Chapter 10

Halle was finishing getting ready when her phone went off halting her music that blared. She rushed from her bathroom to her bedroom and picked it off the bed.

"Hey Mom!" Halle greeted

"Hey Sweetheart" Her mom spoke in a hushed voice

Halle felt her stomach drop immediately, something wasn't right. She slowly sat down on the bed, "You okay?"

"I need to talk to you..." Her mom trailed, "It's about your dad."


" Twenty, seven, 42. Twenty, seven, 42." Halle heard a giggle as she walked up to the plant nursey as Jamal had directed. It sat on top of boxes surround by multiple other boxes. He had wrapped his shirt around his head like he was stranded on some island. Jamal threw the box finding nothing inside, "You're heartless!"

He grabbed another box and stroked it, "Come on, boo. You know I love you. Those other boxes didn't mean a thing. You're the real deal."

"Uh Jamal...Should I come back?" Halle asked causing him to turn around abruptly

"Where've you been?" Jamal yelled and then pointed behind, "AND YOU!"

Halle turned seeing Monse walked up. She gave her a quick hug before turning back to Jamal, "Dealing with some family stuff, I'll tell you later."

"You're excuse, Monse?" Jamal looked to her with serious sass waiting for her excuse.

Monse shrugged, "I didn't see any of your messages until this morning. What's all this?"

"This is what Ricky left Chivo." Jamal handed them a child's riddle page, " It holds the answers to RollerWorld. I know it does. That combo right there opened every box and still nothing. I've been searching all night and nothing. Still nothing! And there are dozens of boxes left to go. I think I have arthritis. Would it be juvenile arthritis? Am I still a juvenile?"

"Let me help you." Monse offered as she walked up and grabbed the first box she saw

"Woman, please! There's an order to this." Jamal yelled in horror "Bottom to top, left to right."

Monse opened the box and turned around showing Jamal a small slip of paper. He jumped up, "I hate you.Let me see what you got."

Halle walked over to peer at the paper.

"What are you guys doing? This is trespassing." Ruby snapped as he rushed over to the trio.

The trio glanced up at him quickly before doing a double take. Ruby had two different styles of make up on his face, one a soft pink look and the other a darker eye look.

"Um... Is there anything you want to tell us?" Jamal trailed off

"About what?"

"That whole thing?" Monse waved her hand to gesture to his face

"I didn't realize Halle was going to be here...." Ruby cleared his throat, " I was helping Olivia with a makeup test for her quince when Jamal 911ed. Right side's glamour, left side's chic."

"Dude, I can't believe I'm saying this, but..." Jamal beamed, "you're beautiful!"

"Why is he here?" Monse questioned not wanting so many people involved

"Because someone wasn't answering my calls and texts!"

"My phone was dead and I'm here now and that's all that matters. I think the naysayer needs to go home." Monse looked Ruby up and down.

"I am not a naysayer. And why do I need to go home?"


Ruby turned on his heel, "I'm out of here."

"RollerWorld is real!" Jamal yelled at him

"So were the chupacabra bones you found in sixth grade." Ruby replied making Halle laugh

"It's the only way to save Cesar." Monse explained "Before he's forced to kill Latrelle."

"Per usual, you're overreacting." Ruby turned on his heel once more before Monse's words stopped him

"He's got a gun. And he has to do it tonight unless he disappears."

"This is crazy. If he's got a gun, then why don't we help him now? Why can't he disappear now?" Ruby walked closer feeling panicked at the reality of the situation

"To where?" Halle asked raising her hands up in defeat


"That's not a plan." Monse shook her head "This is the plan."

Monse handed Ruby the papers they had to show him, "The guy who jacked RollerWorld left this behind."

" It's a clue to where the money is." Jamal added

"Ring around the Rosie?" Ruby questioned

"No! The numbers up top. They opened a combo, then we found these numbers. Now we have to figure outwhat the new numbers mean." Monse stated

"This is ridiculous. Do you hear yourselves?" Ruby shook his head in disbelief "Numbers leading to more numbers leading to money that definitely doesn't exist. And if it did, somebody would've found it by now."

"Or not. It's our only chance at saving Cesar." Monse defended

"I just put the numbers in my phone. They're either lottery numbers or extremely unique body measurements." Jamal said

"Well, only one is a prime number." Ruby said

"What does that mean?"

