Bunch o' smaller stories

Okay so... this book hit 1k reads so on a serious note THANK YOU SO MUCH ASDJKFG-

A classical Wisdom Teeth Surgery thing

Third Person PoV

          To say Patton was excited would be an understatement. His husband had just gotten out of surgery and he knew he'd be practically high. Patton knew that Virgil didn't want to get his wisdom teeth removed, hence him putting it off for seven years."Mr. Sanders?" a nurse called. Patton got up and proceeded to walk into the surgery room. 

          When he got to the room, he saw his husband laying on the operating chair. "Hey honey," Patton cooed, his voice hushed as ever. "Whhaaaaaaa..." Virgil questioned, his voice slurring and graveling. He giggled, sounding loopy as all get out. "Hiiiiiiiiii......" He commented. "Hi, I'm here to take you home." Patton stated, a smile tracing his face. "Whaaa.. who aaare you..?" Virgil asked. Patton chuckled softy, "Sweetie, we're married." Virgil's eyes widened slightly and his eyes searched the room. His voice reached a low hush, "Are you th'ure,"Virgil questioned, a small lisp laced his voice. Patton nodded, "Pretty positive." Virgil's jaw gaped, "Woww...."  

          Two of the nurses helped put Virgil in a wheelchair so he could be rolled to the car. Virgil giggled the whole way there, almost falling out of the chair at one point. When they got to the car, Patton picked him up and placed him in the back seat of his car. 

          "Th'o.. you're my huth'band..?" Virgil asked in his loopy state. 

          "Yes darling, we've been married for a year and a half." 

          Virgil looked out the window in awe, "Wowieeeeeee.." He seemed to have surprised himself with his volume, so he jumped a bit. "Did you hear that a tat TAT huth'band?" Virgil bragged. "Yeah, you're so talented Virge." His husband encouraged from the front seat. "Yeahhhh, damnn right."

I have a legit chapter coming out soon, but I just wanted to thank y'all for 1k reads as soon as I could, so, take it or leave it. I love y'all, drink some water!
