
MoonShade ran back to BoneStar, "BoneStar!"

The tom looked at her "yes MoonShade?"

The Medicine cat hissed softly "BloodClan are responsible for MoonPaw's mothers death! I recognized the scent by LeopardPelt's body!"

Bonestar looked shocked and angry. Flicking his tail to one side he mewed "this isn't good. Not at all. BloodClan must be planning something....something that'll involve Bloodshed like in the prophecy."

MoonShade nodded quickly "I agree BoneStar! We must plan something or else this end may come."

BoneStar was in thought for a moment "the prophecy. Gazing moon and fiery blue flame, vanquishes the storm through the icy rain. That describes two warriors. But whom are they?"

MoonShade by then was in thought. NightWing? No that doesn't fit. LeopardFrost? Ugh no! What about MoonPaw? Cause it says Gazing moon. And as for firery blue flame it has to be her brst friend BluePaw! Yes! I have it! BluePaw and MoonPaw!

Looking at her leader happily "its BluePaw and Moonpaw BoneStar. Those names fit the prophecy!"

BoneStar stared at her. BluePaw was his daughter and he was shocked to hear her name come up in a prophecy. "Them? But they're only apprentices!"

MoonShade nodded "yes, but they fit the prophecy! They where chosen by StarClan! It has to be them BoneStar."

BoneStar sighed "alright. You have a point. But MoonShade? What will they do? They can't just walk into BloodClan all willy nilly. They'll be torn to pieces!"

MoonShade flicked her tail "that's when the Clans will help. We must join together."
