Trip to Santorini #️⃣2️⃣ (Adrienette & Nalya)


"Great! Im done with my swimsuits, time to actually pack now." Marinette packed a few outfits for Santorini. Most of her outfits were bohemian themed, as well as her swimsuits.

Marinette took a bath and checked the time. Her watch said that it was already 6:20 pm, which meant that she only had 10 minutes to get ready before Adrien came to pick her up.

10 minutes.

Marinette quickly put on navy blue skinny jeans, a white crop top with a sheer layer of fabric at the bottom and a denim jacket. She folded the sleeves of her jacket and put on a pair of brown Timberland shoes.

She brushed through her blue hair, making sure to remove any tangles and blow dried it to give her hair some extra poof. Marinette thought that it might get a bit cold in the plane to she took a gray bonnet and adjusted it just so that it could cover her ears.

Marinette took a step back to admire herself as Tikki popped up beside her. "Wow, Marinette! You look amazing. Why don't you bring the bag you designed yesterday so it can match all your outfits?"

"That's a great idea! Thank you so much, Tikki." Marinette strode to the bag that was right beside her computer. The strap, handle, bottom and top of the bag were made out of brown leather while the middle and pockets were constructed with some felt. It also had a cushioned little pocket inside that was meant for Tikki and her cookies.

Marinette just finished filling up her bag with some primary necessities (a book, a phone, charger, hygiene kit, makeup bag, etc.) when someone knocked on her trapdoor. Tikki flew into the cushioned pocket to hide with some cookies. Marinette checked her room if she was forgetting anything and then she looked at the wall to her right.

Adrien's pictures were all over her wall, on her desk and a collage of him was her desktop background. "Marinette?" Marinette jumped at the voice. "Hold on!" She replied and started to hastily take off all the pictures on her board, wall, and desk. She changed her desktop picture to a picture of little macaroons that spelled her nickname.

"Come in!" Marinette picked up her bag and her trolley when a pair of emerald green eyed peeked out from below the trapdoor. "H-hey, Adrien," The corners of Adrien's eyes crinkled as he gave a small smile and came in her room.

"Need help?" Adrien asked and rubbed the back of his neck which gave Marinette butterflies in her stomach. "Y-yeah... Could you help me bring my trolley?" He strode over to where she was and grabbed the handle of her trolley just when she was about to let go. Their fingers brushed, causing the both of them to blush redder than a tomato. They looked at each other for a while until Marinette's bonnet slid off her head.

Adrien just giggled and pulled the trolley downstairs to the bakery. Marinette grabbed her bonnet from the floor, looked around one last time and headed downstairs as well.

Adrien was already outside waiting by the limo while his driver was putting her trolley in the trunk. "Oh, Mari dear! You look beautiful, have fun in Santorini." Sabine, her mother, pulled Marinette into a hug and whispered in her ear, "Don't you dare come home without Adrien standing beside you as your boyfriend." Marinette just stared at her mother as Sabine gave a wink.

"Marinette, here's a box of croissants, a box of doughnuts, and a box of tarts. Give one box each to your friends so they don't get hungry." Tom, her father, gave her three boxes and kissed the top of her head. "Have fun, dear."

Marinette gave a smile to her parents and went out the door.

Adrien took the boxes from her hands and asked "Should I ask what's inside these boxes?" Marinette just giggled and shook her head. She opened the door for Adrien and went in the all-too-familiar limo after he signaled for her to come in.

Adrien was in front of her busy giving directions to his driver so Marinette took out her phone and messaged Alya, hoping that she was online. Thankfully - she was.


LadybloggerA: A selfie or I call bluff.

PolkadottyNette: WHAT? I hate you.


(It's better to read slowly and you can stop it whenever you want but I suggest you just let it finish)

Marinette turned to Adrien, who was staring at her. "U-uh Adrien, wanna take a picture?" She looked at the ground and she could feel the weight of the seat beside her shift. "Sure, that sounds paw-tastic! I mean FANtastic!"

Marinette thought about the fact that Adrien sounded like Chat AND he even makes cat puns. She quickly pushed the thought away and opened the camera app.

She extended her arm and said "Cheese!" The first picture was both of them smiling, and the second was both of them making wacky faces. "What d-do you uhm... Think the third picture be?"

"I have an idea... Uhm just make a cute face, not that I'm saying that you're not cute. I mean like uhhh..." Adrien was rambling and Marinette just blushed. "C'mon, let's take a picture you Silly Kitty."

Two things happened when she took the picture.