"I don't know. I'm just stating a fact. I don't have a math degree." Ruby shrugged

"Oh my god!" Halle let out in shock as they all looked at her in shock, "Degrees! These are coordinates."

-FreeRidge Community Park-

The crew hopped off their bikes and left them near a tree as they stopped by the playground.

"So what are we looking for?" Monse asked

"Anything and everything that jumps out. Anything that marks the spot. Maybe something that could be from the '80s after they pulled off the heist?" Jamal said before walking off in a direction, "I'll take the playground."
"I'll take the handball court!" Monse offered

"And I'll babysit the bikes and Google cheap bus tickets." Ruby sat down on a bench, "Sorry, I'm still not buying into RollerWorld. You're all crazy."

"And you look crazy." Jamal snapped and tossed Ruby a container of wipes, " Might want to wipe your face."

"Do you always have to be so negative?" Halle asked Ruby who looked up to her in shock. She shook her head following after Monse.

"Mira. Hey, what's up?" A man made kissing noises as the two girls walked up. The girls quickly linked arms and walked off in the other direction.

" I got a hit!" Jamal screamed in their attention before pulling a bullet out of the sand. Jamal chuckled nervously as he looked at the kids around him. He wiped the bullet on his jeans before putting it back under the sand, "I'm just gonna wipe my prints off and put this right back."

After a few minutes, the trio went back to Ruby who still sat on the bench.

"We didn't find anything."

"Me either."

"We might have enough to get Cesar to Fresno." Ruby offered

"Then what? He lives on the streets?" Monse rolled her eyes and crossed her arms

"No." Ruby scoffed, " The Central Valley produces more than just meth. Fresno's actually a bustlingagricultural community. There's a plethora of opportunity for him. See?"

"Wait. Get up." Jamal directed

"No, I'm telling you, Fresno's the answer. If he doesn't want to pick fruit, there's canning, curing, drying, and the largest turkey farm..."

Jamal grunted as he pulled Ruby off the bench revealing a plack behind him with the Santos logo. It read 'In memory of the fallen saints. The game's afoot. Doy 823.8'

"That's it." Jamal grinned before making a confused face, "The game's afoot."

"Sherlock Holmes!" Halle added causing the boys to go "oh" in realization

"That makes total sense. 'Cause cholos love Sherlock Holmes, homes." Ruby joked causing the group to ignore him.

" Doy 823.8. Doy 823.8. Doy. Doy. Doy." Monse repeated trying to see if anything clicked

"Doyle! Sir Arthur Conan Doyle." Jamal exclaimed "It's the Dewey decimal system. I'm a survivalist. Got to know your Deweys."

"The library. Let's go!" Monse suggested causing the group to take off


The group ran around the library collecting book, piling them all in Ruby's arms before taking place at the table. They all sat around the table scanning through books for a clue.

"I found the tip!" Ruby cheered causing the group to look up in hope before showing a page with a dick drawn on it, "And the balls and the shaft."

"We don't have time for dick jokes." Monse snapped

"There's always time for dick jokes." Ruby argued

"Cesar needs us. Stop dicking around." Monse went back to her book

"You do know that was another dick joke, right?"

Monse fake chuckled before flipping him off. Ruby sighed and grabbed another book, "How do we know what we're searching for?"


Jamal sprawled out a large picture on the Periodic Table onto the table, "Okay, so we've
got four elements. What can we make with them?"

"Uh... A bomb. To cause a distraction to get Cesar the hell out of here." Ruby snapped not wanting to waste any more time on this goose chase.

"Promethium, Phosphorus, Lanthium, Neon." Monse wrote out, "It's a compound."

"Or it spells something out." Jamal slid it over to look at, "PM plane. Night plane? The Midnight Plane to Georgia."

"It's Midnight Train." Monse shot down

"And PM is noon, not midnight." Ruby jeered

"Midnight Plane to Georgia? Your black card should be revoked for that." Monse glared taking the paper again

"Uh, uh, uh, uh." Jamal shook his finger, "Halves cannot revoke the black cards of wholes."

"Says who?"

"All of me."

Halle and Ruby looked down in focus thinking of what it could mean before they both looked up and gasped, "It's Pimp Lane."

"And only a local would know that. Holy shit! This is real!" Ruby gasped in shock as he stood up "We got to go! We got to go! It's Pimp Lane!"

Ruby grabbed Halle's hand and ran off with excitment, "Oh, the game's afoot, bitches!"

