part 5 Its doing what

yay i get to write ponk finally  lets go  also this is probably one of the longest chapter I have ever written in this book

Ranboos pov still
I tell ponk the situation and tell him to be on stand by at spawn which he gladly excepts
And then turn to the hermits

Ok so ponk will be on stand by and foolish you should appear at las Nevada's right

Yep I will go straight to spawn upon spawning In

Let us go throw first so it's set to the right server then you guy go throw ok

Got it ren said

We then all step into the portal spawn into the world
We then see
Docm joined the world
Rendog joined the world
Falsesymmetry joined the world
Mumbojumbo joined the world
Grian joined the world
Timedeo joined the world
Thirtyvirus joined the world
Im_a_squid_kid joined the world
Bitzel joined the world
Deos pov
Ok we're is ponk

Over here I hear someone say and look and find him

Oh he's over their I say

I then hear the flapping of wings and look up and see phil

Hi guys I'm supposed to help ponk

Oh hi phil yeah thanks

Ok we're doc

He's right here Ren said

Ponk then looks over to ren and sees doc oh he's just completely shut down ok Phil you want to get him up to Purpled ufo base ponk said

Got it Phil said and takes doc from ren and flys to purpleds base



You handle the rest of them while waiting for Techno and Ranboo

Ok well do ponk foolish said

Ponk then leaves the spawn area
Ponks pov
I let puffy know we're to meet me and we head up to purpleds ufo base and realize the one that was with doc and Tommy were there

Oh hi Tommy
Hi ponk this is Ren by the way hes docs friend

Ok I say and walk over to doc as Tommy jumps down Purpleds bubble elevator

Puffy get my toolbox I say and she comes over with it and I sit down and start to work on doc
Skip a few hours forward
Ranboos pov
Oh I forgot to say i meet xisuma when I visit Dream I say looking at the hermits

He's the one that had the idea to bring you guys here

Oh false said

You think you should have mentioned that earlier she adds

Sorry I say

Memory issues I thought I did haha I add

I then see ren and ponk walking down the path to us

Oh hi ponk hi ren

Hi Ranboo ponk said

Docs awake now thought you four would want to talk to him he said looking at the hermits

Yeah we would false said

Ok follow me ponk said and they all walk off As I start getting a tug from Dream

Oh dreams summoning me

Why Dream
We need to talk to you like now also try and bring Techno because he's included in this
I will try
I grab technos wrist and then allow Dream to pull me into my enderwalk state

Huh oh Techno said

Oh hi Techno chilynn said

How's doc xisuma asked

He's doing better according to ponk

Oh and Sam and sapnap whitelisted them all Dream asked

Yes they did

Also why did you want me to bring Techno Dream

Because who ever it is, is still trying to do something on the hermitcraft server and the hermits that aren't with you guys are in a lot of trouble xisuma said

Oh god also your xisuma right Techno said

Yes xisuma said

Is their someone else we can go to, to get whitelisted on hermitcraft

Uh oh yeah there is his name is biffa he was the second admin but then he left the group and server to do his own thing

Ok can we go now Dream

Yep Dream said and I grab technos hand and we both appear in front of foolish

Oh hi again how did your talk with Dream go

Are the hermits still with ponk I say

Yes I think so foolish said

Ok I say and look at Techno and we both go to Purpleds

We climb up and I say

Sorry to bother you guys but ponk puffy Purpled can you leave for a second

Yes we can Ranboo ponk said and basically drags Purpled out

Ok what's going on Ranboo Techno false said

Well I just finished talking to xisuma and the person hasn't stopped messing with your guy's server

Oh I hope everyone's ok ren said

Yeah but Dream said you can all stay here tell we figure everything out

Wait all did Sam and Sapnap whitelist all of us hermits ren asked

Yeah they did

Oh ok

How are we going to get to are server doc said

We have a transport portal here too it's just a bit of a walk because it's passed where you guys spawned in techno adds

Well we will head out and grab them when ponk let's me go doc said

Techno taps his foot

You seem to have forgotten that one of us dreamsmp members have to go to so we can get back here Techno said

Oh well xisuma is the only one that could whitelisted one of you guys

We ask xisuma about that and he said their was another admin at one point that could do it he said his name was biffa

Oh biffa yeah I forgot about biffa yeah I will ask him right now false said and calls biffa

False im a bit busy also we're are you ren doc mumbo and grian

So I will tell you in a bit I just need you too do something for me


I need you to whitelisted two people no make that three on the hermitcraft server


I will explain when we get there ok just do it biffa please

Ok fine send me their names

ok well do said false

Then biffa leaves the call

I think biffa is on the hermitcraft server right now false said while typing

No shit you think Techno said

(The message she sent biffa
Names technoblade timedeo and Ranboo please trust me mumbo grian doc and ren ok biffa )

Now we wait for biffa to whitelist you three oh and I added deo to it as well

Ok well let's go find deo so we can fill him in on everything oh wait hang on actually Ranboo do you know we're that is by the way

Yep I do

Ok well apparently Sam bad ant George and Sapnap are summoning the whole server to chat which doesn't happen that often I guess we can tell him then

Yeah wait do we have to go too mumbo said

Yes you do ponk said coming back into the room oh and so do you doc and your good to go by the way

Oh thank goodness doc said

Well let's go to this server meeting

Skip to the server meeting

Ok and if you haven't had the chance to meet them we have some new people temporarily on the server with everything going on 5 members of the hermitcraft server and three hypixel players on the server sapnap said

About to be more hermits Techno said

Wait what Sam said

Yeah so are world is getting no stop attacked by this person so with dreams permission throw Ranboo we are going to bring them all here so we're all together said false

We can go and get some of the hypixel crew deo said

Actually deo your coming with us to the hermitcraft server Techno said

Wait what deo asked


wait how did you guys get whitelisted George asks

Well we have a second admin well actually three but we don't talk about the other one and he kinda left the group and the server  a while ago and apparently came back with everything happening but yeah he whitelisted Techno Ranboo and deo doc said

Oh pog Tommy said

Well in that case you guys better get going Sam said

Wait really

Yeah you guys need to get going as soon as possible Sapnap said

Thank you boys Deo come on Techno said

Yep Let's go deo said

Skip to when they arrive at the transport portal
Ok you guys go on through

The hermits then walk on through and then me Techno and deo do the same right after them
