waiting for Sister Han to call? Then you wait. I guess Sister Han won't call you until your parents are gone. You will spend the rest of your life in that deserted room by yourself.

Brother Han went back and said that the old lady Han got angry, scolded herself and said that her heart hurts, "Boss, go, let the third and second come, and say that I missed, let them prepare for my funeral."

Brother Han also knows that she deliberately, where can be so noisy during the Chinese New Year, he said: "Mother, New Year's, you are fine."

Old lady Han scolded angrily: "How am I doing well, you all have things that your daughter-in-law has forgotten?"

Brother Han said sadly: "Mother, am I still there?"

The old lady Han has been suffocated enough since the separation of the family. The housework and cooking are all on her own. The eldest son looks honest and honest, but he can't help much, and the big man is stupidly stupid.

She was so angry that she cursed, "Are you a shit? Can you wash and cook for me or can you support the scene?"

Brother Han was so scolded, he stood there blankly, and then turned back to his room silently. The more he thought about it, the more suffocated he became, and he couldn't help but shed painful tears.

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Strict Wife of the Seventies Manages the Household Chapter 94: fight
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Chapter 94

Lin Lan got up early in the morning of the third day to clean up. Older children don't have to worry about it, but Sanwang's clothes won't work for two days on the first and second day of the first and second grades. They were washed and dried with charcoal fire last night and put on now. There are also gifts to bring, the same kind, family members must also be prepared. Lin Lan is planning to stay in her family for two days. It is impossible to leave all the children. Han Qingsong and Dawang Erwang can go home. She takes Maisui and her two younger brothers to live.

With Erwang here, she doesn't have to worry that Han Qingsong and Dawang will be hungry or eat cold food in the winter.

When going out, Lin Lan put on a cotton hat and took out all the pink maroon scarves to Sanwang and Xiaowangwei. The two brothers had stubbles in their hair, so they couldn't wear a hat because the itch was so severe that the children couldn't help it, so they simply didn't wear it.

At first, Sanwang surrounded the pink ones, but looking at the hot eyes, Lin Lan changed them.

Xiaowang's pink scarf is even more delicate and beautiful, and Sanwang's maroon red scarf is not too spicy.

Mai Sui smiled; "A joke on my mother-in-law hen, mother-in-law Sanwang hen, hello."

Sanwang held up his palm, "Amitabha, a female benefactor and a joke, pays two cents to Lao Na."

Nondescript, amused Lin Lan straight shot him, "You can be honest with me, you are not allowed to be so skinny when you go to your grandmother's house."

Sanwang smiled, "Don't worry, mother, I will keep it honestly." Then secretly said to Xiaowang: "Hey, it will only be more skinny! If Xiaoxin dares to bully you, watch me beat him! I can learn. Wrestled."

Taking advantage of Lin Lan's attention, he hugged Xiao Wang, and put Xiao Wang down with his right leg. He flexed his strength so that he would not fall to his brother.

Xiao Wang lay on the ground calmly, "Little brother, you soiled my clothes."

Lin Lan, who was directing her daughters to take things, heard it and immediately shouted, "Big light bulb, you stained your brother's clothes, you can wash it!"

Sanwang hurriedly pulled his younger brother up, patted and patted, "It's not dirty at all, no need to wash."

Mai Sui packed a few books with her new book, her handkerchiefs, underwear and cloth socks to be changed, and also took some snacks to share with her cousins. Erwang helped to tidy up the things Sanwang and Xiaowang wanted to live with, and packed them with books on their backs.

There was a bicycle at home, and Han Qingsong asked Lin Lan to ride with his two young sons, and the others would go with him.

Lin Lan rode for a while before letting Mai Sui take Xiao Wang, and she and San Wang went down and walked.

Sanwang raced with Erwang, chasing his sister's bicycle to see who was faster.

Dawang followed them unhurriedly. Naturally, Han Qingsong and Lin Lan fell in the end.

Lin Lan's pace is small, and he is not as fast as he can hurry, so he slows down and accommodates her. He took her by the hand, and after a while Lin Lan pulled it out. There were too many people on the way!

Those who come and go on the road are people returning to their parents' homes. Few ride bicycles. They basically walk. Sometimes I see old ladies with small feet in a wheelbarrow, and some donkey carts are used to pull a cart of women and children. They saw the children of Lin Lan's family, one by one, they had to boast.

Lin Lan walked hot, so she took off the cotton coat outside. Han Qingsong helped her hold it, covered with a coat, and he held her hand naturally.

The children chased me in front, cheering and laughing straight into the sky, and the couple held hands at the back, one with a cold face but gentle eyes, and another with a smile, Yan Yan smiled warmly.

When Lin Lan and Han Qingsong walked into Lin's house side by side, Sister Lin and Sister Lin were already there, but Lin Mei hadn't come yet, but I didn't expect that not only Sister Lin was at home, but Tang Hehua was also there.

Several people met each other and greeted each other and talked about the New Year. When Lin Lan turned to Tang Hehua to greet her, she turned her head and walked away to talk to the children, pretending that she hadn't seen her. Lin Lan ignored her and talked to her sisters and sisters.

After exchanging greetings with each other, the men followed the old head of Lin in their east, and the women followed the old lady to the west of Sister Han.

Sister Lin asked, "Why haven't the three sisters arrived yet." She asked Laixi to greet her, as Lin Mei had come early this time in the past.

Lin Lan looked at her watch, "It won't stop coming."

Tang Hehua curled her lips, rolled her eyes, and went back to her west wing.

Just when the second sister Lin saw it, she wondered: "Oh, what's wrong with the second daughter-in-law? Why are you still rolling your eyes at us? I can't see it in previous years. It's been hard to see this year. Is it annoying for us?"

Sister Lin said nothing, "You guys talk, I'll go to see the dishes. The fourth sister brought rare things, let me see what to do and don't spoil it."

Old Mrs. Lin quickly said: "No, she just looks like that, her eyes are not good, she's getting old problems."

Sister Lin smiled and said, "I don't know yet, do you need to go to the hospital to check it out."

Mrs. Lin: "Okay, don't be familiar with her, she is much younger than you, and you will all be the mothers."

Sister-in-law went out, and her mother and sisters were left in the house. Lin Lan asked Mrs. Lin, "Mother, what happened to the second brother's mother-in-law's family reporting the third sister?"

Old Mrs. Lin immediately made trouble and motioned to Lin Lan in a low voice, "Stop talking, let her hear."

Lin Lan was surprised: "Mother, what's the matter with you? How come those who are afraid of doing bad things know that we know she does bad things?"

Sister Lin and Sister Lin didn't know yet, so they asked what to report.

Mrs. Lin was bitter and told them not to ask or say, "The past will be over, and we will not commit any crimes in the future. Don't make everyone unhappy because of the New Year's disturbance."

Looking at the embarrassed look of the old lady, Lin Lan knew that it was Tang Hehua who was putting pressure on the man. The second brother had already negotiated conditions with his parents and would not be allowed to mention it again. She sneered and said: "Lin Leshui is also able to bear it." It's not the time to chase after her sister with a big nose when she was young.

When you're not married, you can talk about everything from a family. Once you get married and each has a target child, you are separated from each other by the mountain. Lin Lan didn't want to get close, but should he have the least etiquette?

If Han Jinyu and Han Jinbao are more serious than Han's brother and Han's second brother, she doesn't mind Han Qingsong's brotherhood with them. Similarly, because her older brother is close to Sister Lin, Sister Lin also responds and is willing to accept her closeness , The relationship is getting closer and closer.

Originally, the original owner was the best to his younger brother. He was more close to his younger brother's children than to his own son. He liked Xiaoxin the most and hated his son. He regarded Xiao Wang as a cumbersome. It was because of this that Da Wang had opinions on the original owner, and he couldn't let it go for a long time. .

Lin Lan felt that it was not worth it. Not only was the original owner not worth it, but the children were not worth it. The result of being ignored for so many years was the cold eye now?

If it weren't her natal family, there were a bunch of sisters and sisters who treated her well, Lin Lan would leave after watching Tang Hehua turn her head like that.

The adults were talking in the house, and the children were not afraid of the cold, chatting lively in the yard, exchanging firecrackers and candies, and by the way, each showed how much money they had earned. Tang Hehua didn't return to her family's house this year, but her family's nephews and nieces came to see her.

Soon the children were divided into groups to play. The boys played spinning tops and the girls kicked shuttlecocks. Because the Dawang guys were well dressed and handsome, they also attracted many nearby children to come and play. A group of children were noisy, so naturally they started a journey of comparing each other.

In the beginning, it was just a casual sentence, but the result became more and more intense, and finally started to compare the lucky money.

Tang Hehua's son Xiaoxin asked Xiaowang angrily, "How much does your mother give you?"

Xiao Wang still doesn't lie, and casually said: "One piece. As much as my third brother."

Xiaoxin was immediately unhappy. In the past, Sigu always said that Xiaoxin was my son, and Sigu loved you the most. His mother and grandmother always said that your fourth aunt loved you so much and that her belongings belonged to you. In the past, the four aunts first came in and hugged themselves, gave them sweets, and gave them lucky money. They have disappeared since last year! In the past two years, Sigu has become more and more indifferent to him. He didn't know that much before. At most, he felt that Sigu didn't give herself candy, but he was eight years old this year. He also understood that after listening to her grandmother and mother. It's really not good to him, only good to my son.

Now she gives everything to her son, to Xiao Wang, and never to herself again!

See how she actually gave Xiaowang this little fool a dollar! Why does he get a dollar? Four aunts hated him most before, saying that he was a idiot and wanted to throw him away! That money should be your own!

Xiaoxin became more unbalanced, very angry, and the look in Xiaowang's eyes became fierce, trying to take advantage of others not paying attention to Xiaowang.

Xiaowang also felt uncomfortable, so she avoided him and talked with other children.

Mai Sui and Er Wang are kicking shuttlecock and skipping rope with a group of girls. Da Wang and Laixi and other cousins ​​play slingshots and spinning tops. San Wang likes to wrestle with people recently. Stand aside and cheer for him.

Er Wang waved to Xiao Wang, "I'm here to skip rope."

Xiao Wang ran over, "Second brother, I can't do it yet."

Mai Sui smiled and said, "Come on, I will hold your hand."

Er Wang and an older brother from his aunt's family shook the rope together to let the girl and the little boy jump together.

Maisui took Xiaowang's hand and ran in. Xiaowang didn't understand, he tripped his foot, and the rope blocked him.

Xiao Wang was a little embarrassed, "Sister...I won't dance anymore."

Mai Sui smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, it's all like this." Erwang and his cousin also said it's okay, continue to dance, they can keep shaking.

Then they continued to jump, Xiao Wang was still young and hadn't learned yet, and after a while he caught the rope again.

Xiaoxin over there scolded: "Idiot." He originally wanted to beat Xiaowang to grab the money, but seeing Xiaowang's brother and sister guarding him, he ran to complain to his grandmother's brother and sister.

An older sister led him, "Go, talk to sister-in-law."

They found Tang Hehua and gave Lin Lan so much money to their children, but they didn't tell Xiaoxin anything.

When Tang Hehua heard that Lin Lan actually gave Xiaowang a dollar for the New Year's Eve, it was almost the same as eating her own meat. To be honest, she was not happy for the past two years! Because Lin Lan was in a bad environment in her husband's house in the past, and the total amount of less than seven or eight yuan was allocated throughout the year, but Lin Lan took them back to her favorite nephew. Besides, it is also said that Xiaoxin hates Xiaowang the most rare. As a result, starting from the past two years, Lin Lan suddenly changed her tone, being cold and indifferent to his nephew, but being particularly good to Xiao Wang. Take him to see a doctor and wear glasses. Doesn't it all cost money?

At that time, Tang Hehua was so angry that she wanted to go to Lin Lan to talk about it. Don't waste her son's money on Xiaowang's treatment.

After all, let the man and Mrs. Lin stop her and make her stop making trouble. The aunt loves her nephew and takes the initiative to give it to her nephew. That's nothing. If the aunt doesn't give it, you go and make a fuss. , Said the girl has no tutor? Tang Hehua just held back.

She can bear it for two years, she is really fed up!

The life of Lin Lan's family is getting better and better, with more and more things, more and more money, but less and less for his son.

Especially when her mother talked to her all day long, she felt that Lin Lan was sorry for herself and Xiaoxin. She also tried to run Lin Lan on a topic, reminding Lin Lan Xiaoxin that he hadn't worn any new clothes for a long time, and how Xiaoxin was, but Lin Lan didn't say anything. She also tried to borrow money from Lin Lan and said that Xiaoxin wanted to eat snacks, so what happened, Lin Lan also pretended to be deaf and ignored her.

Tang Hehua became more and more unbalanced, especially watching Xiaowang dress better and better, and grow whiter and more beautiful, always felt that she had robbed her son.

So when she got angry, Lin Lan was cold, and she didn't see each other, expressing her dissatisfaction.

She originally thought that Lin Lan would recall, and then apologized to herself and treated Xiaoxin better.

Who knows that Lin Lan can make an inch!

Not only didn't show it to myself, but on the contrary, he deliberately brought back to my maiden's house for the new year gift, instead of giving it to myself!

This is so shameless!

Why did you give it before, but don't give it now?

Tang Hehua rushed into the house to find Lin Lan to settle the account.

Lin Lan is now a little bit depressed because Mrs. Lin is covering Tang Hehua for not investigating the report. She also thinks that the original owner neglected a few children to his nephew, so she just looked up and saw Tang Hehua staring at her fiercely at the door. .

Lin Lan said coldly: "Why, are you going to eat me?"

Tang Hehua curled her lips, "Xiaoxin really missed his aunt for nothing." No money for the new year!

Lin Lan: "Where does he miss me? I didn't call his aunt or uncle when I came in. He was a dreamer?"

Tang Hehua snorted coldly, turned and left.

Old lady Lin was anxiously talking about Lin Lan: "Why are you messing with her."

Lin Lan said: "It's all for you."

Sister Lin and Second Sister Lin were dissatisfied, "This sister-in-law is really getting better and better." They are actually discerning people who really see it. Her sisters are quite close to each other at a very young age, and they often move around closely. Whispering. How was the fourth sister before, what is it now? That was a big change, not to mention how it changed. Anyway, he was no longer special to Xiaoxin, but he was hurting his own child.

They think this is decent. They should be good to their children. They only rely on their sons to support them, and they have not seen their nephews and aunts.

They also persuaded the fourth sister before, but at that time, the sister didn't look down on her children like a wicked one. She only thought about being good to Xiaoxin, saying that it's right for a son to raise his parents, and if she's not kind to them, they should raise her. They stopped persuading.

The children outside jumped rope, Xiao Wang jumped twice again, touched the doorway, and wanted to continue playing with his brother and sister.

As a result, a niece of Tang Hehua accused: "Don't jump if you can't jump. Why do you delay other people's jumping? It affects us again and again, so why are we so uneducated." She said that she pulled Mai Sui and Xiao Wang aside, and rushed by herself. Go in and jump rope.

Er Wang's expression changed, and he immediately buckled the rope and did not shake it. The girl was too late and was tripped and fell to the ground.

"Oh, what are you doing?" the girl asked angrily.

Er Wang said coldly: "This rope belongs to my family, so I won't jump for you!"

"You!" The girl was anxious, crying and rushing to find her brothers and sisters.

Mai Sui immediately said to Er Wang: "She seems to be a relative of Er Yuzi's family."

Er Wang didn't care, "Who cares about her, it's so boring, so I won't play with her again!"

She actually dared to push Maisui and Xiaowang, but Erwang couldn't bear it!

Of the children in the family, Erwang has the best relationship with Maisui. Usually in school, there are girls who can't bear Mai Sui's study so that she looks so beautiful at home and the money is willing to dress her up, and they all get together to isolate her. But they like Erwang, and they all like to talk to him and play with him. Erwang immediately felt that they were isolated from the ears of wheat. He turned his face at that time and made it clear that he did not want to play with them in the future. They didn't forgive them until they realized their mistakes and took the initiative to apologize to Mai Sui, and after playing with Mai Sui, he forgave them.

What kind of relatives of this second concubine's family are considered to be a thing!

The girl ran back to complain to the brothers and sisters who came with her, saying that Erwang and Mai Sui were bullying her.

They were sent by the Tang family's wife, saying that sister-in-law would not come back, and asked them to come and have a look. A total of five came. The lady said that the old lady's grandchildren all went to eat, and there was a share of the sister-in-law's food at home, so she asked them to eat too.

They found that among these relatives, Lin Lan's family had the most children, and others had at most one or two smaller children. She brought all five of them to eat and drink at home, which was simply disgusting!

My sister-in-law said that she never brought children when she returned to her natal home, and only brought things to Xiaoxin. It's okay now, but I don't see anything for Xiaoxin, but a man who just brought the children to eat!

What a shame!

They were instilled more of this kind of philosophy daily, and it was inevitable that they were filled with righteous indignation, and they began to besiege Erwang and Maisui.

In the beginning they were all verbal attacks, but how could their verbal attacks be Maisui and Erwang's opponents!

In particular, Erwang and Mai Sui both attacked together, both offensive and defensive. After a while, the few children who did not study much were said to have lost their helmets and armor, and all the dingy ones were crowned and ran to the aunt's house to eat. He drank, trying to compare with others' granddaughter and grandson, something shameless and skinless.

It is inevitable that the boy will scold and swear if he can't say it.

This wheat ear is not good at it, she hasn't scolded anyone yet. Erwang is also gentle and delicate, and has always disdain to curse swearing.

But they are opponents who curse people?

Sanwang, who was busy wrestling over there, didn't take it seriously, anyway, quarreling is common, and they rarely get out together because of this brother and sister.

Hearing the children cursing swearing at the moment, Sister Mai and the second brother couldn't answer them, he was anxious.

Sanwang heard a fierce boy knocking down his opponent, rushed over and turned on the machine gun burst mode, stunned several Tang children.

They swear swear words, just a few words back and forth, such as shit, cow dung, bastard, X and so on. But Sanwang is different. He learned from Liu Chun, and coupled with the daily experience in the village, it can accumulate a lot of curses that he can't understand the meaning, without exception, they are full of offensive power!

"Look at your three tendons against a urine can. Except for **** and cow dung, you still curse people without pretending to be anything? Do you think you will curse? I call you for three days and three nights, don't you believe me? You curse My sister and brother are a bastard, isn't that calling me? I'm a thousand-year-old bastard, why don't I remember when I gave birth to your soft-shelled turtle eggs? Oh, I see, is it that I lost your ancestors for the eighth generation? Turtle eggs? Hahahaha..."

He scolded those opponents speechless, blushed and stared at him roughly. The children watching were all dumb. Seeing every word of Sanwang's mouth was full of offensive power, they thought about it. Don't scold this stinky boy in your life, either do it directly, or shut up and leave the house. ??。. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Dawang's face was indifferent throughout the whole process, just like Immune could not hear him. Anyway, he doesn't need to take action if he doesn't fight, oh, he doesn't need him to take action for these few fights, it's impossible to win. He would not tell others that Sanwang had talked in dreams for a while and would not eat big meals, and practiced swearing in his dreams every day! When I woke up and asked, it was said that there was a black charcoal head that was darker than him in his dream to grab a big meal with him, and he would scold him if he couldn't beat him!

The children were scolded by Sanwang and the girl cried, and the boy rushed up to do it.

This is the kid's trick. You can scold if you can't be reasonable, beat you if you can't scold, and you can sue if you can't be beaten.

The big ones are bigger than the big ones, and the small ones are bigger than the three ones.

When he rushed over, Erwang kicked over, and Sanwang rushed over to use the newly learned wrestling tips, and directly threw all men and women over.

Although Erwang looks handsome and gentle, he also follows morning exercises every day, and now follows Han Qingsong for strength training. If he doesn't fight, it doesn't mean he can't fight.

Brothers Laixi and Laifu, who were about to go up to the side, were directly dumbfounded, and sister Lin and the children of the second sister's family were also dumbfounded.

Sanwang clapped his hands and laughed: "Don't play tricks in the future, just do it if you have the ability!"

Recently he got older, learned wrestling again, and tended to solve problems with strength.

Dawang slapped him, "Do not fight casually."

Sanwang smiled and said: "I will let them do it first."

He arched his hands at Erwang, "This hero has a good skill. I would like to ask who he learned from, what school and school..."

Erwang: "..."

A dry person: ...this kid.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu... "The children rushed back to find Tang Hehua to complain.

Tang Hehua was angry with Lin Lan at the moment. Hearing that her nephew and niece had been bullied, she immediately rushed out. I came out to see Sanwang with his hands on his hips, laughing at his nephews and nieces.

Tang Hehua didn't hit the spot, and immediately cursed, "Where are the dead children? There are turtle eggs that are born and taught by mothers. They are all cow dung and dog feces, and they are worthy of running to my house to spread the wild?" In the fight, the adult's intervention itself fell behind, and she resented Lin Lan again, and she took the opportunity to vent her words.

Although the children of Lin Lan's family were angry, their identities were not equal. Naturally, they couldn't scold Tang Hehua or beat her. They could only go back and tell their parents to let the elders solve it.

Just as Sanwang was about to run home, he saw Lin Mei's family coming from the north in a blink of an eye. He was overjoyed, "Auntie San, have you heard it!"

Lin Mei was already holding the fire, and now she was holding it upright, adding fuel to the fire. She stuffed the things in her hand into Zheng Yaozu's hand and strode over.

Zheng Yaozu knew what she was going to do, so he quickly whispered: "Daughter-in-law, you can relax..."

