College Crush- Insecure! Melly x Luchino

      Melly Ndlovu is a college student who didn't think she was beautiful. She was a bit on the chubby side and she got picked on a lot in high school due to her weight. Melly was shy and quiet. She still had a small group of friends. Melly figured falling in love wasn't for her. However, she's currently crushing on a guy in her zoology class. His name is Luchino Diruse, and he was very handsome. He's tall, smart, and he has the most beautiful brown eyes Melly has ever seen, the guy has a charming smile, perfect skin, and wonderful hair he keeps in a braid.

Melly is currently at her desk in the class. She sees her crush walk in, she looks at her book, trying not to look at him. Her cheeks are red. Her heart was pounding. A few female students walked over to Luchino and led him over to an empty seat.

"They're far more beautiful than me. He would never like a girl like me. I'm not pretty." Melly thought in her mind.

An hour later, class ended and Melly slowly packed her backpack. The female students that were sitting with Luchino already left. Luchino packed his bag and he looks near the front of the classroom and sees Melly. He noticed her blue eyes are beautiful. Before Luchino could walk over to her, she already left.

Throughout half of the semester, Luchino learns Melly wants to be an entomologist. Her reports and projects are always related to bugs. He could tell she has a passion for the subject. He liked the way she smiled, how soft and smooth her hair looked, and those beautiful blue eyes. Luchino decided...he's gonna ask her out on a date.

Melly is currently in the courtyard with her friends Vera and Emily. Her friends were chatting, while Melly was doing her homework.

"Melly look." Emily said, pointing in that direction. Melly looks over and she sees Luchino talking to his friends. Melly is blushing.

"Mels, you should totally talk to him." Vera said.

"I can't...he won't like me." Melly said. She sees a female student walking to Luchino. Melly frowned and went back to working on her homework, blocking the world around her. Vera and Emily looked at each other. After five minutes, Vera and Emily looked over to Luchino. They see the female student looking mad and walking away. Vera and Emily continued chatting and giggling. None of them noticed Luchino walking over to them.

"Excuse me, Melly, was it?" A voice asked. Melly looks up and her cheeks are red. It's her crush, Luchino. Her friends are watching what was going on.

"Y-yes...that's me. You're Luchino Diruse, I remember you...from my z-zoology class." Melly said nervously. She was wondering if Luchino was gonna ask for notes or something. How wrong she was.

"Yes...I..there's a movie coming out tomorrow and I was wondering if you would like to go see it with a date. What do you say?" Luchino asked. Melly looked surprised, he's asking her out? This wasn't a prank, was it? Was this a dream?

"I would love to." Melly said. The two exchanged numbers and Luchino walks away. Melly looks at her two friends that were giggling.

"Oh, Mels got a date. You have to let me do your makeup." Vera said.

"I'm still crush asked me out." Melly said.

"I bet the date will go well." Emily said.

The next day, Vera did some light makeup on Melly and she wore a cute green sweater dress with cute black Mary Jane shoes. Luchino is wearing a nice black collar shirt that shows some of his chest, black pants, and black shoes. The two went to the theater to see a romance movie and ever since, the two went on more dates. He eventually asked her to be his girlfriend and she said yes.

It's Melly and Luchino's third year of college. Melly is looking at herself in the mirror. Her hands were on her tummy. She was feeling insecure. She felt like she didn't deserve someone like Luchino. He's so perfect and she thought of herself as ugly. She was unaware her boyfriend walked into their apartment. He raised a brow when he saw a light coming from the bathroom, but the door was open. When he walked over, he could see Melly staring at herself in the mirror, he could see tears running down her cheeks, her hands on her chubby tummy and cheeks.

"I'm not beautiful." Melly said.

"Well, I think you are, my love." Luchino said. Melly looks surprised and sees her boyfriend walking behind her. He puts his arms around her tummy. Melly was lost for words. Luchino kissed Melly's cheeks, kissing away the tears.

"Luchi..." Melly was lost for words.

"Don't cry, my dear. I'm always here for you. You're perfect to me." Luchino said. He starts kissing Melly's neck and she blushed, he kissed her behind her ear. He turns her around and puts his hands on her chubby cheeks.

"I love everything about you, honey. Your smile, your intelligence, your curves, those lips, your wonderful personality, your love for zoology, and those gorgeous blue eyes. I love you." Luchino said. He moves his face closer to Melly's and kisses her. The two closed their eyes. Their kiss was very passionate. Melly feels loved, how did she get so lucky to have such a man as Luchino? The two pulled from the kiss and he kissed her cheek.

"I love you Luchi." Melly said. He smiles at her.

"Well honey, if you're in the mood, I brought some Chinese takeout, and for dessert your favorite." Luchino said.

"Honeycomb Jelly Tart Cake? Really?" Melly asked and seemed excited.

"Yes, honey." Luchino said. Melly grabs his hand and the two go into the dining room to enjoy dinner together. Melly felt better and loved. She's happy Luchino asked her out a few years ago.
