Chapter 6: Plane Ride Home

Riley's POV~


Me and Alex are on our way to the airport. I was embarrassed when Alex noticed I wet the bed. I have had a problem wetting the bed for years now. I don't know why, I guess it's just the little in me.

30 minutes later and we are at the airport. Alex made me sit in the back for safety reasons and was also currently holding my hand going through the airport. I don't mind though for some reason I like holding her hand. It's probably due to the whole placement test thing. And of course, the fact that I am a little. We made it past airport security and now on the plane new home I guess.

I was happy and nervous during the plane flight. Happy because I took the test and found my caregiver and now I'm going to spend my life with her. Which was a scary concept, going into why I'm nervous. I don't know anything about her and I'm going to be living with her. I know that the government insists we do it because it's going to better our lives or something along those lines. But couldn't we have the first date before we move in together? Talk about u-haul. I was thrown out of my thoughts when I heard a raspy voice in my ear.

"Hey, Riley are you okay." And that's when I notice I was mumbling. I probably look weird just talking to myself like this.

"Oh um, I'm fine," I said wringing my hands together in my lap. She grabs one of my hands in hers and pulled me into her lap.

"It's okay to be nervous baby. This is all new to me too. We can take it as slow as you want. Okay?" She said it so gently that I relaxed a little letting my tension go away a little.

"Can we like get to know each other a little before we get into this?" I said shyly, I could feel my face heat up.

"Sure baby. What do you want to talk about."

We spent the next 2 hours getting to know each other, and honestly, she's not a bad person. I found out she owns a vet and her and her best friend works there. Her name was Sidney and she had a little too his name is Rowan. I started to get more comfortable around her now that I know more about her. Next thing I know I'm yawning and rubbing my eyes.

"Oh, baby girl why don't you go to sleep. I'll wake you up when it's time to go sweetheart." I nodded sleepily loving all the pet names she's calling me. I fell asleep with her caressing my cheek while I laid my head on her shoulder.
1 Hour Later

I woke up to a warm puddle under me and instantly knew I wetted myself napping. I looked next to me and saw the Alex was sleeping. I didn't know what to do Alex was sleeping and I didn't want to wake her. And I sure as heck don't want to walk to the bathroom with a huge wet spot on my pants. So I just stayed in my seat softly crying in my hands. I felt something move in the corner of my eye but didn't dare look too devastated at myself. Why didn't I just accept the pull-up Alex was offering this wouldn't have happened in the first place. But I was too stubborn for my good and I'm now sitting in my pee crying on a plane.

I felt something grabbing my shoulders and pulling me towards it. I didn't want to move from my spot, scared someone would see the spot on my pants. So I started crying louder pushing whatever was trying to pull me towards it. But I stop when I heard a familiar voice and, looked up seeing Alex's concerned face. I was so relieved I practically jumped onto her arms. Not knowing why I would do such a thing to a person I barely knew. But she was right there and I needed her to comfort me.

"Baby girl what's wro-" She noticed the wet spot on my chair and stopped her sentence.

"Oh, honey it was just an accident. Don't cry." She tried to soothe me but I just kept crying. I was wet and uncomfortable and just wanted to be comforted.

"Is my princess feeling nasty? We can't have that let's go get you clean." She tried to get up but I sobbed even louder. Other people are starting to look at us, but I don't care I just didn't want Alex to leave.

"It's okay princess we're just going to get you all cleaned up." Before she picked me up she made sure to wrap her jacket around my waist so the wet spot won't show, and grabbed the bag she had on the floor, and took me to the bathroom still sobbing in her arms.

When we got into the bathroom she leaned down to put me down on the toilet but my gripped on her tightened not wanting to get set down. "Come on baby you have to get yourself cleaned up." I just cried in her chest leaning into her further.

"No," I said not wanting the comfort she gave to me to go away. She just cooed at me and grabbed the things from her bag. She bought out baby wipes, powder, and a pull-up.

She tried again to set me down, but I squirmed and started sobbing harder.

"Honey I have to set you down so I can get these pants off of you." But I wasn't having any of this and continued to cry out louder.

"Riley this behavior will not be tolerated. I'm not repeating myself let me set you down so I can change you." She said in a firm tone, making me let her put me down. Still sniffing about not being in her arms.

"I know your upset right now baby but I need you to cooperate with me so I can make it all better. Now lay down so I can change you." I nodded my head letting her take off my pants, wipe me down, and rubbed the powder on me.

"Stand up princess let's put this pull upon." I did as she says not wanting to be bad and showing her I can be a good girl. I put my right foot in one hole and my left foot in the other. After she was done she put on a new pair of pants on me and picked me up.

"See that wasn't so hard was it." I shook my head and putting in the crook of her neck. She disposed of the diaper put all the things back in the bag. She kissed my cheek and we went back to our seats.

Instead of seating in my seat, I stayed in her arms. She was patting my diapered bottom gently. I started to fall back asleep about to put my thumb in my mouth.

"Ah ah, baby let's not do that." I started whining needing something to suck on. When I felt something on my lips I opened them and find myself sucking on a pacifier Alex put in my mouth. Closing my eyes again I started to fall back to sleep.

"See baby all you need to do is trust that I can take care of you. Everything will be fine."

Still sucking my pacifier, Alex patting her hand rhythmically on my bottom sighing contentedly I fell asleep.

Hey guys I hope you like this chapter. I made it extra long for yall, thanks for 200 reads that's crazy❤❤❤❤ Thanks for the support see you, next time nerds.😚
