

I am an idiot. How did I not know this, how did I not see this coming. 

I sat on the bleachers as I watched the guy I had a crush on, my brother and my roommate run to eachother and embracing one another. 

I knew lionel and luis were on the same football team. I didn't think they would actually become friends. They were two different people. I didn't even know Neymar played. 

Shakira was on her feet clapping like a madwoman. "Why aren't you cheering?" 

I looked around. I was the only one still on my butt while everyone was up cheering and clapping. This was the most disturbing thing I've ever seen. 

They were good. They were really good I had to admit. My brother fitted in this team better than he was at Liverpool.  the game ended with a 4-0 scoreline with my brother scoring 2, Neymar 1 and Lionel 1. 


"come on Dani" Shak grabbed my arm pulling me into the house. 

"Who's place is this anyways?" I asked, were we even aloud to be off campus this late at night.

"It's this guy Xavier's place. He's went to BCA last year." Shakira said as we zigg zagged through the huge body of people. 

Soon Shak and I were met up with Sofi, Anto and Michelle. "Guys, I am freaking out. " Sofi exclaimed once she saw us. 

"What's the problem." Shak asked.

"You know that guy I told you about? He's here right now and I look so terrible-" She said drastically. "I don't want him to see me like this." 

my eyes scanned across the room as Sofi went on about her boy drama. My eyes stopped on the handsome brazilian boy that is Neymar. He was next to the drink table with his back turned. 

"I'm kind of thirsty." I said interrupting Sofi. "Do you guys want anything."

I walked away and towards the snack table. My view of Neymar getting closer and closer until it was blocked out by the familiar face of my brother. 

"hey" He smiled. "I didn't know you would be here."

"yeah..same with you." I said.

"what are you doing?" He asked. 

"nothing." I didn't want him thinking I was trying to make the moves for his teammate even though I really was. "good game today." I gave him a quick hug. 

"yeah thanks." He said. "I'll see you later." 

"okay" I walked past him to the food table where Neymar was supposed to be but had disappeared by now. 

"well hello there roomie." Lionel appeared in front of me with the usual smirk that boiled my blood. "what are you doing here in this fine hour of the night?"

"Hi Lionel." I said crossing my arms. 

"Leo, just call me leo." He laughed.

that's when the alcoholic smell hit me. "Lionel are you drunk?" 

"Si Hermosa." He giggled. Did he just call me beautiful?

"you should head back home." I said, he could barely walk "better yet give me your keys." 

"why-" He asked as he fished into his pocket and he reluctantly gave it to me. 


"I'm so tired." He fell face first into his bed. 

I grunted at the sight of him. "I bet you are Leo." 

his head shot up. "you finally called me Leo and not Lionel."

"I surely did, Lionel." I chuckled. Drunk Lionel was surely better then normal Lionel.

"Are you going to go to the dance next week?" He asked. 

"maybe...why?" I looked at him. "I normally don't care for dances but I might."

"If you go you'll probably look really pretty." He blushed. "you always look really pretty."

"oh- erm thanks." I said. Yup Drunk Lionel was my favorite Lionel. "you should get some sleep you've had a long day." 

"If we win the game next week against Madrid, You'll save me a dance right?" He asked totally ignoring my suggestion. 

"uh-" I stared at him. 

"come on, just one dance." 

"you have to not only win but score." I said. "now bed, you're going to have a killer migraine tomorrow morning." 

