Hidden Truth-Aim to Engage 2019: GothicLit Prompt - Pitch Black

He has been my best friend for years, and I have never noticed.

Oh, God, how is that possible?

Why did I think that his last girlfriend's death was an accident when it was a murder?

I can see it now, all the pieces of the puzzle coming together, making one horrible puzzle of betrayal and death.

My best friend, the person whom I trusted the most is a monster.

How could have I been so naive?

I can finally see how he manipulated me, I can see the monster that lives inside of him.

Maybe I would have never known hadn't it been for that incident today, on his wedding day.

I was helping him get ready when I heard him swear in the bathroom.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, just cut myself shaving." He said.

I went on preparing his suit for the big day without giving it a second thought.

Half an hour later, he was done, and I went to the bathroom to get ready for the wedding.

That was when I saw it.

One pitch-black drop in perfect contrast with the white sink.

I stared at it, thinking it was some strange aftershave, toothpaste, anything.

Then I made the mistake of opening the trash bin, and I saw the paper towel with black blood on it.

There was no denying it, it was his blood.

Before I could fully comprehend the implications of the darkest blood there is of all blood types, I felt a dull blow to the head.

The next thing I knew, I was in the trunk of a car, in utter darkness.

I could feel blood dripping down my face, and that was when I realized that he thought he had killed me and stashed my body in my car.

His plan was probably to get rid of me after the wedding.

I managed to open the trunk, which I had been meaning to fix for months and luckily didn't, and got out.

That's how I find myself here. Crawling towards the chapel, my blood painting the road white.

At first, I tried walking, but piercing pain in my gut made it clear that I was stabbed as well.

My attempt to stay upright failed miserably. The only thing that keeps me going is that poor girl who is about to marry a murderer.

I have to stop the wedding. Marriage is a binding ritual, and she would be stuck with him forever. I can't allow that to happen.

With the last ounces of my strength, I open the church doors bursting in.

People jump in shock.

This is my chance.

Before all the screaming starts.

"Black blood!" I yell as loudly as I can, pointing at my former friend.

As I say, blood spills out of my mouth, and I collapse.

While light surrounds me, and I am lost to the world.

I did all I could, now it's time to leave all the worldly worries behind.