Before the voice fell, only a crisp sound was heard.

Lin Mei rushed over and gave Tang Hehua a slap in the face, and slapped her back by the way, "There's something like a mother born but not taught by her mother!"

Zheng Yaozu: ...I said you just relax, not to make you fight more crisply. This is a big Chinese New Year, and I still have to watch it if there is no drama.

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Home » Strict Wife of the Seventies Manages the Household SWSMH » Chapter 95: Siege
Strict Wife of the Seventies Manages the Household Chapter 95: Siege
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Chapter 95

Tang Hehua was beaten up and looked at Lin Mei as if she didn't know each other.

"You, you hit me!" Tang Hehua came back to her senses, and wanted to beat Lin Mei like crazy.

How did Lin Mei fight? I'm afraid that people won't fight, and she wouldn't dare to fight without her!

Before, she was so angry that she endured it for the sake of her old lady. Originally only waiting for Lin Lan to take the child to her house, she didn't want to come over.

Zheng Yaozu and Mrs. Zheng persuaded her for a long time, saying that it was because of the face of her mother-in-law and Lin Lan, that she took the men and children back to her natal family. She didn't know how to hear Tang Hehua scold her children before entering the door.

Er Wang, the best son-in-law representative in her mind, even dared to scold him, and she could no longer bear to rush up to teach life with the slap. Whether she is a younger sibling or a relative, whether her natal brothers are all fierce.

Let's talk first!

Tang Hehua tore Lin Mei's hair, but Lin Mei also kept short hair for the convenience of work, she couldn't tear it at all, instead she kept a pigtail and was caught by Lin Mei.

Lin Mei grabbed Tang Hehua's hair with one hand, pressed her head with the strength she had gained from doing small physical work, and slapped Tang Hehua's slap with one hand, cursing in her mouth:

"You unscrupulous white-eyed wolf, why are you so wicked. Where are we sorry for you?

"We have some good things that we can't bear to use, and we don't want to eat and send them to our natal family. Isn't it cheaper for you? You can't be thankful for eating and taking it again.

"If you don't follow your intentions, you turn your face and be a wicked person? Who do you blame Sang Huai for? You should go to your old Tang's house and ask, see how your parents taught you!"

Although Tang Hehua is very picky, she is not very good at fighting. After all, where is Lin Mei's opponent who is spoiled? After a while, he was not embarrassed by the fight.

The two sons of Sister Lin's Lai Xi and Lai Fu were stunned. They are both relatively calm and quiet, and rarely fight with people, let alone fight, so they can't remember for a while to persuade them to fight.

Sister Lin's children at Sister Lin's family have forgotten to tell the adults that the children of Lin Lan's family do not go to help the battle because they are thinking about their elders, let alone fighting.

Only a few nephews and nieces of Tang Hehua's family wailed and rushed home to file a complaint.

Some neighbors have already gathered around and asked what's going on. Why did you start fighting before returning to your mother's house?

Soon, Mrs. Lin led the daughters-in-laws out, for fear that people outside the village would see the jokes and quickly let people take Tang Hehua and Lin Meila home.

Dongjian Lin's second brother heard that his daughter-in-law had been beaten by Lin Mei and was about to rush down in a hurry.

Han Qingsong, who had never said much in the room, said at this time, "Women fighting, what are you going to do?"

Zheng Yaozu immediately agreed: "Brother-in-law said yes, women fight, we men don't mix up. Is it possible that we also fight? Gentlemen use their mouths but not hands, and don't know the same as women."

The second brother Lin said angrily: "Brother-in-law, your mother-in-law beats my daughter-in-law, of course you have no common knowledge."

Zheng Yaozu: "No, your second brother is wrong. My mother-in-law is also your sister. Can't you beat your sister? She always loves you the most."

The second brother Lin was nailed, and he was ashamed and angrily said without a word: "You should also care for my sister and rely on her to support him."

Zheng Yaozu didn't get angry. It's a fact to rely on his wife. He knew very well that he was married with his wife in the first place. Who didn't know?

He grinned and said: "Of course, your sister is our baby. Who knows the benefits. But I said, brother-in-law, you are not kind, don't you also rely on your parents to raise them? It sounds like how capable you are. of."

Second brother Lin's white face flushed all of a sudden, and he didn't know how to repay it for a while. Since he was a child, he has been squeamish and unable to work. Now he is not separated. Most of the work at home is done by Lao Lintou and Brother Lin. He said that he was not wronged by eating soft food.

But he was just a pampered young son, who was gentle and gentle, at most squeamish, selfish, talkative, and didn't have the ability to fight sideways. Now that Zheng Yaozu was stunned, and then remembered that Tang Hehua's relatives reported the third sister, he also felt that he was wrong, and for a while, the purple face was so full that he couldn't say anything.

Brother Lin and the two brother-in-laws hurriedly made a round.

Brother Lin knew that the sister-in-law's mother wanted to intervene in the third sister's weaving. In addition, the sister-in-law scolded Sang Huai and scolded the fourth sister. Brother Lin also guessed the same thing.

Brother Lin must be thinking about these two things. He said: "Brother-in-law is right. Women's affairs should be solved by women. Can we go up and help fight?"

The eldest son said so, and the old Lintou continued to sit down if he was too young.

Zheng Yaozu smiled, wishing his brother-in-law would fight. Director Han must have listened to his daughter-in-law to help his daughter-in-law. When the time comes, the domineering brothers of the old Tang family will come and try to see if they can fight.

Thinking of Zheng Yaozu, he was excited, and stared at Han Qingsong with hot eyes.

Han Qingsong: "..."

Brother Lin looked at his wife's face from the window, her face was swollen! Tang Hehua is the youngest girl in the family, even more spoiled than him. Her brothers plus a dozen uncles and brothers have never dared to bully her since she was a child. It's good now. She was beaten into a pig by the third sister. When the time comes, a bunch of brothers from the Old Tang family will come to fight and see who of you fights.

He glared at Zheng Yaozu bitterly: Don't run away then! You soft rice man!

Zheng Yaozu can understand the contemptuous eyes of his younger brother-in-law, isn't he just scolding himself for a soft fan? I really can't stand the situation of the second brother Lin, who obviously eats soft food and bites his parents. Every time he looks down on himself, who is a bitch, who is more noble than who?

The key is to nibble on your daughter-in-law. You know, your daughter-in-law is the **** of the family. But the second brother and wife of Lin rely on their parents-in-law and the eldest brother's family, but they still treat themselves as treasures.

Can this work?

And Tang's relatives reported Lin Mei's business. Although it was useless at all, Lin Mei's heart was very sad. After holding back for several days and chatting with Lin Lan, he was more comfortable, and finally it was just for the face of his mother. Bear it down.

Zheng Yaozu thinks that the second brother Lin is really inauthentic. You must know about your daughter-in-law. You don't care if your daughter-in-law is still here and pretend to be a big tail wolf with me. Why are you going to beat my daughter-in-law? Although my daughter-in-law does not look as good as her sister-in-law, she might do it.

He turned his head to look at Han Qingsong again, his eyes were terribly enthusiastic, brother-in-law, if there is a fight later, it's up to you!

Han Qingsong: "..."

Although he didn't speak much, no one in the room could ignore him. That powerful aura made a bunch of big masters who were originally rude and full of swear words so gentle and gentle.

Anyway, if he had been so wronged, Brother Lin would definitely not be able to bear it, and would definitely be shameful. At this moment, I can only pull my face and feel aggrieved, looking at Tang Hehua outside from the window, wiping tears, and dare not splash around.


Mrs. Lin and others have already pulled Lin Mei and Tang Hehua into the courtyard.

The old lady trembled with anger. She wanted the most face. She hadn't blushed with her concubine for so many years after marrying, and she hadn't quarreled with her neighbors. It's good now, her daughter-in-law and her daughter-in-law are fighting on the street!

So many neighbors are watching! Don't be ashamed! The old lady felt that her old face was ashamed.

After entering the yard, they quickly divided into three factions. The parties of the two factions confronted each other, and the second sister Lin, as the center, was responsible for persuading the fight.

Tang Hehua has always played first, beat her if she couldn't be beaten, and cry if she couldn't beat her, until someone supported her.

"Can't live anymore! Lin Leshui, where did you die? You don't care if your wife is going to be killed by your sister! Your sisters are bullying me, because they bullied my natal no one, you wait for me I want to go back to my mother's house! Don't run away for me! Waiting for me to find someone! I don't see a pot of food for you!"

That posture was like a child who couldn't fight and went home to look for an adult. It was only spoken by an adult, but instead of the child's innocence, it revealed the arrogance that the stock had formed for a long time.

Sister Lin hurriedly persuaded her not to say frustrating words during the Chinese New Year, "They are all in the family, and the blood relatives who have broken bones and tendons, why do you say this. Besides, it is common for children to quarrel and fight. , Just turn around and they'll be fine. Why are we going to mix things up? Why don't you know how many jokes are when you go back to your mother's house for this."

They also knew that when the younger sister-in-law was first married, the couple would go back to their natal family to find their father and elder brother to support them. The second younger brother had to go to the old man's house for training and bring the daughter-in-law back. After a long time, her second brother was squeezed by her, his ears were getting softer and softer, as long as she said to go back to her natal family to find someone, he immediately knelt. But in fact, you don't want to live, nor do you want to get divorced. How boring you always say this.

Sister Lin knew more about Tang Hehua's personality, and tried her best not to touch her every day, so as not to be complained about by herself and bullied by her later, and now she was farther away.

Old Mrs. Lin was thinking about her daughter-in-law beating her daughter-in-law, and she must be reporting the matter. Lin Lan asked her to suppress her. At this moment, the three daughters fought directly with her daughter-in-law, and she couldn't suppress it.

It doesn't sound good to say it out.

She punched the three girls with a fist, "You are a big sister, and you don't look like a big sister. Your in-laws are not enough for you to do things, right? You want to go back to your parents' house to go wild? Are you still going to be your parents?"

This is also her custom. Sons and daughters-in-law quarrel, scold her sons, and daughters-in-law scold her daughters. After all, the girl doesn't hold grudges with herself, and it's okay to speak her words carefully when she looks back. The daughter-in-law can't do it. If her eyes are wrong, she said her mother-in-law gave her eyes, and if it's more obvious, she has to go back to her natal family and cry about being bullied.

Lin Mei knew what she meant, but didn't obey her, and said loudly, "Mother, why are you hitting me? Do you know why? You know who is right and who is wrong, so just hit me?"

Old Mrs. Lin was confronted by her daughters in public, and she was a bit shameless, and said angrily: "Who is right or wrong, it is not right for you to hit someone. Especially when you are fighting on the street, do you have any rules? You are not embarrassed. ?"

Lin Mei: "Then she owes you a beating, why don't you say?"

The old lady Lin's face was also white and red, but she still suppressed her voice, "She, she is not right, you go home and teach her, and tell her well. Wherever there is a sister like you, just slap and fan in the street My sister-in-law is slapped? Let the neighbors have a look at it. It's so unreasonable, thinking how we bully our daughter-in-law. Is it good to spread such a reputation? Are you not also affected?"

Seeing her mother-in-law turned towards her, Tang Hehua cried vigorously, "I said she had an opinion on me, and she slapped me without saying hello. What is it not to bully?"

No matter why you fight, it's not right for you to do it first! Must fight back today! Can't fight back, don't pull it down!

Old lady Lin began to sweat on her forehead, and pretended to use her fist to beat the three girls, but Lin Lan held her hand.

"Mother, you should ask first, my third sister is not the kind of unreasonable person who just hits people. If others don't mess with her, where can she slap her hands?" Lin Lan asked the old lady about the report before. , But the old lady was overwhelmed, and Lin Lan knew that she could not talk to the old lady, so she should directly ask Tang Hehua.

Sister Lin also advised the old lady to ask clearly, "The third sister is not an unreasonable person, ask what is going on."

Seeing that everyone was running towards Lin Lan and Linmei, Tang Hehua was even more angry, crying vigorously. She knew that Mrs. Lin had a good face and was afraid that neighbors would laugh, so she was justified in crying hard.

The second brother Lin in the east felt distressed to death when he heard it, but he couldn't move his legs as if he was full of lead. The key point is that he himself is stupid. When everyone enters the house, he first climbs up the kang to take a good position and let the brother-in-law stand or sit on the ground.

Han Qingsong, who should have been invited to the kang, stood at the door. He stopped there. Who would dare to go and pull him away?

He cast aggrieved eyes at Lao Lin, "Father, just take care of it, you see my sisters are too bullying, they all work together to bully and spend one."

In the past, Lao Lintou would have his eyes widened and raised his eyebrows, he would call his eldest son and several sons-in-laws to fight, and then crackled and scolded the girl-in-law to appease the little daughter-in-law.

But today is different. Han Qingsong is here today!

He stood there taller than the door. He was not even one-meter-nine or one-meter-eight. He wore a military uniform without anger and prestige. Even the old man didn't have the courage to yell at him.

Besides, he is the director of the Public Security Bureau. Although Lin Lan ridiculed him as a security officer, to the old farmer in the countryside, the security officer is also a big cadre! What's more, the director of the public security bureau of the commune? People fear officials, this is an instinct that has been deeply rooted in the bones of farmers since ancient times.

So even though Lao Lintou was really anxious, he wanted to go down and shout so that the girl wouldn't go back to her natal home to make trouble and offend Lao Tang's troubles, but he didn't move at the moment.

The atmosphere was stagnant for a while.

In order to enliven the atmosphere, Zheng Yaozu began to talk to the eldest brother-in-law and the second brother-in-law, as if nothing had happened, and soon several people began to laugh again.

Outside Tang Hehua was looking for men and father-in-law to support her, but found that the men were still chatting in the house, and no one came out to take care of it. She became more and more angry, crying to let her nephew and niece clean up, and she wanted to go back to her natal house with them.

The old lady Lin was desperately anxious, she kept winking at the girls and asked them to persuade them to persuade her family and everything was going well, and the fight was a breeze. Shouldn't the trouble have to be dealt with by herself?

Lin Lan pretended not to see it, so she didn't care about it. This kind of habitual fault was the lack of cleaning up. Han Qingsong's younger brother has been cleaned up, and his younger brother shouldn't be used to it. If he wants to go back to his family's house, he should just go back. Unless you're old and dead, you'll feel like this every time.

Lin Mei also sneered: "Mother, you are also really interesting. Let us be maidens to take care of the in-laws, get along with the wives and wives, don't make conflicts, don't fight, and say that the mother's family won't support her. I just went back to my family's house to find someone to support him, but you don't want to say it. I also understand that there must be a brother for this support. We are just an elder brother, so naturally I can't bear to do what he does. This brother was obviously born to his old Tang family. Why are you still living in Lao Lin's house? It's great to go to their old Tang's house. I don't know how filial filial piety people are."

"You can't say a few words soon." The old lady was so anxious that she was crying, and the neighbors were not sure how to joke, and she couldn't lift her head when she went out.

Lin Lan said to Mrs. Lin: "Mother, you have to live in harmony with everyone. You respect me a foot and I respect you. Some people want to figure out the troubles of others all day long, so they can't live their lives." She was talking about how Tang Hehua's relatives reported the third sister.

Tang Hehua was angry, wiped her tears, and accused Lin Lan: "It's you elder sisters and sisters who come back to cause trouble and trouble the family!"

Lin Lan: "Come on, tell me how I provoke you."

"Why do you just give others something but not me? Are you deliberately not giving it to me?"

Mrs. Lin immediately said: "You misunderstood, you happened to be not at home that day, and your fourth sister asked me to pass it on to you."

Tang Hehua didn't believe it. Before, Lin Lan always gave it to the old lady and never gave it to others alone. The good things she gave to her mother-in-law belonged to her. If Lin Lan wants to give it to her sister-in-law, she should give it to herself, so she has two copies! Why is she not stingy to herself?

She didn't expect Lin Lan to give her sister-in-law because her sister-in-law treats Lin Lan on weekdays, she just wants Lin Lan to be more and more stingy towards herself and her son! I should have had two shares, but now I only got one, and I suffered a big loss.

But she didn't dare to challenge the sister-in-law Lin, so she wanted to show Lin Lan's face. She questioned Lin Lan so much, she wanted to see how Lin Lan argued!

Lin Lan said indifferently: "Yes, I just won't give it to you."

Don't you avoid me, don't you bother to perfuse me? Why should I give you something back? I don't owe you anything. I deliberately didn't give it to you. You will feel the smell in two days, right? It's broken these days, and the Chinese New Year hasn't been stable. Today, I took the initiative to stay here just to wait to find the fault and make trouble with me right?

Tang Hehua immediately felt aggrieved like something, "You see, you see, she runs on me deliberately, you run on me in partnership. Give it all to you, but just don't give it to me."

Lin Mei: "Your empress dowager, Lafayette, give it to you. Which time did you give your mother the things that you gave to your mother? We should owe you? You are not going to go back to your mother's house, you should go back, it's better later Don't come back."

Old lady Lin was too anxious, "Okay, don't say anything!"

Xiaoxin also came to cry, "Why don't you give them a dollar for the new year's money? Why not give it to me, it was originally mine!" He was so angry that he wanted to pull Xiaowang.

Mai Sui immediately protected his younger brother, Da Wang stretched his legs slightly, Xiaoxin threw himself to the ground and started crying again. Sanwang winked his eyebrows at Dawang, why didn't he let himself go, he still tickles.

Tang Hehua saw that her father-in-law and the man did not come out to support herself, and her mother-in-law was useless, so she cried and threatened to return to her family to file a complaint.

The old lady Lin was anxious to get angry, and now the girls are too old to command, she can only do it in a hurry.

Lin Lan: "Mother, you must make the report clear, otherwise we will never finish with her."

Old Mrs. Lin is about to cry, "Isn't she a young girl? You are the sisters, let the family and everything be happy..."

Sanwang suddenly jumped over, "Grandma, you must be beaten if you make a mistake at a young age! My mother said, the younger brother makes a mistake and beats the younger brother, so why should the older sister and brother give way to him when he is young?"

Old Mrs. Lin was taken aback, but she didn't expect her grandson to jump out and interrupt, "Baby, you don't understand, you..."

Sanwang: "Grandma, of course I understand! Do you know what's going on? You can blame my third aunt? The elder brothers and sisters of the second concubine's family bullied Xiaowang and scolded us for being uneducated! We scolded him and they If they can't scold them, they'll beat them, and if they can't beat them, they'll file a complaint. When my second concubine comes out, she scolds us without questioning. If it wasn't for the third aunt, she would have to beat us!"

Sanwang's little mouth is loud, and he squeezed his throat to learn from Tang Hehua's words: "'Where are the dead children? There are turtle eggs that are born and taught by mothers. They are all cow dung and dog feces, and they are also good for running. My family is going to be wild?'Grandma, listen, does she have to be beaten for such cursing? My mother said, if you scold anyone, you have to slap your mouth. Who makes the mouth cheap!"

A group of children testified immediately.

The children of Tang Hehua's family immediately stopped doing it, "Obviously you were the one who bullied people first. Why did you trip us while shaking the rope? My mouth was about to break!"

"You scold my sister and brother, of course I won't play with you." Er Wang went back coldly.

Sanwang: "You wait, I will restore it for you!"

He made the stuffed stuffed in soy sauce, with a small mouth and loudly, from the beginning, he restored it all over again. In the end he came to a conclusion: "Grandma, it turns out that they are wrong and my third aunt played very right!"

Tang Hehua was so angry that her face changed from red to purple, and then to green, now she was faintly looking dark.

"You...dead boy!" Tang Hehua was so angry that she wanted to slap Sanwang and make him shut up quickly.

Lin Lan and Lin Mei were standing next to Tang Hehua and beware of her. Before Lin Lan took action, Lin Mei grabbed Tang Hehua's hair and pressed her shoulder to make her unable to move, "You are all wrong, you still do it. , Can you understand human speech? Will you be reasonable?"

Xiaoxin saw that Sangu was bullying his mother again, so he ran over to beat the man, "Your mother beats my mother, I want to beat you!"

The good man is now being taught by Sanwang and just do it. You cried and made a fart. When you cried, people beat you even more. So he didn't cry. He just bent his legs and lowered his waist just like Sanwang. Xiaoxin, one year older, overturned and fell to the ground.

Xiaoxin screamed and cried on the ground.

At this time, the brothers and sisters of Uncle Xiaoxin's family didn't follow, rushing to fight the boy and Qiaoqiao, Sanwang and Erwang went to help the battle again, and they fell to the ground in an instant.

For a while, there were only the children and Tang Hehua crying and making noise in the yard.

Old Mrs. Lin felt that her head was about to explode, and she spent a good year. Why was it like this? How many years of good decent, all ruined, it might make people laugh more.

Tang Hehua was originally accused of being angry and angry and was about to be blown up by everyone. At this moment, I saw that her son was beaten by a good man, and her nephew was beaten by Sanwang and Erwang, and she began to be reluctant to deal with Mrs. Lin. Weeping vigorously, "You see, they partnered to bully us. Can't make it through, this is a bully! Let's go! You wait for me, don't run any of them!"

I went back to greet my elder brothers, uncles and brothers. If Lin Mei and Lin Lan were not beaten down to beg for mercy today, her surname would not be Tang.

The old lady Lin kept winking at Lin Mei and Lin Lan and told them to stop worrying about it. She just scolded the child, you beat and scolded, so why didn't you let it go?

Dawang, who has never taken a shot, said: "You are five to three, you are all older than my brother, where can you bully you?"

