Chapter 8: We all need a hug sometimes

They called a taxi and headed to June's house. It was a small one-story house with a beautiful vegetable garden outside. 

Michael took a look at the footprints on the ground- the footprints were very recent, so there was still someone inside it.

"My mom doesn't know you're coming. Try not to make noise." June whispered to Michael.

Just as they entered the house, they heard a barking sound. A dog! Michael turned around and found an Irish Setter dog jumping up and licking his hand. June snickered. "He likes you."

Michael almost jumped when he saw the dog appear behind him. "It's your dog?" He huffed a sigh of relief.

"I found him lying on the garden when he was still a puppy." June carried the dog into her hands. "He lost his family too." Michael saw a bit of sadness in her eyes as she said this. He petted the dog, who seemed to enjoy his company.

They suddenly stopped in front of one of the room doors. "You can stay here for now." She opened the door. It was simple- a bed, a desk and a table lamp. Yet Michael saw a deeper matter to this seemingly plain room.

There are some scratches and marks on the door and floor, but it looked faded- no one had been in this room for a very long time. So that confirmed his deduction: she lost a family member who used to own this room.

You would smell a scent of alcohol if you try harder. He noticed the marks on the desk- a picture used to be placed at this exact spot. Someone swiped the picture and it hit the ground, causing it to shatter into a million pieces. 

He checked around the room, and found a shard of glass hidden in a dark corner under the bed. Wine glass. 

Michael tried to imagine the scenario: June's father was an alcoholic, who never actually loved her mother. One night he came home extremely drunk and went full-crazy. He barged into the room, smashed the picture which was kept on the desk and threw the wine bottle he was holding.

There are some marks on the walls too, indicating that June and her mother were terrified and sat in that corner of his room, watching him going insane. He stormed out of the house, as seen by the obvious scratches on the front door, and was never to be seen again.

"Mike?" June asked. Michael didn't realise June was still standing behind him. Michael turned around and pulled her in for a hug. "M-Mike!?"

She was surprised, but eventually shut her eyes, hugging him back.


A boy sat on the sofa, eating a bucket of buttery popcorn while watching his favourite TV show. "Hello, Riv." a familiar voice almost made him choke on his popcorn.

No, it couldn't be, he thought. There's no way.

He turned around and saw a shadowy figure standing just in front of the door. There was hardly any light in the room to see who it was, but he knew he couldn't hide from the truth.

"You did bad things, Riv." The person walked closer and closer to him. "You hurt people, and you are fully aware of it."

His hands shivered and his body quivered as he saw the person slowly took out a gun from the pocket- and aiming it towards him.

"And now, it's time for you to suffer." Riv screamed as the person pulled the trigger.