1. She originally intended to make a puffy face with her eyes crossed but she realized what she just called Adrien, causing her eyes to bulge.

2. Adrien kissed her cheek.

Marinette lowered her hand and slowly turned to Adrien. Adrien rubbed the back of his neck and Marinette blushed as she found herself staring into a pair of bright green orbs that shined under the moonlight.

The two stared at each other, slowly leaning in until their faces were inches apart. The stars that were reflected in Marinette's eyes was the last thing Adrien saw before he closed his eyes and leaned in.

Marinette slowly closed her eyes and leaned in as well. She could feel his breath lingering in front of her mouth.

The two were about to kiss when the driver named Gorilla stopped the car and opened the door. Apparently they were already at Nino's house

A blushing Adrien hopped out of the car, giving Marinette a small smile. Marinette took out her phone.

PolkadottyNette sent 3 photos


PolkadottyNette: YES and btw, we're at Nino's house already so you better be ready in a few. Gtg, the boys are back.

Marinette put her phone back in the bag as Adrien and Nino shuffled in the limo. Nino was wearing a white long sleeved polo, navy blue shorts, a brown belt, and a pair of brown loafers.

"Nino, you do know that Alya will literally flip when she sees you in that right?" Adrien and Marinette laughed. "U-uh in a good or bad way?" Nino started to panic and fix his hair. "You'll see." Adrien and Marinette just grinned at each other as they turned the corner to Alya's house.

Marinette went out to fetch Alya while Gorilla took Alya's luggage. Alya was wearing a dark blue shirt with folded sleeves, shorts, a yellow and black plaid flannel around her waist and a pair of black Chelsea boots.

Marinette whistled while looking at Alya from top to bottom then back up. "Dang Alya, Nino will be head over heels when he sees you." Alya just smacked Marinette in the arm and walked over to the limo.

Alya opened the door and plopped down, right next to Nino. Nino and Alya blushed when they made eye contact. "You look nice." Alya blushed at Nino's comment. "You look pretty good too." Nino just mumbled his thanks as he slowly slid his hand over to Alya's and she obliged. Soon enough, the two were holding hands while engaging in a conversation about music.

The limo soon arrived at the airport and they boarded the plane.

But not just any plane, it was a private plane. The Agreste Private Plane.

⚫️🔴After take off🔴⚫️

"You may now take off your seatbelts. We will have a stop over in Vienna in approximately 2 hours and 20 minutes and then we will proceed to Santorini, Greece. Expected arrival time in Santorini is 2:00 am which is 1:00 am in Paris. Thank you very much and enjoy the flight!"

Adrien, Marinette, Nino and Alya took off their seatbelts and headed to the dessert table. "Gosh I'm starving." Nino and Adrien dramatically rubbed their bellies, earning giggles from Marinette and Alya.

Soon enough, the dessert table was empty but the two boys were still hungry.

"How about some croissants, doughnuts and tarts? Does that sound good?" The two hungry boys and the semi-hungry Alya followed Marinette to her seat. She took out the three boxes and handed one box to each of the trio.

The two hungry boys and the semi-hungry Alya finished all the desserts Marinette gave them.

Nino and Alya decided to freshen up and get some sleep in one of the cabins and each cabin had only one bed. Marinette and Adrien soon decided to freshen up as well and sleep in the other cabin.

Marinette was so tired that she didn't even notice Adrien staring at her as she slept beside him. She was beautiful. Adrien was admiring her beauty and ended up falling asleep shortly after.

⚫️🔴4 hours and 30 minutes later🔴⚫️

Adrien and Marinette woke up simultaneously when someone shouted "RISE AND SHINE, LOVEBIRDS!" And that someone was none other than Alya, who was also accompanied by Nino.

"What was that for?" Marinette grumbled. Alya flipped her phone so Marinette and Adrien could see the picture.

Marinette was hugging Adrien from the side with one hand over his middle and her right leg hooked onto his right leg with her cheek resting on Adrien's chest. Adrien on the other hand, had one arm around Marinette pulling her closer while his cheek rested on her head.

"We're arriving in 30 minutes. You guys better get ready." Alya and Nino snickered as they walked away, leaving two blushing lovebirds.

Adrien and Marinette got ready, often making eye contact and giving each other small smiles. They went back to their seats.

And they soon landed in Santorini.

⚫️🔴To be continued...🔴⚫️
⚫️🔴Don't forget to follow, vote and share!🔴⚫️
⚫️🔴I hope you guys enjoyed ! XOXO Yanna🔴⚫️