When he said this, the old lady Lin who was about to speak suddenly became dumb.

Sister Lin grabbed the old lady, pulling her face and said: "Okay, I'll go back, my old Lin's is not a soft persimmon, you can go back, don't come back again!"

Second Sister Lin also said: "If you can't bear my second brother, let him follow. Anyway, he is more filial to his mother-in-law than his mother-in-law."

Sister Lin is not afraid of her making trouble at all. She is very dissatisfied with the fact that her in-laws are protecting Tang Hehua, wishing to make trouble to give Tang Hehua some color, let her know that some people can't offend her, and live a safer life in the future.

Everyone is very clear: Tang Hehua, we have tolerated you for a long time, and now you should also know that there are people in this world that you can't afford to provoke!

Everyone present has their own thoughts and judgments, but there is no Tang Lotus!

Since childhood, her father only took the boys, and the girls were all educated by the old lady. And Mrs. Tang is a typical woman who has no knowledge and only wants to squeeze a man and a son, but can't hold it, so she stigmatizes her daughter-in-law instead. If she feels wronged, then one way is to cry! The more you cry, the more you express your grievance, and your father and brother will protect yourself.

Therefore, Tang Hehua was crying very hard at this moment, so that her voice became hoarse.

Lin Lan: "Shut up!"

Tang Hehua was so frightened by her that she cried vigorously.


Lin Lan said coldly: "Shut up, don't you want to go back to your family's house to find someone to beat us? Come, you lead the way, and I will ask your parents how to teach you such a thing that doesn't know good or bad. . Tell me a little bit of the nasty things that you and your family did!"

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Strict Wife of the Seventies Manages the Household Chapter 96: Hit hard
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Chapter 96

Originally, Lin Lan wanted to go back to her family's home and talk to Tang Hehua with her third sister, clarify the report, let Tang Hehua admit her mistake and apologize, and promise to get along well in the future and not make trouble again.

This matter can be uncovered.

I don't know that Tang Hehua not only didn't mean to admit mistakes to the report, but also went to herself for the gift, pointing at Erwang and criticizing herself. Lin Lan felt that things couldn't be forgotten after such two strikes!

It's useless to just educate Tang lotus, you have to break the roots of Tang lotus!

Isn't she asking her family to sue for a fight, okay, she wants to go and see if the old and young from the Tang family really dare to beat women.

She is the backbone of the commune's propaganda, he would give it a try? I can't catch them all!

Lin Mei yelled at the room: "Lin Leshui, your wife is going to go back to her family's house, and she won't come back anymore. You should follow along."

Seeing that the situation was out of control, Mrs. Lin couldn't control it even if the girls didn't listen to her, and she was immediately anxious and didn't know what to say.

Lin Leshui in the room shouted: "Don't talk nonsense, don't come back, just leave your family in the first month." He found an excuse, "Father, eldest brother, brother-in-law, I should also accompany my wife and children back to my natal family. what."

Seeing him like this, everyone let him out.

Lin Leshui rushed out like an escape, but when he arrived in the yard, he was glared at by a bunch of women. His wife was beaten and cried in the house, his son cried, and his nephew and niece cried.

This... Lin Leshui's first reaction was a bit funny, and then he felt angry again. But he really didn't dare say anything to the faces of Lin Mei and Lin Lan, so he had to jump into the room to coax his wife.

Tang Hehua couldn't beat others, so she exasperated her own man. She grabbed Lin Leshui's ear and slapped Lin Leshui's slap like Lin Mei slapped herself, and slapped Lin Leshui's slap as she slapped herself. I'm going to scold and scold the things I teach!"

She scolded more and more unpleasantly, anyway, venting all her dissatisfaction with her mother-in-law and several sisters on the man.

The old lady Lin was so distressed that she was holding her heart straight, oh, she couldn't stand anymore, Sister Lin and Sister Lin stepped forward to support her and let her go aside.

Listening to Tang Hehua cursing vigorously, Lin Mei said angrily: "You are leaving, let's get out of here!"

"You all wait for me, one of them counts as one, don't run! I asked my father and brother to cook you in a pot!" Tang Hehua yelled, and vented Lin Leshui, almost treating Lin Leshui. I missed Lin Lan and Lin Mei, just vent my anger.

Hit yourself man? Of course Lin Lan is not distressed! She said coldly: "Why are you waiting for? Don't be a waste of money, let's quickly change a place, let your natal family be the host, let's go!"

Tang Hehua didn't leave, and was still playing Lin Leshui there.

After all, Lin Mei was distressed by her younger brother, so she rushed into the house with anger, dragged Lin Leshui and threw it out, "Go away, don't be ashamed of staying at home, and be your good son-in-law."

You feel sorry for your wife, no one is stopping you, but you don't distinguish between right and wrong, you don't even have a little dignity, why are you staying at home.

Lao Lin Tou was also groaned by Tang Hehua's scolding. He rushed out of the house and stood in the yard and shouted, "Let's go! Our Lao Lin family can't afford a wife like you, so you should go back to your mother's house. Right!" At this moment, I even forgot about my fear of the Tang family and his son.

Brother Lin still wanted to go forward and persuade him, but was stopped by sister Lin with a wink.

Zheng Yaozu came out leisurely and said gossiping: "It's not good to live together. It's better to separate families, and live on their own."

He turned his head to find a sense of identity, and said to Han Qingsong, "Brother-in-law, don't you think?"

Han Qingsong actually gave a sigh of face.

Zheng Yaozu immediately became splendid, "Father, it was not my son-in-law's instigation. You can also split the family. Look at the house of the third brother-in-law, and you will live a good life in the separation."

Brother Lin hurriedly yanked at him and told him not to add fuel to the fire.

Zheng Yaozu tried to kill his squeamish brother-in-law and daughter-in-law, "I eat soft rice and no one knows. But I don't dare to treat myself as an uncle when I eat soft rice. Ask, my family Who has the lowest status now, isn't it me?"

He also made a gesture of wiping away tears.

Lin Mei: "..." Shut up, don't make use of it?

Because of Lao Lintou's outburst, Tang Hehua didn't dare to fight Lin Leshui again. She covered her face and pulled her son and ran away, and his nephews and nieces all followed.

Lin Lan took Lin Mei's hand and said, "Let's go, let's go to the old Tang's house for dinner."

Old Mrs. Lin pulled the sisters in a hand, almost begging, "Okay, don't toss." She looked at the younger son again, "Go and pick it up quickly, don't hurt your peace."

Sister Lin persuaded the old lady, "Mother, don't worry, she will be back tomorrow. You are used to her problems when she picks them up."

They are all discerning people and no one is a fool. Tang Hehua is nothing more than relying on her many brothers to walk sideways in her husband's house. But if you really live with a man, can you rely on this? Then you can hire a son-in-law. Besides, at the moment, the Lin family has a son-in-law of the bureau chief. If his old Tang family dared to come to the door, Sister Lin said that she dug out her eyeballs for him.

Seeing her daughter-in-law run away with anger, Lin Leshui lost face and distressed, and began to sneer, "Are you satisfied?"

The old lady Lin saw her son being fanned into a pig's head, angry and painful, and cursed: "I am a dad too, and he is still so young. Let the brother-in-laws read the jokes."

Lin Leshui broke the jar and said, "You don't want to see my jokes, so be optimistic." He sat down on the threshold and began to wipe his tears. That was very aggrieved.

Lin Mei sneered: "It depends on your jokes. I came back a year ago and let you not pass the year. Tang Hehua and his natal family reported me, why don't you say anything?"

Lin Leshui immediately said, "I don't know."

That's strange!

Sister Lin didn't know the specific details yet, so they asked what was going on. To be honest, they also benefited from the fact that Lin Mei brought people to weaving. No one's cloth tickets were enough. Anyone also encountered something urgent. At this time, it became clear that Lin Mei was important.

Lin Lan briefly explained to the sisters, the two sisters were very angry after listening, and accused Lin Leshui one after another.

"Too bastard, how can you play a black hand like this? Fortunately, the third sister is ready to become a sideline in the brigade, or it's troublesome."

"That's right, too bastard, let's go to his old Tang's house and have a good theory!" Sister Lin and Sister Lin are going to the old Tang's house with Lin Lan.

Tangjiaji and Linjiatun were not far away, separated by a big river, and there was no two and a half miles along the dam. If you go fast, you can go back and forth in twenty minutes.

Sanwang immediately said that they could open the road ahead.

Lin Leshui hurriedly said: "Don't spit people, how can such a thing be so nonsense, it's nothing. The lotus is a bit sick, but you won't be so pregnant."

Lin Mei saw that he was still stubborn, so she shook her arms and said everything, "The person who reported this is a cousin of her maiden sister-in-law. Let my brigade catch a fright. You can still quibble after everything is done."

"Then, maybe she's talking nonsense."

"The handprint was in black and white. She confessed that it was Tang Hehua's mother's intention. She asked the girl to go back to her mother's house and said, I didn't agree, so she found an inconspicuous relative to spoil her. We don't know if you look at it? I didn't agree to join the business, so you'll use this trick. If it's not for the sake of my parents, I really want to come back and smash the dog heads of the couple. Your husband is so powerful, you're scared, do you think I'm scared? We? The business is now in the brigade. Believe it or not, I will take our brigade to smash Lao Tang's dog's head, and see that he is still very good with me!"

No one here doubted Lin Mei's courage, she dare!

Lin Leshui: "I, we asked, but if you disagree, we, we are down. Besides, you all know that you are a sideline of the brigade. What's the use of reporting? That's not a white report? It's definitely not a lotus."

"All the evidence is in hand, why are you still sophistry? It's not Tang Hehua, but Tang Hehua's mother instructed her sister-in-law's cousin, do you understand people?"

"Then it may be that relative who talks nonsense."

Lin Mei kicked him with anger, "Why didn't I know you were so savage, that relative didn't come to me before, it was your wife and her family who thought, you still quibble!"

Lin Leshui was kicked by her, fell off the threshold, and began to cry.

Lin Lan was annoyed: "Shut up, why cry?"

Lin Leshui squashed her mouth, and actually held back her tears.

Look at his children who are eight years old, and the eldest is not a young man, who actually cries at every turn. The people present are really...The daughters are now also older, and the children are a group of people who are in charge of the house, and they are already about the same age as their parents. They are no longer the girls who didn't dare to speak loudly in their hands when they were young. At this moment, they all looked at their parents, and their eyes were not condemning: Look at the son you raised!

Old Mrs. Lin and Old Lin were also embarrassed and angry, and couldn't help lowering their heads.

What a shame!

Sister Lin couldn't bear the embarrassment of her in-laws, so she hurriedly said: "This day, my legs are weak, and the water hasn't been eaten and I haven't finished it yet. Go in the house and drink water, and cook and eat quickly."

Sisters can beat and scold their younger brothers and condemn parents, but they have to show Sister Lin's face.

Old Mrs. Lin glanced at the old man and said bitterly: "It's hit, don't cover up that matter. The second one is doing it wrong."

Although Lao Lintou is facing his son, right and wrong are also there, and he is naturally not easy to shelter in the presence of so many sons-in-laws. He snorted and said angrily: "Second, you can tell your third sister quickly if you know what it is, and make sure it's not."

Lin Leshui is still arguing with her daughter-in-law, "She doesn't know what her sister-in-law's cousin reported. Even if her mother ordered it, she doesn't know..."

"You still give me the sophistry. If I don't beat you, you really think you are right." Old lady Lin was going to get the broom at the root of the wall, but Sanwang stuffed a thorn with a thick thumb.

Sanwang: "Grandma, my mother said that she usually doesn't hit children occasionally, but if you make a mistake, you have to fight. If you don't fight, you don't have a long memory. Right, big brother." He turned to look for a sense of identification with Dawang.

Dawang: "..." I don't know you!

Old lady Lin was struggling to get off the tiger, holding the Jingtiao and enduring her distress, she went to smoke her son, "still sophistry, sophistry!" The son and daughter-in-law were muttering in the house that night, and she heard it all! This Jingtiao looked like smoking her son, but it was like smoking her.

Lin Leshui knew what his mother must know, and then look at the eldest brother and sister-in-law, I guess he knows too? Then there is no quibble. But... But the fact is that Lotus doesn't know what to report. Her mother asked a cousin of her sister-in-law to do it! They didn't know until the cousin was arrested.

He was stumbling all over by Mrs. Lin. From childhood to adulthood, this was the first time he was beaten by his mother like this. He cried and shouted, "Mother, I was wrong, I was wrong. Never again. Dare. At first, Lotus and I didn't know that it was arranged by her mother, but we only found out after our cousin was arrested. We were also afraid to come, so we didn't dare to say..."

Lin Lan thought that his parents would discuss with him so as to help him cover up. It turned out that the old lady didn't know how to find out. Most of the two idiots whispered and heard her.

Her dissatisfaction with Mrs. Lin dissipated two points in her heart.

The old lady Lin was really distressed and angry. If she didn't give her son a beating, the girls would not be able to calm down, and the eldest son and daughter-in-law would not accept it. Besides, he really deserves to be beaten. If he doesn't beat him, he doesn't think they are wrong.

She drew Lin Leshui fiercely, so that he ran all over the floor, but was blocked by a few sisters and couldn't get out. As a result, she drew a solid back and forth.

Lin Mei saw that the old lady was too exhausted to catch her breath, and she was afraid that she was really angry. After all, her father and mother had a thin face and good face. She had never been so fierce in her life, she really couldn't stand it.

Lin Lan and Lin Mei exchanged glances, and they stepped forward to support the old lady, "All right, mother, don't be angry."

Lin Mei kicked Lin Leshui again, "I'll keep this account for you. If you **** again, you will count it together."

Lin Lan said: "We keep your account, but we can't finish the account with the old Tang family. When we finish eating, my third sister and I will ask your good mother-in-law, why is she so vicious and greedy as a person? face!"

Lin Leshui really didn't dare to talk back. If he dared to talk back, he believed that the two sisters would beat him together.

The third sister hurts when hitting someone, just like that.

"Let's find it, don't say that I am not letting you go to the Old Tang Family. I am still afraid that you will suffer?" Seven or eight brothers from the Old Tang Family, how many of you women, are enough for others to poke their fingers?

Sanwang immediately jumped out, "Mother, let's go!"

Dawang reached out and pulled him back.

Lin Mei read the report and opened up, but she still scolded Lin Lan for Tang Hehua's injustice, "Second, I ask you, your fourth sister used to be kind to you and Xiaoxin, why are you not grateful, but still holding grudges? ?"

Lin Leshui was wronged immediately, "Where can you not be grateful, and where can you dare to hold hate?"

"Don't pretend, every time your fourth sister comes, Tang Hehua hides, isn't it just to show her face? You think I don't know that she scolds us every day at home? You know, why do you care about her?"

Lin Leshui: "I, who can I control?" One or two came to hit me, I was the worst.

"You can't control her, you can always talk about her, let her know that you don't like her, did you say it? You didn't say it. Maybe you still help her scold her together." Lin Mei was not angry Tao.

"Heaven and Earth Conscience!" Lin Leshui raised his hand, "I never scolded my sister." At most, he pretended not to hear when Tang Hehua scolded.

Moreover, Tang Hehua didn't scold him, back and forth, the fourth sister of Qi was not giving things to her sister-in-law, or the fourth sister of Qi said that she loved Xiaoxin the most, but she changed her mind and turned to love her son Xiaowang. He also persuaded Tang Hehua that you are good to your son, and of course the fourth elder sister should also be good to your son. But Tang Hehua didn't listen. She said, "That's not good. She used to be the best to Xiaoxin. She said she loved Xiaoxin the most and hated Xiaowang. Why did she suddenly treat Xiaowang well to Xiaoxin? She's not. Fudge? Are you playing with us?"

Lin Leshui also felt that his wife was too serious, and relatives would say so, but who would take it seriously? People treat us well when they are good, and they treat us badly, so why bother about it.

But he can't speak well!

He wants to speak so well, he didn't want to marry Tang Hehua at the beginning!

Didn't you force me to marry? Oooooo...

The more Lin Leshui thought about it, the more aggrieved, and began to cry.

Sanwang over there was still thinking about Er Weizi's saying that he would go back to find his brothers for revenge, and he wanted to put them in a pot.

"Big brother and second brother, what is a pot of stew?"

"I just beat all of us so hard that I cried and called my mother." Er Wang worked as an interpreter.

Dawang snorted softly.

Sanwang rubbed his hands in excitement, "Should we go to ambush on the dam by the river? Haha, they are definitely not my opponents when they get down the river."

Mai Sui led Xiao Wang's good man over, "She said that the brothers are seven or eight."

Sanwang: "Haha, it doesn't matter, Dad can hit ten at a time, but three are still short of him."

Xiaowang: "The teacher said the fight was wrong."

Sanwang: "Duel, civilized duel! Yes, just like that, we should write down the line with them. We can't just compare brute force. For example, recite poems, answer questions, sing, play harmonica, swim... ..."

The good man said anxiously: "There are still big elbows! Hahaha. I can!"

At first the adults were angry and annoyed. At this moment, the people in the courtyard couldn't help laughing because of the muttering of several children.

To be honest, I might have been a little bit offended by Tang Lotus to call people, but today Han Qingsong is here, and they feel that they are extraordinarily practical and not afraid at all. Look at these children, no one is afraid of them.

Lao Lintou murmured in his heart, he was not afraid anymore, instead he went back to the room and sat down on the kang and asked his son-in-law to sit on the kang as well.

Brother Lin and several brother-in-laws all invited Han Qingsong to their seats.

Han Qingsong: "Brother-in-law, let's sit down." Others have long legs and a small Kang, making it uncomfortable to sit up.

He wanted to talk to Lin Lan. She said that after dinner, she would go to the Tang Family Collection to find the old Tang Family Theory, so he could ask her to listen at home if he thought about it. He turned around and walked to the door, and found Lin Lan in the yard arrogantly giving out new year money to the children.

Lin Lan clapped her hands, "Children, come, divide the money for the new year."

As soon as the children heard it, they rushed over and lined up, waiting for the elders to divide the money.

Lin Lan divided up two cents per person. Originally, she wanted one cent per person, but the third sister beat Tang Hehua to vent her anger.

When Lin Lan is happy, take more points!

In order to avoid giving money to relatives' children, she even divided her children into a circle if they didn't have any children, and they lost something.

Now the children are so happy. Sigu/siyi is so generous. Others give one and two points. She actually gave two cents, two cents! What a big hand this is! Hahahaha. Long live Siyi/Sigu!

Lin Mei is also divided, and a dime for a child, good men and Qiaoqiao also have a share.

Sister Lin and Second Sister Lin had long since looked away. When Lin Mei and Lin Lan were fighting in the ring before, they didn't join in the fun. Whether they brought things to their natal family or what they did, they did everything within their means.

Two cents for a child is impartial.

Lin Mei was also very excited, and urged to cook and ate to Lao Tang's house to settle the accounts.

Several women started cooking together very quickly. They all brought their own rations, so naturally they would not eat their natal families.

When eating, there is still one room for men and women.

Lin Leshui had no face to eat. First, she was scolded by her elder sister, and then slapped into a pig's head by her daughter-in-law. He was also slapped by his mother...I have never been so embarrassed in this life. He wanted to visit Laotang's house, but was embarrassed, so he had to squat in the yard and get embarrassed.

Sister Lin also called him, "Er Dada is eating."

Lin Leshui saw that only his sister-in-law was treating him well, his tears came out all of a sudden, and he began to wipe the tears.

Sister Lin looked at him, really dumbfounded. She carried a large plate of spinach and shrimp for the children to eat. "This is what your four aunts brought. It's noble. I'll give you everything that adults don't have."

The children thanked them and ate shrimps together.

Sanwang rushed to clip it to Qiaoqiao, "Sister Qiaoqiao, you eat."

Qiaoqiao laughed, "Thank you, hurry up and eat."

Mai Sui: "Sanwang, why don't you give me a clip?"

Hehe Sanwang: "Sister Mai, you are like an octopus. You move faster than anyone. You don't need me to catch it." Mai Sui played a game of catching stones with them. Every time he beat them, Sanwang called her an octopus. .

Mai Sui wants to clean up him, Xiaowang quickly clipped two for his sister, "Sister, I'll clip you."

I was eating, there was a noise outside, and a loud and bell-like sound hummed, "My family, Tang Laoya is here to give you a New Year greeting!"

The old Lin head who was drinking couldn't help but shiver. Although he said cruel words before, his son-in-law also cheered him up, but in the end he was still guilty and afraid.

He is not only partial to his little son towards his daughter-in-law, but when he was young, he had a big head and a thick neck and a fierce look. A slap can slap a small crippled man on the ground and can't get up. The old forest head just thinks about it. Head and thighs are soft.

Zheng Yaozu encouraged him: "Father, if you lose, you don't lose. You are not afraid. Sons-in-law will support you. They all say that a son-in-law is half a son. I think my brother-in-law can have ten sons alone. Don't worry, he The Old Tang family dare not go wild!"

Brother Lin listened: Third brother-in-law, don't fool your father, he was afraid of Tang Butcher when he was young.

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Strict Wife of the Seventies Manages the Household Chapter 97: KO! Snout
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Chapter 97: KO! Blow kiss

Tang Laoya, a butcher from the family's ancestors who killed pigs, stopped after the establishment of a cooperative to not allow himself to kill pigs. However, the county is still a commune slaughter group, with their descendants working. When he was young, his brothers were mostly in Tangjiaji. Later, his sons and nephews were more, one by one, he walked sideways in Tangjiaji. No matter how powerful he was, he would not dare to provoke them.