They hopped on their bikes into the night going to the one place they would never go. Pimp lane. The group set their bikes against a gate as a couple made out on some random couch near the underpass of a small bridge, which held more couples making out.

Monse's phone began ringing causing her to silence it. She sighed, "It's Olivia. She's been blowing me up all day."

"Answer it." Halle said, "My phone's been off all day so I don't know if she tried to reach me. It'll be bad if no one answers her."

"And tell her what happened with Cesar? No way I'm telling her about us." Monse replied

"Us? She's calling about Cesar." Ruby made a confused face as they began walking

"Yeah. Right. You know what I mean. I don't want her to worry. Here." She handed the phone to Ruby who pushed it away

"This is your phone. I don't want in on this drama."

"It's Olivia. Answer it." Monse tried to hand it to Jamal

"Oh, hell no!" Jamal snapped, "That's like giving Oxy to a junkie."

"Hey! What's up?" Monse answered grabbing Halle to keep her from moving as the boys walked off.

"Hey. I'm really worried about Cesar. He's not picking up his phone. I went by his house, he's not there. Is he with you"

"Me? No, why would he be with me? I'm hanging with Ruby, Halle and Jamal. Halle is dying to talk to you."

Halle shook her head furiously trying to push the phone away before she finally gave him. "Hey!"

"What's going on? You've haven't been answering me either"

Halle looked around trying to think of an excuse, "Sorry my phone's been off due to family stuff, but everything is okay! We're working on a surprise for your quince. You know Ruby keeping us busy busy. OKAY Monse wants the phone back."

Monse mouthed before Halle shoved the phone back "No. I don't want it."

"Yeah, it's a real elaborate surprise. Lots of twists and turns. Can I call you later?" Monse said taking the phone

"Sure. If you see Cesar, can you please tell him to call me?"

"Yeah, no prob. I'll do that. Bye."

"Are we bad friends?" Halle asked after Monse hung up. "She is Cesar's girlfriend."

"Let's not stress her out until we know more" Monse answered as Halle followed her down the tunnel to the boys. They were stopped glancing at Jamal's phone of a couple making out through thermal lens.

"What are you doing?" Halle snapped

"We're trying to figure out if that's a boob or a butt." Jamal replied

"Can we get back to saving our friend?" Monse rolled her eyes and took off down the tunnel with Halle behind and the boys following They scanned the tunnel for a while before coming out" Nothing."

"Except a lot of STDs." Jamal added on

"That's why I didn't pull out the black light." Ruby nodded

"We must have missed something." Monse sighed as they got out of the tunnel. Ruby and Monse sat down on the couch next to the couple still making out "No, no. I'm talking about the elements. We must've messed up the name. It's not Pimp Lane."

"But it's got to be Pimp Lane!" Ruby defeneded

"Oh, I wouldn't sit there." Jamal held onto Halle in disgust as they both nearly gagged thinking about what's been on that couch.

"Maybe we should go back to the library." Monse offered

"It's closed."

"What do you mean it's closed?"

" As in not open. It's closed." Ruby sassed

"Hey... it's a path!" Jamal announced noticing something from the corner of his eye, Halle grinned as she followed after him

"Why do you do this? Every time I have an idea, if it didn't come from you or Halle, you just go..." Monse argued with Ruby ignoing what Jamal was trying to tell them

"What do you want me to do? Open the library?" Ruby laughed in her face

"You're insufferable. First you're a non-believer, now you know everything?"

"Look, I'm right because I'm right. Don't be a hater."

"I found something!" Jamal called to the others as Halle and him stood around a sun dial. The others came over and they bent down.

"That's a Santos cross. But what does it say above it?" Jamal questioned

"En las sombras del tiempo." In the shadows of time." Ruby explained

"Yeah, but what's six, four, seven, nine?" Monse looked at it trying to see if it was a puzzle or something

"It's a sundial." Halle pointed, "But we'd need the sun, obviously"

Jamal gasped "Chivo said Lil' Ricky loved them."

Jamal took out his flashlight on his phone and flashed it and took a pen "Watch and learn, my crab-infested friends. Okay, so first, we take out a pen. Then we need a light to be the sun. So, a sundial is like a clock.So, if I position my light over the numbers, it'll cast a shadow onto the letter..."

Monse and Ruby rolled their eyes in annoyance at the sudden lecture. Ruby snapped, "Enough! Just do it."

