
"Please, Soomi... After everything we went through together? You can't do this.." Felix begged her.

"I'm sorry, Felix." she looked at her like his heart is going to break anytime now.

"I'm begging you. Don't do it..." he pleaded, with words, eyes and his hands which were clasped against each other.

"It has to be done..." she said, lowering her gaze.


She placed a draw-4 card and with that move destroyed Felix's uno.

We've been doing nothing but fooling around for the past 3 hours. Soomi decided it was a good idea to gather at her old apartment, in which I've been staying, to do at least half of the project.

We never even started it..

We spent time playing Uno, Monopoly, and all kinds of different childish games. Even though it's a group which needed to contain 4 people, there were only the 3 of us. Felix said, Hyunjin will come sometime later, due to having some unfinished business in town.

And since he's not here, they've been using him as an excuse not to work, saying "We have to work together. We're not going to start without him." and doing everything else besides the project.

To be honest, that boy has done nothing but making me confused all of time. It's been 4 days since I arrived, he saw me twice. Twice.

And during that time he always did something; either look at me the kind of weird way, speak in a different kind of tone unlike how he spoke to others, or he would do something like the thing that happened this morning.

Why would you hold a hand of a girl, whose name is all you know about her?

I mean, I'm okay with everything. Maybe he's just like that, or I'm okay with it because I don't really know anything about him either. He's just a big golden locked box, which I don't know if I want to open.

"Awww, did I hurt your little feelings baby?" Soomi treated him like a child, being all high and mighty because she's winning in his favorite game.

"Ugh, you two, get a room." I hated third wheeling. No matter who it was, I just hate it.

"Well we have a room. You're just being the excess here." she said, as if she wanted to kick me out. I gasped, being as dramatic as possible.

"My feelings..hurt. My heart..broken. I shall leave, and provide the love birds a little too much space!" I pretended to be extremely hurt and stood up, taking some random slippers so I wouldn't walk out in socks.

"Oi drama queen, come back here!" she called for me, but me and my pride already opened the apartment door to take fresh air, since we got the chance to; only to regret everything because Soomi literally grabbed me by the hoodie and dragged me back inside; Felix closing the door as her loyal partner in crime.

Sitting me down on the floor, she held out her hand to me as if she wanted something.


"Give me your phone." she said, pointing at it with her eyes.

"Why do you need my phone? Not that I mind." I gave it to her, cause I had nothing against her going through it, since there was obviously nothing to hide.

She dialed some numbers and casually made a phone call with my phone.

"Yah, asshole, you have 10 minutes to get your ass here or else suffer the consequences!" she threatened someone, who I assumed was Hyunjin since we weren't expecting anyone else. But still the way she talked to him made me and Felix kind of just stare at her.

"Oh, and by the way," she started again. "This is Y/n's number, save it." she hung up after either telling him or ordering him, not quite sure. But who the hell cares.

This girl! I stared at her, but this time with my mouth open. What is she doing, for God's sake?

"He'll be here." she said, not even paying an ounce of attention to me and my reaction to her move.


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Soomi was staring deadpan into the phone, with a brush as a microphone in her hand, when Felix appeared from the kitchen.

"And here, you can see the endangered Felix in his natural habitat." she introduced him to the camera.

He looked at her confused, not noticing he was near the stairs which lead to the living room; ending up falling down those stairs, spilling his cereal everywhere.

"Natural selection is coming for this specimen." was the last thing Soomi said, before walking away disappointed in her boyfriend.

Hyunjin, who arrived in a span of 10 minutes after Soomi called him, was helping Felix up and after cleaning up the spilled content on the floor, the two of them disappeared into the kitchen.

Yet again, even though he's here, they've been doing everything else but work.

Annoyed, I took it upon myself to at least start my part or basically anything that needed to be done, until they stopped procrastinating.

If that ever happens.

The project was about creating an imaginary fashion show. Which meant we needed the clothes sketches, full description of materials, seams, cuts, colors, patterns, as well as how the hall would look, the seats, the music that would be playing in the background, the layout of the spotlights, and many other things.

This project was a big pain in the ass, considering how demanding it was. But on the other side, I liked to sketch and imagine how it would be having my own personal fashion show, so it' not that hard to come up with ideas.

"Girlies, what do you call this?" Felix said, descending down the stairs and holding up an item in his hand. "It's a scooper." Soomi said and he turned to me, waiting for my answer as well.

"That's an ice cream scooper?" I ended up being even more confused when he just nodded and ran back into the kitchen; only to drag Hyunjin out a few seconds later.

"Now, what did you call this?" he asked him, while Hyunjin looked anywhere else but into Felix, or anyone else. "Ice cream spatula.."

Please, the way Soomi started laughing and spilling water all over herself was the thing that made us laugh even more after Hyunjin's answer. Felix tried to pull her up from the floor so she could stop making a wet mess but due to her 'cuteness' he ended up flirting with her.

"Your hands? I hold that. Your cheeks? I kiss that.,"

"My heart? You own that." she passed his vibe check.

"Hotel? Trivago." totally unplanned, Hyunjin and I said the same things, at the same time; because their way of flirting only reminded us of those Trivago ads all over TV and internet. However, instead of being shocked or something, we were all just lying on the floor, laughing.

"Oh wait, I have to go to the bathroom so bad." Felix whined, jumping up. "That's like the third time today, man, what is going on with you?" Hyunjin asked him.

"Soomi freaked out cause I told her I never drink water so now she's making me drink 8 glasses every day. It's like, there's water in soda! There's water in coffee! There's little pools of water on pizza!"

"That's grease, Felix." I told him. "Well it's wet, isn't it?" he would've waited for an answer if he wasn't so desperate to get to a bathroom. We laughed again, at the way he ran for it.

Somehow it felt nice. Being surrounded by people, who no matter what you're doing or where you are, made you feel warm and happy. Everyone is lucky to have someone like that.