Brother Lin knows that the two families seem to be having a feast, and it is impossible to say who owes them any favors. His parents never say anything wrong, and no one else knows.

At first Tang Butcher saw him and wanted to marry a girl to him. His parents disagreed. They felt that the eldest daughter and daughter-in-law should marry a sensible person and not the old Tang family to blend with him. Later, Tang Butcher promised a little girl to him. Second brother.

In fact, after becoming in-laws, the relationship between the two is okay, except for Tang Hehua's young couple making a fuss, there is nothing wrong with them. And because they are in-laws with the Tang family, every time they go to the Tangjiaji to go to the market, the people on the market are very polite to Tang Laoya's in-laws.

Sanwang immediately ran out when he heard someone provoke him, "Brother, I said let's go to the dam to ambush."

Dawang pressed his head, "eat."

Xiao Wang picked him up with a shrimp, "Little brother, don't get blinded in the shrimp exam."

The good man can't hold it back either. He was a bit timid and shameless before, but now he has been led wild by Sanwang.

Brother Lin greeted the second brother to entertain Old Tang together, and the second brother Lin trembled with fright.

His old man's eyes were like copper bells, his sound was like a bell, his fist was as big as a mortar, and his palm was as big as a fan. When he went to his house before getting married, he was slapped on his shoulder and almost slapped his brother Lin on the ground. . Moreover, the father and son Don Laoya are short-tempered and short-tempered, because the brothers are so powerful that they will hold down others before they make sense when they encounter problems.

Who dares to come closer?

He looked around now, his eyes stopped on Han Qingsong, his voice was crying, "Four brother-in-law?"

Han Qingsong gave a hum, but did not move.

Brother Lin is about to cry, "Brother-in-law, you can save me, you save my life, I can't be thankful enough."

Zheng Yaozu was a little gloating, "Why are you so grateful? Help you coax the old man to coax you back to your daughter-in-law, and continue to hang around in the nest?"

Brother Lin glared at him, you are in a convulsion today, why does everything have your business? You have been too bloated recently, you still get rich or marry a little wife!

Without waiting for them to come up with a charter to entertain Tang Butcher, the three sisters Lin, Lin Mei, and Lin Lan have gone down there, and Dawang, Erwang and Laixi also followed out.

Sister Lin and Sister Lin dragged Mrs. Lin to forbid her to go, "Mother, why do you feel uncomfortable every time? When people come to say something, you and my father will quickly make up for it."

"Even though the water thrown out by the married girl, doesn't the mother-in-law think that her in-laws can treat you well? First of all, she has to be kind to her own daughter-in-law?"

"It's okay to treat your daughter-in-law kindly, but if your daughter-in-law is wrong, you should teach it. We are right about this matter today. Just report the third sister to her natal family, and he is wrong."

Old Mrs. Lin said: "There must be a misunderstanding about this matter, and it cannot be done by in-laws. Don't think he is a stubborn lady, he is just a little accustomed to a girl."

When Han Qingsong saw his daughter-in-law go out, he raised his foot and walked out. Brother Lin also hurriedly pulled the second brother Lin to follow. The children watched Han Qingsong go down and all ran to watch the excitement.

"Lin Leshui, get out of here, why are you bullying my girl?" The man shouted angrily outside.

The courtyard door was hidden, and Da Wang stepped forward to open the door. The door leaf just opened the width of a head and slammed it with a fist. Dawang quickly tilted his head to avoid the fist, and brought the door leaf up with his left hand. With a "touch", it happened to hit the man's fist.

Although he was strong, it was not an iron fist. On the front and the thick and hard old elm wooden door bar, he screamed with pain at the time, and quickly retracted his fist to hold it and slam it.

At the back, Lao Lintou looked at his wooden door but felt distressed. Newly repaired, don't let the wild donkeys of the Tang family break it.

Lin Lan and Lin Mei took a look through the crack of the door and drank, good fellow!

I saw five big men standing together outside the door, one by one, five big and three thick, because of anger, that face was full of flesh and every fold was sturdy, and good people had to be frightened.

The headed beard had a gray and gloomy face, and the top of his head was bald and shiny. The hair around him was fluttering in the wind like a disheveled grass, and he did not speak with his hands behind his back.

The other men also hugged their arms without saying a word, looking fierce and vicious.

The last one was wearing a naked coat with his arms wide open, revealing a knotted tendon flesh, a man who was originally very fierce, but now he was slammed by Dawang so that he was holding his hands and tossing like a wheel.

"You fucking..." Tang Laoqi lifted his foot to kick back to take revenge, but found that the other party was a handsome teenage boy and not his brother-in-law. He couldn't help but pause. When he saw Lin Lan and Lin Mei, he He snorted, "Oh, how about scaring people with women and children? Where's the masters?"

He was so aggressive that most people were scared to death when they saw him, but the boy and the woman were not afraid of him, and he became more upset.

Dawang said slowly, "I said you didn't feel cold when you opened your arms or did you pretend?" He said that he opened the door completely.

Tang Laoqi shuddered when Dawang asked such a question. Damn it, it's not cold, but this isn't a matter of pretending to support the venue.

He snorted and shook his sturdy body, his belly undulating like a wave, he proudly said: "Don't be useless, who beat my sister? Get out of me!"

The second brother Lin in the crowd shrank immediately and hid behind his eldest brother.

Before Lin Lan and Lin Mei could talk, Sanwang had already got out and shouted: "Duel? Wendou or martial arts? Are you really not afraid of the cold? Why don't we go swimming in the reservoir? See who can hold on for a long time. "Speaking, he also learned that Tang Lao Qi would take off the quilted jacket.

Old Tang's face trembled, your mother, I'm wearing a jacket with my arms open. If I'm really not afraid of the cold, I'll be shirtless! You are a fart boy, you know a fart, do you know the dignity and pain of a man? Pain can't be said to be pain, cold can't be afraid of cold!

Erwang also went forward to comment on the muscles of several people, and finally concluded to Sanwang, "Don't look at him because he has a lot of flesh, and his explosive power is not good. For example, our father can smash a brick with one fist, and he goes down with one fist... "

Tang Laoqi shook his face and raised a big fist, "What's it like? I'm not afraid of pain!"

Not only is he strong, but he has thick skin and is very resistant to beatings. He is not afraid of punches and kicks at all. Even if a stick hits his back, it is a broken stick!

Erwang contemptuously said: "Keep first hand blood!"

Tang Laoqi turned his head to look at the wall roots unconvinced.

Xiaowang and the good man carried a blue brick and threw it over, "Here is it."

Tang Lao Qi: "..."

Sanwang knew that he couldn't do it by looking at his embarrassment, and smiled: "Second brother, he is definitely not Dad's opponent."

Erwang had met Han Qingsong's eldest brother, and smiled, "That's not nonsense, they can't beat him together."

The five fathers and sons of the Tang family: ...How old is your kid, you are here to point fingers, and you have the ability... Tell your dad to come out and make gestures!

Being interrupted by the child like this, the Tang family elders were a little bit confused, their minds weren't fast enough and didn't turn around to forget what they were doing, and they were led by the nose.

Elder Tang was very impulsive at the age of seven, and couldn't stand the excitement of others at all. His neck became thick with anger, "Don't brag, make a gesture!"

When the five men with horrible faces stood at the door, the neighbors were so frightened that they hid in the cracks of their own doors and looked at them. They all know this is the old Tang family of Tangjiaji, a family of evil spirits, and it is said that it can kick a cow with one foot.

Lin Mei looked at them like that but was not afraid, she cursed: "Don't put gold on your face, are you good enough? Tang Hehua, let her come over to confront her, don't hide behind and be a turtle."

"Who are you scolding for shrinking the tortoise? You scolding my sister is scolding me!" Tang Laoqi stared at Lin Mei with a vicious look.

Lin Mei is not afraid of him, "What's wrong with her, I even beat her."

Lin Lan is afraid that he is really a stunned woman. This kind of man is generally not very active. She said: "If Tang Hehua doesn't complain, we have to go to you to ask you clearly. It's just right that you are here. I have to ask you, no. If you agree to join us in weaving, you will report it behind your back? Do you want to show your face? So these five big and three big lords just play this kind of activity behind their backs? Are you embarrassed?"

Old Tang Qiyi looked dazed, and looked back at his uncle.

Tang Laoya was angry and strode forward and shouted, "Why did you mother-in-law spit her blood? Who reported you weaving? What did you do with us when weaving? My family earns work points for farming, so I can also weave, no Lack of clothes to wear." For fear that others would not believe him, he immediately opened his padded jacket and said proudly: "Look, this is a new one this year, new cloth and new flowers. Will my old Tang family report you if they are short of cloth?"

Hearing his uncle's denial, Tang Lao Qi was slandering his home, and immediately came forward with great energy and stepped away from the elephant's legs and rushed in, "Lin Leshui, get out of me, what are you doing behind a group of ladies!"

The door of the farmhouse is not big. The two doors are at most one meter wide. Lin Lan and Lin Mei have nowhere to stand at the door. Now he rushed over and ignored the two women opposite, wondering if Lao Tzu came over, the two wives could not hug their heads?

Tang Laoqi's elephant legs stepped on towards Lin Lan, and two slaps as big as a fan went to pull Lin Lan to make her escape.

Unexpectedly, before he touched Lin Lan, his hand was pinched, and there was a sudden pain, "Well-" Tang Lao Qi snorted in pain, and immediately wanted to fight back.

It's a pity that the other party didn't want to shake hands with him, but instead pinched the Neiguan acupuncture point of his wrist like iron tongs. With force, Tang Lao Qi's entire right arm was sore and numb, and finally could not help but scream.

Han Qingsong nudged Lin Lan and Lin Mei with his right hand to let out the doorway. He pinched Tang Lao Qi's wrist with his left hand. He didn't see how his strength was just a flick of his wrist. Tang Lao Qi's huge body trembled violently. The person was dragged forward by him just like the face person.

Han Qingsong didn't let him pounce on the ground, letting go, and pushing Tang Lao Qi back with his right shoulder at the same time.

Tang Laoqi was caught off guard and was knocked back, unable to stop and step back.

Old Tang immediately stepped forward to support him. He thought it would be enough to help him, but he didn't know that Tang Old Qi retreated so hard, and took him a few steps back, almost squatting on the ground.

This man is so strong!

Tang Laoqi immediately stood up straight after being supported, he couldn't bear such humiliation! He roared like a tiger and wolf, "Smelly boy, don't hide!"

Tang Laoya immediately knew that this person was Han Qingsong, and that he returned from serving as a soldier and is now the fourth son-in-law of the Lin family, the chief of the commune. If they are a little humble, they should call Tang Lao Qi to stop now and say something well. But they are also accustomed people, boasting that they don't commit troubles and are not afraid of others. If the brigade and commune cadres want to do things in Tangjiaji, they have to curry favor with them. So I'm not afraid of such things as the director of the Public Security Bureau.

What's more, they are used to fighting on the set and they never met their opponents. It's not that the soldiers have never fought, and few have ever fought them. They also pretend not to know, so they want to take the opportunity to give them a good look, so that the relatives can understand later, don't dare to bully the daughter-in-law with the support of the son-in-law.

At this time, Tang Hehua, who was hiding not far away, was also very excited, just waiting for her father and brothers to beat Han Qingsong and the others, and then she went to take revenge!

Old Tang Qi yelled and slammed Han Qingsong with a fist. If he were to be honest, the other party would at least be in a coma for a long time!

Han Qingsong watched Tang Laoqi rushing over, although the opponent roared like a tiger and wolf, his fist was as big as a garlic mortar, and his legs were as thick as a stump, but in his eyes he was fighting with a child.

He glanced at Dawang, "Flaws."

Dawang: "Underarms, waist, abdomen, thighs... everywhere."

Speaking of this, the fist has been smashed.

Han Qingsong did not hide or parry, but with a sword in his right hand, he struck Tang Lao Qi's Quchi acupoint with a knife over the arm that was swung over by the opponent.

The voice is not loud, and the strength is not too strong, but Tang Laoqi feels pain!

It hurts! What a **** pain! It hurts so much that he doesn't even feel it.

Tang Old Qi couldn't raise one of his forearms suddenly, and he slumped weakly under his elbow.

"Ah-my arm is broken, broken!" Tang Lao Qi was terrified, and yelled.

Han Qingsong also told Dawang, "If the opponent is not a murderous person, do not panic. If he stabbed him with a sharp blade, don't panic, grab his arm with one hand, slash his neck with one palm, and control the enemy with one move. "

Dawang also simulated it.

Everyone present could not say anything. Originally, the Tang family came to fight, but they still wondered how they could not fight, and it turned out to be an on-site classroom for Han Qingsong to teach his son.

Lin Lan hasn't seen Han Qingsong fight seriously, the third brother is really handsome! She felt that her girlish heart was resurrected.

Zheng Yaozu chuckled and leaned over to Lao Lintou and said, "Father, you know who is amazing. There is such a great god, so you don't need to burn incense elsewhere."

The old head of Lin was so embarrassed that his face was flushed, so he kept tapping his pipe and pot, smoking to block his embarrassed face. He couldn't say that he was really afraid of Donald Trump.

Even the old lady Lin and the eldest sister Lin came out of the room to watch the game.

The Tang family brothers over there have been angered, and they forgot that Tang Laoya said that before they came, it would be fine to teach them a lesson, and it shouldn't hurt people so as to prevent it from being difficult to clean up. They pretended not to know that it was Han Qingsong, gave them a slap in the face, waited for the other side to beg for mercy and said they were misunderstanding and misunderstanding, and then sat down to reason with each other.

At this moment, the other party first gave himself a slap in the face and beat the old seven. Is it still worth it?

The third and seventh have a good relationship. He quit, and ran up to Han Qingsong and kicked hard.

In the distance, Tang Hehua looked forward to it again, and the third brother could kick the man out to vomit blood with one kick.

The difference between professional and amateur is: no matter how good your external conditions are, there are flaws everywhere.

Although the old third has great strength on his legs, he can break a small tree with one foot, but Han Qingsong is not a dead thing standing and kicking you. When he kicked Han Qingsong with all his strength, he thought that this kick would make Han Qingsong lie on the kang for half a month!

In fact, with a "bang", Tang Laosan flew out backwards.

This time, Han Qingsong didn't have any luck, but went head-to-head. Not only did he stop Tang Lao San from kicking it, he also kicked Tang Lao San back again without a run-up.

How much strength does he have?

There was silence at the scene, and the chicken that was cooing on the courtyard wall suddenly stopped crowing.

Tang Lao San fell to the ground and couldn't move by himself, so Tang Lao Ya hurriedly rushed to see him.

Tang Laoqi gritted his teeth, "Brother three!" You can't be okay.

Han Qingsong: "Don't move him, just lie down for two days."

Sanwang took the lead and clapped happily, even the neighbors who were hiding in the dark and watching the excitement clapped happily. Damn, it was so enjoyable to watch.

Sanwang laughed and said: "My second brother just said, why don't you listen? Hahaha, don't listen to the old man..."

Before he finished speaking, Dawang took him back and let him stay honestly.

How could Sanwang be able to stay? The children were so excited that they kept exclaiming. He pulled the good guys and Xiaowang to make gestures.

Lin Lan walked up to Han Qingsong and glanced at him. There were pink stars all over her eyes, which made Han Qingsong feel as if she had been electrocuted.

Lin Lan said to everyone in the Tang family, "My dear family, can we sit down and have a good talk now?" She knew Tang Hehua's temper and she knew that the Tang family was not a reasonable person, otherwise she would not hold the second elder of the Lin family. Now that he can't beat the third brother, it's time to recognize the reality.

Tang Laoya couldn't beat Han Qingsong, but Tang Lao Qi was not convinced over there, watching the third brother being kicked and unable to move, he wanted to avenge the third brother.

His eyes were red, "To convince you, you don't need to talk about it!"

Tang Laoya: "Come on, don't fight, everyone is merciful, and we can't help but appreciate it." If Han Qingsong is merciless, this kick can crush the third child's breastbone. Now let him lie down for two days. That's it.

Old Tang Laoqi is a man with a grumpy temper and can't stand agitation. He is naturally not convinced. He wants to try how powerful Han Qingsong is. He rushes over regardless of what the uncle says.

The two brothers were afraid that he would suffer and had to keep up, and the three of them besieged Han Qingsong.

Han Qingsong was not standing at the door at this moment, but took the initiative to walk into the open area, lest the other party could not give up and would not give up.

Lin Lan saw that the Tang family insisted on giving the head away, so naturally she didn't stop her. She also got together with Sanwang and clenched her fists to cheer for Han Qingsong.

"Father, come on!" the children shouted.

Lin Lan compares her hands with her hands: "The third brother is the best!"

Han Qingsong turned his head and glanced at her, and she immediately gave the mistress's worship smile.

Han Qingsong: ...My daughter-in-law is several years younger.

There is no difference between multi-to-one and one-to-one fights for braggs, because unless the opponent is not an opponent, let them press and fight. Once the opponent has a number of moves, they can avoid their blows and take advantage of them to counterattack. They really Not enough to see.

The three of you punched me and kicked. It's not a chaotic fight, but they cooperate with each other. Old Tang II attacked Han Qingsong's bottom plate. Old Tang Qi punched in the front of the chest. After attacking Han Qingsong from the back, Old Tang planned to hook his neck to lock his throat so that he could not move.

Han Qingsong locked the kicked leg with a single lunge, then dodged to avoid the throat claw behind, and at the same time grabbed Tang Lao Qi's fist with a virtual clasp with his left hand, and moved upward along his wrist. He dragged Tang Lao Qi into his arms.

Tang Laoqi was too late, and he was about to collide with Han Qingsong. He himself wanted to avoid it, but Han Qingsong suddenly flashed out.

On the contrary, Tang Laoqi locked his neck with his arms, "Big Brother, it's me!" Tang Lao Da quickly let go of Lao Qi with a fever on his face.

When Han Qingsong flashed out, his left leg lunged and twisted Tang Lao Er's bones and made a clear rattle. His knees pressed against Tang Lao Er's waist, his elbows followed, and he slammed Tang Lao Er heavily with a snap. On the ground, his knees pushed up and nailed Tang Lao Er to the ground immobile.

At this time, Tang Lao Qi kicked over again, Han Qingsong shot like a lightning bolt, grabbed Tang Lao Qi's ankle and pushed forward, and Tang Lao Qi was hit by a very standard split.

"Ah-" Tang Laoqi felt the pain of the egg! The cotton trousers seem to be threaded too!

Han Qingsong didn't let him go. He clasped his neck with one hand and pulled back directly, nailing Tang Lao Qi to the ground again.

Tang Laoqi made a big split while his arms were twisted into twists and nails on his lower waist. This difficult posture made his joints chuckle.

Boss Tang rushed over with his scalp, feeling that Han Qingsong couldn't make his move now, he kicked Han Qingsong's back shoulder so that he wouldn't be caught by Han Qingsong's ankle.

Old Tang: "Brother, be careful!"

Before the words fell, only a "plop" was heard, and Boss Tang squatted and fell to the ground.

He hadn't hit Han Qingsong with his kick, but Han Qingsong came to the one with a more standard one-character horse, with one foot pressing on his second child, two hands pressing on his second child, and the other with the boss standing on the other. Kicked down with one foot.


Lin Lan shook her fist, and the girl's heart fluttered. If it weren't for the public's embarrassment, she would rush up and give him a winner's kiss. At this moment, she can only send her hands to cover her face and Nunu's mouth to blow kisses. La.

Han Qingsong's heart trembled suddenly, he was really electrocuted, and she seduced him again! He really wants to kiss her!

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Home » Strict Wife of the Seventies Manages the Household SWSMH » Chapter 98: Lost to cry!
Strict Wife of the Seventies Manages the Household Chapter 98: Lost to cry!
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Chapter 98

The children happily cheered, "Oh oh, daddy is great!" Sanwang Xiaowang clapped his hands and jumped up to applaud.

Mai Sui was so excited that he grabbed Erwang and Qiaoqiao's hands, and immediately jumped up after seeing Han Qingsong win.

Dawang was busy trying to figure it out, simulating the fight just now in his mind, and came to a conclusion that these people are too bad.

The good man was taken and clapped his hands and shouted, "Father is great!"

Zheng Yaozu: ...The ancestor is great!

Almost instantly, the Tang brothers fell to the ground.

The seven splits of Old Tang not only hurt, but he couldn't lift his arms completely. The forearm was abolished before, but the big arm is now abolished, drooping out of his control.

Tang Laoya: ...he thought that three children would beat Han Qingsong before, it must be more than enough! So he didn't stop, he wanted to try. At this moment, he was glad that he hadn't made it together, this old bone couldn't make such a big move.

Han Qingsong glanced at Lin Lan, jumped up, patted the dirt on his hands, and said to Tang Laoya, "Can you talk well now?"

Tang Laoya hurriedly handed over, "Director Han is great, and the old man admires him. From now on, Director Han has something to say!"

Han Qingsong: "I am not Director Han here. When I am Director Han, it is not your turn to listen."

Tang Laoya: "Yes, yes, brother-in-law is right."

Boss Tang pulled Old Qi up, his arms were still drooping, and his sweat was so painful that he couldn't notice that he was using this hand to pull Lin Lan.

Look at Tang Lao San who is still lying on one side, Tang Lao Qi forced the tears back again, absolutely can't shed tears, that's an embarrassment.

Now I can finally come into the house and have a good talk.

Brother Tang wanted Han Qingsong to help put Lao Qi's arm back. Generally speaking, those who could hold the arm would do it, but Han Qingsong didn't mean that.

