The wait

Hey guys sorry i haven't updated in awhile school has started cracking on my case 

But anyways heres the next chapter hope you enjoy and vote

Lloyd wake up, Misako said

Huh-wha whats going on i said looking around 

You need to get changed now its Nya's birthday Misako said smiling 


Lloyd, its 6:30 in the morning please keep it down Miskao said

Sorry its just i need to get her a present before she realizes i didnt get her one i said sounding panicked 

Misako starts laughing a little 

Whats so funny? i asked 

Just you freaking out about not getting anything for Nya you must really like her she said still laughing a little 

No its just.... Shes just a friend i said lying 

I dont know ever since the ninja were supposed dead i have seen her look at you dreamily at times Misako said

Okay you joking, right? I asked 

We will find out wont we son Misako said 

Hey mum? I asked 

Yes, Lloyd? She replied 

Do you still have that plush animal still? I asked 

You mean the one from you childhood? Misako asked confused 

Yes, cause i think i know what im giving Nya 

Kai's P.O.V

Happy birthday sis I said 

Huh what time is it? Nya said confused 

It's around 6:30 am i replied 

Is that eggs and bacon i smell? Nya asked 

Yeah Zanes been up since 5 in the morning making a feast i replied 

Is Lloyd here? Nya asked 

Well, i dont know he wasnt he last night i replied 

Did he tell you about i cut Nya off 

I know Jay dumped you i said, Jay told Zane and he said he felt quite guilty I continued Im still pissed at him for harming you, are you okay Nya?

Yeah Lloyd comfort me last night after Jay dumped me Nya said as I noticed her blushing 

He is one of the best people i know i said anyways come on the other ninja are waiting for you 

Nya's P.O.V

Me and kai walked to the kitchen the i saw Zane cooking French toast 

Happy birthday Nya Zane said smiling 

Thanks Zane, hey when's breakfast? I asked 

It will be a few minutes but i do have pancakes though if you would like some Zane replied 

Oh yes please i said looking at the puffy pancake's he always makes 

Zane hands me the plate when Cole and jay walked in

Happy birthday Nya Cole said 

Thanks Cole i said 

Hey Nya, Jay said avoiding eye contact 

Jay, i replied still upset at him 

This is for you he said handing me a card

I started to read it

Happy birthday Nya


I was kind of sad that he didnt put more effort into the card, then again we werent a couple anymore but i did still poke a hole in my heart

Thanks Jay, was all i could say 

No problem jay said looking to the side 

Hey Nya, do you want to open your present? Cole asked 

Sure , i said but shouldn't we wait for Lloyd though?

Why I'm right here he said behind me 

Lloyd? i asked 

Hey Nya, happy birthday he said 

Hey guys thanks for reading i do hope you guys are enjoying it so far 
