< Fever >

                  It was a new day. Geno's 8th day after getting out of the hospital being fully recovered. It was morning, and as unusual as it was Error woke up before Fresh, Geno thought this was strange but let it pass until his mom told him to call Fresh she also looked surprised Fresh was not awake yet, most days he was even the first awake even before his mom sometimes. It was already late and Cq had to head out. She asked Geno to go get Fresh. Geno then said "okay mom" and waved her goodbye. He then went up and into Fresh's room it was as colorful as always, full of 90s stuff (Aaaah- my eyes hurt- shit). And indeed Fresh was in bed very unusual he then went up to fresh but something was wrong. When he came up he saw Fresh he was still asleep or maybe 'trying' to. "hey Fresh", Geno said shaking him. His skull was boiling. "Fresh Fresh", Geno said and shaked him more. Fresh looked up and said in a shaky voice "mornin' broski." "Are you ok?", asked Geno in concern. "yeah mah rad bro, just I lil' dizie", said Fresh. Fresh got up but fell down again. "are you sure?", asked Geno trying to help him up. "no worries broski", responded fresh. "k", Geno said still very concerned then he asked "need some help?" "Maybe I little here bruh" Fresh answered. Geno then helped Fresh get on his feet this was very unexpected. Fresh had never gotten sick ever ever before. They both headed down where error was. "Finally how long did it take for you to wake up", said Error.(this is the part where i think you're the one who sleeps the most in this house dude give the boy a fucking break -_-) He saw Geno helping Fresh get down then asked "hey what's wrong?" He knew it was strange for Fresh to wake up late but when he saw him now he immediately knew something was wrong. "nothing broski", said fresh with a soft voice almost a whisper, eyes barely open. "His skull Is boiling" said Geno. "boiling?", error was surprised at this he never ever ever got sick like really at all, like ever. Ink did, Geno did, Cq did, Com did, even he did, but not Fresh.(yeah we get it XD) He became 'worried'. Fresh then almost collapsed down if it wasn't for Geno grabbing him. The two bros gasped and put fresh in the sofa. "what should we do?", asked Error "i don't know let's call mom", said Geno. The boys tried to call their mom but she would not answer work time she often turned off her private phone when in work. They were hoping today wasn't one of the days she did though. They didn't know what to do at all. (why i love this drama so much XD I'm so sorry Freshy) Their bro was in the sofa looking very spaced out. They then decide to check his temperature but it was normal. So he was sick but not of a cold they thought of the possibility of the thermometer being broken since when they touched him he was still boiling but that was out when they saw where it was made(you'll just stay in the dark for this one~). Something was wrong but they didn't know what and they did not like that very much. They were starting to panic but they were able to compose themselves, Fresh still awake. "do you want some food?", asked Geno. "Kinda..", said fresh. "here", said Error giving him a bow. "thanks broski", said fresh, and [whispered "so you can be rad uhn-"] with a smile. "what!?", asked Error confused. Geno had heard and giggled a little. Fresh still had his shades on they change to NOT-HIN while he ate. "k", said error. Fresh's boiling state came down and now he was.. less boiling. "oh", said Geno with a gasp. "what broski?", asked fresh obviously confused. "You're less hot now", said Geno. Fresh's shades were now ??-?? He then fell asleep. Fresh woke up a while later and said with his usual normal 'happy' and energetic voice "morning broskis", he then noticed he was in the couch, now looking confused. "It's not morning", said Error annoyed. "you okay now Fresh?" asked Geno after a long sigh. "what do ya mean?", said Fresh still confused. His mom was already back and learned about what had happened to fresh she then asked too "you better?". Fresh just repeated more confused "what do ya mean???" He did not remember that morning. "what I mean that you-", started Error annoyed. Noticing Geno stopped him, he backed down. "don't you remember?", asked Geno. "remember what broski?", asked fresh still confused. "oh great he doesn't remember. good" said Error very sarcastically. "at least he doesn't remember you being all worried about him Error", said Geno teasing him. Error blushed softly. Fresh looked at both and in front again he was just really confused now.