Because he was turning his head to look at her daughter-in-law, Lin Lan bends her eyes towards him, and quietly compares her heart.

He didn't understand the meaning of her gesture like counting votes, so he wanted to take the opportunity to ruin some money with the old Tang family? He strode to her and shook her hand.

Lin Lan used a handkerchief to wipe the sweat that didn't exist on his forehead, mainly because there was a little dust on his hair, which was easy to confuse his eyes.

At this time, the head of Old Lin looked at Han Qingsong's eyes as eagerly and full of worship as Zheng Yaozu, and the old lady Lin looked at her son-in-law, and the more she looked at it, the more satisfied she was, and the dissatisfaction of the previous years disappeared.

The main and guests were seated in the hall, and the big benches and small benches moved in. The hall yard was crowded with people.

Lin Lan originally wanted to vent her anger to the third sister. Being reported is not a trivial matter. She can say that she doesn't care, but she has to give the reporter a bit of color so that they don't dare to commit the crime again.

She raised the question again.

Tang Laoya looked at Lin Lan and said kindly: "Girl, I really don't know about this. You see, my ancestors of the Tang family killed pigs and farmed the land. Weaving cloth means wearing it by myself, so I don't know how to do business. , Why are you reporting your business?"

He is a typical face full of flesh and blood, even if he is kind, he looks fierce and does not look like a good person, and can scare children into tears.

Lin Lan didn't think he seemed to be lying, "The father-in-law has to ask his daughters carefully, we have witnesses."

Tang Laoya turned to look at her elder son, "Why don't I understand what she said? What's the matter? Do you know?"

Elder Tang knew a little at the time, but he didn't dare to say that it was a matter of the mother and sister, as well as the second child's family. He glanced at Tang Elder.

Lao Er Tang didn't know that even though his wife did it, there were many brothers and wives in the family. Apart from going to the kang and his wife to sleep at night, he didn't go to the women's pile during the day to join in the fun.

Looking at them one by one, Tang Lao Qi was drooping and his face was sullen, and the third child was lying on the ground and no one knew.

Lin Mei thought they were pretending, so she told the old lady Zhang, "Said it was a cousin of your daughter's sister-in-law, you must know it yourself. Our brigade grabbed her and pressed her handprints in black and white. This is not fake, don't believe me. Ask yourself."

Tang Laoya looked at his sons, "Lady Zhang is your cousin? Why don't I know?"

Elder Tang glanced at his second child and hesitated, "Father, it's the midwife in Nanling who often comes to our house."

That woman used to be the business of three aunts and six women. Not only could she accept births, she would also act as a matchmaker. She would go in and out of her daughter-in-law and her daughter-in-law everyday. She was knowledgeable, knew many people, and knew many others. thing. She and Tang's old lady are old acquaintances, and she introduced several daughters-in-law and nephews.

Tang Laoya didn't know anything about women, but he still knew each other when she came and went. Lady Zhang was called Cui Gu, and she used to call her Cui Xian Gu. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, her superstition career was not allowed to go underground.

"Aunt Cui?" Tang Laoya said with a beard, "This old godly woman, she is not pleasing to my eyes when she slips out every day, and she does this nasty thing?" He patted his chest, "If there is such a thing. My Donald is absolutely unambiguous."

Lin Lan: "Ms. Zhang is already holding it. She said that your old lady let her do it. She wanted to intervene in my third sister's business before. The third sister said that if someone wants to find work, she will help, but your old lady It's too greedy to pay dividends. This is the sideline of the brigade, and the third sister said it doesn't count. Besides, you are not a brigade, and it is not easy for outsiders to partner. This natal family does not pay dividends, so where is the turn of the younger brother and wife? "You're so shameless!

Tang Laoya heard that it was his old lady who was mingling, and his old face was trembling.

He slapped his slap on his thigh, "I really want something like this, Lao Tzu..." He glared at some of his sons and nephews, "His mother, I divorced her!"

The second child was anxious, "Father, you can't listen to them. Who knows if they are framing others."

Tang Laoqi also said, "Yes, they beat their younger sister."

Lin Lan said: "Please ask about this first. Let's continue to talk about the beating of your sister." She looked at Tang Laoya and wanted to see how he handled it.

Tang Laoya's face turned blue and red, and for a moment he seemed to be determined to turn his head and say to his elder son, "Go, bring your mother to me."

Brother Tang and several people were very surprised. It seemed that Dad really wanted to give the Lao Lin family an explanation. Generally speaking, their solution to the problem is to use their fists first and then make sense. If it is your own family's wrongdoing, then a symbolic apology will be brought down. If the other party is in the wrong, then the other party must pay a price.

If you haven't beaten the opponent today, I'm afraid it won't be so easy to be kind. I must apologize sincerely.

At this time, Tang Hehua and Xiaoxin were hiding their heads. She originally thought about waiting for her father to conquer the gang, so she went over to dominate, grabbed Lin Lan and Lin Mei and slapped dozens of slaps. Look at them and dare to be better with yourself in the future.

I don't know that things are well thought out, but the facts are not so good. My brothers were thrown out one after another, and one Han Qingsong hit them to the ground.

Tang Hehua was very faceless, angry and aggrieved, but she was too embarrassed to listen to what they said. After all, she said she was going back to her natal house, and if a man didn't come to pick her up, she was too embarrassed to go back.

At this time, watching the eldest brother come out, she hurriedly greeted him, "Big brother, what's going on?"

Big Brother Tang glanced at her, "The fist doesn't work well, it makes sense."

Tang Hehua: ...Some of my older brothers have never met an opponent, and their fists don't work well.

"You, what are you doing?"

Brother Tang looked sad: "Carry my mother."

Tang Hehua was anxious, "Brother, why are you still letting my mother come."

Brother Tang: "What are you doing well, why do you report other people's business? The report should also be reported early. When they merged into a brigade, you report it. What is it like to be stupid?"

Tang Hehua said smoothly: "This is not just anger, but I want to get out of my breath..." After speaking, she hurriedly covered her mouth.

Brother Tang: "So you know."

Tang Hehua immediately shook her head vigorously: "Big Brother, I don't know. I listened to my mother. My mother told me to vent her anger, and she didn't really want to report her."

"Why don't you say that you are stupid, you can't tell the difference." Brother Tang left angrily.

He was tall and fast, and soon took Mrs. Tang by his back.

Tang Hehua was so scared that he took the children to hide.

Elder Tang carried the old lady back into the room, and the old lady patted him on the back, proudly saying: "That's true, shouldn't you still use me for the loss? Whoever hits the lotus, just come back for the lotus fan. Hit us one Slap, let's slap ten times to see who of them slaps us!"

If Elder Tang said that her father was angry and asked her to confront her, then she would definitely not come, and he wouldn't be able to tie her up if the old lady didn't come, so Tang Elder lied and told her to make compensation and let her pass.

Sure enough, the old lady was fooled.

Several nephews and nephews knew that the eldest brother had lied to the old lady, and immediately lowered their heads and pretended not to know. Of course it's not a lie, it's really to make up for it, just to make up for others.

Tang Laoya snorted and slapped heavily, "You have such a big face."

Mrs. Tang was taken aback by him, she almost sat on the ground, and Mrs. Tang hurriedly helped her.

If Tanglao Ya is a murderer in all directions, then his old lady is a kind old lady in all directions. He is petite, with his hair in a bun, his feet wrapped, and his brows and eyes are kind.

Old Mrs. Tang immediately felt that the situation was not right, she squashed her mouth and began to wipe her tears, "What is this, telling me to kill me? A house is going to eat me?"

Tang Laoya: "Why are you crying, I ask you, why are you reporting the business of your daughters?"

Mrs. Tang still wanted to deny it, so Tang Laoya slapped the table, "You look at me as a fool. Everyone has evidence. Your crunchy aunt Zhang Cui has recruited!"

The old lady Tang has been trying to figure out her own old man all her life, and she knew his temperament thoroughly, and she knew that she couldn't hide it from the battle.

She immediately said that she was wronged, "It was her own idea, I don't know it. At the beginning, she was the one who knew everything, and instigated me to say that the third aunt lotus has a business, so that we can join in. At that time, I gave her a few dollars as a maid. I told my maiden, her third aunt disagreed, and she would be pulled down. She didn't get the maid and had a grudge, she went to report people's anger. I really didn't know at the time. Ah. I only found out later."

Lin Lan said coldly: "Ms. Zhang's confession was instigated by you. Here you say that she instigated you. This is your business, and this is not our responsibility."

Elder Tang said angrily: "My mother doesn't lie. She said that it is Mrs. Zhang and Mrs. Zhang, why don't you believe it?"

Huh? Lin Lan looks at him like a fool, do you think your mother doesn't lie? She won't lie? Didn't you hurt you when you were beaten just now?

Tang Laoya saw that his son was uncomfortable, and cursed: "You leave me alone." He glared at his old woman, "Silmen, you remember what I said when I proposed marriage. You have to pretend to be Laozi again. I can still take you back to your natal home, do you believe it?"

Mrs. Tang was faltering immediately, covering her face and crying, "I have been married to you for so many years, and there are so many children. You still say that to me, why are you still taking a break? Get a rope..."

"What do you think I dare not do?" Tang Laoya began to untie her waistband.

Old Mrs. Lin couldn't stand it anymore, "Okay, don't make trouble in our house."

Tang Laoya didn't unfasten the belt of her trousers, but gave the old woman a glance.

Lin Lan said: "Whether it's Mrs. Zhang or your old lady, who instigated who in the end, your family can tell it for yourself, and we don't care. Anyway, it has something to do with you, and we didn't wrong you."

She doesn't fully believe that he is innocent. After all, even if the old lady is Zhang Luo, and sleeps on a Kang all day, he doesn't know at all? I'm afraid that I don't even bother to care about it. Anyway, few people dare to come and ask them for trouble.

Tang Laoya nodded, "Nothing wronged."

He stood up, his sons lined up immediately behind him, and bowed to the old lady Lin, Lao Lin Tou and others, "My family, I'm sorry. I didn't care for the old lady and daughter, so I made mistakes. I'll make a mistake. "

Mrs. Lin hurriedly said: "Okay, there is no loss in this matter. It is from the relatives. It hurts people's heart to do it this way."

When this happened, it hurt the feelings of the daughter-in-law and her younger brother, and hurt the feelings of her daughter-in-law and her own parents. The old lady Lin also suffered a lot, but the relatives still had to do it, and naturally they had to show some face to the daughter-in-law.

Tang Laoya apologized to Lin Mei and Lin Lan again and glared at the old woman. The old lady Tang was wronged, wiped tears, and apologized to the Lin family.

Tang Laoya's family management philosophy is the same as that of Han Qingsong. The typical man is in charge of the outside and the female is in charge of the house, the son is taught by his father, and the daughter-in-law is in charge of the old lady. Of course, he is not as cold on the outside as Han Qingsong is thin on the inside. He is fierce on the outside and thick on the inside, and his nerves are as thick as a water pipe, and he also comes with a filter. He feels that his son is capable and his daughter-in-law is good at home. Ten miles and eight townships are the best.

In general, when encountering problems, his family always seeks out other people first, and then finds out the three points of reason if they don't care. If one comes and two goes, the reputation of domineering will naturally be passed on. If it weren't for Han Qingsong here today, it must have been the same as before. He came to scare Lin Leshui directly, and then talked about beating Tang Lotus.

At that time, the other party was frightened, what did they say?

It is the first time to be beaten by the other party and hold the head to make sense today.

Although the old lady Lin said forgive them, Lin Lan didn't want to make them so cheap. She had to let the Tang family know how great it was once, and she never dared to provoke the third sister's family.

Mrs. Lin winked at Lin Mei and wanted her to forgive the old Tang family so that her brother and sister-in-law could continue to live their lives.

Lin Mei hesitated, but took a look at Lin Lan.

Lin Lan said: "This matter, you should apologize, but I have a question to ask."

Tang Laoya: "Ask the girl."

Lin Lan: "If someone wants to get involved in your business, you don't agree, and others report it secretly, what will you do?"

Elder Tang was also impatient over there, and he shouted angrily: "Who dares to disturb my business, I will chop..."

With a "pop", Tang Laoya slapped him severely and cursed: "Things that don't have any brains, what are you doing?"

Tang Lao Er was stunned by the beat, and immediately bowed his head and said nothing.

Old lady Tang looked at him with tears in her eyes, her face full of distress.

Tang Laoya: "The girl, what do you say?"

Lin Lan smiled, "Uncle Tang, of course you said it. If you are reported, what will you do?"

It was cold, the door was open, and the wind was blowing, but Tang Laoya's forehead started to sweat.

If it's him, of course it won't make the other party feel better? Back then, there were a few brothers in someone's family who wanted to fight with them to sell pork for a livelihood. In the end, they had a few fights. In the end, those brothers lay at home for several days and never dared to touch the business of Old Tang's family.

Fear of hitting the opponent! Never dare to make ideas anymore! This is the experience passed down from Tang Laoya's father's generation.

Today, people also have the ability to beat them.

Although he only brought four nephews with him, he now understands that no matter how much he brings, it will not be enough for Han Qingsong. Although they were arrogant in Tangjiaji, the cadres of the brigade cadres and commune had to give them three points courteously, but this Han Qingsong had also heard about it, and the six relatives did not recognize it when he started the case.

My brothers are all sent to reform through labor!

Furthermore, the people do not fight with officials.

So Tang Laoya was convinced, the winner, the prince, and the loser, he should have lost no matter how he paid.

He hesitated, "Girls, now they are all in a collective economy. My family has no fields and no livestock. I currently have a family of rations for the young and old, and a loom. We weave some cloth to subsidize the cloth tickets. One hundred and eighty yuan, a family of young and old spent one hundred and two on the New Year, and there is still sixty."

"Old man, you can't. We are going to last one year for these sixty years. If anyone has a headache during this year, and there are weddings and weddings in the family that have to follow the favor, what can we do." Mrs. Tang was too anxious to cry. stand up.

Tang Laoya glared at her, "Go back and settle accounts with you!"

At this time, it is a collective economy. Earning work points in the brigade is really transparent. Even if everyone in their family earns full marks, it can be calculated by doubling it.

Using the value of their brigade's work points to estimate, food, firewood, etc. are deducted and the money is about the same.

Lin Lan wanted them to remember that they did something wrong, not without a price, how could they be bullying simply relying on your man to be able to fight?

She glanced at Mrs. Tang, "Let's do it, then pay three hundred yuan, and the report will be wiped out."

"What?" Everyone present was stunned.

"Mother, why don't you **** it--" Old lady Tang almost fainted. She raised her eyebrows and rounded her eyes when she had lowered her eyebrows, and the rabbit became a vicious weasel.

Old Mrs. Lin and Old Lin were stunned. The girl dare to ask for it! At this time, if she can't make thirty or fifty yuan a year, she needs three hundred yuan at once?

Tang Laoya looked at Lin Lan. This girl was strangely handsome, and she looked like a reasonable and educated person, not like those who made unreasonable trouble with lions. Hey, if you marry your son back then to be your wife, wouldn't you be your own family now?

He pondered for a while, and immediately said: "Girl, look at it, is it accommodating? My family is considered the most capable in these ten miles and eight villages, and earns one hundred and eighty yuan a year. This is still a good year. Spend nothing."

Mrs. Lin pushed the stunned old man a bit, and Lao Lin turned her head back and said hurriedly: "Yes, it doesn't need to be so much."

Lin Lan glanced at them, and it wasn't for you to pay you. What are you worried about?

They recovered and looked at Lin Mei immediately.

Lin Mei stayed too!

She pinched Zheng Yaozu, and Zheng Yaozu wailed, "Daughter-in-law, it's true." The sister-in-law dare to ask for it, so courageous!

Lin Mei glanced at Lin Lan, and she knew what she meant, so she took him back to Qiao, her parents let her give face to her, the Tang family also apologized and begged in every way, and the second brother Lin also bowed their hands.

Lin Mei coughed, "Sister Si, take a look."

Lin Lan said indifferently: "Since the third sister is willing to forgive, then reduce it by one hundred. The remaining two hundred will now be paid one hundred, and the rest will be paid next year, and the bill will be fine.

Let you be greedy, let you keep your memory for two years. Anyway, the food rations and daily necessities did not affect the old Tang family, but the extra money they earned was affected, leaving them no money to do other things.

Mr. Tang was already speechless.

Tang Laoya is also a ruthless character. He spit on the palm of his hand and rubbed his hands. "Girl, I don't think it is too much for Lao Tang." After all, if someone else is disturbing his business, he will be convinced by the other person. Lie on the kang for at least two months or two years.

"Look like this, I have paid now, can you..."

Lin Lan understood in seconds: "Uncle Tang is a refreshing person. Now I pay the full bill for you... It's cheap, only 160."

Since the old man was sincere, Lin Lan naturally gave face.

Sure enough, Tang Lao Ya was very happy. He looked at Mrs. Tang, "What a mess, you still pretend to be okay."

Old Mrs. Tang was shaking and crying, covering her face and crying, "Look at what I am doing, I have no money."

Tang Laoya snorted and said to Lao Dadao: "Go and get the money at your house. There is a small box in the big closet in my room with some money in it. You can go and get one hundred and six to pay someone else's daughter."

"Old man, you can't ah--" Mrs. Tang cried wailingly, "You can't, that's what I've worked so hard to save for a lifetime..." She searched for points here and there, for the private money she saved. .

Tang Laoya said in a huff: "There is a problem at home, what are you doing with the money? Didn't I and my son earn it?"

Old Mrs. Tang rushed to stop her elder son, but she was not fast enough. She fell to the ground all of a sudden, and she started crying on the ground, ignoring her face.

Old Tang Er hurriedly helped her, "Mother...get up."

Don Laoya: "Don't help her, get into trouble, and mess up with some stubborn old women all day long. Three sisters and six women, can it be a good thing? You will give me a good stay at home in the future. Don't you believe in the Buddha, eat, eat, and read the Buddha? You? Continue to recite the Buddha. Seven aunts and eight aunts are not allowed to come to your door. When you go back, you will be separated and let your daughter-in-law and son live on your own. You won't be harassing them all day long!"

Old lady Tang screamed, she started to faint, feeling her heart.

Old Mrs. Lin hurriedly gave her a smooth heart, pinching people.

Mrs. Tang stubbornly grasped her hand and stared at her fiercely, "You, you, you are so cruel."

Mrs. Lin hurriedly started.

Mrs. Tang began to cry, looking very pitiful.

The two villages are close to each other. The Lin family lives at the south end of Linjiatun, and the Tang family lives at the back of Tangjiaji, so the distance is closer.

Soon Mrs. Tang took one hundred and sixty yuan back and handed it to Mrs. Tang.

Tang Laoya put it on the table solemnly, "Daughter, you little bit."

Lin Lan didn't point, and smiled, "Uncle, you see that the auntie is so happy to weave, and it's weird to stay all day. My third sister's brigade has a weaving spot, you can tell her and let her go. How good weaving is, don't look at the old age, and earn a lot of work points."

"You bad woman! Why are you so bad!" The old lady Tang burst into tears, so she didn't go to work, she didn't have to work since she married to the old Tang family!

Tang Laoya thought about it, and it was true. She loves to mix with other people's weaving business and must like to weave. "I'll go back and ask the people's brigade. If it works, I'll send it to her and weave cloth for a year. Work points subsidize the household."

Old lady Tang gave Lin Lan a resentful look.

Lin Lan is not afraid, just stare your eyes out. If you do a bad thing and don't punish you, just shut down and beat Mrs. Zhang and punish Donald Duck. If you have nothing to do, wouldn't you be even worse? If you punish you, I still feel guilty, then I am not a fool?

Besides, if it wasn't for my man's great ability to beat up your man and son together, can you admit your mistake?

For such people who only obey violence and power, they must be subdued with violence and power.

Lin Mei was so admired that she couldn't close her mouth. She was angry and fell down after giving birth, but she didn't expect to get revenge like this?

Yes, what is the use of Shengtang lotus trachea? Tang Hehua is a crooked man, just like Lin's second brother, there is no use for fart.

There is a shadow of her mother everywhere.

Clean up the old lady and let the old lady and old man know that it hurts. This is the real punishment.

Lin Mei is becoming more and more rare for orchid flowers, and the look in her sister's eyes gleams, causing Han Qingsong to look at her several times.

Lin Lan got up and stretched out her hand towards Tang Laoya, "Uncle Tang, then we will stop here for reporting this grievance."

Tang Laoya stretched out his hand to shake hands with her, expressing peace with her hands.

Han Qingsong pushed Zheng Yaozu over, "Go on."

Lin Lan: "..." Third brother...Well, I understand you are jealous, but he is an uncle and you are too sensitive.

Han Qingsong glanced at her and held her hand silently.

Over there, Zheng Yaozu and Tang Laoya shook hands and made peace. With a squeeze, Zheng Yaozu grinned again and almost fell out of his eyes!

Dead old man, you can't shake hands with my sister-in-law, so you don't have to express your dissatisfaction so hard!

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Home » Strict Wife of the Seventies Manages the Household SWSMH » Chapter 99: Know your mistakes can be corrected
Strict Wife of the Seventies Manages the Household Chapter 99: Know your mistakes can be corrected
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Chapter 99

Tang Hehua waited outside and asked the child to come in to inquire about the news. She soon learned that her eldest brother went home and paid 160 yuan to Lin Mei, and the family apologized to Lin Mei, and Lin Lan was even more unforgiving. , Relying on her man's power to bully people.

