Eight - The return of Sherlock Holmes

Two year time skip.

My eyes widened in horror.
Sherlock Holmes is alive.
The plan FAILED.
Jim is still missing, along with Sebastian and every attempt to contact him has failed miserably.
I rushed into my office, scattering papers and finding nothing to help me figure out what to do.
The plan was to lay low until Jim comes back, but now... now I'll have to fight back.
My phone began ringing and I answered it, not bothering to look at the caller ID.

"Y/N!" John said into the phone and my eyes widened.
Over the past 2 years I've met up with John Watson and we've become 'friends', as he likes to call it.
"He's back. He's alive!" John sounded angry, which honestly surprised me.

"Yeah, I saw it on the news." I said quietly, attempting to come up with a plan.

"I can't believe that bastard had the nerve to show up and ruin my engagement to Mary!" He ranted and I sighed.
"Y/N? Are you ok?" His voice was a lot calmer now.

"No, I'm not. You wanted your best friend back for so long and you've got him back. I understand that you're angry about what he did but don't rant to me about it." I snapped at him, purposely over exaggerating.
"If you have forgotten, Jim is still dead!"

"Y/N I'm sorry..." John mumbled and I hung up, looking for the one file of- gotcha!
I slammed open the file, labelled "If Plan Fails", and desperately looked through it.

"If his death was faked." I mumbled and read the page.
There was a USB stuck to the bottom of the page and I plugged it into my laptop, causing a video link to pop up.

"Y/N..." a picture of Jim came onto the screen. He had a smile on his face, but his eyes were willed with sadness and regret.
"I was really hoping it wouldn't come to this. I'm dead. You would have only found this if Sherlock Holmes never actually killed himself, if it was all a big game. A game of lies."

"No." I whispered to myself and continued watching. I wiped away a stray tear, not wanting to show weakness, not even to myself.

"I want you to do a few things for me. I want you to burn him; torment him and his friends; make him wish he'd died on that rooftop. Then, and only then, will we have completed the plan, the game will be over and you will be Queen of the Castle." I couldn't help but smile and nod my head.
I've always been a Juvenile Genius, it's just time to see how much of an amazing detective Sherlock Holmes really is...

"Mike! Get the car ready!" I shouted and pulled out my phone, closing the laptop and running out of the room.
I held the phone to my ear as I made a call that could change everything.

"Ahh, Hello Y/N. I was wondering when you were going to call me next." I rolled my eyes and smiled at Mike who had started up the car. I got in and focused on the conversation.

"Hello." I sighed, not really wanting his help, but if there was anyone who could do this... it was him.

"You want something?" He questioned and I laughed.

"Of course I want something. You're stuck in my debt and I'm throwing the rope to help you out." I smirked and he sighed followed by the gentle tap of something being put down, more than likely his glasses.

"How can I help?" He sounded frustrated and Mike looked at me expectantly.

"I'll see you very soon." I hung up, leaving him in utter confusion.
"Take me to Charles Mangnussen's place, we have business."
