Chapter Six: Unwanted Attention

Update: My rapping skills are up so high, I can successfully rap the alphabet aerobics. In fact, I rapped it in front of my entire Chorus class. If you don't know what that is, look it up. True story.

When they grabbed my arms to tie them together, with rope this time, I stiffened them so that they would be looser and easier to get out of.

Then I was pushed to the corner of the truck, where I sat, continuing to memorize the path we were taking.

Cole woke up a few minutes later, with a confused, "Huhhh...?"

That's when I decided that I needed to get Cole on my side. If I could get him to feel bad for me, it would help me greatly.

I gave him an apologetic smile, and his entire face scrunched up in confusion, and he looked like he wanted to run away. Hmmm. This might be harder than I thought.

"Hey! I have an idea!" Garret spoke. "To make this less awkward, why don't we all go around and introduce ourselves." He paused. "Hi, my name is Garret, I'm considerably attractive, surprisingly single, and in my free time I enjoy football and running."

Garret smiled, and looked expectantly at Miles.

Miles sighed. "Hi, I'm Miles, I think this is stupid, and that basically describes me."

"I'm Aiden," The driver said. "I'm the hot, cocky one."

"YAY!" Cole shot up. "My turn!"

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes before beginning. "Hi guys!" He smiled very big. "My name is Cole, and I'm very happy to meet all of you. I'm a fun loving guy with much to give!"

Everyone clapped politely and turned their attention to me.

I stared back. What was I supposed to say? Who knows what they'd do with my information.

"Do you want my real name? Or my stripper name," I asked. Hehe.

Their faces showed pure horror. It was a joke! Geez.

"I'm kidding. My name's Caroline Forbes," I decided, playing it safe and hoping that they had never seen The Vampire Diaries. "My dad is chief of police, I have seven overprotective older brothers who will beat you up, and I am one of the fastest runners in Cross Country. And also, I hate all of you, and when I get out of this you will all pay. In cash."

At least two of those things are true. Cross Country was my jam.

Only Cole clapped this time.

"Well, it's nice to meet you Caroline," Garret said.

"Nice isn't quite the word I would use," I scowled, muttering to myself. Well, I guess I was Caroline Forbes now. GAH I WISH!

"Have we meet? Your name sounds familiar..." Cole mused.

"No," I said, rolling my eyes. Wait, Cole watched TVD??

"Quit talking," Driver/Aiden said. "It's annoying."

I pulled my knees up to my chest and rested my bound hands on them, staring back out the window, reflecting.

I had just been abducted. I was angry.

Then, I turned my gaze to the back of the driver's head, and I glared. Maybe if I tried hard enough, I could melt his brain with my eyes.

Instead, after he stopped at a stoplight, he turned an annoyed head around to glare back at me.

"May I help you?" He said impatiently.

"You can stop breathing," I said.

This made him turn red, and he turned back to the road as the light became green.

Miles walked over and slid down the doors, sitting next me me. His eyes searched my face as I ignored him.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked, watching me.

I smiled slightly. "All the ways I could kill you."

His eyes widened, and he subtly scooted away from me.

It was quiet for the rest of the ride.

By the time we finally reached our destination, I had decided to buddy up with Cole.

He was cute, naive, and most importantly, nice.

He was too easy.

We pulled up to the building. It was in a small town, with only about fifty houses, one shopping square with stores and restaurants, and trees. There was one huge house in the middle of anything, but it didn't look like anyone lived there.

The house we pulled up at was one of the largest, with what looked like four floors and a big garage.

Cole and Miles got up and each grabbed one of my arms, pulling me off the floor and gripping me precariously.

But there was something off.

"Aren't you going to blindfold me?" I asked, afraid of the answer.

Cole shook his head. "There's no need."

Great. They were definitely planning on killing me.

Well, not on my teal watch.

I cooperated for about a couple seconds until I got out of the car. And then I screamed.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I shrieked, scaring Cole so much he tripped and face planted.

"WHAT THE-" Miles yelled.

"HELP!" I screamed, thrashing around. "HEEELLLPPP!!! IM BEING KIDNAPPED BY IMBECILES!"

"Shut up!" Garret hissed, grabbing me and pushing me into the house. I turned around to stick my tongue out at him. If I die, I'll die with my dignity.

Besides, what would begging do?

'Oh Garret, don't kill me! Please?!"

'Well, I was going to kill you, but since you asked nicely...'

No. that was just plain sad.

I stumbled into the door way, and spotted a staircase right off the bat. With the chance I had, I raced up the stairs as fast as I could.

Garret cursed and ran after me, but we hadn't fast enough.

I reached the top, turning abruptly to the right and sprinting into the first room I saw.

I ran into it and slammed the door shut right as Garret rammed into it.

He cried out in pain, and I locked the door swiftly.

"Dang!" He cried, his voice muffled from behind the wood.

Finally. Alone at last.

"Miles! Get the screwdriver!"

For now.

I rested my back against the white wooden door, sliding down it as the previous events hit me like a brick.

"Ow," I muttered, raising a hand up to my forehead. This was sad turn of events. Well, Harry Styles better be on his way.