Tang Hehua couldn't bear it anymore. She didn't care about the face and dashed into the house, pointing to Lin Mei and said, "Father, why did we apologize to her? She went back to her family's house and hit me without saying a word."

Seeing her come in, Lin Lan's eyes lit up, just in time for Tang Laoya to drive you back, not allowing you to go back to her natal house, but you came.

Lin Lan: "It's just right. Come here in front of your parents. Let's make it clear."

Lin Mei watched Tang Hehua come back and shouted outside: "Lin Leshui, you get me in."

There was a neighbor outside who wanted to come and see what was going on. Tang Laoqi, who was slumped and sorely painful, gave a stunned look. "Look what to see." Those people were so scared that they left quickly for fear of being beaten by him. They all knew that there was something fierce in the Lin family In-laws, can't afford it.

Zheng Yaozu pushed Lin's second brother over, "Let's show my father-in-law, this is a slapstick, it's different from me."

Tang Hehua is a little overbearing in the relationship between husband and wife, but in the past she would not allow her to go to the kang, or she would pull her ears, and she had never had a slap in the same way as today. Today, she was run by Lin Lan a few times and then beaten by Lin Mei, but all her anger was vented on Lin Leshui, so she beat Lin Leshui much harder than Lin Mei beat her.

At this moment, Lin Leshui's face was severely swollen, with purple marks on it, and there were jingle marks drawn by Mrs. Lin on the back of his neck, hands and wrists.

Lin Leshui was beaten hard today.

Tangla Tongling's eyes widened, "Lotus, how can you beating your uncle like this, bear boy?"

Before the girl came home, he only showed her swollen face to her family. He thought that Lin Leshui was fighting with her daughter, the daughter was beaten by her son-in-law, and the children screamed, so he led his nephew to support the daughter and asked her relatives how to give it to her. The girl beats up like this. It looked like two people were beating each other now, and my uncle was beaten harder.

"Lotus, what's going on, tell the truth!" Tang Laoya's eyes widened.

Tang Hehua wiped her tears aggrievedly and began to say that the children were fighting. She used to scold the children twice, but the third sister ran over and beat her without asking questions.

She pointed to Lin Mei: "She beat me."

Sanwang followed his eldest brothers and listened with ears upright. When he realized that he was telling the story of the incident, he immediately rushed over, "I'm coming."

He recounted the situation at the time with a good word, clearly who said what he said and what he said.

Lin Lan glanced at Tang Hehua coldly, "Don't you dare to fight me face to face, letting my child anger?"

If you understand the reported account, then calculate the account.

Seeing that her parents had been taken down by them, Tang Hehua couldn't beat her, and couldn't make sense, so she began to stalk and cried and sneered, "You run on me, and you don't give me new year gifts for others."

At this time, Xiaoxin also ran over with his grandmother's elder brothers and sisters. He cried so badly that his face was swollen, and pointed to Lin Lan and cried, "Sixth aunt is partial! You used to say that you love me the most and hate Xiaowang the most, saying he is a burden That's good. Why don't you give me something good now, just give it to him? Don't hurt me, just hurt him?"

Lin Mei sneered at Tang Hehua: "You still said that I beat you, I beat you wrong? Your fourth sister used to be kind to you, you are not grateful, now people are good to their son, but they have eaten you? You teach me. Children are all messed up? How many kids will Xiaoxin say? You really know how to teach!"

Lin Lan saw that Xiaoxin was a little bit wrong, but more guilty for her children.

She shouldn't carry this pot, but she couldn't say it. After all, she was supposed to take full responsibility. It was she who fueled Tang Hehua's appetite. She was not afraid of Tang Hehua, nor what others would think, but she was a little worried about Han Qingsong and the children.

Does he think she is too much, regardless of his son and nephew? There is also Da Wang. He used to be the most angry at this point. He thought that she was always looking for death and life and it was not easy to talk. He thought she had only a nephew and no son in her heart. And Xiao Wang, will he have a rift in his heart? I didn't understand it before, but now it's big, would he blame her? Maisui Erwang and Sanwang were young, but they also understood many things. Although they didn't say it, it didn't mean they had no ideas in their hearts.

Lin Lan clenched her fists subconsciously.

Since Han Qingsong shook hands and reconciled, he stood next to Lin Lan. Hearing Xiaoxin's accusation on her, her face changed a little and the corners of her lips were tight. He stretched out his hand on her shoulder and shook it gently, indicating that she would not be sad. , He won't be bothered.

A warm current surged in Lin Lan's heart. He believed her, and the corners of her lips slowly relaxed, and a small smile appeared.

The children can't see that others can run on their mothers. Although the mother used to be better to Xiaoxin than to her family, the mother changed it later! It's still a good mother to change if you know your mistakes!

Sanwang immediately rushed out and pointed to Xiaoxin and said, "Before you were good, my mother said that my mother loved you the most. You are not good now, of course my mother doesn't love you!" He patted Xiaowang, and laughed: "Now I am Xiaowang. Brother is the best, and of course my mother loves him the most!"

Xiaoxin was stunned, why is he bad? Grandma and mother taught that the fourth aunt was wrong, but they didn't say they were wrong.

Mai Sui also sneered, "It's so funny, relatives are polite to say so, who can't take it seriously?"

Er Wang also agreed with her, "We sometimes say that whose mother is really good, but we don't want to change mothers."

Let the children take it seriously, but adults also take it seriously? But look at Tang Hehua that is really serious. Even if it is true, then you should also show the corresponding true feelings. My mother is good to you, and you are good to my mother. The truth is that you only think about my mother's things and don't care about her as a person.

Xiao Wang was awakened by the fear deep in his heart again, and suddenly took Lin Lan's hand, for fear that Lin Lan would want Xiaoxin's brother to not want him again.

Lin Lan felt his nervousness, and when she felt a pain in her heart, she hugged her son on her lap and said softly: "Of course my mother likes the good baby Xiaowang the most."

Xiaowang immediately smiled sweetly and happily hugged her neck and pressed her face against her face.

Xiaoxin became even more jealous, crying and screaming.

Tang Laoya was annoyed, "What's the trouble!" He glared at Tang Hehua, "It's all you are teaching the children. If you don't care for Xiaoxin, I just care about your nephew.

Tang Hehua depends on the old lady.

Tang Laoya scolded the old woman again, "You taught me!" If the child has this idea, it must be taught by the adult. What does the adult teach the child to know? The old lady's pot is indispensable.

Old Mrs. Tang shrank aside, grieving and pitiful, she didn't say anything but tears.

Since she knew that she could not head-on with her own man, she learned to arm herself with a soft side, and was good at using tears and weakness to gain sympathy for herself. Because when she is like this, the daughters and sons will feel sorry for her, and the men will not do anything to her.

Sure enough, Tang Laoya saw her shrinking in a pitiful manner, so she had to apologize for the old woman, "Girl, it's my old man who can't help but will never do it again in the future."

Old Mrs. Lin looked at the two girls and hoped that they were about the same. Don't make her in-laws too ugly. After all, she will have to come together in the future.

Tang Hehua was so sad that she had never seen her father bow her head like this, even in these ten miles and eight townships in Tangjiaji, who would dare to be like her father.

Lin Lan said, "Uncle Tang family, you are too polite. The men are busy at work all day, and they don't care about the women in the family. I have to ask the aunt and the little bride if it's really wrong, and whether everyone will have a good time in the future. ?"

Mrs. Tang sobbed, "My child, the aunt is wrong, the aunt is confused, the aunt knows it is wrong."

Tang Hehua was ashamed and angry, and cried, "Everyone bullies me, everybody bullies me! I asked you to support me, so why did I come together to bully me?"

Tang Laoya has no face. If this is not for Han Qingsong to protect his old face, this matter will be fooled by his fists, but the situation is better than others at the moment, and an apology must be apologized, and a sincere apology must be apologized. Anyway, I apologized for the bleeding of the report, which is not bad. Moreover, Tang Laoya felt that this handsome and reasonable girl would not ask for any more money on this matter. It's easy to do without money, and it's okay to have a girl kowtow to apologize.

His eyes widened: "Grinning again, I call you with big ears!"

Tang Hehua's tears were streaming, and tears flowed from childhood to adulthood. She turned to look at her brothers, who also said they could do nothing.

Although Tang Laoya's sons were still unconvinced, they were very convincing to Han Qingsong. Their temperament is to admire strength and the strong, and they like to rely on strength to solve problems. When they encounter something stronger than themselves, they will naturally worship.

The second brother Lin hurried forward to talk about Tang Hehua, and bowed to Lin Lan and Lin Mei, "Three sisters and four sisters, we are all wrong, I will pay you no."

Lin Lan said: "What do we have to do? It's a big deal. Don't interact with each other. Don't you want to be better in this yard? Don't be too biased. Don't be too arrogant when you are brothers and sisters. Think about the big guys, don't just want to take advantage and not suffer."

The second brother Lin nodded quickly, "My sister taught me."

Tang Hehua suffocated and apologized to Lin Mei and Lin Lan: "Sister, I was wrong. I shouldn't want to mix with your family. I was wrong with the fourth sister. I shouldn't avoid you deliberately."

Lin Mei: "Forget it, your father has already compensated for me, so you have to fall down. You have to recognize the mistakes about your fourth sister."

Tang Hehua reluctantly said: "I won't do it again in the future. The fourth sister remembers me well, so I don't dare to complain again."

Lin Lan: "You go back to your natal home to file a complaint all day long and let your brother fight this and that..."

Tang Laoya yelled: "Don't think about it in the future. Be filial to my parents-in-law, respect my sister-in-law and sisters, rush to do the work at home, don't embarrass me!" He said to Mrs. Lin again. Sister-in-law and Lin said: "Mother-in-law, Sister-in-law, in the future, Lotus makes mistakes. You can just beat and scold, and don't worry about my face. I don't support her. In her natal family, her mother didn't give her a good education. Just teach, how appropriate and how to teach, my old Tang will definitely not say nothing. I will also put my words in it today, and I will never go ahead for the girl's business in the future. No matter what it is, the mother-in-law has the final say."

Mrs. Lin immediately accepted it after seeing her well: "In-laws don't have to worry. It's all good children who make mistakes for a while and make corrections. For the daughter-in-law we finally marry, we still feel the same pain as before."

Tang Hehua had to cry and cry authentically: "Sister Si, I will never be arrogant again in the future, I will definitely live my life well."

No longer can I judge the in-laws and men, ooh... no more support, her father gave back to the mother-in-law and sister-in-law to let them just train her. She felt that others would definitely be like her. Once she was not supported, she would definitely bully her. Thinking of being bullied by her mother-in-law and sister-in-law every day, she was scared and sad.

From then on, I can only live by looking at the faces of others. How awkward is that, what status does she have in the family?

She didn't resent Lin Lan anymore, she was really afraid of Lin Lan. Don't think Lin Mei can beat people, but a smiling tiger like Lin Lan is scary. When she saw her man beating someone, she was so proud there, her brothers were so powerful, they were not kicked by Han Qingsong.

Since she was a child, Tang Hehua likes to find her elder brother to support her, and she is also instilled in the thinking of advocating the strong. Now she is beaten up and she naturally respects each other.

Now she looked at Lin Lan, she was like the head of the family, majestic and cold, and a look in her eyes made her tremble.

Brother Lin saw that everyone had forgiven them, so he quickly pulled Tang Hehua back to the house.

Although he was beaten and apologized, he felt happy in his heart. After all, he passed the old man's level with ease. Moreover, the old man actually accompanies the smile to talk to his parents, and he will admit his mistakes. From now on, Tang Hehua no longer dared to beat him, no longer dare to play sideways.

Now the old man's eyes are softened when he sees him, and he is no longer eager to eat himself when he meets with a beard and stares. That's scary.

Haha, it's worth beating yourself.

Tang Hehua was guilty and grateful to her man right now. Everyone blamed her, her father and brother didn't care, but he protected herself everywhere. Seeing the face of Lin's second brother being beaten by her, she couldn't help feeling distressed and guilty.

She took the second brother Lin's hand and squirmed, "Second brother, you, do you hurt me, I am wrong, and I will never hit you again."

Her backer collapsed, and Tang Hehua, who was originally arrogant and arrogant, suddenly degraded into an angry little wife.

Second brother Lin had to comfort her again.

In the hall, Lin Lan had already dealt with the report, and Tang Hehua had done it, so she didn't get too involved. Give the venue to the old relatives to communicate and exchange feelings, after all, they still have to communicate on a daily basis.

She and Lin Mei went out in the yard holding hands to talk to her sisters.

Han Qingsong followed silently, Zheng Yaozu immediately followed, "Brother-in-law, can you play poker? Let's play poker."

Han Qingsong: "No." Seeing that the matter was resolved, he went to take Tang Lao Qi's arm without having to ask for it.

Tang Laoqi watched his forearm slumped and collapsed, and his eyes were red.

Han Qingsong patted him: "It's fine tonight."

Tang Laoqi held back his tears again.

Han Qingsong massaged Tang Lao San who was carried into the yard again, and Tang Lao San felt that he had come alive too, "Thank you."

Han Qingsong: "Go back and lie down for two days, everything is the same."

A few old relatives in the hall.

Tang Laoya said to Tang Lao Dadao: "When the wheat is harvested in the autumn, you will bring a brother to help your in-laws for two days. Your sister and brother-in-law can't do it, and you just counted on your in-laws and your eldest brother. You can help."

Lao Lintou immediately said no. His family's work points can be earned by his own family, and he can also make up baskets. The village also raises fish. The grandson helps raise fish and earns work points in the brigade, so he can live a decent life.

Tang Laoya didn't fight with him, anyway, when the farmer was busy, he sent his son to help for two days. His own son was able to do it alone for half a day, so he would do the Lin Leshui couple for two days.

Several of Tang Laoya's grandsons, Su Nuv, were still dissatisfied, and they squeezed to the side and said they had been beaten, and they had to settle accounts with Sanwang.

Tang Laoya's son has a temperament similar to his. When he encounters a situation, he gets angry and scares the other party first and then settles the accounts. It is reasonable or unreasonable, and he is also very overbearing.

Old Tang's eyes widened, "Which one hit my child?"

Two prosperous, three prosperous, and good men are out, "We played."

The Tang family's brothers were silent for a while, Tang Lao Er turned around and pressed his own child to a fat beating, "You say you are not ashamed, one is smaller than you and shorter than you, and you're embarrassed to file a complaint if you are beaten. Jump into the dam and become the bastard?"

All Want Wants:...

The level of curse is really the same.

Although some people bleed and were beaten, the matter was resolved satisfactorily. Tang Laoya felt that from then on, it would not be a loss to have a relationship with Director Han and talk to him.

After such a toss, half an afternoon passed, and the sun was all west.

Old Mrs. Lin said to Tang Lao Ya: "When you come, I will have a meal and drink at the bar."

The old head of Lin stared at his old lady. The five lords of them stayed to eat, not to be poor.

Old man Tang waved his hand and said to his eldest son: "Okay, go get a piece of meat and carry twenty catties of fine noodles. I didn't bring gifts to my in-laws in the rush of coming today." He waved his hand and asked the other sons to take it with him. The old ladies hurriedly went home, "Let's all go, let's all go."

Today, Boss Tang played the role of a courier for a day. By the way, he part-timed the thug who was beaten on the ground. His father gave an order, and he ran away again.

Tang Lao Er carried the old lady and brought his younger brothers to follow quickly.

Mrs. Lin also said to keep them for dinner.

Old Tang shook his big thick neck and his gray hair was flying around. He proudly said, "Mother-in-law, they don't need to eat. These stinky boys are not my bragging rights. They can be raised like cows, really. Most people can do it."

It's said that half-and-half children eat poor people, especially in the past few years, the children were hungry one by one, and many people were not very tall. But he was stunned that he raised his sons into five big and three thick ones, so Tang Laoya was naturally very proud.

The old head of Lin couldn't bear his boasting, he was clearly saying that his two sons were not as skinny as his son.

Old man Tang covered his face in the wine cup and apologized to his father-in-law and mother-in-law.

Mrs. Lin bluntly said that she was all a family, and she didn't pay attention to this, but the head of Lin wanted to hurry him away, don't stay too much.

At the moment, the head of Lin understood that his four sons-in-law were useful, and he didn't speak. When he stopped there, the Tang family, the wolf-like father and son, also had to be afraid. To put it aside, he reasoned with you? Can he apologize? He closed his eyes to support his daughter!

He was also afraid that his old woman would be bought off, so he kept winking at her.

Of course Mrs. Lin is not stupid, but you can't divorce your little daughter-in-law or make a good relationship? Later, it proved that it is necessary to build a good relationship. Not only did the Tang family's father and son have the strength to help with some work and play, but also the son and daughter-in-law to live steadily.

Lin Lan and sisters Lin Mei were talking, and the children were also having fun in the yard.

Zheng Yaozu was afraid that Han Qingsong would be bored, so he took him to play poker with his brother-in-law and his uncles. "It's time to pass the time in the first month. It's not against the rules if you don't pay."

In the end, other people's heads were covered with grass, and Han Qingsong's head was clean.

Zheng Yaozu: ......You said no!

Han Qingsong: I really don't know how to fight.

Xiaoxin was in a daze in the yard with a dazed expression. Doesn't anyone like him in the future?

My grandfather and grandpa are fine, so are my parents, and my aunts have a lively chat. What's a lot of fun with my brothers, brothers and sisters is that he is ignored.

He began to cry silently, his nose came out from crying, the more he thought about it, the more sad he became, and finally he wondered whether he should go.

He took his small cloth towel while wiping his tears and wanted to run away from home.

Sanwang greeted him when he looked stupid, "Xiaoxin, would you like to play siege with us?"

The siege game is very simple. You can draw a frame to be the city, raise soldiers in the city, and come out to fight according to the rules. The soldier should stand on one foot, raise the other leg with both hands, and the two sides collide with each other, even if the raised foot lands on the ground, you lose.

Xiaoxin asked him to play and ran over happily, "I want it."

Children are grudges and tolerant. As long as others apologize and forgive themselves, they can reconcile and still be good friends.

Sanwang: "If you want to play well, you have to join hands, how much money do you have?"

Xiaoxin immediately took out a penny, "So much."

Sanwang took it and said, "Come up and send a piece of candy." He handed Xiaoxin a piece of toffee. This piece of candy was brought back from the county by Han Qingsong. It costs almost two cents.

Xiaoxin peeled off the plug happily, "It's delicious and milky."

Sanwang: "Do you still bully my brother in the future?"

Xiaoxin: "Don't bully."

Sanwang: "My mother used to be good to you, but later was not so good to you. Do you know why not?"

Xiaoxin shook his head.

The good man smiled and said: "Stupid! Because you are not good, if you are good to Xiaowang's brother, my fourth aunt will be good to you!"

Xiaoxin is not stupid. Once he recognizes the reality, he can quickly move closer to the organization, so he immediately apologizes to Xiaowang, "Brother Xiaowang, I will treat you well in the future."

Xiaowang is a kid who doesn't hold grudges, "Mother said that if she knew her mistakes, she would be a good boy. I forgive you."

The good man said: "You are so we allow you to join our bald squad."

Now Xiaoxin was also making a noise to shave her head.

Erwang laughed: "You don't shave your head in the first month. Shaving your head is happy uncle." New Years are not allowed to die, and everyone habitually uses proximity sounds instead.

Xiaoxin immediately covered his head. Thinking about his uncles, his face changed. If he shaved his head, he wouldn't be blown up. He looked at Erwang nervously, "Don't shave your head, I don't want my father. ..."

The children laughed.

Sanwang: "Stupid, if you really kill your uncle if you shave your head, then no one will have a father or an uncle."

Mai Sui also said, "It is estimated that the stingy uncle did not give his nephew the lucky money, and the nephew tried to bury his uncle. I said that in the future, I can't say that he doesn't shave his head in the first month. Cows, no one keeps them shaved."

After drinking two cups of wine, Tang Laoya left, and sincerely invited Lin Lan and Lin Mei to play at his house when he had time. After he left, Sister Lin and Sister Lin also left and went home.

It was said before that Lin Lan would live with the child for two days. For fear that she would not be able to sleep, Lin Mei took Mai Sui and Qiaoqiao to her house. The boy fell in love with Sanwang and Xiaowang and stayed, while Han Qingsong took Dawang and Erwang go home.

Although Han Qingsong agreed, Lin Lan could see that he was a little bit disappointed. She didn't pierce it and pretended not to know, but smiled in her heart.

Xiaoxin and Sanwang were already sticky after playing for a while. When sending Lin Mei to him, he still asked, "Sangu, I want to go to your house in two days."

Lin Mei smiled and said: "Come here, Sangu will make you a good meal." Lin Mei repeatedly told Han Qingsong to take Dawang Erwang to her house, and Han Qingsong agreed.

Xiaoxin was happy and took the initiative to hold Xiaowang's hand, "Xiaowang, can I go to your house in the future?"

Xiaowang: "Go, ask your fourth aunt."

Xiaoxin took his hand and asked Lin Lan.

Lin Lan smiled, children are all cute, as long as they make corrections, they are good children, "Of course Si Gu is welcome."

Xiaoxin was completely happy.

Tang Hehua was still hiding aside because of his embarrassment. She secretly heard that Lin Lan and others were getting better with Xiaoxin again, and she was a little bit happy in her heart.

When cooking at night, Tang Hehua also took the initiative to help Sister Lin, "Sister-in-law, I will help you burn the fire."

Sister Lin looked at her, "Then the relationship is good. There is no girl in our family to help with housework. If you are my sister, I will be happy."

