Chapter 5 Underfell

"Here we are,"

"Hey we're in snowdin," Night squealed.

"I don't remember the red sky," Kiki shrugged.

"Ok just keep a lookout for Error and warn me if there are monsters,"

"Whose Error?"

"Y'all know when you see him, and watch for his brother too,"

"Hehe...," A shadowy figure appeared it looked like Kiki it was Underfell sans or also known as Fell.

"So Ink, I know that we aren't friends but let's have some fun,"

"Stand back this guy is dangerous," Kiki said while stepped forward.

"Oh so its y-," A bone came out of the ground in front of him.

"Less chit chat," Kiki said as bones appeared in the air facing Underfell sans.

"Kiki if you kill him it will ruin this Universe,"

"I hate to admit it but you're right, But family comes first," Then the bones went flying towards Fell Sans. He stood there when suddenly a gaster blaster came out and used the laser to disintegrate the bones. Out of the corner of Star's eye she saw Error.

"Error's that way we need to go," Star was pointing right.

"Kiki lets go," Ink said to Kiki who didn't stop fighting Fell.

"Love touch," pink came out of Star's hands and knocked Fell back. "Let's go," They all chased after Error. Once they caught up to him, Error went through a portal to another Universe.

"Well great Kiki if you weren't fighting Fell, we would've had him," Star said but Kiki didn't care. "Ok lets go people come on next Universe," They all thought Star was over reacting. Ink was mad at Star because she is never like that before, Star looked at everyone and said " I'm sorry," and teleported to the next Universe.
