Talking to himself

!Mentions of depression (?). Read at your own risk! 

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  It was a cold Autumn evening. Outside was rainy. Too bad for the family; They were planning on going to a walk together to improve some bonds.

  Knowing that they weren't going to go to walk, Fresh decided to stay on his daily plans; closing himself in his room and thinking about what could happen if Geno couldn't make it. The oldest of all was still in the hospital. He wasn't doing any good. But impressively, he was able to hide it vey well.

  Maybe it was only Fresh who knew that Geno wasn't doing good and that he was probably going to say goodbye to life soon.

  That's why Fresh was thinking. Thinking of finding a way to cure Geno. Thinking of the possibilities of what would happen if Geno was gone.

  From what he knew, the family would break down if Geno was gone. Everyone would be so sad. Error would probably be completely depressed or more abusive than before, because he would always be angry.

  In years, Error looked like a monster to Fresh, since all he did was to insult and hurt him physically. When Fresh tried to talk to Error, the older would get mad and hurt Fresh once more.

  Fresh's actions had been weird for the last two months. He wasn't going out that much, wasn't energetic as his past self, would stay away from Error as much as possible. Sometimes wouldn't even greet Error, because the neon one wouldn't want to be hurt again.

  Fresh had always tried so hard to be able to feel something. But it was so hard. How are you going to control your emotions if you don't even have them? The youngest always pretended to care. Always pretended to be happy, sad, angry, scared... Everything about him was fake.

  Everyone knew that Fresh was just faking his emotions. They were happy to know that Fresh was trying his hardest. But Error was a lot complicated.

  First, Error would have fights with Fresh because he wanted Fresh to at least pretend to care. Fresh then pretended to care. But when he did that, Error always said that he wasn't trying his best at all. Error then started to complain about Fresh pretending. Fresh was pretty confused at what Error wanted, but pretty soon, he gave up trying to figure out.

  With this, we are here. In Fresh's dark room. His room was all neon once, but colors were there to make him look enthusiastic. Colors were there to make him excited. But they didn't make him excited at all. Everytime he would look at colors, he would be reminded that he was empty inside. So he decided that seeing colors wouldn't affect him. Since then, the light would always be off whenever he was in the room.
  One day, out of nowhere, Error remembered Fresh and his weird actions. 'Whý am Î ťhiņkiňģ aboût thāt freaķ?' Error thought. He was in his room, looking at some of the violin notes and trying to memorize all of them.
  Then he remembered all those times Fresh tried to talk to him about... something the older didn't care. He actually didn't know, because he didn't care.

  He felt the feeling of something bad will happen pretty soon. It made him feel worried and uncomfortable. What could happen? Maybe there could be a call from his mother saying that Geno was gone! Maybe it could be Geno getting into another coma again? Oh! What if-

  No...He shouldn't think about this. Geno is going to be fine. No matter how Fresh doesn't think so.

  But... what else could be wrong? For all Error knew Fresh was always fine. Uncle Asy, maybe..? But what could happen to him?

  Error and Fresh's rooms were pretty close to each other. So close that they could hear what each other said if some serious attention was paid.

  Error heard Fresh talking. It was a little muffled. So Error approached to his little brother's room's side to listen to the words he was saying. They were still muffled, but at least Error could make out the words.

  "Should I..? No... No, that would be stupid... But... trying to talk once more couldn't hurt... right..? Ugh... No... it will hurt... Why do I even try? It's pointless... He can't help m, either... I don't wanna try a-anymore... Why d-don't I just... give up?"

  Give up? What was that freakshow talking about? Fresh usually wasn't the type to give up on anything... What was happening now?

  That feeling became much more if a burden while Error was listening his little brother's words. He wanted to talk that much? Error always thought Fresh was just trying to...

  Actually, Error didn't think any of this. He just simply... didn't care... Just like Fresh. And now, he was here, complaining about Fresh being careless.

  Error shook these thoughts of. He needed to see what Fresh was doing. He was curious and yet... concerned.

  He opened the door to the hallway. There was Fresh's room. The door was slightly opened. Error slowly walked over to Fresh's door and peeked in. Fresh was there, obviously, covering his skull with both his hands. He looked miserable in this position. It made Error feel... bad for Fresh. He continued peeking.

   "I'm so tired... I just wanna (tell you how I'm feeling-)... sleep peacefully... Just wanna... stop trying... It only made it worse for me... I don't want to try anymore... I wanna just... smile without any force..."