"Okay, you need to learn this in case of the apocalypse." Jamal exclaimed, "And so far it's going to just be Halle and I repopulating the earth cause she's the only smart one here!"

"What-" Halle began before Ruby pushed Jamal causing him to tumble back

"Okay, rude!" Jamal yelled before brushed himself off and getting in position again to use the sundial, "I'm gonna forgive you cause I knew you'd react that way. I'm gonna follow the numbers to get a letter. Here we go.

Six o'clock: P.

Four: O.

Seven: O.

Nine: L.


The money's at the pool."

"But where's a pool?"

"The community pool!" Ruby and Monse cheered

"Lil' Ricky, you can suck it, because nothing gets past us!" Jamal cheered as as they jumped up to grabbed their bikes before realizing Monse and Ruby's were gone.

"Our bikes!"

Jamal laughed as he bent down to unlock his and Halle's, " Rookies? What, were you guys raised in the 'burbs or something? Lock it or lose it."

"Read the room, Jamal!" Monse yelled

"How are we gonna get around now?" Ruby snapped

Abuelita's car pulled up slowly 20 minutes later, "What are you doing at Pimp Lane?"

"How do you know about Pimp Lane?" Ruby asked back

Abuelita chuckled, "Mijo, I wasn't always old. I was once, what they call, a sure thing."

"I think I'm gonna throw up." Ruby gagged

"Don't slut shame me." She snapped

"Abuelita, we got to get to the community pool." Halle said

"¿Por qué?"

"We'll tell you on the way." Jamal replied causing her to nod in agreement and let the kids put their two bikes in the back


" Jamal, what are you doing?"

" Look out!:

Jamal screamed as a splash was heard

Moments later, all four of them were back in the car again.

" Jamal, why are you soaking wet?" Abuelita turned to look at them

"I don't want to talk about it. What just happened ain't right."

"What's not right is there's no Santos Cross here." Ruby shook his head "Every clue had a cross on it. Google says there's 19 more pools in Freeridge."

"Okay, so Jamal, you change into the clothes I have in the back and we'll check all the pools." Abuelita offered

"No. I'm doomed. We're doomed. Cesar's doomed. I haven't slept in days. Julio's dead, and poor Juanita." Jamal spiraled

"Hey" Halle turned around from sitting in the front with Abuelita, "Look we're not doomed, we can solved this. We all just need to take a deep breath and stop being so dramatic."

"I am being dramatic." Jamal said in realization "Like Nicolas Cage dramatic."

"Odd reference, but yeah, so quit it." Ruby barked

"I'm so dramatic that I tried out for the local production of Rent."

"That was a rip off of La Bohème." Ruby told Halle
"My point is I tried out at the Robert Pool Theater. The P-O-O-L Theater." Jamal emphasized before seeing their blank looks. "It's a pool in the title."

They all screamed in realization and excitement.


Abuelita took a seat in the audience as a production was praciting. The crew began to search the seats.

"Out! Out damned spot! Out, I say! One, two. Why, then, 'tis time to do 't. Hell is murky! Fie, my lord, fie!" A woman called out practicing

"I think this might be a dead end too." Ruby said as he passed by Halle

"We gotta keep trying" Halle replied

"Hear ye, hear ye." Jamal walked up to the stage cutting her off, " Hast thou observeth a crucifix of yonder year? Circa the year of our lord 1980?"

"What?" She asked

"Have any of you seen a cross?" Ruby explained

"There's a cross in the wings that we touch before each show for good luck. Been there forever." She pointed

They went to the back and found a cross that had "Find your center in the middle"

"This doesn't make any sense." Jamal sighed as Abuelita was out on stage and laid a map on the ground "Okay, so we started at the park... and then we went to the library... and then we went to Pimp Lane... and then finally we came here."

"And get dick." Monse jeered

"Technically that happened at the library." Ruby grinned

"Ta-da!" Abuelita grinned with pride as she chuckled causing the teens to run over to look at her map with lines drawn about. "This is finding your center."

She cleared her throat before wrapping her arms around them and walked them around the map, " The park.The library. Pimp Lane. And now... here. Four points. "

She chuckled, but noticed the kids didn't pick up on what she was showing. She made a cross and frowned, "It's a cross."

'Now I really don't know what you're talking about." Ruby sighed in defeat

"That makes four of us." Halle nodded

" Do you know what's in the center of these four points? A place with muchos santos." She bent down and circled the center. The city church.


