Chapter 2

Sehun surprisingly came home earlier that day, and seemed to be in a really good mood.
He had even smuggled with Suho after dinner rather than going to his office and told him about how he had finalised a really big deal with one of Sweden's famous industrial companies.
During their snuggle session Suho wanted to tell Sehun about the baby but he wanted that moment to be special and not announced in a random conversation like this.
That night Suho had made Sehun's favourite dinner because Sehun only liked to eat food made of either his mum or Suho's hands. He had only got the cook for Suho . While eating Sehun doesn't even compliment but just shove the food in his mouth because some client ended up emailing him and it was supposedly really important to email him back that minute.
The day drags by slowly for Suho who just spends it locking himself in the bathroom and mesmerising his currently flat tummy every two seconds. The whole pregnancy thing seems surreal to him and he's really elated.
Suho only does come out of the bathroom when he hears faint noises in the bedroom. He finds Sehun getting ready to go to bed and the light has been flicked off.
Sehun is really punctual about everything, he wants to do everything perfectly and on time.
Suho walks over to the bed and gets inside the covers moving close to Sehun and starts running his fingers over his arm.
"What Myeon ?" Sehun speaks in a little harsh tone but Suho tries to ignore it.
"I...I need to tell you something actually." Suho smiles.
"Tell me tomorrow, I need to sleep Jun." Sehun replies in a stern voice.
"But it's something kind of important?"
"Whatever it is, it can wait. I don't want some utter nonsense of yours messing my sleeping schedule, you're not the one who's going to wake up at five in the morning are you? you're going to have a slumber until eleven so let me sleep and you go to sleep as well." Sehun spats.
Suho literally feels hot tears starting to fall down his cheek but sulks them in, he mumbles a 'goodnight' to Sehun who the curly lad doesn't even respond to, before turning to face the other side of the bed and let the tears he's been holding silently fall.
Suho wakes up obviously to find an empty bed like always. He's grown used to it now actually so it doesn't hurt like it used to before.
He sighs looking at the table clock, he's got another day ahead of him and he's just going to spend it watching movies or doing some other hobby of his because apparently, Sehun doesn't let him work because he earns enough that he can provide Suho and their next upcoming seven generations without any problems.
as Suho starts to stretch something catches his eyes. It's a purple sticky note stuck on the nightstand's very far end corner.
'Sorry Myeonie , for being super rude to you last night, I was on call with a client and he kind of pissed me off and I let out all the anger on you, I'm really sorry bunny but to make it up to you I'm going to take you out tonight to your favourite restaurant ok? be ready before seven. I love you S.xx'
The note reads and a smile creeps on Suho's face and he mumbles a 'I love you too' before jumping out of bed and going to the bathroom to freshen up. After he's done with his business it's already two in the afternoon. Blames himself for taking really long baths because he likes to soak his body in water which he calls his 'beauty bath'.
Once he's done with everything he texts Kai asking if he's free and if he could come help him pick an outfit for the dinner tonight.
He thinks about telling Kai about the pregnancy but he wants Sehun to know first-well second because Xiumin already knows.
Once he gets a reply from Kai saying he'll be there around four, Suho throws his phone on the couch and walks to the kitchen to grab something to eat. He had eaten a few (approximately nine) bacon stripes before going to shower but he is still hungry. Graphing whatever he can find he walks to the living room and switches on the television debating on what he should watch until he settles on watching masterchef Korea.
Having no interest in the show whatsoever he still decides to watch it because of food which starts to makes him hungry and hell he texts Kai again asking if he can stop on his way over at dunkin donuts and get him some which Kai gladly agrees to.
The time passes by soon enough when he hears the front door open and his mate Kai walk in carrying two bags from dunkin donuts in his hands. Suho instantly attacks the lad scaring him off a bit and digs into the donuts.
"Gee Jun, slow down eat like a normal person." Kai crinkles his eyes looking at Suho who is currently shoving two donuts in his mouth at once which the cream and sprinkles spreading all over his face.
" Let me eat, I'm so hungry." Suho mumbles with his mouth full spitting out few bits of donuts as well.
"You're not pregnant are you?, because you sure as hell are eating like a pregnant person damn Jun." Kai jokes but Suho just widens his eyes dropping the donut in his hand on the table and tilts his head down biting his bottom lip.
"You're not pregnant are you Jun?" Kai raises his eyebrow because Suho is one of those people who doesn't just shut up when someone passes a remark at Suho as a joke but Suho is one of those people who spit a sassy comeback that instant making the other person shut up.
"Jun?" Kai asks again earning no answer from Suho what as ever.
"OH MY GOD SUHO YOU REALLY ARE PREGNANT!!" and shit, Kai shouldn't be knowing that before Yoongi.