  Error was surely what was going on. How come he never thought this could hurt Fresh? Oh, right. Because Fresh was always just fine. He was about to step in when he heard Fresh talk again.

  "I don't want everything about me being fake... I don't want to fake my smile all the time... Heh... But... I just know that this won't happen anytime soon... I'll be fake forever. I'll always be the freak everyone hates... I'll always be a disappointment... People wish for me to be normal again... But I'll never be that way... I-I'll just... disappoint them... Just like how I always did... Perhaps... they wouldn't be so disappointed if I was gone, huh?... No... No that... That would just show everyone how weak I am... I-I don't want any of this..!"

  What the heck?.. What the heck? Was this how... Fresh felt this whole time? Was it... that bad? Why hasn't Error noticed it before? He thought he knew everything about his little bro. But... had he ever tried to get to know Fresh?..

  Error thought of losing Fresh. He had never thought about this until now. Fresh was the family's little sunshine. He tried his best to make the atmosphere better. Without him, everything would be boring. No one would be there to make him angry, yes, but at the same time, it would hurt everyone. What was Fresh thinking? Everyone would be sad if he was gone! Even Error!

  Error felt tears building on the corner of his eye sockets. Not letting Fresh say anything else about himself, Error burst into the room and bear Fresh to hold him tightly. The yellow, magical tears spilling uncontrollably. Hiccups and sobs interfering, Error spoke.

  "Đøn'ť ýøu evëř thīņķ øf ţhat, yøų RADhøłe! Đøn't ý-yøu éver śaý ţhāţ bułłcřåp!"

  Fresh looked at Error, confused. He was normally the type to hug back, but now? Everything was different to him. He didn't 'feel' like himself anymore. Him being confused made this awkwardness worse for him. Wasn't this what Error wanted? Why would Error want him alive? All he did to him was to make him mad and annoyed.

  "Uh... Error?.. Why would ya-"

  "Ýøu ařė břøtheř, Frėśh! Whý wøułđ ýøu thïnk thãț Í wøųłđ wânt yøû đéâđ?" Error shouted at Fresh, still hugging the smaller tightly.

  Fresh was still confused. It still didn't make any sense to him. He understood that Error didn't want him to die. But he didn't get the reason why.

  "But... why?" Fresh asked, still not hugging back. He closed his eye sockets while speaking and leaned his head onto the cold wall.

  Now Error didn't have a response to this question. He didn't even know why he would want him... dead... Before he could say anything, Fresh spoke again. His voice was cracking... Maybe because of how much he talks to himself at nights.

  "All I basically do is ta annoy you... Aren't ya tired of, your fun being ruined?"

  Error looked at Fresh, pure concern and worry in his expression. Yes, your fun being ruined is not a good thing at all, but that didn't change the fact that they were brothers and they had to be there for each other. This was the thing Error never did to Fresh, but for a reason, something Fresh always did to both of his big brothers.

  Maybe Fresh couldn't care, but that doesn't mean he is heartless.

  "Aren't you tired of me, Error?"

  Error stiffened. These words hit him like a truck. '...tired of me?'... How could Fresh say something like this?

  "Nø!" Error shouted. He pit his both boney hands on the younger's cheek bones softly  making Fresh looked at him in the eye.

  "Ñø, Fŕesh... Đøn't sãý thāt, Î bég yøu... I ćăn't łøse yøu..! Ñ-nø øne căn! Î waņna heâr yøu makė mě āņgry ěveryday! I đøň't... waņnā łøse ýøu..."

  Huh... This still didn't give Fresh a reason, but what could hurt by using some of his big brother's advices?

  The younger sighed softly and put his arms around Error's back. Error did the same, wasn't freaking out since he had consent while hugging his little, now broken brother.

  When looking deep into Fresh's eye sockets earlier, he noticed something wrong. Fresh looked exhausted. Hadn't he slept in a long time?

  "Nøw, ýøu'rė gønņă słeep, ańđ Į'łł bę řight nexț ťø ýøu."

  Fresh nodded as he drifted off to sleep. He was obviously tired. A little sleep wouldn't hurt as well, right?

  Error promised not to leave Fresh alone at that moment, in his mind. He promised that he would help him with this.

  He promised that he would love his little bro forever and ever...

And ever.