"God help me." Abuelita prayed as she bent down in the back and lit candles.

"Are you praying for Cesar?" Monse asked

"No. For Sylvia." She answered

"Who's Sylvia?"

"Fernando's wife. He poisoned her and her twin sister after he woke up from his coma."

Halle gasped, "That's horrible."

"She's talking about her telenovela. Let's go." Ruby pushed Halle along annoyed with his Abuelita and her craziness. The crew searched the whole place

" Not here."

"Not here."

" It's not here."

The sighed in defeat once again before sitting in one of the rows. Monse paused looking at the statue in front. "Is it just me or is that baby Jesu throwing a gang sign?"

"He's repping the Santos!" Halle cheered with excitement as they all ran to the front

"There's nothing here!" Ruby slammed his hand down on the stand before hearing a hollow sound back. His eyes widened and realization as he knocked before he tried to move it. "Halle, help me with this!"

Halle moved the objects on the table aside before returning with the others.

"What are you doing?" Jamal and Monse asked as he continued to knock.

"This isn't just an altar. It's a magic box. Like Ms. Uyeshiro's box. Don't you remember her box?" Ruby explained with glee

Jamal chuckled at the mention of her box causing Ruby to roll his eyes, " Come on, man, grow up! But don't you remember her box in the fourth grade? It was like this intriguing, impenetrable cypher."

Jamal and Halle broke out into laughs. As Ruby shook his head in disappointment trying to lift the box, "We don't have time for that!"

"Oh, so we got time for dick jokes, but not box jokes?" Monse scoffed.

Suddenly the group heard a click from the box. "You heard that?"

They all nodded in excitement as the boys began to try to lift.

"Hey, Jamal, help me. Here! Here! Here! Lift it. Lift it."

They all gasped and laughed in shock as they moved the center piece of the table revealing a box. Ruby slowly opened the box revealing hundreds of golden coins in the box causing them all to jump and cheer with happiness

"I told you it was real. We just saved Cesar!" Jamal yelled "We just saved Cesar!"

"This is surreal. We need to memorialize the moment and send it to Cesar." Ruby took out his phone to take a picture with them all and grabbed a coin to bite down on. He slowly lowered his phone and took the piece out of his mouth. "It's chocolate."

"Hell, yeah, we got chocolate!" Jamal beamed as the others looked down at the coin, " We can buy chocolate, vanilla, that new Tesla with the gull wings."

"No, the gold. It's not gold, it's chocolate." Ruby shook his head in disbelief

"Maybe it's only chocolate on the top." Jamal dug around in the coins only to find a small garden gnome that said 'You won! Enjoy your treat' Jamal threw the gnome in defeat, "Chivo."

Monse's phone started buzzing as they stopped and stared. "It's Cesar. Hey."

"I got no more time. What do you got?"

"Um... Nothing. I'm so sorry. Cesar? Cesar? Cesar, say something. Oh, my God." Monse cursed as he hung up.

"Oh, my God." Halle let out as she sat down on the ground in defeat. She felt like her head was about to explode.

"You better pray he's okay!" Monse yelled turning around to look at Jamal

"We'll get the money, and he'll be safe." Jamal tried to reason

"We could've had him out of town by now!" She continued to yell.

"This is just a mislead. A red herring. A MacGuffin. Tell her, Ruby." Jamal tried again and looked to Ruby who was bent down next to Halle and rubbing her back. Halle kept her head in between her knees trying to not freak out.

"I told you we should've just put him on a bus." Ruby exclaimed

"He needs money to get away. RollerWorld is that money! We just got to..."

"Got to what? You live in a fantasy. Grow up, Jamal. You just ruined Cesar's life. He's never gonna be the same" Monse screamed shoving Jamal

Halle's head shot up as she had flashbacks to her own parents fighting from when she was little. Halle jumped up nearly knocking Ruby over as she pushed Monse away gently from Jamal, getting in between the two of them. "Knock it off Monse!" You agreed with this just as much as Jamal!"

"I didn't ruin his life. He ruined his own life. Cesar's in a gang! Okay? That's the reality, all right? And you think I'm living in a fantasy? You're the one who's living in a fantasy thinking you can save Cesar. It's not going to happen. Ever! Cesar was born a Santo,
he's gonna die a Santo. So stop lying to yourself, sweetie. " Jamal yelled as Monse began to walk off. They all turned to watch her before she stopped and turned around again

"I'm lying to myself?" She screamed coming back to push him before Halle got in between. She shoved Halle on the ground causing Halle to hit her head on the ground, "Your whole life is a lie. Those fake-ass injuries.Bullshitting your parents. The football team. You're the biggest, fakest liar ever. I hope I never see you again."