Seeing her sister-in-law didn't bully her, Tang Hehua felt a little bit happy again.

Sister Lin naturally wouldn't bully her. Normally, when Tang Hehua was arrogant, she didn't dare to break the ground on her sister-in-law. Now she was like a little wife, and Sister Lin was naturally not afraid.

At dinner in the evening, Tang Hehua graciously arranged dishes for everyone, and Mrs. Lin, Lin Lan, and sister-in-law waited on them one by one.

Lin Lan saw that she was really happy, and she didn't seem to make a strong smile. She also admired her for being able to adjust in a short time. She can live a safe and stable life, and Lin Lan will naturally not care about it anymore.

Several children over there are also muttering, Xiao Wang: "Brother Xiaoxin, you can't read, you can't even know some games."

The children of the Lin family generally have been in elementary school for several years and can read, but Xiaoxin didn't want to go to school before, because the grandmother and mother said that it was useless to go to school. The old lady Lin said twice, and Tang Hehua fell down if she didn't listen. At this moment, when the kid said that, Xiaoxin was very convinced and told Xiu Xi that he would go to school.

After discussing with the family, he was eight years old this year, and it happened to go to school when he went to school in the fall.

Seeing her daughter-in-law and grandson make better and better changes, Mrs. Lin felt very emotional, she had to murmur with the old man about what she was doing wrong, where she needed to make corrections, and doing better in the future.

Old Lin said, "Just a little bit, don't be eccentric."

Mrs. Lin beat him, "Say I am partial? It was passed down from your family. Don't you remember why your mother was partial?"

Her deceased mother-in-law was terrific. The daughter-in-law went back to her natal home to complain about her mother-in-law, and she took the stick and pulled it back, so that the daughters were so angry that they would throw the water out of the daughters who really married. Fortunately, she respected her daughter-in-law enough, and her son-in-law was filial to her, and the evening scene went smoothly. And those girls, because they have no way of retreat from their natal family, are in their in-laws' family, so they can draw their own men to teach their children, and learn to get along with their parents-in-laws. Now two old sisters come back occasionally, and they still talk to Mrs. Lin about the past, and remember the old mother who has passed away.

Old Lin said, "Although our mother has her own way, I wondered that the daughters and son-in-laws are actually not bad. They all live their lives well and are better than anything else."

Mrs. Lin laughed at him: "If the fourth son-in-law gave you a face, the old Tang family came to make you upset, you might not be allowed to come back after scolding your girl."

Lao Lintou refused to admit, "It's not for her good not to let her go back, so as not to be bullied by the old Tang family."

Although he was afraid of Tang Laoya, Tang Laoya didn't dare to beat him.

Lao Lin Tou and Tang Lao Ya have a little relationship. His grandmother's family and Tang Lao Ya's family belong to the same village, and Mrs. Lin has the same surname as Tang Lao Ya. At that time, Tang Laoya looked at the little girl who was white and handsome, with neat hands and feet, and wanted the aunt to say a kiss. At the same time, Lao Lintou also fell in love with the little girl, and he had a wicked-eyed mother who moved fast, and immediately went to propose marriage as soon as he realized his son was thinking.

At that time, Lao Lintou was also a handsome guy at sixteen or seventeen, and he matched the original girl. And Tang Laoya began to mutate and develop from the age of fifteen. By the age of seventeen or eighteen, he became more and more fierce and fierce, even more terrifying than ugliness, and the little girl naturally looked down upon it.

In this way, Tang Laoya always looked at Lao Lintou as unpleasant. Although he was not in a village and did not move around, he did not find faults when he was young.

He was so ruthless to find a better-looking daughter-in-law than Mrs. Lin, but it was not so easy to find him. Finally I found the old lady of the Tang family. Unfortunately, although she looked good, her problem was very serious. The eldest son was almost taken care of by her. Fortunately, Tang Laoya found out in time. Later, the son will be in his charge and let her take care of the family affairs.

At any rate, there are many sons, so Old Man Lin is overwhelmed here, and he feels comfortable.

In fact, Tang Laoya didn't just look at Big Brother Lin, but also Lin Lan, thinking that she wanted to beg her youngest son, so she quietly asked someone to make a statement. Mrs. Lin decisively refused, and she refused to let the children know about it. .

Later, Tang Laoya changed his strategy and used some tricks to force her daughter to marry Lin's second brother.

Looking at Lin Lan as handsome and reasonable, not humble or overbearing, Tang Laoya feels itchy, thinking it would be great if it were his own daughter-in-law! Go back and scold some of my younger sons and nephews, "Look at how ugly you all look!"

If this is as handsome as Han Qingsong, would he marry that handsome girl back soon? The old Tang family also changed their style.

He directly ignored Lin Lan's work during the ten years when he was married. By the way, his daughter-in-law grew upright, and it was him who was ugly, so he still carried the ugly pot of his son.


Lin Lan stayed in her family for two nights, and then took Sanwang Xiaowang and Xiaoxin to Lin Mei's house for two days. Han Qingsong and his two sons first went to Lin's house, followed by mother and son, and then the family went to Lin Mei's house as guests.

Zheng Yaozu, mother and son, are the happiest. Zheng Yaozu can't wait to go to the county to take a photo of the family.

Lin Mei also discussed with Lin Lan, "Let's just let them admit their mistakes and apologize, but don't want the money. Or you can keep it for Xiaowang's treatment."

Lin Lan smiled and said: "This should be paid to you. We saved the money for Xiaowang's medical treatment. And his father is not a cadre, and his comrades are in the provincial capital, waiting for us to treat Xiaowang. , It is possible to reduce or exempt most of it, and it will be enough for your own travel expenses and future medical expenses."

Lin Lan kept this in mind, and chatted with Han Qingsong from time to time. Han Qingsong also took it seriously and wrote to his comrades a long time ago. They helped with inquiries, contacted the hospital, the doctor, and inquired about medical welfare.

Lin Mei was relieved to see that she had arrangements.

Although she likes to make money in business, sometimes she blushes with people for a penny and a dime business. But it was earned by one's own efforts and deserved it, not for coveting other people's money. Like the money from the old Tang family, she felt that she was holding it a little, and she felt like she would bite if she was uneasy.

"Orchid flower, if I give the money to my parents, will you be angry?"

Lin Lan laughed, "What am I angry about? You lost it and burned that is your idea, I don't care. We were out of anger, so we taught them a lesson, and even if the old Tang family asked for money, it was to make them suffer. Long memory."

When Lin Mei thought about it, she gave the money to her parents. Whether they gave it to the second brother Lin or quietly returned it to the old Tang family, they decided to go.

Although Lao Lintou has a lot of problems, he is very self-aware. It is not his own money that he can't ask for, bit his hand!

In the end, Mrs. Lin thought of a way and waited for the wheat harvest to take a look. If Tang Hehua really worked hard, the old Tang family would really come to help, and slowly return the money to them.

On the ninth day of the ninth day, the children went to Lin Lan's house again, and Xiaoxin followed Laixi. He brought a small can of lard to the fourth aunt, saying that his grandfather gave it.

When she stayed at Qiaoqiao to be a good man in the evening, she also left Xiaoxin for a few days, so that he could get close to Sanwang and take care of minor problems.

Xiaoxin was 8 years old, and it was when the non-sticky mother liked to go wild with children, there was no problem leaving Tang Hehua. In the end, I had fun like a good man, wishing to live in Sigu's house, because Sigu's house was so fun!

The fifteenth day of the first lunar month is to go to relatives. After the fifteenth, the first lunar month will be counted and busy.

In the morning, Lin Lan took the children to make glutinous rice **** and Yuanxiao, and gave them a full meal, and then sent Dawang to send Xiaoxin, and Erwang to send Hao Nan He Qiaoqiao.

Mai Sui went to find the girls to play, San Wang also led Xiao Wang out to play, and Lin Lan himself was left at home in an instant.

Without the chirping children, there is no need to be busy, shouting in a loud voice, Lin Lan suddenly feels a little uncomfortable.

I am most afraid of the sudden freezing of the air.

She stood in the hall for a moment and forgot what she was doing. She was a little confused. Damn, didn't she want to have dementia in advance?

No, this is a holiday syndrome. The excitement and excitement suddenly disappeared, which made her feel a little uncomfortable and felt very disappointed and empty in her heart. She had this problem in her last life and liked to have fun with her girlfriends and friends, but as soon as the holidays were over, everyone returned to their own lives and suddenly quieted down, she would be at a loss for a moment, nostalgic.

Sometimes it's all about crying, but now she has a warm home and doesn't need to cry alone.

It was inevitable that she was a little bit hypocritical, and she couldn't help but complain about herself.

It happened that Han Qingsong came back from Han Yongfang's house and saw Lin Lan standing in a daze when she entered the door. Her dazed look made her originally clear eyes covered with a layer of gauze mist, concealing the cascading stars, confused and sad.


Han Qingsong didn't understand how she could be like this, she would be fine at that time in the morning.

He strode into the room, took her into his arms, and touched her head, "What's the matter?"

Lin Lan hugged his waist tightly, pressed her face to his chest, and shook her head, but her voice was a little wet, "Nothing." The lost heart had been filled, and the emotions of the fall would be full, and she would no longer be sad.

He lifted her chin and stared at the wet corners of her eyes, "No?"

She laughed embarrassedly, but squeezed a tear from her eyes and slid down her cheeks.

She just wanted to wipe it off, but he lowered his head to **** away the teardrop, and then kissed her passionately, giving her no room for avoidance, squeezing the sadness and hypocrisy in her heart into bubbles and disappearing.

"Three, three brothers..." Lin Lan was panting, trying to remind him that in broad daylight, beware of someone coming over.

Han Qingsong refused to stop, "...Hmm."

He just wanted to keep kissing her, so that she was weak and soft in his arms, and her cheeks were as delicate as a rose, and her skin was warm and intoxicating.

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Strict Wife of the Seventies Manages the Household Chapter 100: look down
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Chapter 100

As soon as the first month is over, spring is gentle, and the vitality of the winter is ready to go. The children are more sensitive than the shoots of the treetops, and they want to rush out of the field and play wildly.

After eating the Qingming Tournament, the children look forward to eating zongzi during the Dragon Boat Festival.

It was the wheat harvest season, and Han Qingsong, as usual, helped the summer harvest earn work points at home. In order to encourage the rush to harvest the production team and provide the members with more work, Han Qingsong took Dawang Erwang to the field before dawn, and delivered breakfast and lunch with Maisui and Sanwang. In this way, he could earn two or three people's work points alone, so Lin Lan was not allowed to go to the ground.

When it was dark on the Dragon Boat Festival, Lin Lan followed Han Qingsong to get up. She took out the sachet she made and fastened it to his belt, "It's the festival today. Let's go to work after breakfast."

Han Qingsong looked at the sachet and felt a little entangled, "If you cut the wheat in the morning, you should go early, let the girl deliver breakfast, and come back to eat at noon." He hugged her, bowed his head and kissed her on the lips, which provoke her. Take a look at him.

The sachet was sewn by Lin Lan with a red cloth head. It contained the fragrant medicine bought by the commune, as well as the moxa and wild chrysanthemums that he dried in his own home. Wearing sachets on Dragon Boat Festival was a custom in Lin Lan's previous life. , Now it should be a scene.

Lin Lan fastened it and patted his waist with satisfaction, "I will eat rice dumplings at noon and come back after work."

She heard Dawang and Erwang get up, and rushed out happily carrying the basket, "Elder son, don't leave."

She took a sachet and hung it around Dawang's neck.

Dawang was so scared that he immediately avoided, "What?"

Lin Lan smiled and said: "Wear a sachet during the Dragon Boat Festival to ward off evil spirits. Good deed, your father brings them all."

Dawang originally wanted to escape, when Han Qingsong came out of the house, the big red sachet at his waist was dazzling.

Dawang: "..."

He was glanced at by Han Qingsong, his legs were filled with lead, and he had to let Lin Lan fiddle with.

Erwang endured a smile, and couldn't bear to see his eldest brother in so much pain, "Mother, you might as well use a needle to pin the eldest brother on the waist of his pants." The shirt was covered with others invisible.

Lin Lan: "The laundry will have to be taken down that night. By the way..." She smiled and said, "Tie it on the buttonhole, so it won't hurt." She was panicked with sweat on her neck.

Dawang resignedly let her play around, after all, Dad was wearing it too.

Erwang was very cooperative, and he took it to tie one, "Mother, I feel refreshed as soon as I put it on!"

Lin Lan patted him, "Second brother gives me the most face, so good."

The father and son went out.

Dawang untied the red sachet in silence, and immediately felt the attention from his father. He put it in his pocket expressionlessly, "It's all right on the body anyway."

Han Qingsong thought it was okay, so he untied it and put it in his trouser pocket.

Erwang watched it happily, "I think it's good. I want to popularize it with others and let them wear it too."

After they left, Lin Lan was not in a hurry to call the remaining children. In summer, the children were tired and let them sleep a little longer.

She fed the chickens and ducks first, and then tied the calamus and mugwort that the children cut back yesterday with straw ropes and tied them to the gate and the door of the house respectively.

At this time Maisui and Sanwang also got up, and they took the initiative to put on the sachets given by Lin Lan. With the ears of wheat tied to the placket, Sanwang picked three small gourds and hung them directly around his neck. Sanwang went to the vegetable garden to help Lin Lan pick the early-growing green vegetables, and picked up the insects by the way. When Han Qingsong came back in the evening, he would water the vegetable field.

Lin Lan asked Mai Sui to cook breakfast, and boiled a dozen salted duck eggs in the pickle jar by the way. She took the meat ticket issued by Han Qingsong and ran to the commune slaughter team by bicycle, and found Tang Lao Ya's son to buy one. A catty of pork belly, a little pig offal, and some pig bones.

When I got home, Maisui had already made breakfast and prepared all the reed leaves. The glutinous rice had been soaked through last night, and I found big red dates, chixiaodou, sesame and so on.

"The girl's hands and feet are really swift." Lin Lan praised the wheat ears, and filled enough dihe noodle cakes and wowotou with small dumplings, topped with stewed sauce and stewed eggs and other dishes, and then filled a bowl of salt water for blanching. Small green vegetables mixed with lard, and finally a can of egg drop soup. In summer, I sweat a lot at work, and egg drop soup can also add salt to the nutrition, so it is very suitable to drink at this time.

Mai Sui and San Wang went to the field to deliver food.

Sitting at the table peeling duck eggs with a bunch of red gourds hanging around Xiaowang's neck, he carefully followed the bowl for fear of wasting the egg and butter, humming his own small tune, and patted himself with his little feet. "Taro? NONONO, potatoes! Big Lantern Festival, Big Zongzi, would you like moon cakes? No, can you have a bowl of dumplings? No no, I will give you a taste of the spicy ones at most..."

Lin Lan couldn't help but laugh at it, Sanwang made up, Xiaowang took it seriously, no matter what, he could sing deliciously.

The marinated duck eggs made at home are specially processed by Lin Lan, with white wine and so on. The marinated duck eggs run into oil one by one.

Xiaowang's fingers were covered with egg butter, and he didn't dare to hold his glasses when he fell down. He only tilted his head and tried to rub his shoulders up.

Lin Lan went to help him put the glasses on and kissed his forehead, "When the little boy is two years older, my parents will take you to the operation, so you don't need to wear glasses."

Xiao Wang leaned his head in Lin Lan's hands, very happy.

Lin Lan: "Mother, go and cut the big meat, let's pack big meat and egg yolk dumplings."

Last year, the materials were insufficient, and only a few red dates and red beans were included for the occasion. This year, I will have a good meal at home.

In the north, at this time, either wealthy people or city people buy ready-made zongzi. The local villagers are "not as good as dumplings" all year round. There is nothing good that can be celebrated with a meal of dumplings. If it is not, then two meals .

The children of Lin Lan's family have developed a habit of eating Lantern Festival on the 15th day of the first lunar month, spring rolls on February 2nd, fried beans on March 3rd, Qingming Tuan on Ching Ming Festival, and Zongzi on Dragon Boat Festival. Especially looking forward to.

Lin Lan cut the meat, marinated it with a little salt, and tidied up the vegetables in the yard, and waited for Mai Sui and Sanwang to come back for breakfast.

After the meal, Lin Lan taught the children to make zongzi. Maisui would be good at learning, and Sanwang would be bad as soon as he learned, and the zongzi would fall apart before the package was completed.

Sanwang: "...This thing bullies people!" He obviously followed the mother's method, and it was not wrong at all! Why did that fall apart?

Xiao Wang, who was a little kid, made small dumplings, and he muttered: "Twist and twist, twist a small pocket, put on fat rice, feed a jujube, twist and twist, wear new clothes and wrap a big quilt, and wrap it into a small pillow , Huh~" He kissed the zongzi and asked Lin Lan to help tie it up. A small zongzi would be fine.

Sanwang poked curiously, not falling apart, and poked again, well, "Hey, Brother Xiaowang, you can do it."

Xiaowang proudly said: "That is."

"Why did mine fall apart?" Sanwang scratched his flat head.

Xiao Wang's long eyelashes flickered, and the big sullen eyes were full of stars, "That's because..."


"You have to have love!" Xiaowang held a zongye, "Dear Ye Zi, thank you," and then began to twist the set.

Sanwang: "..." After thinking about it, he started to sing, dear Ye Ye, so that Lin Lan and Mai Sui got goose bumps.

Maisui rubbed his arms, "Oh, don't sing, the goose bumps have fallen into the dumplings."

I don't know why, Xiaowang sang very warmly and cutely, and it was weird in Sanwang's mouth.

Sanwang raised his throat as soon as he heard it, "This zongzi is unusual, it's tricky and slippery, something is hidden in its belly! Come on, I'll strip you... Strip it... Let you play slippery, let you hide the traitor... ..."

Lin Lan looked at him in horror.

Sanwang: "Haha, I'll wait to eat."

Lin Lan couldn't laugh or cry, "Well, we're starting to wrap meat and egg yolks. This one needs to be bigger."

Because there is meat and egg yolk, the rice dumplings should also be slightly larger.

Xiaowang: "Mother, don't forget to pack chili peppers for your eldest brother."

Sanwang and Maisui laughed, Lin Lan was helpless.

Da Wang didn't eat spicy food when he was young. Later, when Lin Lan promoted, she saw that the chilli peppers from the Yongxing brigade were good, so she brought some back. At the beginning, she fried some chili oil and made some chopped peppers. She and Han Qingsong adjusted the taste, but Han Qingsong didn't like it very much, but Da Wang fell in love with it. He likes it more this summer, and it's nothing hot and unpleasant.

In order for her elder son to like spicy food, Lin Lan is willing to go to the Yongxing brigade to promote her, bringing back chili to make chili sauce, fried chili oil, roasted chili pepper, ground chili powder, pickled spicy vegetables, and pickled chili kimchi. All kinds of tricks have changed.

People who grow chili in Yongxing brigade don't necessarily know how to eat it.

It takes at least an hour to cook the rice dumplings after wrapping the wheat ears on the fire. After half an hour, the scent of the rice dumplings will float far away.

After Sanwang was finished, he carried the basket and led Xiaowang out to mow the grass. When the basket of grass was cut back, they saw others sniffing and asking: "What's so fragrant?"

Sanwang smiled triumphantly.

"Sanwang, what does your family do so delicious?"

Xiaowang smiled and said, "My mother and sister are cooking rice dumplings."

"Zongzi?" Some people have heard of it and haven't seen it before, and some have never heard of it. What is a zongzi?

Especially some children are greedy and drooling. The scent of this zongzi is too unique. There are rice mixed with the fragrance of reed leaves, and the sweet fragrance of dates, and there is a meaty fragrance. What is going on?

Sanwang Xiaozui told people how to soak rice, how to pack, how to... if you prepare reed leaves, how to pack it, I will say.

Everyone can get Weiye, but glutinous rice blocks everyone's way. They don't have rice, so how about glutinous rice? Can Xiaomi work? No, it's too loose and not sticky. Someone's brains are active, "Let's use large yellow rice for buns." Large yellow rice is also a kind of sticky rice. Northerners use it to make yellow rice cakes. People who have never eaten glutinous rice also find it very delicious.

Of course, yellow rice is not as sticky and sticky as glutinous rice. It tastes very different, but it is also a comfort to the members who lack food and clothing, especially the children who have no fresh food.

It's just that making rice dumplings is not that easy. Some people go to Lin Lan's family to learn from them. The result can be imagined in the end, that is a pot of big yellow rice, reed leaves and a few red dates porridge, hahaha.

When wheat ears cook rice dumplings, someone who has a good relationship sends their children to give dumplings.

After the rice dumplings were cooked, Lin Lan asked her children to give the two close friends a taste of the rice dumplings.

In Sanwang's words: "Eating zongzi during the Dragon Boat Festival, it doesn't matter if Duanliu doesn't eat zongzi, let them have a taste."

At noon, Han Qingsong, Dawang, and Erwang came back from the outside. As soon as they entered the door, they smelled the scent of rice dumplings, and even people like Han Qingsong who did not have a heavy appetite moved their index fingers.

Lin Lan laughed with him: "My third brother is hungry, so I'm going to wash and eat quickly." Naturally, he was hungry quickly when he did hard work.

It's hot in summer, and the children are eating under the gate to keep them cool. A gate is open, and the wind through the hall is very cool. Before the meal is served, bring a few squash melons with water from the well to serve as fruit after the meal.

