Bye, Baby Sister

Maisy's pov
"Are you sure you have to go?" Scott asked me.
"You're still my sister. Biological or not, it changes nothing. You're still my baby sister" Scott said.
"I know Scotty. I always will be and I'll come back, I promise. I just need some time, I need to discover who I really am"
"I know who you are. You're Maisy McCall the sweetest person I know, with the biggest heart in the world and we love you" mum said walking down the stairs.
"I love you guys too." I said hugging them.
"You're still leaving aren't you?" Scott asked as we pulled away.
"Deaton gave me a book about Druids, he thinks it might help. I might still have some Druid abilities. I'm not really sure, but you know, it couldn't  hurt to read. I'll be fine Scott. I'll be back before you know it. If you ever need me I'm just one call away." I said.
"That's what you said last time and I didn't see you for two years"
"Sweetheart, we have to let her go. This is something she needs to do" mum said.
"Thanks mum" I said causing her to burst into tears.
"Oh no, don't cry. If you cry than I'll cry" I said.
"You just come back soon, you hear me?" She said pulling me into another hug.
"I hear you" I said pulling away and pulling Scott into another hug.
"I'll miss you, big brother"
"I'll miss you too, baby sister" Scott said causing me to giggle and pull away.
"Bye, baby sister"
"Bye Scotty" I said exiting the house I grew up in, seeing the twins waiting for me outside.
"You know you two didn't have to come with me. I don't really know where I'm going and beacon hills is a nice town" I said.
"I'd follow you anywhere, baby" Aiden said pecking my lips.
"Besides your our alpha now" Ethan said.
"Does that mean I get to drive one of the bikes?" I said.
"Hell no" yeah both answered at the same time causing me to giggle.
"I love you" I said to Aiden
"I love you too" Aiden said pecking my lips once again and handing me a helmet. I turned once more to my house seeing Scott and mum at the window I waved to them before turning back around and getting on Aidens bike.
"Which way?" Aiden asked
"East, always east" I said as we drove off. (A/n if you get that reference, I love you)

Scotts pov
"At least we know she'll be happy" mum said staring at Maisy and she rode off with the twins.
"Yeah. Do you think we'll see her again?" I asked
"When has she ever broken a promise?"
"Then we'll see her again."