"You're a psychopath, pushing Halle!" Jamal yelled back as he bent down to help Halle. Monse looked at Halle helplessly wanting to apologize and help her, but her anger was too much. Halle groaned in a little pain grabbing her head from the fall, "And guess what you never will!"

Monse left the church without looking back, Ruby shook his head, "Jamal, Monse, chill!"

"No! I'm sick and tired of chilling. And I'm sick and tired of y'all telling me that it's always my fault. So you can miss me with that crap." Jamal turned yelling to Ruby and pushed him causing the two to start pushing

"Hey, hey, hey. ¡No más!" Abuelita got in between pushing the two apart.

Ruby slowly took Halle's hand, "Come on, let's go check on your head."

"I'm so sorry Jamal." Halle whispered as Jamal grabbed Halle and wrapped her in a hug before Halle followed after Ruby.

"I can't believe I got played." Jamal teared up as he looked at Abeulita. "There has to be a way. RollerWorld has to be true."

Abuelita rubbed his face softly " Jamal, for what it's worth, I believed it too. But... some mysteries aren't meant to be solved."

"Abuelita... tell Olivia... I can't make her quince."

Ruby sat Halle down in the main lobby of the church as he stood over her. He slowly moved her hair out of the way to look at the bump on the back of her head. He touched to softly causing her to hiss in pain.

"Sorry, sorry" He whispered, "It doesn't look like it's bleeding thankfully. Let's just ice it later, okay?"

He paused when he heard Halle sniffling before her whole body started to shake.

"Hey, Hey" He panicked as he bent down in front of her so he could peer up at her face. Her face was covered with tears as she could barely see him through them, "Does it hurt that bad?"

"You-You shouldn't yell and push Jamal" She hiccuped through her sobs like a little kid.

"Halle." Ruby felt like his heart was going to be ripped apart hearing her and remembering how he did just shove Jamal.

"He didn't do anything, but try to help!" She exclaimed shaking Ruby's hands off of her

"I know, I know I'm sorry okay?" He whispered trying to calm her down as he slowly grabbed her hands and gently laid them on her lap.

"Don't say sorry to me." Halle shook her head softly as she pulled her hands away to wipe her face. "This is the worst day ever between this, Cesar, Jamal, Monse, and my dad. Everything is fucked up."

"Your dad?" Ruby stood up and quickly sat down next to her. "Is he bothering you again?"

"My mom said" Halle stopped before taking a deep breath, "It doesn't matter, there's more important things going on."

"Halle" Ruby grabbed her face gently in his arms, "Anything that has to do with you is just as an important as anything else going on to me."

"My dad is trying to find me Ruby." Halle whispered as if she was afraid her dad was around the corner. "He told my mom that if he does find me, he's gonna-"

"Okay, no. No ,that will never happen, I swear on everything Halle." Ruby scanned her face in panic

"My mom thinks it will be best for me to stay here in FreeRidge since he left before we got here and doesn't know. She has too much work going on to come home, but I think she's just as scared of him finding her too. I know the chances of him finding me are low, but I'm still scared" Halle sobbed once again, "I don't know what to do and now everyone is fighting."

Ruby wiped her tears with a sad smile and rubbed her face. He bent in close to press his forehead against hers, "No one will ever hurt you as long as I'm around. Not counting what just happened with Monse"

Halle chuckled bitterly

"You can stay with us, you know Olivia, My mom, Abuelita, the twins, everyone would love to have you around" Ruby offered, "And if that doesn't work cause I know you love your house, we can all take shifts staying with you. It can be like our sleepovers when we were little."

Halle smiled through the pain and nodded with a deep sigh.

"And don't worry about everyone. This was a pretty big blowout, but we always figure things out and we always stick together. Maybe Olivia's quince will be a nice icebreaker."

Halle nodded once again before pulling away from Ruby. Ruby took her hand in his as Halle laid her head on his shoulder. He laid his on top of hers as he rubbed her hand. "Do you wanna stop by your house and grab some things? You can spend the night with Olivia and then help us all out tomorrow for the Quince, get ready together, and other girl stuff?"

"That would be nice"

"Okay, let's get going then"