Originally, Lin Lan thought that the children would prefer the sweet rice dumplings, but when the children tasted the big meat and egg yolk dumplings, they all expressed their desire to eat salty rice dumplings.

Han Qingsong doesn't matter. Children don't like sweet rice dumplings, so he eats sweet ones. Anyway, there are pickles and stewed sauce on the table. He is not picky about eating both sweet and salty.

Lin Lan also prepared a bowl of chili ingredients for Dawang, which contained chopped peppers and pickled peppers, and added a little light soy sauce to make him sticky rice dumplings. Seeing the elder son's eyes glowing when he eats, she knows that it suits his taste.

The meat dumplings are big, Lin Lan and Maisui are full.

Sanwang and Xiaowang each carried a big dumpling, meat and egg yolk, the dumpling was like a small pillow, and both of them squinted their eyes.

Xiao Wang pursed his greasy little mouth, "Brother Brother, you like sweets, why don't you like sweet rice dumplings?"

Sanwang: "I think the big meat, egg yolk and zongzi are the perfect match, and it's more fragrant! Those without meat have to eat jujube and red beans, hahaha." He glanced at Dawang and quietly said to Xiaowang: "You What does it taste like to eat rice dumplings with chili"

Xiao Wang shook his head, "Ask Big Brother?"

Dawang was eating while dipping, and even thought it wasn't enough to pick it up and take a sip. Seeing how his elder brother was eating chili, Xiao Wang said that his tongue was spicy. The pepper is so powerful, the eldest brother is not afraid at all, the eldest brother is simply too powerful!

Sanwang suddenly thought: "I don't know what the taste of dipping garlic in."

Mai Sui quickly said: "There is no mashed garlic, and it's not eating dumplings."

Sanwang held a big dumpling and smiled: "Do you think this is just a Dragon Boat Festival dumpling?"

Mai Sui smiled and slapped him, "You just peel it, and if you have the ability, just chili!"

Sanwang immediately picked up a pickled pepper and handed it to Xiaowang. He smirked, "Brother Xiaowang, it's not spicy at all, it's sweet. You can try it."

Xiao Wang's eyes were round suddenly, and his head shook like a rattle, "Take it away, I don't want it! Chili is not friendly, it's not gentle!"

Sanwang began to talk vividly about the funny stories about the time they ate chili.

That time, my mother took back a few fresh peppers and washed them and put them on the table.

The eldest brother picked up one, chewed it in his mouth, and swallowed it.

Erwang asked: "Brother, isn't it spicy?"

Dawang shook his head, "It's not spicy."

Erwang also took one, tasted it, and put it back.

Sanwang asked: "Second brother, isn't it spicy?"

Erwang smiled, "It's not spicy, it's sweet."

Sanwang picked up one decisively, took a big bite boldly... and then bared his teeth and stared.

Xiaowang asked curiously: "Little brother, what's the smell?"

Sanwang stared at the beads, chewed, chewed, stretched his neck and swallowed: "It's delicious!"

Xiao Wang was very curious. He picked it up and chewed it like a cucumber. At first, it didn't feel much. The water was sweet... a few seconds... Damn! Dead dead dead dead... so spicy! It was so spicy that the tip of his tongue was numb, and tears flowed out uncontrollably.

"It's too hot, the pepper is too hot...it's not tender..."

Only then did Sanwang stretch out his tongue while fanning and breathe, it's so spicy, it's so spicy... I used to listen to the radio and said that I filled it with chili water, but I didn't realize it. Now I know what the taste of chili is.

Although everyone knows, after listening to Sanwang, he still couldn't laugh.

Although the wheat harvest is not long, but the labor intensity is high, Han Qingsong and the children do not let Lin Lan go to the ground, so she thinks about how to change the tricks to supplement the health of the family. Doing physical work, this morning meal is more important. Lin Lan wants to make the breakfast richer. Don't use porridge or distilled pancakes all day long.

She found two idle and useless small stone mills in the brigade field. She found that this small mill was not used for grinding grain, and it was good for daily soy milk grinding. Grind some soy milk in the morning, you can boil soy milk and drink it, and you can also order tofu. When the farm is busy, the brigade will also grind tofu in order to improve the food. The brine is prepared, and she can do what she wants.

In the evening, Han Qingsong went to the brigade to apply and took the two of them to install Xiao Mo on the open space near his home.

Lin Lan soaked soybeans that night, and instructed Han Qingsong to bring her two sons back for breakfast the next morning, and let Mai Sui and Sanwang go to grind.

The two children were grinding, Lin Lan made pancakes at home, and lavishly fried a few deep-fried dough sticks to relieve the children's greed.

Add some radish dregs to the remaining bean dregs to make small tofu. The small tofu has a bean odor. Lin Lan uses lard to stir-fry. In order to take care of Dawang's taste, she also stirs up a portion of chili.

At half past seven, Han Qingsong and Dawang Erwang went home for breakfast. They smelled the fragrant pancakes from afar, and the father and son sped up their pace in unison.

On the table is a hearty breakfast, stewed eggs, hot vegetables, rich soy milk, a small bowl of tofu, a bowl of loosely fried small tofu, golden fried dough sticks, pancakes...

Lin Lan greeted them: "All have to wash and eat."

She served soy milk and tofu brains for everyone, and brought sugar over here.

The soy milk from the stone mill is fine and smooth, with the unique taste of the stone mill. With a spoonful of sugar, it is sweet and smooth. Soaked with oil cakes and fritters, it is also a perfect match.

Lin Lan made a big bowl for Han Qingsong like this. He ate very fragrant and well-behaved, but the children began to play tricks.

Dawang gets a bowl of spicy peppers and dips them in deep-fried dough sticks! After eating, put a large spoonful of tofu in, mix it, and eat it so spicy.

Lin Lan: "..." Brother Dawang, you can do it.

Maisui and Erwang are also normal, soy milk is sweet, and tofu brains are added with pickles and soy sauce, and they are delicious.

She watched Sanwang scooping sugar again, "Little brother, your soy milk is sweet enough."

Sanwang: "Mother, I eat tofu brain."

Lin Lan watched him pour a spoonful of sugar into the tofu head, mix it, and eat it.

Lin Lan felt something hit.

Sanwang also asked Xiaowang to taste it, Xiaowang tasted it slightly, and then revealed the appearance that I was about to be poisoned, saying that it was not delicious.

Xiaowang asked Lin Lan to give him a bowl of salted tofu. After eating it, he didn't enjoy it, and he poured a spoon of soy milk, "Wow, salty soy milk is better than sweet! Little brother, you taste it!"

Sanwang looked at the color, his mouth grinning, "Uh... I don't want to try it."

Xiao Wang took a piece of fried dough stick and dipped it in, huh? It's more delicious! Then I saw that there was soy sauce in the plate, and dipped it again, "Wow, it's delicious! You tiao dipped in soy sauce, a perfect match!"

Sanwang saw that he was telling the truth, and tasted it, "...you can eat it yourself. My tofu brain is still delicious."

The brothers debated, sweet soy milk and salty soy milk, sweet tofu brains, salty tofu brains, fried dough sticks dipped in soy sauce and white sugar...

When Xiao Wang got older, he also began to express his own opinions, not being led by the nose casually. It is estimated that it is largely due to the shadow of eating chili, and you can't just eat it as you say it's delicious.

In the end, the two little brothers showed each other a kind of, you are actually such a brother/brother's eyes, you almost laughed at Lin Lan.

However, the two brothers are very good at seeking common ground while reserving differences. They quickly forgive each other, saying that although I don't approve of your taste, I still like you very much. They shake hands and make peace after a meal, and talk about midday.

After eating dinner, Lin Lan asked everyone to take a nap to relieve fatigue. When the farmer is busy, he must combine work and rest, otherwise he will be weak when working in the afternoon.

Several elders listened to her, but Sanwang never took a nap. In his words, "I sleep for so long at night and still sleep during the day, but it's my life to fall asleep!"

So he doesn't take a nap. He takes Xiao Wang and the first few children of Lice, sticks up, picks up wheat ears, mows the grass, swims, and does everything but does not take a nap. Anyway, he can't noisy others to rest.

Xiaowang didn't have as much energy as him, but he also liked to follow him in and out. Sanwang took him to sleep outside in the shade of the trees. He put his waistcoat on Xiaowang's stomach and a straw hat on his head, and went shirtless to pick up wheat ears in the field.

In the fields where the wheat has been harvested, there are always some that are left behind. They are picked up and sent to the team for work points. Sometimes the production team will give them a part in order to encourage the children to work.

Two days later, I gave Lin Lan a basket of honey apricots. His grandmother's family has Xingzilin. Starting this year, I will distribute more to the members. Sister Lin got a basket, so she asked the children to give some to several aunts. Have a taste.

Laixi told Lin Lan by the way that the third brother of the old Tang family and the old Qi came to help collect wheat for two days to earn work points. Because of their help, the production team completed the task ahead of schedule that day, and the wheat was not caught in the rain. This year, the two brothers Lin and Tang Hehua are also able to harvest wheat than in previous years, and Xiaoxin is also quite good.

Tang Laoya really sent the old woman to weaving, just because the wheat harvest Zhengjiazhuang weaving station was not enough, and he also recruited people from other villages. Tang Laoya sent the old woman off, and asked her to stare at her, so that she could weave the cloth and not to hook up with the three aunts and six women.

Lin Lan only wanted to vent her anger to the third sister, and by the way, teach her younger brother and younger siblings to let them stop living. Unexpectedly, not only the younger brother and couple will improve, but the old lady Tang will also be punished, so she can no longer hide behind her and do bad things secretly. She felt so satisfied.

Although the wheat harvest is busy and tiring, the time is short. After the wheat harvest, the members can relax again. The publicity team performs a program and the children go to school.

Entering the midsummer June, I know the neighing, and the green shade turns to the ground.

The members were more relaxed, and the propaganda team of Lin Lan and others got busy again. The teams also found that once they tasted the sweetness they couldn't stop. You can live without publicity. Now there is a publicity team. If you don't invite two days of publicity during the slack, the members will be in a state of lack of energy.

Listening to publicity is more fanatic than listening to dramas in the past!

When the children were resting, Lin Lan brought Sanwang and Xiaowang to guest appearances. Now Yanyan has gone to the Linmei brigade to weave, so the propaganda team does not have a fixed small propaganda officer. They are all Lin Lan children or from the school. Students help.

On this day, Lin Lan, Dong Huaihua, and Liu Chuncai went to the Yongxing Brigade to promote. The place where the performance was promoted was the yard of the brigade. When Liu Chuncai and others performed, Lin Lan sat on a small bench below while picking chili peppers while watching the performance, and chatted with the members by the way.

These members like her very much.

Especially the young teacher Lu Changwei, a few members who have gone to school, and a few educated youths, every time she comes to promote, they will take the initiative to chat with her.

While talking, the secretary Ren Hongxia came over. She was the captain of the militia when she was young. Now she keeps the head of a female cadre, wears a white-washed military uniform, wears a belt in summer, and is habitually equipped with an empty gun. Lin Lan said hello.

Lin Lan felt that Ren Hongxia was just like the chilli peppers of their brigade, with a fiery atmosphere and extremely enthusiastic.

"Captain Lin!" Ren Hongxia saw Lin Lan strode over immediately and stretched out her hand after a long distance.

Lin Lan's expression changed in fright, and she quickly picked up a bunch of peppers and smiled with Ren Hongxia: "Chancellor Ren, you guys are good peppers."

Ren Hongxia's hand was very vigorous, and every time she shook Lin Lan's small hand for three minutes, Lin Lan's hand was numb for a long time after shaking hands! So Lin Lan was very scared, and could not shake hands without shaking hands. Anyway, she is very familiar now.

Ren Hongxia laughed, "You like it, do you like to take more, our peppers are very hot." She saw that Lin Lan was holding a lot of peppers and couldn't shake hands, and she regretfully rubbed her hands on her pants.

Lin Lan: "Thank you Party Secretary Ren. In addition to the task of drying peppers for the supply and marketing community, do we do anything else?"

She got acquainted with Ren Hongxia and understood her temper. Although some of them were on the line, they actually got along very well.

Hearing that, Ren Hongxia frowned and said earnestly, "Comrade Lin Lan, I know what you are, you are a good advanced comrade, and you will not take the initiative to do any sideline business."

Lin Lan nodded immediately, "If you don't do it, you can get some sideline jobs in the brigade, and the members will also improve. For example, make a hot sauce and soak pickled peppers?" Yongxing brigade's chili is good, at least better than Shanzui Village's. It may be a water and soil problem. Therefore, Lin Lan doesn't grow her own, but eats their brigade.

Ren Hongxia: "Comrade Lin Lan, we must maintain the true qualities of the proletariat, the poor and the lower middle peasants. The pepper is the pepper. Don't follow the bourgeois revisionist accent." She patted Lin Lan on the shoulder and almost sat on the ground. , Smoked the corners of his mouth.

Lu Changwei on the side smiled and relieved Lin Lan, "With the leadership of the party secretary, the pepper is the pepper that can't be turned into eggplant. It must be more delicious when made into chili sauce."

Ren Hongxia laughed, "Lin Lan is a good comrade, you need to communicate more and invite her to communicate more."

Lu Changwei nodded, and began to help Lin Lan pick peppers. At this time, the peppers were not mature in large areas. Most of the peppers received were bitten by insects and needed to be selected.

Ren Hongxia squatted down to talk to Lin Lan about issues such as adversity, bourgeoisie, revisionism, etc. She spoke loudly, her voice was tuned and frustrated, and she had a standard meeting cadre style.

Lin Lan: "..." Party secretary, I was wrong. I just don't want to shake your hand and have nothing to do with you. I don't dare to trick you into imitating the old godmother anymore. Please let me go.

Lu Changwei smiled when she saw that she was unlovable, and when Ren Hongxia said a paragraph, she repeatedly agreed, and took the opportunity to change the subject, "The branch secretary, is it true about the Workers' Peasants and Soldiers University? Our brigade these educated youths Can you sign up?"

Ren Hongxia: "Well... I have to read the documents carefully. I see that there are age restrictions, maybe a teenager. Anyway, if you get married, you will not let you go, and you will have to return to your original unit after studying."

No matter what the original intentions and regulations are, from the central to the local level, the documents are communicated layer by layer, and finally reach the most basic unit of the brigade, the requirements and instructions will be understood beyond recognition.

Ren Hongxia thinks that it may be to make up for the loss of non-admissions in the university in the past few years. It is estimated that it has been recommended in the past few years since 1966. It is almost 16 or 17 to early 20s.

Lin Lan looked at Lu Changwei, "Teacher Lu has a chance to sign up."

She can divert the subject and not talk about ideological and political classes. Although she is engaged in propaganda and likes to brainwash the members and children, she must not hold her ears.

Ren Hongxia looked at them and shook her head, "I also received the documents last year. It was useless at all. The application form didn't go to the commune, and the county reported enough."

Last year, the Lin Lan brigade did not say anything. It is estimated that Han Yongfang didn't mention it when he knew it was useless, so as not to let the sentimental youths' hearts fluctuate.

"This year it is said that every commune has quotas, and the party secretary should help us find out." Lu Changwei is a teacher in the commune's junior high school, and the information is relatively well-informed.

Ren Hongxia was opened up by Lu Changwei, and she also talked about the brigade's application to the Workers' Peasants and Soldiers University.

Naturally, not everyone can sign up. At least one must have read a book at least at a junior high school or high school level. Therefore, the communes and brigade registrations are basically prepared for educated youths and students who have studied. Those who have not studied do not need to think about it, and they have no interest.

Last year was the first year, and the number of places was limited. Outstanding and advanced workers were selected from the army and factories. It was not the turn of the country communes.

Since there are places this year, I will definitely be able to register, but the review is estimated to be very strict.

If you want to register, go to the brigade to lead the form. The brigade reviews the first step. The most important thing is family composition, followed by age, health, and knowledge. Then fill in the application form, and then send it to the commune. The commune will review the second step, and the county revolutionary committee will conduct the third review, and finally the university review.

Ren Hongxia was talking about it, and when someone came to her, she immediately got up and said, "Comrade Lin Lan, we will talk later." After that, she left in a rush.

Lin Lan breathed a sigh of relief.

Lu Changwei looked at her and smiled, "Captain Lin has never been to school, but he can learn to the current level. It is better than us students who go to school. You should go to university."

Lin Lan shook her head, "No, I have many children when I'm older, so I don't have enough qualifications." And she has graduated from graduate school and doesn't need to study again.

"Actually, it's not impossible. Last year, the requirements were very strict. This year it will be much more relaxed. I heard that many comrades in the city also signed up for marriage and childbirth. ."

Lin Lan squeezed a chili, "Teacher Lu, you have something to say." Could it be a hint?

Lu Changwei hurriedly waved his hand, "Don't dare to make a mistake, Captain Lin misunderstood. I just said that my own understanding is that this kind of university is not as strict as the previous serious university, and to be honest, I can't learn too much. I learned about it last year. Just one year, various activities, labor, training, and the study time is pitifully short. To put it bluntly, just go to gilding. After all, no test depends on recommendation. There is no unified standard. How to recommend is not at all levels. The unit has the final say? Haha, after all..."

He didn't finish, but Lin Lan understood his subtext, it was just a trifle.

She couldn't help but look at him very seriously. She didn't expect him to have such insights. It seems that he also has a deep understanding of the grassroots.

If you look into it carefully, you will basically be innocent for two days by recommending cadres or college students, and within a few days it will become a means of income-generating. This brigade is innocent, and the other brigade may not be innocent, and there are also communes.

After all, even if the review is rigorous, there are so many qualified ones. There are only a few places. Who will sign up? In addition to evaluating advanced, naturally there will be some other means.

Lu Changwei did not shy away from her gaze, and smiled, "I'm not afraid that Captain Lin said that I have a lot of ideas. You think Director Han is in that position. It is not difficult to get a place from the commune. Instead of asking outsiders, It's better to use it yourself, isn't it better?"

Lin Lan sternly said: "Our Director Han never does this kind of thing."

Lu Changwei hurriedly raised his hand to apologize, "Don't worry about Captain Lin, I just talked about it, purely for your sake. It would be a pity not to go to further studies for you with such a strong learning ability. After all..." He smiled and said nothing more. , "Your team member calls you."

Lin Lan turned her head and saw Liu Chuncai beckoning to her, she went over and took a look.

After she finished talking with Liu Chun, she was immediately surrounded by several people. They enthusiastically asked her questions, complimented her, and praised her for doing well.

One of the female educated youths is called Yu Xin, with two long braids, pointed chin and peach eyes, and her voice is very sweet, "Captain Lin, your publicity program is really good. We have never been in school without your mind."

"We tried to help write a few shows, but we were all embarrassed to show them."

Although Lin Lan thought it was strange that they were suddenly so enthusiastic, but since she was talking about work, she didn't refuse to resign, so she helped them take a look.

Lin Lan watched their program, which was too serious, dry, and standard model play.

She gave a few professional suggestions, "In fact, there are no tricks. The people have no culture. Observe them more and use their language."

Seeing that it was almost time, Lin Lan and the others packed up and prepared to go back.

Hearing that she was leaving, Ren Hongxia stopped her work to send her off, and asked her to install a pocket of chili peppers.

Lin Lan: "...you are too polite, the party secretary, just a little bit enough to eat." She picked a small pile, enough.

Ren Hongxia didn't care, "It's enough, of course, it's enough." She asked Liu Chuncai to carry it on her back, "Captain Lin, it's only two days since we came to our brigade, and we will come again in a few days."

Now all major teams are proud to invite Lin Lan and the others, and they all compare with each other.

After Lin Lan and others leave.

Several educated youths gathered together and muttered, "Where do you say she is confident? I haven't studied before, so I am ashamed to point us to it?"

"That's right, look at the slogan she wrote and simplified characters. I'm afraid that she won't be able to write correct characters."

"Isn't it because her man is the chief, or if she doesn't go through the back door, it's her turn to engage in propaganda?"

"I heard from people in their village that she was lazy and greedy in the village, but she was overbearing."

"It's terribly dirty. I have known chili peppers all day long. I guess there is no real thing in my mind except for eating. Anyway, I haven't seen her write poems."

Yu Xin can write poems, and she shows Lin Lan her own things to a talented girl. She wanted to surprise Lin Lan, so she could let Lin Lan take advantage of the opportunity to have a good relationship. I don't know that Lin Lan foolishly didn't understand, and actually gave her serious instructions, pooh! A countrywoman who knows peppers without reading, is ashamed to point her to a high school student?

People call her Teacher Lin, she really considers herself a teacher?

Look at her to Midea!

Although they all had the intention to please Lin Lan by the back door and let Han Qingsong help recommend them, they were also wary of comparing each other, so Lin Lan started picking Lin Lan's thorns as soon as he left. It seemed that the harder they were, the more they were not suspected of going through the back door. same.

Lu Changwei was very angry when he heard that they slandered Lin Lan there, especially the way they worshipped Lin Lan so enthusiastically just now, the comparison now is really disgusting.

"Although Comrade Lin Lan has never gone to school, I think she has learned better than you, at least better than you and knows how to be ashamed!"

A few people didn't expect to be heard by Lu Changwei, but they were not afraid of him, "What are you flattering when they are gone? No matter how much you are afraid of flattering other men will not recommend you to college. Haha."

"Naturally, I would not ask someone to go through the back door to ask for recommendations, but you, don't talk bad about someone behind your back, and go back to ask for help and recommendations."

Yu Xin ridiculed: "I said Teacher Lu, you don't have a relationship with her, why are you doing this? Do you mean that to Captain Lin?"

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