
"Tentacles!" Mirio exclaimed, gazing at the slimy, pink, worm like things protruding from Tamaki's back and hands.

Embarrassed and ashamed, Tamaki buried his face in his shirt, which he had crumpled into a ball in his hands.  "I-I wanted to try it out...I want to make you feel good." He said, his voice muffled by the layers of cloth.

Mirio's cheeks turned red, his cock springing up, his tight pants crushing it and making him squirm, that and the idea of Tamaki's tentacles thrusting in and out of him, curling around his limbs, sucking his skin with the small suction cups they had... His throat ran dry and he swallowed hard, reaching his hand out and placing it on Tamaki's shoulder.

"I..." He started. "Kinda want to try it." He admitted, though he felt dirty saying it. Tamaki looked up at him, a stunned look on his red face. "R-really?" He stammered, looking up at his boyfriend. Mirio let out an embarrassed laugh, rubbing the back of his neck. He nodded. "Yeah...I mean...I always kinda...thought it might, er I mean, from what I've watched it-"

"You've watched hentai!?!" Tamaki cried. Mirio let out another nervous chuckle, the blush spreading across the bridge of his nose. "Maybe a little." He said with a dopey smile, his face now red from embarrassment rather than his raging hormones. "I guess that's what sparked my curiosity in these kind of things...making love with tentacles....or vines or stuff like that..." Mirio said, his voice quieting as his mind began to wander. He was snapped back into reality by something wriggling around his waist.

Mirio looked down to see one of the thick, pink tentacles from Tamaki's back slithering around his still clothed waist. "Oh!" He exclaimed, gazing at it and feeling it wrap around him, it's cold slippery textured skin on his stomach.

"Sorry!" Tamaki cried, pulling the tentacle away. Mirio was slightly disappointed. "I-im getting ahead of myself..." Tamaki muttered, turning his head away in shame. This felt so dirty, and almost wrong. He didn't know if he could actually-

His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of clinking of the metal buckle of Mirio's belt, and the sound of a zipper being undone. He turned back to see Mirio's pants and underwear slipped off his hips, unable to drop to the floor because Tamaki was in the way. He let out a breathless gasp as his eyes met Mirio's throbbing cock.

He had seen it before, and felt it inside him, but he could never really get over how big it really was! It was about as long as his forearm, and about as thick too. It was vainy and hard, a golden bush of hair at it's base. Tamaki gulped seeing it, remembering how amazing it felt when it was pumping in and out of him, even if his entrance did burn a bit afterwards.

His attention was drawn away from Mirio's cock to his face. He had a sheepish look on his red face, and he only muttered a single word. "Please?" He asked in a quiet voice.

Tamaki was stunned! He had never seen Mirio like this, looking so submissive and longing, his top lip quivering as his eyes stared at Tamaki's tentacles. It was so different from his usual confidence and boldness. He couldn't decide if he liked Mirio like this or not. On the one hand it felt weird to see his usually dominate boyfriend sprawled out beneath him and asking to be fucked, but on the other hand, it sort of gave him a boost of self esteem. Mirio wanted him, he wanted Tamaki. No one usually wanted him for anything, so this was kind of empowering.

Tamaki gulped. "O-okay...but, maybe we should have a safe word...j-just in case." He suggested, slowly reaching down to his pants, subtly trying to unzip his pants and free his aching penis.

Mirio nodded, a bit of that familiar smile returning. "What about...peaches?" He said after a bit of thought. "Peaches sounds nice..." Tamaki agreed, unzipping his pants. Mirio let out a small chuckle and helped Tamaki get his pants off. Even if he was being the bottom tonight, that didn't mean he was going to leave his first-time-topping boyfriend hanging with no idea of what to do.

"Alright, how do you want to start this, Sunshine?" He asked, finally able to kick his own pants fully off. He scooted closer to the head of the bed, allowing Tamaki to sit on the bed fully, instead of having his legs dangling off the end.

Mirio was answered by one of the long, slimy tentacles grabbing his wrists and pulling his arms behind his back, binding both of his arms together and holding them tightly, the small suction cups locking into place on his skin.

"O-oh!" He said in suprise, looking back and trying to move his arms. The tentacle was wrapped so tightly that the only thing he could move were his fingers, which were sticking out of the tentacle's coils. "That's a little-oh!" He exclaimed again as two more tentacles wrapped around his ankles, forcing his legs apart. These were smaller and leaner than the one pinning his arms to his back, but they were still strong enough to hold Mirio in place, and stop him from kicking.

A third tentacle, this one thick and bulky wrapped around his waist and he was lifted into the air, suspended a few feet above his bed, his hair brushing the ceiling.
